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so I have to find this drone now for over 20 weeks in different locations is it actually any good for travel well yes and no there are certainly a couple of things need to be aware about if you're going to be picking one of these drones up for traveling so what you typically want in a travel drone you want something which is lightweight small and it's going to get good quality and be easy to use and this combined package here ticks a lot of those boxes with this RC controller I've found it to be really good the screen's built in it pairs really easily so you don't have to connect a phone and they're both really lightweight and these fit perfectly in bags so this is perfect then for when you're traveling on holiday now most of the time I've just been using this and this is the DJI fly more kit bag it's a small lightweight bag it's good quality and It just fits in there with the controller and some accessories it's not going to fit much else in there but really for holidays that's all you need or I've been using like a shoulder bag something it's just going to fit literally the Drone and the controller inside of it and when traveling especially in hot countries this is ideal because you're not going to want to take a huge bag with you on holiday you're going to get all hot and sweaty and having a big bag is just going to slow you down and therefore you're going to take your equipment less times with you so having this drone having that small bag enabled me to take this drone with me into so many different locations and able to get this shot more so if I was to take the mavic 3 and the Sony a7s III two big pieces of equipment yes get fantastic results but because it's heavy and in hot countries traveling it's just going to be more of a hassle so more times I'm going to leave them at home or leave them in the hotel so this for travel is definitely an advantage because of its size now I've touched on before about setup time so setup is really quick and convenient either on here or your phone takes about a minute to set up so that was good now it gets GPS lock really fast normally within about 30 seconds you've got full GPS lock and then you're able to go off and fly and it's also got really good safety features built into it so it's good for beginners and if something goes wrong it's got return to home so it'll come back to you in case of an emergency and this is perfect again for travel from holidays you're going to be flying in an area not really familiar with you don't really know the whole area the surroundings so if something goes wrong having these safety features built in is definitely a massive Game Changer and it's going to help you get this drone back and you can also see from the videos here that the quality coming from this tiny little camera on the front is really impressive it shoots in 10-bit the stimulac color profiles as well to get the best possible color this is like a flat image it's going to be on the screen but with color grading you can get that image to look really good and the photos also also coming from this are impressive they are really good you've also got all the extra features built into it as well now on holiday a lot I've been using Spotlight for getting really good cinematic shots of a buildings objects moving objects basically your people and you've also got active tracks so if you're on a bike or a car or even something like a jet ski or a boat you can have the action track on here and it will track you whilst you're on that and that's really good to have all these features built in then you can have more fun as well with like hyperlapse so overall the features on this are really good I've been impressed with now the color gradient on here is quite difficult to do and it's something I have found from this compared to the mini 2 because of a few things and I'll touch on one at the end of the video but the color grading through the cine-like for beginners is really hard so I brought out my own Lots I've just released these literally a few days ago and I'll link them in the description below but basically these just transform that video so it takes all the efforts out of it so you don't have to do any color grading so once to download these Lots you just drag them onto your footage and you can get really good looking video and indeed cine like where you've got that flat image and it looks all washed out you drag that onto the video and then you've instantly got results like this so if you want to check these out the Shameless plug I'll link them all in description now quietness and drones is a big thing when traveling because you're going to tourist attractions you're going to be surrounded by loads of people in that area and believe it or not some people don't like drones and even drone operators themselves don't like people looking at them when they're finer drones don't have the attention that comes their way when flying a drone you get a lot of unwanted attention when flying these so this drone luckily is the quietest drone that I have ever flown and this is a massive Advantage it means you're going to be able to go to these popular tourist attraction areas fly this drone and once it's in the air people aren't really going to hear it and this is a massive Advantage compared to say the mavic 3 which is a lot louder and more noticeable in the air so for discreetness this is a huge advantage on this drone when you're going to be flying in those tourist attraction areas on holiday Now battery life is super important on any drone what's it like on this well overall it's pretty good it's going to be about 22-23 minutes of battery life in normal conditions you're not going to get any more than that really unless it's really calm conditions and if it's windy it's going to go down and I'll speak about that in a minute but battery life is pretty good you can get the extra one the Plus Battery that's actually not available in the UK or Europe but that puts a drone over 250 grams but you're going to get around about the 40 minute Mark with that so if you can use that drone and you can buy it in your country then that is good but a bit of advice for you 100 you need to pick up some extra batteries so these batteries come with fly more kit as well so I really recommend as your number one purchase get in the fly more kit you're going to get two extra batteries with five more kits this case and that bag I showed you earlier and this is going to enable you when you're traveling to be able to not miss shots because you're running out of battery these batteries aren't going to last ages you can buy these batteries on their own as well so I picked up a couple of extras as well and what's good about this is that you can charge this this case on the go so if you're in a car traveling around to different locations you can charge this via USBC into a car charger so I've used that all the time and then if you are finished filming you've got some battery life left and your phone dies you can connect this to your phone and use this whole setup as like a power bank so number one thing you need to get more batteries and the Fly more kit is as an overall package the best and cheapest way of getting more batteries with that bag so with all that it sounds perfect doesn't it well not entirely you see the