What's the best drone for your money? - Drones for any budget in 2022

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what's going on everyone jack here from half chrome and today i want to answer the question that i get all the time what's the best drone and that's not really an easy question to answer because you have to think about a couple of things one what is your purpose for flying are you trying to get really good pictures and video do you just want to have fun are you looking for something fast and furious those questions matter and the other question that's really important is what is your budget do you have unlimited amounts of cash if so good for you skip to the end of the video that's where those drones are but not everyone does so i'm gonna talk about drones starting at a hundred dollars and kind of move up in one to two hundred dollar increments so you can see what is the best drone in your price range i'm also going to assume that you want something to take good pictures and video so the drones on this list are camera drones photography jones videography drones so if that's something you're looking to do this is the video for you if you're into just flying fun and maybe fpv might be your thing that's a different video so what's the best drone for you stay tuned and we'll find out [Music] all right so for every one of these drones i'm going to tell you how much it costs what the range is what the flight time is what the camera is like and some of the flight modes or things that make these drones special now when i talk about flight time just kind of note that flight time these are flight times under perfect conditions at a very constant smooth speed now nobody really does that so you can expect 10 to 20 percent less in terms of real world flight time experiences and this is kind of what i've experienced in flying all these drones in terms of range now the range is something that's really kind of going to be different depending on where you fly if you're flying in an open area at a high altitude you'll get pretty close to the full range but in most situations the range also is going to be decreased especially if you're flying in in heavy traffic areas with wi-fi or obstacles you get you know sometimes even just half the range that the manufacturers suggest you also want to keep in mind you do need to be able to see the drone at all times so you know does it matter that this thing can really fly nine miles away who's seeing that thing nine miles out if you do man you got good eyes okay so just kind of keep in mind the prices they could change over time but if you're looking for one of these drones i've got links to the current prices down below in the video description their affiliate links to help support this channel so if this video helped you out you want one of these drones use one of those links all right so the first drone on the list is this guy this is the rise tello and it's about a hundred dollars a little bit less and it's a fantastic little drone and this is almost always where i tell people to start it's inexpensive and it does a lot this little guy has a range of about a hundred meters so it's not flying far away and a flight time of about 13 minutes it does have a 5 megapixel hd camera and it is stabilized electronically so if the drone moves up and down it'll stabilize the footage so it's not super shaky now i really like this drone for beginner it's easy to fly it's super stable it has some sensors on the bottom that really kind of lock in place it's almost as stable as a gps drone this is also a really good educational tool you can learn how to program and code with this in fact i teach a high school class and i've got a classroom set of these where the kids are learning how to program on the telos here intel's a great beginner drone and even has a few automated flight modes so you can do dronies and rockets and orbits and things like that so for 100 bucks this is a really good place to start now it does have some limitations i already mentioned the 100 meter range it also has brushed motors now brush motors aren't nearly as efficient or as powerful but they're inexpensive and that's what helps keep this guy under 100 bucks the second drone i'm going to talk about here is the mjx bug 16 pro and it's about 200 bucks sometimes it's sold as a fly hall fx1 and i've actually seen it under a few other names but what makes this drone special is it's got brushless motors so it's a little bit more powerful it's a gps bass drone so it has some of those flight modes that you're looking for this show has a 20 minute flight time and a 600 meter range now this camera is on a full three axis gimbal and it is a 4k camera now it's not super high quality 4k footage but it is pretty darn good we've got some sensors on the bottom that help keep this thing stable and the bug 16 does have a handful of intelligent flight modes we've got the orbit we've got the follow me we've got the return to home so that's really nice now if you want to get into photography this is a really good beginner step now the quality coming out of this camera isn't going to quite be what you want if you're trying to do professional shoots and