DJI Mini 3 | SHOCKINGLY GOOD for the $469 Starting Price

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[Music] all right today we got a brand new drone from DJI what should we do for the background today we've got our close-up angle on the 50 mil this is the Mini 3 their new entry level drone 469 for the aircraft which is pretty absurd when you consider that what an action camera usually costs about 500 bucks now this has a solid camera great battery life and it flies on a gimbal stabilize it's like what and also huge shout out to look for sponsoring today's episode because of them we get to use music like this in this video what y'all trying to do 24 Karat magic just like every other DJI it flies really smooth I just have it on normal mode I was really impressed with the Mini 3 Pro because we were getting a one over 1.3 inch sensor which is basically almost a one inch sensor and we still get that sensor in here pretty fast lens too it's a 24 mil equivalent so far everything is uh default settings still I just tossed it into 4K 24 and that's about it but man it's picture quality looking pretty good just going forward in sport mode I'm getting a little over 13 and a half meters a second but what is that in miles per hour let me go ahead and go into imperial because I'm an American can we get to 29 miles per hour we're at 28.9 oh okay but let me head back this way all right now that I got a little Tailwind oh 35 miles per hour oh yeah we just hit 35.5 I gotta say for the weight and size this thing flies so good one of the things I love about the me3 is just how quiet it is so you can fly it in public places and not everyone has to listen to your loud ass propellers like they're trying to enjoy the sunset and it's just like another thing that's really impressive about the three is that you can tilt all the way up and just keep going and going 60 degrees the faster you fly the Drone the harder it is for the camera to keep looking forward there's a lot of drones where if you put into sport mode you can't even look perfectly straight I'm in sport mode and I'm just gonna go forward and I can fold that zero degrees no problem and I'm almost hitting 30 miles per hour and I can just go up while moving forward which is something that is really cool to be able to do 36 degrees while going forward at full speed and then now that I stopped I can even go further up to 60 degrees the Mini 3 Pro was the first time I ever saw a mavic do that and since this has the same design I can just be flying forward 35 miles per hour almost and I can just go all the way up to 38 degrees so cool then I can also go all the way down of course 90 degrees ooh kind of interesting with the ocean when you're looking at an angle you can't really see into the water but you look straight down and you can almost see what's under there I don't think that's really cool is that we can go into portrait mode the camera actually does rotate right now I suck at all the Instagram reels and YouTube shorts and tick tocks but now with this I'm gonna be a tick tock Master it is kind of fun having this vertical composition it kind of changes the way you get your shots let's take a look at some camera controls real quick so we have 4K up to 30 frames per second so go to 2.7 K we get up to 60 frames per second there and Full HD also tops out at 60 so no super high frame rates no 120 frames per second so I can go manual in my white balance here okay going over to the exposure I got my ISO and my shutter speed control over here but I'm not seeing an option for decino-like so that's something that we did have on the 3 Pro so there's normal color which this is and it looks great but but there's not that much flexibility with it if you don't plan on doing any color grading I think you're going to be pretty satisfied with this color and the look another benefit of the three Pro was that you were getting that 03 image transmission that was giving you 1080p signal straight here to your controller here we're getting 720p so a little bit less resolution and quality but honestly it looks pretty good to me on this screen plenty for me to at least see off of well I could just have this hangout here and be my third camera angle so I got the Drone shot the 12 mil and the 50 mil also keep in mind that there are no obstacle avoidance sensors so if you accidentally crash it will actually crash so you got to be very careful another feature we don't have is active track so I can't select myself and have it follow me around but it does have some smart features like quick shots down here now looks like we could do these quick shots up to 4K but it is limited at 30 frames per second no 24 or higher I just go ahead and select myself it detected me and I hit start and it's going to go ahead and do a boomerang shot for me but remember that since we don't have those obstacle avoidance sensors so let's say there is an obstacle in its path then it will go straight into it so definitely something to be cautious of it looks like there's a few more shots to try out so let's try them out and get shots of Dylan have