DJI Mavic Air 2 Beginners Guide | Getting Ready For Your First Flight

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good day folks welcome to my beginner sky for the DJI Mavic air 2 every year when DJI releases a new drone I'd like to create a beginner's guide to help those who are maybe purchasing this as their very first drone to help them learn more about the equipment what's all inside the box how to use it and how to get ready to take their first flight in this video we're gonna take the drone out of the box we're gonna go over all the hardware and how to use it I'm gonna show you how to connect everything together how to use the app and some of the features built into it if you've chosen the math gear 2 for your very first row and you're gonna be quite impressed with its capabilities so let's just jump right in and take a look so we've got the box here for the Mavic air 2 now this is just the base kit when you purchase some AdvoCare 2 you can buy the base kit which just includes a drone one battery and the controller or you can buy the fly more combo that includes the drone some extra batteries the controller a case some ND filters and a few other extra goodies to help get the most out of your drone now whether you've purchased the fly more combo or just the base combo either way you can follow along with this video so let's go ahead and we'll just get the drone out of the box here and we'll take a look at all the hardware and things that come with it so when we take the lid off the box here you can see we're greeted by the drone so we're just gonna go ahead and pull that out and we'll just set it to the side here there's a little tab there at the top we'll just pull that out now just keep in mind I've already had my drone out of the box yours is gonna have some stickers on it that we will need to remove on the right-hand side of the box here you can see we have the controller again we'll just take a note and send it to the side you'll also see that we have some information about the drone it's a good idea to read through this when you have some time got some important information in it now down there at the bottom you can see there's another box there's a little tab there that you just pull up and you can take the box so this is where all our accessories are the charger some extra propellers and a few other things so let's just go ahead and we'll empty the box in and again yours is gonna be packaged a little bit differently because I've had my note in the box so all the cellophane wrappers already been taken off so the first thing we got here is a charging brick you will also have a power cord for the charging brick you can see here on the side of the box we have 6 propellers there's four that are gonna be for the drone that we're going to install then we have two spares and the last thing in the box here in this little package here some spare sticks for the controller these are just in case you happen to lose them because they are removable and sometimes they are easily lost if you're in the field flying and you undo them when you drop him down and some grass sometimes they're hard to find so they do give you an extra set of those we have a USBC cable it has USB a on one end and USB C on the other end this is used to connect the drone to your computer but it's also used to charge up the remote and then lastly we have some data cables these are the cables that go from the remote to a phone and they give you some spares here because that way depending on what phone you have you have the appropriate and there's already a lightning in version installed in the controller so if you're going to be connecting to an iPhone you're already set up if you're going to be connecting it to something like an Android device we will need to install the appropriate cable and we'll take a look at that here coming up in a minute and lastly of course we have the charging brick and the power cable and depending what country you live in you'll have the appropriate and you'll also notice that there's a USB a port on the charging brick so when you have this plugged into a wall you can actually take the USBC cable and charge up your remote at the same time so let's put all this stuff away here and we will take a closer look at the drone and the controller so here's the drone here it's a nice compact drone and that's one thing that's gonna be appealing to many people it's easy to travel with it's easy to pack you can see here it's in its folded state and that's kind of what made the Mavic such a popular drone is that it folds up into a nice compact package now your drone is gonna be covered with stickers so it's a good time now to take them off you may have to unfold the drone in order to get at all of them so let's go ahead here and we're gonna unfold the drone you always unfold these front arms first and the reason being if you did the back ones first you can see here you can no longer unfold the front ones so unfold the front ones first just like that these back one's kind of flipped down and out just like that before we get too far into things I'll kind of do a walk-around of the drone to show you where everything is on it and what they're for so you can see here at the top this is our battery let's go ahead and remove the battery we're gonna press those two buttons in to the side just pull it right up if we go over to the side of the drone here you can pull that flap open you can see there that we have a USB C port that port is one of those things that you may use or you may not use they're very handy if you're going to be updating your drone via computer on the other side if we flip it over we have another cover and you can see here when we open it up it has memory card slot now this drone has 8 gigabytes of storage built into it but I do recommend picking up another memory card as 8 gigabytes will fill up fairly quickly you can see here I have 128 gigabytes and discard and I'm just gonna slide it into the side there when you put it in you just want the graphic facing down and it just clicks in there like that so now I wouldn't recording video we have the option to record to the memory card or to the internal storage and later on in the video when we have the app installed and running I'll show you how to switch back and forth between