Is Mavic Air 2 The Last Drone You Should Ever Buy?

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Hey what's up drone pros today we have the Mavic Air 2 and is this the last drone you're ever gonna need today we're going to be comparing it to the Mavic mini Mavic air Mavic 2 pro we already shot some really incredible video comparisons and to be honest I was completely blown away so let's get started all right guys let's cut to the chase the first thing we're going to talk about is price the Mavi 2 Pro comes in at $1599 the Maverick air 2 comes in at $799 the Maverick air of $599 and the maverick mini at $399 so the new mavic air 2 fills the price gap between the Mavic pro 2 and the Mavic air but how does the quality compare should you upgrade from another drone should you downgrade from another drone stick around till the end to find out the results might just surprise you. Ok guys next up is weight and size in my opinion I'm used to flying thirty eight pound drones so all these drones are super small super portable but some are a little bit smaller than others the Mavic pro 2 weighs in at 2 pounds the mavic air 2 at one point to 6 pounds the Mavic air at 0.95 pounds in the Mavic mini at 0.55 pounds so if you're gonna go for portability the mavic mini wins for sure but there's gonna be a trade-off for camera quality as well as being able to fly and wind and it doesn't have sensors and a bunch of other features but as far as the building material of the Mavic air 2 I would say it's not quite as strong as the Mavic 2 pro but it's definitely way stronger than the Mavic mini. Ok next up is camera sensor size the Mavic 2 Pro features the one-inch Hasselblad sensor the Mavic air 2 features the 1/2 inch sensor and the Mavic air and mini both feature the 1/2 over 3 inch sensor now usually the larger sensor is always gonna win in camera quality and low light but DJI is doing something crazy with the 1/2 inch sensor in the Mavic air 2 we're gonna talk about that at the end of the video. Ok next up is obstacle avoidance sensors the Mavic 2 pro has front bottom side and top sensors Mavic air 2 has front and back but it's equipped with the new 3.0 APAS system this is supposed to help it be able to maneuver around objects better. The Mavic air has front and back sensors but the mini has 0 so keep that in mind next up is controller comparison. This is the biggest change we've seen in a long time with the Mavic line it's a completely redesigned controller where you mount the phone on top of the controller and the antennas are internal and to be honest I love this new design it's way less awkward to use and it's way more ergonomic than the standard Mavic controller alright next up is a real-world battery length flight test okay so just so you know all the drones were fully charged and they were hovered in place of an entire flight and there was about one to five mile-per-hour wind gusts during the flights. Okay so the Mavic 2 Pro came in at 20 minutes and five seconds mavic air 2 came in came in at twenty five minutes and eight seconds the Mavic air came in at 13 minutes 29 seconds and the Mavic mini came in at 22 minutes so that's really impressive flight time for the Mavic mini but the Mavic air two wins out on this one next up is a real world top speed test Navi 2 pro came in at forty three point four miles per hour the Mavic air 2 came in at forty point nine miles per hour the Mavic air came in at thirty three point five miles per hour and the Mavic mini came in at twenty seven point five miles per hour so all in all the Mavic two pro and the Mavic air two are very similar speeds okay guys next up is real world flight distance that's how far you can see the drone before you have to return the home and make it back safely. So for this test we drove way out into the desert totally away from any kind of Wi-Fi signals anything like that that might affect this test okay so the Mavic pro two max distance before returning to home was 13,000 168 feet the mavic air 2 to max distance was a whopping eighteen thousand five hundred and four feet the Mavic air max distance was ten thousand four hundred sixty-four feet and the Mavic mini max distance was nine thousand nine hundred and forty six feet so the Mavic air 2 just totally dominated in this category also keep in mind the max range is documented by DJI for both the Mavic pro in the Mavic air two is around eleven miles but it's literally impossible to fly that far and have enough battery to make it back safely but if you're in more of a kind of a congested area with digital traffic and stuff then the stronger signal will help you cut through some of that digital chatter so that's a big win for the Mavic air two in this category okay next up is obstacle avoidance for this test my plan was to follow my son around on his bike in the park with trees we did some test flights following him around but I feel like the DJI drones were just not suited for this purpose yet they had a difficult time tracking and kind of getting around objects that was really where they're gonna crash in the tree branches so as far as fast up around trees and things I don't recommend it but as far as walking I had some okay results so for the Mavic 2 pro the drone fought me around the trees pretty good I had a close call with the tree but we didn't hit it then I started running and it did a really good job keeping up with me and when I reached the tunnel it lowered down to come inside but it stopped and it wouldn't go any further because it has to be a certain height in order for it to track the mavic air 2 did a great job following me around the trees even around the trees fast to see if he could keep up it did quite a good job circling around the tree without hitting anything it all said a good job keeping up as I ran down the hill to the tunnel and the air was the only drone that was able to come down into the tunnel and then follow me through it did lose track when I got really dark so I adjusted the exposure but it was able to follow me through the tunnel I was really impressed with it the Mavic air fall be pretty around the first Street but it nearly ran to the second tree it was about six inches away I had to run up and grab it really quick but it did track me really well when I was running but once I got to the tunnel it stopped because it would not go down low enough to enter the tunnel so overall the map you go to was a great improvement with the obstacle avoidance I also noticed that it allows you to initiate a track from a lower altitude than the Mavic pro 2 or the Mavic air but I wouldn't use it for any high speed tracking around high trees or anything like that but if you're out in the open that's a totally different story next we tested how it tracks a fast-moving object in open terrain for this test