5 Tips That Make The DJI Mini 3 PRO Even BETTER! | DJI Mini 3 Pro Tips & Tricks

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the DJI Mini 3 Pro is an incredibly capable drone but after flying this drone since release I have found five tips and tricks to make it even better allowing you to get smoother drawn movement better tracking work faster to get more clips and images per battery and more let's jump right in and take a look now if you're new around here welcome my name is Matthew and I make videos helping you get the most from your drone so if you would like to see more of that please consider subscribing and making sure that notification Bell is on so that you don't miss any of my upcoming videos it would be greatly appreciated okay let's get the Drone in the air and take a look at the first step to make the DJI Mini 3 Pro even better so the first step is to use Spotlight mode to help you do smoother drone moves so let me show you what I mean let's say you wanted to do an orb of this little building here and it's a cold day your thumbs are numb or maybe you just find it difficult like me to hold your thumbs in a certain position for a while my right thumb starts to Twitch so let's say we start doing an orbit like this but it's just not perfect you can't keep the subject in the center of the frame or maybe the first few seconds are okay and then it goes off center well there's a handy little tip where you can use Spotlight mode to let the Drone handle most of the work for you so what you want to do is you want to put your subject in the center of the frame and remember if you're struggling to know exactly where the center of the frame is you can go into settings go to camera scroll down to gridlines and then you can either turn on this little X or this little Center Point for now I'm just going to leave the center point on and then when you go back you have this Crosshair in the center of the screen so you know exactly where the center is then what you want to do is you want to draw a box around the subject you want to do a drawn move around in this case this little building and then you want to make sure Spotlight mode is selected now here's the secret tap you want to move the drawn around a little bit when you see this box until it changes to a location marker you see it's just changed to a location marker now the reason you want it to change to that little position marker is because the drum will actually move around your subject smoother when it's using that possession marker now this is why Spotlight mode is really useful for helping you do drawn moves if I simply move my right stick left which would normally just make the Drone fly left you can see that the Drone is actually keeping the subject centered and even though I'm just holding the right stick left it's doing an orb around the subject and it's super smooth so this is how you can use Spotlight mode to do a lot of the leg work for you so let's do an orbit in the other direction of hit record and I'm now moving my right stack to the right that's the only input I'm making on the joystick but you can see the Drone is actually doing an orb around the subject keeping it centered at all times getting this beautiful move and it doesn't just work for orbits you can do any combination of joystick inputs on the controller and the Drone will automatically keep our subject centered at all times so if I push the left stick up here to raise the Drone up you can see that it's automatically gambling dying to keep that subject centered getting this beautiful clip and if I pull down in the left stick you can see that it's automatic gambling up to keep our subject centered and this gives you beautiful smooth moves with little inputs on the controller and this is super useful for beginners letting the Drone do most of the leg work for you now another way you can use this to elevate your Clips is to zoom in or out while moving now this would normally be quite difficult to be making multiple inputs in the joysticks and moving the gimbal at the same time but because the spotlight mode is doing most of the movement for us that frees us up to move the gimbal so let me show you an example of a zooming orbit I've hit record I'm simply moving my right stack left so that the Drone starts moving around my point of interest and then I'm going to slowly move the scroll wheel to the right giving us this epic zoom in effect and I'm going to keep zooming in slowly punching into our point of Interest now the next tip that will make your DJI Mini 3 Pro and specifically your DJI RC even better not a lot of people know about this is the fact that you can actually do audio recordings straight to a screen recording on the DJI RC now this will be great if you're doing tutorials just like I'm doing because you don't need to record that audio from a separate Source or maybe you're flying around and you want to make verbal annotations as you're doing that well you can do that by recording the audio straight to the screen recording now to do this you will need a microphone with a USB C connection I'm going to be using the DJI wireless mic in this example now on the bottom flap you have two USBC connections the first one is for transferring files from your controller or for charging the controller that's not the one you want to use the one you want