the two now as we look around the drone you can see here at the back we have two obstacle avoidance sensors if we go to the front of the drone we have two more there you can see here we have two more and we have an infrared sensor we also have an LED light that LED light can come in handy sometimes when you're landing to help illuminate the ground at the front here you can see we have a gimbal guard and that kind of protects the gimbal when the drone is being transported to remove it we're just gonna kind of press down and out just like that and we remove it just like so once we take that off it reveals our camera this is actually a really good camera does 4k 60 which is pretty impressive for a small drone like this it captures very impressive 48 megapixel photos so once you get going you're gonna be able to capture some really impressive content with this little drone so that's basically everything we need to know about the different ports and sensors on the drone now there's two more steps we need to do before the drone is ready to fly we need to charge up our battery and we need to install the propellers go ahead and do the propellers first when you take these propellers out of their packaging you're gonna notice that there's two types it's a very subtle difference but basically if you look at the top of the propeller you can see one here has a silver lining around that opening this one here is just black so you're gonna have a total of three with the silver ring and you're gonna have a total of three that are just black and they go on a very specific way to the drone and I'll just show you here so what we're gonna do is take two with the silver ring and two with the black ring and we're just gonna line them up if you look at the motors here you can see this motor has these silver dashes on it whereas this one only has black and again over on this side you're gonna see that it has those silver dashes as well so basically you just line them up like that silver - silver just like that and black - black and they always go diagonal this propeller and that propeller are the same and this propeller and propellor are the same there's different ways you can put them on some people like to have the propeller opened up when they put them on some people like to have them closed personally I find it easier when they're closed to put them on you're just gonna line up the groove and then twist it's always a good idea then to double check to make sure they're locked in just like that we got that one on so there we go we got them all installed you can just take your extra spares and put them in your drone bag and that way if you happen to damage one then you can easily replace it so let's take a look at the batteries here before we can go any further we need to charge it up now these batteries when DJ ships them are in a special hibernation mode so they need to be activated before we can use them and you'll know that they're in hibernation mode when you press the button there should be no lights that light up on it to activate them it's very easy we're just basically gonna give them a full charge and they'll be ready to use so I've got my charger plugged in and we're gonna get ready to charge the batteries now if you purchase the fly more combo you're gonna have a few extra batteries and you're also gonna have what's called a charging hub I don't have one here to show you but basically it's a flat device and you can plug the different batteries right into the charger and charge multiple batteries in succession now it is recommended that when these batteries are brand new and you have to fully charge them for the first time and activate them just to use the charging brick alone it's a good idea to avoid using the charging hub until each battery has been charged once with the charging brick after that you can then enjoy the convenience of having a charging hub so basically we're just going to line up the battery charger plug it in and right away you're gonna see your lights come on and it's gonna start charging just like that there now these batteries do take a while to charge it could take up to an hour and 20 minutes sometimes even a little bit longer depending on how much charge is left in them you'll know that the battery is done charging when all the lights are at any time when you have a battery out or even in the drone you can press on it just once and it'll show you how much charge is left in it you can see there I have two lumen ated dots so that means there's about 50 percent battery in it and don't forget while you have your battery charger it's also a good idea to now charge up the remote like I've already shown you there is a USB a port on the side of the charging brick just take the included USB C cable that came with the package plug it into the charging brick and then into the bottom of the controller on that USB C port there's LED lights at the bottom that will signify that it's charging and they'll go out when it's fully charged so at this point when your battery's charged it's now time to put it back into the aircraft well you basically do is just line it up and press it down in until it clicks so let's go ahead and we'll set the drone aside for a minute now we're gonna take a look at the controller this is a brand new design this year from DJI and I actually I really like it it's very comfortable to hold and it's much easier to mount a smartphone in it than in previous models so let's take a look around the controller here first then I'll show you how to mount your phone in it the first thing we should do is install the control sticks the reason why they make them with removable control sticks now is that it makes it much easier to pack you can now throw this right into a camera bag it takes up a smaller profile just because it doesn't have those sticks sitting out and you don't have to worry about may be damaging or breaking them off the sticks are stored at the bottom here and these rubber grips they're both identical so it doesn't matter which side you put them on they just twist straight in and like I mention these things can actually be fairly easily lost I guess it's just like that there if you're out in some grass you could drop it and not be able to find it that's why it's a good idea to make sure you always carry