DIYs! No one Style. Different Decor Styles but very Pretty. Worth the Watch

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did I scare you Hi how are you my name is Cy Joe thanks for clicking on my video or you're probably like oh my gosh I cannot believe I clicked on this video anyway if you're here just stay don't go anywhere I'm not completely nuts anyway today is the was just our imagination wo I can't sing running away you know you know how it goes anyway Temptations they're great oh no now I'm not going to get monetized cuz I sing so beautifully anyway so I have done an array of DIYs and I know I don't do things regular on this channel like some you know a lot of times I'll have this spring and then this is Christmas and then this is fou then other times I really just don't know what to say because I just make stuff and that's one of these videos but there might be something for everybody and the one thing is absolutely I love it anyway so stick around stay while and if you enjoy the video give me a thumbs up and if you don't enjoy it give me thumbs down it's just how it goes but anyway I got one thing left to say let's get on with the video guys okay y'all right here I got one of those mirrors from the Dollar Tree and there's this SC number and of course we going to take the plastic off of it but there's little screws in the back of it we're just going to undo them but hold on to them because we're going to use them later excuse me and then I'm just going to take everything out of it and make sure I clean my mirror really good but I'm going to take and paint paint it off no going to tape it off right there and look I painted this in three colors but I finally decided to take a rusto Lin white chalk paint and a G by Waverly and I mixed them together and finally got it pretty close and I got these bags from the Dollar Tree they was in the Mother's Day section and okay here I was being silly and decid it did not have glitter yeah I accidentally cut it too short not not measuring it so you're going to have to cut it right down the middle um and then yeah and then deal with the glitter and I scraped every bit of that Glitter off and it took forever but I got it off so anyway and after I get it done I'm going to lay it down there and I'm going to trace the outside of that inner frame and cut it all out and then I'm going to take just a masking tape and I'm going to tape the picture down on the inside of my frame where you can't see it of course and then we're just going to take and put the back back in it oh I painted the inner part of the frame white sorry I just didn't show it and put all of our little screws back in you got to make sure that thing is lined up because it is a pain to get lined up and here it is you guys look at that I think that came out so pretty that was fast it was quick oh well fast and quick is the same thing and it was easy if you can match up your color then you won't have any problems whatsoever yep I know showed it a long time you guys today is the just our imagination challenge hosted by my best friend Brenda from rustic lace DIYs and me of course and this month's winner and our guest host is carollyn from Craft classy you guys check out right here what she made it was she just she she's good so anyway this gramophone or whatever it's called look at that oh my goodness these things were beautiful but yeah anyway okay y'all right here I got a board from my neighbor gave me a bunch of those and um it measures 30 by 9 and2 and apparently it's a 1 by 10 and yeah and I'm just going to sand it down really good and then I paint it with um my rich black by folkart and then I sand it down I mean sand it down and then well I just kicked myself out of recording and then I make sure I wipe all that saw dust off there and I give it um three coats of that polyacrylic on both sides but um I just mix it up real good and I got this nylon brush you're supposed to use a soft bristle bristle brush would say that fast three times um you're not supposed to shake it you guys so just remember that and give it thin even coats and yeah and that's it that's all I got to say about that but apparently I'm going to keep showing it so yep I am okay when it's dry after I gave it all of its coat in it so pretty um I was asked to do okay I'm going to take this Cherry Blossom from the Dollar Tree and uh of course just take the sticker off and then this this this that ivy thing wreath thing from the Dollar Tree and I pull the leaves off and I'm going to start connecting them to my cherry what is that already Blossom anyway and I just uh hot glue them in the bend of it and just attach them up underneath my branches there you guys and then I got that from Dollar Tree about two years ago and it's just called Grainery plastic Greenery or something or plant leaves or something I don't remember I didn't see it and I actually um am going to attach it to where any of my little flowers fell off and they got these little plugs on it and these oranges came from California um crack away with May sent me three of them um because I don't have any around here and I was like yeah grab me some but I pulled up the little navl there ain't that what it's called a navl anyway and I took floral wire and I wrapped it around that Naval part and tighten it up and then I added add some hot glue to it and yeah very slowly and yeah real slow you guys man this is the worst and um I just pushed it down in there and then I take and attach it to my cherry blossom revamped orange Bush now I don't know and I just cut off the excess and wrap it up a little bit so nobody gets poked with it and I do that with two more um I was asked to make some orange DIYs and here's one of them and then I take J and I burn all the fuzz off of it and that's the um juk that come from the Dollar Tree no the Walmart it's a little bit thicker and I'm just going to tie in the back just one knot and then start wrapping and wrapping and wrapping and wrapping and wrapping and wrapping and wrapping anyway and then I when I get done I grab that piece that I did the one knot with I pull it together with the other one and I'm going to double knot it in the back and I'm going to take and do the same thing to the top but what I did first to the top was like hold it down with a small piece of Juke that I tied in the back but yeah just the exact same thing and going to knot it and wrap it and wrap it and we're doing this yet to hold it in place and make sure you get it under your flowers and your leaves I know what a mess I'm all over the place and um cut off the excess and then well not it again guys this is the worst right here I'm telling you the truth I don't