question of this video was is this drone actually perfect for travel and you see there are a couple of issues with this drone that may put you off buying this depending on your circumstances you see number one is about the location you're going to so if you're traveling to certain places where they are really windy this drone is going to struggle a lot you can see here is one example in the south of Tenerife a lovely Island lovely Canary Islands but in that area it is windy it's just naturally windy there because of that massive lump volcano in the middle of it and you can see here the Drone is struggling a lot it was about 25 miles an hour wind so quite strong this is a level 5 wind resistance but you can see it is struggling and because of that the footage is quite choppy and not smooth this drone was not having a good time in that and that was only about 10 20 meters off the ground any higher than that I probably would have blew away but that's going to be the consideration if you're going to be flying in this drone and you're going to places like cities beaches little towns your area where it's not too windy and this is perfect and it's going to tick every single box and yes then it is a perfect travel drone but if you like going to places around the world where you know they are naturally windy this isn't going to be for you and it's also another Factor if you like hiking going up mountains where you're going to be climbing to a higher altitude this drone is not going to be the Drone for you either I've had this on quite a few High hikes we've done recently and this drone has struggled that much I just had to land it straight away whereas I knew and I did have luckily the mavic 3 with me on a couple of occasions and that would just sit there like a flying tank and something we touched on them was about battery life and the Drone is good but in windy conditions because of these small motors and propellers it's going to have to work super hard so battery life takes a hit so again it's all about you and where you're going to be traveling you're going to want normally one drone to take with you traveling and think about the places you go to or the places you want to go to is this a good drone to get for those locations or maybe think about the bigger drones like the mavic 3 or the r2s which are going to handle those win conditions better because they are heavier more restrictions cost more but sometimes you're going to be able to fly them in more places and something to realize as soon as picking this up was relating to the camera now this is a great camera with some drawbacks so this is an F 1.7 aperture so awesome for low light you're going to get really good low light and nighttime videos through here because being an F 1.7 it lets a lot of light in which in the daytime isn't always a good thing this is going to mean that a lot of light is coming in so a lot of your shots are going to look quite Overexposed now when I first picked this drone up I went to Majorca didn't have any ND filters so a lot of the shots here you can see are quite Overexposed there because there's no ND filter in also if you're shooting Auto so your shutter speed is going to be like one over four thousand it's going to be really sharp and it's not going to look very natural so ND filters for this drone are more crucial than ever and it's something which I wish I had when I went to Mallorca because it was so Overexposed when I got back I had to do a lot of color grading and then that enabled me to then bring the exposure down and try and get it to a point where it looks better but it's still in some areas we're still Overexposed I wasn't 100 happy with so I've been using these Freewheel filters since they've been available and it's made a massive difference in the video quality so what you do is when you get these filters you just snap the front off of the front here and then you get your ND filter and then you just literally put this in place and it just snaps on really easily just twists into place so that's great now these come in different strengths and once you've got one of these ND filters on it reduces the amount of light going in so in these really harsh environments when the light's super strong this will then reduce that light going into the camera and then your footage isn't going to be Overexposed it's going to be much better and what I found to be awesome is this pack that does come out this is the freewell mega pack this covers you for literally every single lighting Condition it's got ND filters it's got polarizing ND filters in this huge pack that you can just take with you all in one it is perfect I'm gonna just put this in my bag and I've got ND filters with me I'm going to do a full review on this and more details that's coming soon I'm also going to be giving away a few of these as well so make sure you stick around for that coming soon make sure you subscribe if you're not done so already but yeah Free Will filters or any ND filters but I found for you all to be the best are so needed on this drone otherwise your footage is just going to be really blown out and Overexposed so in a nutshell it's been a really good travel drone I love this drone it's probably my favorite drone that I travel with and actually fly just in general it's really good the other some drawbacks though you need to be aware abouts it's an honest review the camera is really good the photos and videos are awesome coming out of here but you need ND filters on to reduce that light going in otherwise daytime footage isn't going to look brilliant but all the features built into this are Ace I love Spotlight I love hyperlapse and active track I'm really happy that they are now in this drone and also this controller is really good with a built-in screen it's nice and lightweight it's really really convenient to travel with but think about that wind issue think about where you're going to be flying the locations you like going to or do you like hiking and then this whole setup just might not be enough for you and you might need a bigger drone but if not this is a great option for travel with some drawbacks but a massive amount of advantages so let me know any travel experiences you've had of these last 20 weeks as well with your Mini 3 have you had any issues with this have you experienced any problems with the wind as well what do you think about going forward and traveling would you pick this or the mavic 3. it'd be really good to read those comments and if you did enjoy this video make sure you like And subscribe that really does help the algorithm and I'll see you guys on the next one bye foreign
Channel: DM Productions
Views: 42,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini 3 pro, dji, DJI MINI 3 pro, DJI MINI 3 pro review, DJI MINI 3 pro video, dji fly 1.6.9, DJI Mini 3 Pro firmware update, DJI Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mini 3 Pro FLY UPDATE, DJI Mini 3 Pro Travel Drone, DJI, DJI mini 3, DJI mini 3 pro, Dm productions, DJI mini 3 pro rc, DJI Mini 3 pro, Mini 2, DJI MINI 3 rc signal, DJI MINI 3 pro worth it?, DJI Mini 3 pro settings, mini 3 settings, mini 3 pro video settings, DJI Mini 3 photo settings, mini 3, mavic 3, DJI Mini 3 pro travel drone
Id: WmqZwbPtr1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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