things but it's close it's getting there you're gonna have to spend another hundred dollars if you want that quality now if you can stretch your budget to 300 that's where the drone cameras really start getting good and the dji mini s e is hands down the absolute best run you can get for 300 i think this drone might actually be the best bang for your buck it's a really good drone the mini se has a flight time of about 30 minutes in a range of 4 000 meters that's like two and a half miles the camera on this thing is a 2.7 k camera so you're not getting 4k quality but you can do better than 1080p with this drone now there is no obstacle avoidance on this drone so kind of keep that in mind but it does have return to home and a handful of quick shots you can do rockets and dronies and things like that with the dji mini sc it's a really good drone but if you want to take it up just a notch that's where the mini 2 comes in now the mini 2 and the mini se are almost identical drones there are two real differences one the camera on the mini 2 can shoot 4k video so instead of just 2.7 k now we've bumped it up to 4k and the range on this the transmission system from the drone to your remote is much better the mini 2 has a range of 10 000 meters now that's like 6.2 miles that's legit the mini 2 is really nice and definitely a step above the mini se but it's going to cost you 450 dollars so you're going to spend an extra 150 for the better camera and the better transmission system otherwise the drones are pretty much identical now in the six to seven hundred dollar range i really like the dji mavic air ii now it's hard to find the mavic air too because it's been replaced by the mavic air 2s but the mavic air 2 is a really solid drone and you can often find them on amazon refurbished for about 650 dollars the mavic air 2 has a 10 000 meter range that's 6.2 miles plus a flight time of up to 34 minutes that's pretty legit the camera on the mavic air 2 is really nice i love the baked in hdr the 48 megapixel photos and you get quick shots but they also add obstacle avoidance front and rear to the mavic air 2 so you get active track in the follow me modes with that one as well but the mavic air 2 isn't a new drone and it's not always super easy to find and dji actually replaced it i think with the mini 3 pro and this is a pretty legit little drone now the mini 3 here is a sub 250 gram drone as is the mini sc and the mini 2 and that's important because if your drone is less than 250 grams or basically like half a pound you don't have to register it with the faa in the united states that saves you five dollars and there are other rules and regulations in other countries uh they kind of pertain to drones that weigh less than 250 grams so that's kind of like the magic number that's really kind of important for a handful of people now that said this drone doesn't matter what it weighs this mini 3 is pretty darn spectacular it is absolutely an upgrade over the mini 2. now it's going to cost you about 750 dollars at the minimum but it's added obstacle avoidance but you have front and rear obstacle avoidance on this drone it also has a bigger camera sensor so you get a one over 1.3 inch sensor that's roughly three quarters of an inch so it's a lot bigger than the half inch sensor that you get on the mavic air 2 or either of the other mini drones from dji the mini 3 range is also improved up to 12 000 meters that's like seven and a half miles and we have a flight time of 34 minutes that's with a standard battery you can also buy an extended battery and get flight times of up to 47 minutes that's pretty darn impressive now that battery is a little bit heavy so it puts it over the 250 gram mark but there's always a little bit of give and take i've already mentioned the larger sensor on the camera it also has a nice wide aperture of 1.7 so that's also going to let a little bit more light in better for nighttime shooting than some of those other drones i've already talked about so now because we have the obstacle avoidance dj i did add the active track or the follow me modes you have the quick shots and even have the master shots with this which is a really nice way to kind of take a bunch of really spectacular pictures and videos really easily and then kind of stitch them together for you i really do like the master shots on these drones and while i do really like the mini three i think if you're going to spend 750 dollars you do have to consider the dji air 2s this this is probably the first drone i think if you're a professional this is probably the first drone that i would start with i really like the camera on this it has a full 1 inch sensor which means it's going to do even better than the mini 3 in low light situations in really all situations it's a larger heavier drone so it's going to do a little bit better in the wind than any of those smaller mini drones it does have obstacle avoidance but it actually has a few extra sensors so we have two in the front two on the top two in the back and two on the bottom so it's going to do a little bit better it's not full obstacle avoidance but it will do better than the mini 3 in terms of sensing obstacles now you