we head out to the desert and taste my Subaru around the Mavic to 2 pro did an absolute amazing job and had a lock solid track and was able to go into sport mode to circle the moving vehicle and get some incredible shots the Mavic air 2 also did a really good job you can also go into sport mode as well it also seen that it moved forward and backwards as it kind of tracked the subject as if it was analyzing more data or something I'm not quite sure the best way to put it the Mavic air also did a pretty decent job tracking though it did lose track occasionally but when it did track it it actually got some really cool shots we tried to use tracking for the mapping mini on this test but it would not track a moving subject so overall I feel like the mapping to air and the Mavic Pro 2 are very very similar and I just give a very slight edge to the Mavic 2 pro I feel like it can move around even faster than the Mavic 2 air and tracked amazingly well so I'd call it a tie for this one alright next up was the funnest test this is the unscientific leafblower test the first thing I did is I held a leaf blower to my wind meter from about 4 feet away and I clocked it at about 50 to 60 miles per hour all right first up is the Mavic 2 Pro pretty good pretty good go oh he's hating it whoa whoa he's holding still though he's holding position he's just flipping around oh shoot that's awesome so compared to the maximum wind resistance data that DJI gives us I think those drones did amazingly well from being blasted with 50 to 60 mile an hour winds I felt that definitely the Mavic 2 pro probably was the most solid followed by the Mavic air 2 then the Mavic air and then of course the mavic mini was just getting thrashed around throwing in circles but it held its position which really impressed me no matter what I threw at it something really cool about the Mavic air 2 is that it has the ability to shoot 42 megapixel photos and when it takes a photo it gives you a dmg raw file as well as the JPEG file raw means you have a lot more data to work with so you can totally customize your exposure fix things bring out contrast bring up the shadows okay so what I did is I took a photo from the exact same spot in the air with all the drones facing towards this mountain and we're gonna zoom in 600% and see which one is the sharpest and has the most detail as you can see they're not very far off from each other but the Mavic air 2 wins in my opinion with the sharpest image and a little bit more detail than the other options we also shot a quick low-light test I feel like the Mavic 2 pro with its bigger Center and larger aperture was able to get a little bit more lighting compared to the other cameras we also showed a quick video low-light test but we had an issue with one of the cameras but all in all as far as I can see low-light is not a super huge strength for any of these drones all right now is the big moment for the side-by-side video comparison so for this test I decided to film into the direct Sun so we could find out which camera had the best dynamic range we matched the settings on all the drones then we matched exposure of the Sun check out that Mavic air 2 to I was totally blown away you can see the perfectly exposed sky you can also see my face with plenty of detail compared to the other cameras so this in my mind is a complete game-changer while find this Drone I noticed myself gravitating to using the HDR mode for pretty much all of my shots now there's one caveat and they might change us with a future update but you cannot manually shoot in HDR so that means that if you tilt to the ground or you look up to the sky your exposure is going to change but as far as raw footage is concerned I think it looks incredible ok so here's an example where I film from the Mavic air 2 with and without HDR as you can see the HDR pulls out this amazing HDR dynamic range and it's really just incredible the Mavic 2 pro or the other drones can't even touch it but also the non HDR mode I feel like has a lot of data there and it looks good as well alright guys I hope you guys enjoyed this comparison video it was really fun to make really fun to test out the Mavic air - I'm really really excited about it but the question is what drone should you buy should you upgrade should you downgrade and if you're just getting started should you jump straight up to the Mavic air 2 or go for a cheaper drone to be straight-up honest after spending 3 days shooting with this drone I think my go-to drone that I'm gonna pull out of my back is gonna be the Mavic air 2 - mainly because of the range the HDR video and the crazy 48 megapixel raw photos I've been around cameras for a long time and to be honest this is a pretty monumental breakthrough that DG has come through with in the video world now don't get me wrong if you already own a Mavic 2 Pro I own one - it's a freaking incredible drone don't feel bad or guilty it still will do pretty much everything that you need it to do but the mavic air 2 has some really cool features that really stand out but if you have the mavic air or the Mavic mini then I definitely recommend going for this upgrade it going for the mavic air 2 - also the price is really quite incredible for what it is it's definitely kind of a consumer kind of a drone but I put it up there really really close to the Mavic 2 pro well hopefully you guys really enjoyed this video and you know with drone technology is getting better and better and better but there's always skills that you can learn to become a better drone pilot create amazing cinematic images amazing cinematic video and I've created a course called cinematic drone secrets that helps you do just that. It's the complete crash course for the drone pilot who wants to master sin drone shots no matter what drone you own and I'm offering a crazy discount right now on this video if you click the link in the description or the link at the end of this video and if you want to see more videos like this one hit the subscribe button and then the bill to be notified when we post our next one. All right thank you guys so much and we'll see you guys later!
Channel: Drone Pro Academy
Views: 608,133
Rating: 4.9037743 out of 5
Keywords: Mavic Air 2, Dji Mavic Air 2, Mavic air 2 review, Mavic air 2 specs, dji, Mavic air, Mavic air 2 footage, Mavic air 2 vs mavic 2 Pro, Mavic air 2 features, Mavic air 2 first look, Mavic air 2 vs Mavic 2 pro, Mavic air 2 vs mavic mini, Mavic air 2 vs mavic air, DJI Mavic air 2 review, Mavic air 2 test, DJI mavic air2, Mavic air 2 cinematic, Mavic pro 2, Mavic mini, DJI mavic air 2 vs mavic 2 pro, Mavic Mini vs Mavic Air 2, Mavic Air vs Mavic Air 2, Mavic air 2 HDR, drone
Id: oj1AooawQ5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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