to connect your microphone to is the one that is underneath the flap on the controller now when you connect your microphone to the controller you want to swipe down on the top right of the screen and make sure that you see this little headset icon now when you see this this means that the controller has recognized your microphone and then you simply want to start a screen recording by swiping down on the top right of the screen again and making sure record screen is selected and then the audio will be recorded straight to that screen recording for you to use later what you're hearing is a sample audio recording that is being recorded with the DJI mic plugged into the DJI RC off the Drone and this is being recorded straight to the screen recording now before we take a look at the next thing that will make your DJ Mini 3 Pro even better I just wanted to thank today's video sponsor which is wire stock wire stock is a tool that helps you take the clips you capture withdrawn such as the DJ Mini 3 Pro and easily sell them as stock to potentially make a little bit of side income it's as simple as uploading the Drone Club you've captured to their website and they distribute it to all the major stock marketplaces to make things even easier you can use Easy submission and this takes all the pain of having to fill out all the main idea off each clip as they go through and do it all for you this is great because you can focus on getting out there and getting the best Clips possible edit it upload it and let wire stock handle the rest the best thing about wirestock is that you don't need multiple accounts on all the stock Marketplace websites you only have one account and One dashboard to track everything including how many downloads you have had and more importantly the earnings for each clap wire stock also automatically creates a portfolio page for you and you can use this to sell your stock directly to potential buyers by sending them the link so if you want to try making a little bit of side income by selling the clips and images you capture with your DJ Mini 3 Pro then head to the link in the description where you can get started with wire stock today now the next step that makes a DJ Mini 3 Pro even better and again you might not know about is the fact that alongside a map on the bottom left of the controller screen you can also have a radar compass and this radar Compass has a few really handy features so firstly how do we get it into that mode well if you have the map showing on your screen on the bottom right of the map you will see this small Compass icon now if the map isn't enlarged like this if it's showing as a small icon on the bottom left of the screen like this then you simply want to tap that map button to enlarge it again an impress this Compass button to change into Compass View now as mentioned this Compass has a few super handy features firstly it's a compass so you can see the heading off the Drone if I rotate the Drone around you can see I'm moving from pointing towards north to East the other thing it will show you is where the Drone is relative to the home point so the minute you can see this small Edge icon on the bottom right of the radar and this is the home point and if I rotate the Drone round you can see where that home point is relative to the Drone now you can Center on either the Drone or the home Point by pressing this icon on the top left of the radar map and you can see this is now switched to the home point and you can see with the Drone is relative to that home point to change back just press that icon on the top left of the screen again it also has a horizon so that blue line that you see across the center of the radar map is the Horizon relative to the drawer so if I fly forward here you can see the Horizon Rises because the Drone is pitching forward and if I fly backwards you can see that Horizon lowers because the Drone is patching backward now this is super useful because if it's a windy day it will actually show you how much the Drone is leaning into the wind on that Horizon level so if I fly right you can see that that Horizon is tilted because the Drone is leaning into the wind now here's the thing that makes this radar Compass view so useful it's the fact that it will actually show obstacles that the Drone is detecting and where they're positioned on that radar map so let me fly the Drone closer to myself and if I bring the Drone close to myself you can start to see these orange and red markers appear on that canvas as the Drone is detecting them obstacles and it's showing you possession wise how close them obstacles are to the drum and this is super useful for knowing just by looking at this Compass where them obstacles are so you can make sure to avoid them now the fourth tip that will make your DJ Mini 3 Pro even better is customizing the buttons on the controller the C1 and C2 button if you've got the DJI RC to your personal preference and specifically functions that you use all the time and the reason for this is by mapping a function that you use all the time to these buttons you will be so much quicker and more efficient when flying your drone and this means you will get more clips and images per battery this is super important at this time of year when the Weller is quite bad or this will be super useful if you're trying to capture