don't want to rely on obstacle avoidance but it is a nice thing to have now the air 2s has a range of 12 000 meters that's like seven and a half miles and a flight time of 31 minutes so it's also pretty solid now the camera here already talked about the larger sensor but it also will shoot up to 5.4 k video so that's pretty darn nice so you know you can even do cropping and post processing if you're shooting at that high resolution and not lose a lot of that detail i really do like this drone for professional use as well as hobby use now it's a thousand bucks so it isn't cheap but i think it does add a lot of value for that price over the mini three now you do have all the active shots the follow me modes but it also adds adsb adsb is a safety feature so if there are airplanes in the area i'll let you know you can get your drone out of the way definitely a nice bonus now i know a lot of the drones i mentioned were dji and dji makes a really good product but one of the things that people don't like about dji drones is that they all have geo fencing so dji basically locks down their drones flying near airports even if you get length authorization you still have to go through dji to get the drone to be able to fly and for some people that's a deal breaker so if that's you and you need a professional tool that i think autel is the company to look at this is the also evil 2 pro and i think this is their best drone in terms of photography and videography the light plus also has a one-inch sensor similar to this drone but i think overall this is their best machine it has the full obstacle avoidance i mean there are cameras galore on this thing we got two here two here two here two on the back two on the front uh we've got two on the bottom um it's just a really solid drone they're actually two versions of the evo 2 pro there's the pro or the 6k and then there's the 8k the 6k is the one you want it has the better camera the larger one inch sensor now you get a flight time of up to 40 minutes with the evo 2 pro in a range of about 9 000 meters that's like five and a half miles it has all the fancy flight modes you're looking for the follow me the quick shots but it also adds waypoints that's something else that dji drones just generally don't have where you can kind of set up a mission and have this thing fly autonomously the evo 2 pro here isn't cheap it's going to start at like seventeen hundred dollars go up to about 25 now they're kind of hard to find so if you can't find this then kind of the next alternative is the evo light plus right that's the one with the better camera that's about seventeen hundred dollars or so now the last one i wanna talk about is this behemoth this is the mavic 3 pro and this is a really nice drone but but it's going to cost a few dollars it's a little bit over two grand to start and that's for the basic package but it has a really really nice camera in fact it actually has two cameras we've got a hasselblad one-inch sensor here on the bottom that's going to shoot up to 5.1 k video and we've got a small half-inch telephoto lens right that'll really help you zoom in you can zoom in up to 28 times with this telephoto lens that's pretty legit now this bird has a flight time of up to 46 minutes and a range of 15 000 meters that's like 9.3 miles that is out there it's a solid drone if you're a pro or a semi-pro this is the drone you want it does have full obstacle avoidance sensors you can see two on the top two in the back two in the front and then two on the bottom so it's gonna give you the active track the follow me the quick shots the master shots all those automated flight modes that you're looking for now it doesn't have waypoints that is something that dji has kind of gotten away from anyway i hope this video was helpful if it was give us a thumbs up like subscribe to the channel we've got a lot more content coming your way and if you kind of noticed a lot of these drones were dji focused that's because they make good products but i also have a video coming out on drones that aren't made by dji so if you're looking for something that isn't dji and it's not one of the couple that i mentioned here i've got a whole video on that coming up don't forget if you want one of these products we've got links down below to help support this channel if you want a full review on these i've done full reviews on all of these drones you can check them out in the descriptions down below hey thanks for watching everyone good luck and happy flying [Music] you
Channel: Half Chrome
Views: 134,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drone reviews, camera drone, drone camera, best drone, best camera drone, best drone camera, half chrome, half chrome drones, DJI, mavic 2, mini 2, mavic air 2, DJI Air 2S, Air 2s, best beginner drone, beginner drone, DJI Mini SE, drone, best drone 2022, what is the best drone, best drone under 100, best drone under 500, best drone under 1000, DJI vs Autel, best drone 2023, DJI mini 3, air 2s vs mini 3, dji mini 3 pro, best drone for the money, best drone for beginners
Id: TNZ01diQDbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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