your extra sticks with you so let's take a look at some of the buttons and the functionality of the controller on the front here we have our power button and we can just press it once to show us how much battery power is remaining in the controller on the other side we have a return to home button when we're out flying and we want the drone to come home to where we took off from we just press and hold the return to home button it's a really handy - because especially flying in the beginning sometimes you lose your orientation you know especially if you're a fair distance away in those situations it's really nice you can just hit the return to home button and it'll come right back to you in the middle here we have a toggle switch and we can switch to different modes you can see here we have tripod mode normal mode and sport mode and basically the difference is normal is just what it sounds like that's kind of the normal flying mode if you want to go slower if you're trying to get some really nice slow cinematic shots you would switch it over to tripod mode if you want to go for a lot faster and get some nice soaring shots you would switch it over to sport mode but for the most part while you're learning you're probably best just to leave it in normal mode on the right-hand side here we have a button and that quickly switches us between photo and video mode so if you've been in video mode and you've been recording videos but now you want to take some photos you can just press that button and that will now switch you over to photo mode on the left hand side here we have a function button by default this button is already pre-programmed but you can set it to do various tasks within the app a single press of it will turn on the LED light on the bottom Jerome another single press will turn it off a double press will recenter the gimbal say you have your camera pointed down and you want to bring it back up to the horizon you just do a double press to see on this side here we have a record and shutter button so depending what mode you're in if you're in video mode and you press that button it's gonna start recording video you press it again it will stop if you're in photo mode you press the shutter button it'll take a photo on the other side here we have a gimbal wheel so that's gonna move your gimbal up and down and then here at the top this is our smartphone holder to open it up you can see here there's a little bit of a lip so you can just pull on it and pull it out like that now I don't know if you can see it there on video but there's a lightning cable already pre-installed and it's wrapped up nicely in there we're gonna pull that side out there that's the lightning end and it just unravels the other side is USBC and it's connected directly into the controller now if you need to switch that cable say you have an Android device you're just gonna pull out that end there you can see it reveals the USBC port underneath you can see that or not we're then going to take the appropriate cable so for Android you would take a USB C to USB C plug it in there like that and now you're ready to connect to an Android device because we're gonna be connecting to an iPhone in this video I got to put the lightning connector back in now another really nice feature of this controller is that you can actually mount a phone in there that has a case on it so to put the phone in we're just gonna take it and we're gonna slide it and push just like that and you can see it's now installed and then we're gonna take the lightning cable and plug it into the Lightning port okay so we have the hardware all ready to go we've got the controller charged up we've got our phone mounted and we've got the battery charged up on the drone we've got all the stickers removed and we have our propellers installed there's a couple things that we need to do before we can fly the main thing is we have to download the DJI fly at the DJ fly app was released last year when they launched the mavic mini and you use the exact same app for flying both the Maverick mini and the Mavic air 2 the app will automatically detect what drone you're connected to so you can see here I already have the DJ fly app installed you can install the fly app at any time you don't actually have to have the phone mounted in the controller to download it so at this point let's go ahead and power on our aircraft and we're gonna power on the controller it doesn't really matter which order you power them on you can power the drone on first and then the controller or you can power the first and then the drone so to power on the controller we have to do two presses on the power button we have to do one quick press and then a long press so we're gonna do a quick press and then a long press you can hear that beep that's signifying that it's powered on and you can see these lights here will illuminate these lights here on the controller will continue to blink until it's connected to the aircraft once it's made a connection with the aircraft those will stay solid so now at this point we are gonna power on the aircraft but always make sure you have your gimbal guard off you don't want to power on the aircraft when your gimbal guard is on you could end up doing some damage to it so to power on the aircraft it's the exact same thing again first I'll show you you can press on it just once there and that'll show you how much battery power is in that battery to power it on it's just like the controller we're gonna do a quick single press and then a long press you'll hear the aircraft power on and just let it go through its calibration now continue here I just want to mention to power off the controller it's the exact same procedure you're gonna do a single press and then a long press and that will power it off you do the exact same for the drill and a single press and then a long press and that will power it off let me go ahead here and repower on the controller so you can notice here that these lights are blinking and that means it's not connected to anything yet once it connected to the controller you can see here how the lights have turn green and are blinking green so now at this point we're ready to launch our DJ iFly app so let's go ahead and we will launch it there you can see right away and detected the Mavic air - now