you ever wondered how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop me neither what you should be wondering is how many mainstream tracks you can license for your content Licht has over a million mainstream chart music tracks to choose from including Peter's favorite trip Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang Diamond huge fan of licks because we get to use some of the music that we've always wanted to use but never did because of copyright for example all Jay is a band that I used to go to their shows and now I get to use their music in this video licensing three lick supports the musicians as well as helping lick grow their music library which is awesome because they already have a million tracks but imagine if we could just use all the songs that we already know and love with lit creators get access to the world's greatest artists like cardi B Bruno Mars Sam Smith and more it's really cool to see how fast the lick library is growing I mean I just went on and saw a song that features Drake and if you're looking for stock music Lyft has over a hundred thousand stock music tracks and you can use this on all social media platforms with unlimited usage and by using lit not only can you keep your Channel Growing but you can keep all the ad Revenue through songs like this you can level up your content about the risk of getting a copyright strike so sign up today with our link below and get 14 days free stock music and 50 off your first mainstream chart track so what are you waiting for make like an ice cream on a Sunday and get lit you know honestly it felt like a pretty bad idea trying to film The sponsorship with all these Electronics on this little piece of plastic essentially that we're floating on but yeah it all went well the Drone flew good Dylan what'd you think so all right it's my first time actually kayaking so I'm just here playing with the drones Carrie's doing all the hard work if we compare this mini 3 to the Mini 3 Pro on the right you'll notice we have a few more camera options on the right like it can go up to 4K 60. the Mini 3 Pro does have a tiny bit of internal storage in case you forgot your micro SD card this does not so you definitely want to make sure you got your micro SD card in there the midi 3 Pro also has decent alike and h.264 or h265 option and also MP4 or mov the files I'm getting out of the Mini 3 is an h.264 mp4 the log which is even flatter than decent alike then you'll have to step up to something like this air 2s where we definitely get a lot more dynamic range the sky doesn't get blown out and more details down there in the shadows so overall I would say the Air 2s's camera is superior but what is really impressive about the minis is that it has an f17 lens so the Air 2 and even the three it opens up to F28 maximum aperture so even if we match the shutter speed and ISO the Mini 3 is still going to be brighter so to compensate for that stop of exposure difference we basically have to double the ISO on the air 2s and what's interesting about that is the air 2s is now much much noisier than the mini 3s so in low light I'm actually getting really good performance out of this mini three even better than the air 2s and funny enough even when you compare it to the mavic 3 cine it actually looks cleaner so again it just comes down to the lens and sensor combination I mean you just get so much more exposure out of an f17 than an F28 let's go ahead and switch up the scenery a little bit where should we go there's a gate should I just go through it what's funny is that this card just makes me feel so much more legitimate that I think I'm less likely to get kicked out actually I think they're going to be like oh yeah obviously he's here for work like professional he's allowed to be here totally I just walk anywhere with this it's like when people put on like those orange vests and they just walk wherever they want people don't question them or what was it a ladder right people took like a ladder and walked into clubs just yeah do you have a ladder you can get anywhere because you're working now looking at the batteries they are the same as the Mini 3 Pro and you can charge them by putting in the USBC bag here something I really appreciate because that means you don't have to carry around an extra charger but having this three-bay charger definitely makes life a lot easier this comes with the 5 more kit but whenever you throw a battery into the case it lights up and shows you how much battery life you have on them now this will charge all three of your batteries one at a time by plugging into USBC but it also has a USB out so if you want to charge your controller or your phone this kind of turns into like a portable battery bank which is a real nice touch now notice that it says 249 grams right here so this is the standard battery and this is supposed to last 38 minutes but there is also the Plus Battery which does add a little bit more weight to it so it doesn't say 249 grams right there and when you pair that with the Mini 3 you're supposed to get 51 minutes of battery life that is