an event or something that's only happening once and you don't have lots of time to pause the event move the Drone around change your settings and then start recording again you need to do things as quickly as possible to capture as much off that event as possible so to change the functions off these buttons you want to go to the settings menu on the top right of the screen you want to go to control and then you want to scroll down to button customization now under the C1 button you could have it re-center or tilt down the gimbal now this is super useful for two reasons firstly if you've got your Gimbal and odd angle and you want to bring it to the Horizon as quickly as possible you can simply press that C1 button on the back of the controller and it will snap right down pointing straight down and then if you press again it will come straight back up to the Horizon and then if you press again it'll go straight back to a top down angle so you can use that sport resetting your gimbal to the Horizon super quick or changing between the Horizon and top down super quickly another option that's really useful if you go across the camera is AE lock on or off now if you're somebody who uses auto mode a lot and is constantly logging your exposure instead of having to press and hold in the screen to lock that exposure every time by mapping it to that button you simply press that button and you will see 80 lock on and then you can press again to turn a lock off making you much more efficient and quick than pressing and holding the screen every time looking at the C2 button one other one I really want to show you which will make you more efficient if you're changing between vertical and horizontal motor law you can go into the camera button options scroll down and there's one that's hidden until you scroll up called portrait landscape mode switch and with that set if I now press that button you can see I very quickly change between vertical mode and horizontal mode now another tip if you just got your drone and you've started flying it and you're in normal mode for example or sport mode Let's Take a look at normal mode first and you're starting to move your gimbal you might find that it moves way too quick to get cinematic Clips especially in sport mode if you're using sport mode a lot and you're trying to use that gimbal you'll find that the gimbal moves way too fast and you might find it difficult to make smaller movements on that scroll wheel well you can actually slow the gimbal down to do that you want to go to your settings then you want to scroll to an option called gean and Expo tuning now in here you can do a range of things from slowing down or speeding up your gimbal relative to the input on the controller but you can also slow down or speed up the movements of the Drone relative to the inputs you're Megan on the controller now I'm just going to touch on the gimbal settings in this video but if you want to know more about these settings and what each one does I have a video that goes in depth into the gain and Expo trainings menu and you can watch that by clicking up here or I'll put a link to it in the description down below now you want to choose the more across the top that you want to change the gimbal movement settings for so let's just go with sport mode and then you want to scroll down to where it says Gimbal and change the max control speed so if I take this all the way down to say five and now go back a full input on the scroll wheel you can see is moving the gimbal much slower and if I go back into them settings and increase this tilt speed and go back and move the scroll wheel you can see it's moving really fast so using this setting you can dial in the speed off the gimbal to your own personal preference and if at any time you want to go back to the default values you can do that by pressing reset current settings so there you have it five tips and tricks to make the DJI Mini 3 Pro even better I hope you've learned something new and if you have learned something new please let me know by give me the thumbs up and clicking that like button down below and if you love all things drones and want to know how to get more cinematic videos and better images with your drone then I recommend you check out my channel where I have a ton of other content to help you level up your drone game make sure that subscribe button is checked and that the notification Bell is on so that you don't miss any of my upcoming videos and if you want to stick around and see a few more of them now here's a few I personally recommend I'll not keep you back any further thank you so much for watching I'll catch you over there
Channel: The Drone Creative
Views: 260,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini 3 pro hacks, dji mini 3 pro tricks, dji mini 3 pro secrets, make your mini 3 pro better, dji mini 3 pro top features, dji mini 3 pro fly update, dji mini 3 pro settings, mini 3 settings, dji mini 3 pro tips and tricks, mini 3 pro tips & tricks, mini 3 pro tips, dji mini 3 pro tips, mattheww brennan, dji mini 3 pro tricks and tips, drone audio, how to record audio on a drone, audio on a drone, record voice on a drone, mini 3 pro secrets, mini 3 tips, how to fly a mini 3
Id: c-TF9xM3KHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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