mine is all ready to go we could just theoretically hit that go fly button and it would launch the app interface because your drone is brand new there is a few things that need to be done for 2 main things that have to be done is you have to activate the aircraft and you have to update the firmware the message will pop up to guide you through that so make sure at this point your phone is connected to Wi-Fi it's gonna ask you if you don't already have a DJI account to create one and it will walk you through the process of activating the drone when that's done a message should pop up on the screen asking you to update firmware like we talked about earlier in this video the aircraft has firmware in it and that gets updated periodically to add new features and to fix problems all you're gonna do is hit the update now button and it will go ahead and start installing the update to the aircraft sometimes there's updates too controller software as well and it'll explain that to you as it's going along and don't be alarmed your aircraft may restart a few times throughout the procedure once everything is done and updated and your aircraft is ready to go you're gonna come to this screen here that I have on mine there's a few things here on the screen and we'll just take a quick look at them you can see we have a button called album and basically everything you film is gonna be stored in there so you can go in and preview it and the thing you have to remember is that what you're previewing after you've recorded stuff is not the high-res version the high-res versions are still stored on the aircraft memory card I've already uploaded a video on how to download the high-res version so you can go back through my channel and watch that video when you're ready we're gonna hit the go fly and that's gonna launch the app interface now I'm not gonna go over all the details of the fly app because there is a lot to learn I'm gonna do a full walkthrough of it in another video coming up shortly we're just gonna show you some of the basic controls and things that you should know about I put the top left-hand side here it's gonna give you some information it's gonna tell you when the aircraft is ready to take off if it detects any problems say the built-in compass on the drone needs to be calibrated or the IMU that's built into the drone needs to be calibrated it'll give you a message there saying that means calibration the drone has built-in GPS functions it connects to satellites when you're outside and those satellite connections are very important it helps know where the drone is at all times it helps your return to home and it helps keep the drone stable in the air keep it from drifting around in the wind you'll know how many satellites are connected to by the icon you can probably barely see it there it's red right now because it's not connected to any best to wait till there's at least a connection of eight satellites before you take off beside that you can see it gives us some battery information once we're in flight up in the air it gives us more detail you can click on that at any time and it gives a little bit more information about your battery at the bottom right-hand side here's how you switch back and forth between manual camera settings and automatic camera settings as a beginner I would probably just leave it in the auto until you're comfortable with the drone and then you can start playing around and getting creative with your camera settings over to the right-hand side here is how we switch back and forth between camera and photo mode it's also how we set some of the different flight modes this bottom play button again takes us into our gallery stuff that we've already recorded above that is our record button it's also our shutter button if we and photo mode and right above that that signifies what mode are in you can see the icons a picture of a filmstrip that means we're in video mode so if I hit the record button on the screen or that shutter button that I showed you earlier on the back of the controller it would start recording video just like that there to stop recording again we touch it that'll stop it or like I mentioned you can use a shutter button on the back of the controller now if we click on that icon there that's how we can switch to the different modes and see here we can select photo that'll switch us over to photo mode we can go back to video we can film the hyperlapse or we can do some quick shots quick shots are nice tools to allow you to get some really interesting shots but I'm not gonna go over that in this video we'll cover that maybe some upcoming videos as you can see the menu goes a little bit deeper for every mode for example when we're in video mode if we can shoot a normal HDR slow motion we can set our resolution we can shoot in 4k and we can also set our frames per second depending on what you're filming in that but for the most part you're gonna want to be filming at 4k at 30 frames per second that's my preference when filming but of course you know everybody's gonna have their own preferences on what they like if we click those three dots there at the top that's gonna bring us into our settings it's a good idea to browse through it and familiarize yourself with some of the settings some of the ones that you want to pay attention to is make sure your obstacle avoidance is turned on and a pass is a good thing to make sure is on as well what a pass is is if it comes to a obstacle the drone will go around and automatically and of course obstacle detection is just like what it sounds like it'll let you know and stop the drone if it gets too close to something you just have to remember what obstacle avoidance is that with this drone it's not 360-degree obstacle avoidance you don't have any sensors on the top or the sides of the drone it is still possible to hit something so you still have to take precautions you can also set your limits there and sometimes it's not a bad idea to do when you're a new pilot you can set the maximum height that you're allowed to fly how far you can fly right now I've got mine at no limit but say you don't want to fly any further than 170 meters from where you take off from you could set that while you're learning now the auto return to home altitude can be very important if the