ridiculously long now keep in mind that these specs are always in perfect conditions which you never get but still 51 minutes that is a ridiculously high spec so I kind of want to test out the Plus Battery in here and see what kind of real world flight time we'll get out of it all right I'm a little bit concerned about how boring this is going to be but let's go for it [Music] for a little over 10 minutes now and I'm still at 77 battery good night I've been flying for 22 minutes straight now and it's 22 minutes is a pretty long time I'm gonna go home I'm food I'm starved to death here so I got tired of holding the stick forward so I have this thing holding it for me all I have to do is just kind of turn around every time I get to the other side of the lake and I just go back and forth that's not going that fast even though it's pushed all the way forward because I'm in cinematic mode so there's normal and then there's sport we've been flying for almost 40 minutes now God we couldn't watch the TV show or done my taxes so we got about 40 minutes of flight time before this thing started beeping at me so let me go ahead and actually see if I can mute this the warning is important you should not disregard These Warnings this is definitely the longest I've flown a drone though so I'm just going to kind of cruise it around in a circle here until it's like yo seriously let me down Horseland right now but it still says I have three more minutes of flight time left so let's just see what happens I just throttle up to keep it up in the air but as soon as I Let Go instead of hovering it does want to just come down no okay so it officially forced landed so mini three with the Plus Battery longest flight I've ever done so far now this is dji's budget smart controller they're calling it the DJI RC what's nice about it is that it is compatible with all of these drones here actually the three the three Pro the air 2s and the three and if we compare it to the RC Pro this is about a quarter of the price I think and this does get brighter to a thousand it's opposed to 700 but it's good enough to see even in direct sunlight like now and I would say if you're thinking about doing an upgrade and only one upgrade I would say this is the one to do because when you have the screen built into the controller that's just one less thing that you have to set up and make sure it's charged and ready to go and this is one of the upgrades that legitimately makes the flight experience just so much better all right let me go ahead and just take this for one more flight here and and let's read some comments what do you think of the Fuji xh2 I think that's right under 2K and curious to hear your thoughts on it and the xh2s you know I've actually heard a lot of really cool things about Fujifilm I'll try to get my hands on one videos on that come in eventually probably maybe so I still remember the first time you started out and were mesmerized by people flying drones basically exactly the way you're flying them now it's been fun to watch you constantly grow and learn thank you so much Loki Parts uh flying drones has definitely become more of an addiction but it's definitely one of those things that's super fun because you can constantly progress at it like every time I go out and fly even now I just feel just that much more natural with the controller I don't really have to think about what I'm doing with my hands anymore great video dude I'm a retired Air Force playing mechanic I'm flying the air 2s and Mini 2 new to fpv yep you convince me to get a Nevada plan on using it for real estate videos too keep the videos coming I think you're gonna have fun with Avada because fpv completely different animal than a mavic you just can't really compare the two because mavics are great for getting those super smooth super stabilized 3x's gimbal shots very Cinema Matic and it almost looks like a camera on a gimbal because it is a camera on a gimbal except for it's also attached to propellers but flying fpv feels a bit more like organic you feel more like a bird than anything else big JM stream says dude did you really publish a video with you sitting on the toilet I had to rewind that back because I couldn't believe it and now I have to forget it twice I'm sorry to have scarred you with the side of my butt well you that much side butt wearing a speedo and that's appropriate in pools but I will refrain from posting more side butt in the future thank you so much for watching links down there in the description if you are interested in picking up one of these mini threes or any other DJI stuff and that is all see you guys later bye
Channel: Potato Jet
Views: 164,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato jet, potatojet, filmmaker, film maker, camera, cinematography, cinematographer, videography, videographer, gene nagata, dji, dji mini 3, drone, dji mini 3 pro, beginner drone, entry level drone, review, mavic, dji mavic, dji mavic mini, mavic mini, mavic mini 3
Id: LaSs612X_pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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