drone happens to be disconnected while you're in flight or you hit the return to home button on the screen the drone was going to go to that predetermined height first before it comes it's gonna go straight up to that height and weight you want to make sure is you have that set taller than the tallest obstacle for example if you have trees that are 30 meters tall you might want to set your return-to-home height at 40 meters that way if it is coming home you know you're not gonna run into any trouble by it hitting an obstacle the other option that's important to know about is how to update your home point when the aircraft takes off it's gonna set that location it has its home point and that's where it's gonna come home to but sometimes you know you might be in a park and you're walking around you might want it to come home to a different point so at any time you can go in and update the home point to where you're located like I said there's all kinds of settings in here that you can go over another important one is if you go to camera you can see here this is where we can change some settings for the camera when you're learning this is probably not something you're gonna mess around with too much but as you go along and you're learning you might want to come in and take a look at some of the different options but under camera there is one important thing that you might want to learn about before you fly and if we scroll down you can see we come to this section here you can see it says storage location and like I mentioned at the beginning of this video the drone has 8 gigabytes of storage built into it you can see it's listed there that ain't gigabytes of storage is listed on the right-hand side on the left-hand side here it's reading the memory card that I have in it so if you want to switch back and forth between the internal memory and the external memory you can do so quite easily and that's a good thing to know about because if you're out flying and you've been doing a lot of recording you might fill up that memory card that you installed at any time you can then switch over to the internal storage and continue to record like I said there's a lot more settings to learn about as time goes on but in the beginning you don't want to overwhelm yourself too much by trying to learn too much at once now a couple of quick things here before I go what to do with the app anyways I'm going to show you how to take off and land there's two different ways in which you can take off first off you can see this button here at the top on the left hand side if we press it you can see that box comes up on the screen there so that's how we take off automatically all we do is press and hold that you can see that green comes on I don't want to actually take off here because I'm in a in the house here I got cameras above me but all you would do is press and hold that until it completes the circle and then the drone will take off its gonna go to about a meter and then hover until you give it control on the sticks the other way to do it is by using the control sticks but that's something you can learn at time in the beginning it's best just to use that launch button if you want to land the drone after you've launched it say it's still out that meter height that button will change to a land button you would just press it and the drone would then go back to where it landed from or if it's hovering you can just press the left control stick and hold it down it will also then go ahead and land like I mentioned if you're out flying and you're not quite sure where you are you could press the return to home anytime on the controller or on the screen there at the left hand side the drone would then go to that predetermined height when I showed you it would come straight across to where you're located and then it would go ahead into its landing procedure the other thing you will have to familiarize yourself with is the control sticks and what each stick movement does the stick movements are actually fairly easy to learn and you'll pick them up pretty quickly on the right-hand stick here if you push it forward the drone will move forward if you pull it back it will move back if you push it side-to-side the drone will move side-to-side depending on which way you push it on the left-hand stick here to move the drone up to raise its altitude you press up to lower its altitude you pull down when you go side to side on the left hand stick that actually spins the drone around so getting comfortable in the sticks will just come with time but they are pretty easy to pick up so that's basically it for the app and the controller just some basic things to get you started now a few tips here for new pilots if this is gonna be your very first time flying a drone make sure when you go to fly it for the first time find a nice big open field even though there is some obstacle avoidance on the drone it's still best to find an open field with no trees or poles or any other people around you know just start slow move the drone forward move the backwards raise it up lower it practice landing it practice taking off you'll find that you'll get very comfortable very quickly and you'll want to venture out a little farther a little higher and definitely that's a great way to learn that's basically it for my beginners guide I've already made quite a few videos on the Mavic air 2 so you can go back and check through them and I have a ton of other videos coming up that you might be interested to watch as well hopefully you enjoyed this video and got some value out of it give it a thumbs up if you did don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos and we'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Air Photography
Views: 302,239
Rating: 4.9211898 out of 5
Keywords: Mavic Air 2 Beginners Guide, Mavic Air 2, DJI Mavic Air 2, Beginners Guide, Training, Tutorial, How To Fly A Drone, Getting Started, How To Get Started, Mavic Air 2 Tutorial, Mavic Air 2 Training, How To Fly Mavic Air 2, Getting Started With Mavic Air 2, How To Land, How To Take Off, How To Calibrate, Activating Mavic Air 2, Activation, How To Update Firmware, Tips And Tricks, Tips, New Pilots
Id: MOJkMYnou9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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