know what is wrong with me and then um on my Cricket I cut out summer Blossom and orange um vinyl and here it is you guys and I think this is beautiful these are actually pretty quick aren't they and easy look at that a oh look at that it is so pretty yeah you can set that outside or inside or hang it sideways or h hang it straight up and down like that or whatever you so choose but it's huge and it's beautiful I love this one to you guys okay I got that sign from Miss Rose Turner um it came from the Dollar Tree she sent it to me and I'm just going to send down the edges right there so I can start that paper pulling it up I wanted to get that top layer paper off the best I could cuz it's got like plastic on it it was not working for me so I just sprayed it down with water with that paper there on top and everything and let it set for a few minutes and then took my scraper um just my um putty knife and started scraping it off I'm sorry but um I thought I had two of them I thought I had a newer one cuz I messed this up a while back and I was in a hurry and I just undid it but do yall remember these it had uh Bliss our nest and it was all stuck together and just other says in it well I'm going to use this so I hope y'all can remember what it is and y'all haven't so yeah sor happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear my friend Happy Birthday to You did y'all like that wasn't that cute yes happy birthday Brenda so I'm just going to scrape that um try to get as much off that one side as possible um cuz that's paper on that frame and let me tell you what that was a beast that Tred to paint forever ago when I'd started it but um and then I'm going to take the the inside part of it and I'm just going to take that black vinyl from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to um well try to cut it out with my knife there but um I'm just going to cover both sides with it um yeah see there we go just line it up real good cut it off and then cut off all make sure you rub it down real good and cut off all the excess from the side of it but I don't know why I covered that one side it was perfectly fine but I did because that's how I do things I got to make them harder on myself so then right here we're going to take it I think I went about I don't know it's according because it's got I don't know y'all I just take let's I just take wood glue and hot glue and I glue it to my um my sign there yeah and um I'm just going to line it up on my MTH to make sure I got it even man some of this stuff went slow and some of it went fast and it's all over the place but anyway and then I add wood glue down yeah like that just to for extra stability and then I take a brush and and like try to get it in any cracks or anything I mean it doesn't really need that much because what's on it doesn't weigh really anything but I just want it to stay on too and I do that uh to the uh on top of it and underneath of it and then that home right there I got from the Dollar Tree and then the sweet I got from Walmart and then those homes are the letters from the Dollar Tree I know right anyway and I'm going to paint them well I started to paint them all in my rich black but you guys I got that paint from the uh Dollar General that I showing yall last video and I was like huh let me see if this is any different and I started painting The Suite with that just to see you can't even tell no that black is not bad I'm serious it's pretty good paint so that's an option for $3 chalk paint you guys so anyway I painted all that in um mineral chalk paint by Waverly and I gave it only one coat and then those are some of those uh rubble and transfers you guys I was telling you about um from Dixie Bale and that was um in one called eukalyptus and cotton of course it's eucalyptus I'm going to get it but it's so very pretty and I just run my finger across it there because it's too big obviously to see where I need to cut it oh goodness because I had to cut some of it off I'm sorry and then you just start rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing but when I do you guys I when it's bigger like that I come from different edges just and you don't have to it's just what I do and I pull and I raise it just to make sure and then you know from the opposite side there because I want to make sure everything's stuck down good and you do anyway and I just don't want to pull it too quick and it come off with everything not being stuck and then I cut off a piece of that transfer paper it was on and I just burnished it down really well and then I give it uh two coats of polyacrylic I had polyacrylic out so I just kept using it and it doesn't say you have to cover it at all it says you can distress them you can uh cover them you can yeah whatever so um leave them undone I guess but so I got those foam Dice from the Dollar Tree I never in my life thought I'd paid $2.50 for a bunch of marshmallows but I did that's nonedible and I don't even like marshmallows but whatever and they come in white now so that's pretty cool so I took some painters tape and masking tape and I set my dice on it was easier to paint that way and I painted them all um with that uh Cottage white by folk art and then I'm going to distress them with my mineral uh chalk paint and just a light distressing and then those other Home letters I'm going to um um uh take alien's tacky glue and glue them to my dice there yeah you guys this is so pretty I love this thing I do anyway I know I don't show all that thought okay well what happened was I didn't like that so I added another one to the other side and then um I'm going to take alen's tacky glue and glue my home on and then I don't know what I'm doing there having a fit and then my sweet on but I'm and I'm just going to use tacky glue but I start with the center letter and put it where I want them to lay so that way I can pretty much distribute them and that is a w trust me I looked and looked I was like why does my pack not have any W's just M's this was uh a year or so ago and I went by another pack and that pack had nothing but M and I realized well their W's also so they can go either way and I don't know what I'm doing here I was making sure my letters were straight but I just take a piece of Juke twine a thin I had a piece of um that cotton ribbon from the Dollar Tree in there and it just didn't match it very well so I just take a piece of Jew and I double knot it in the back after running it through both holes and I'm going to cut off the excess and that is going to be our hanger and this thing is so pretty you guys I hope you like it I love it and you got that little tiny shelf and like I said it's it's going to hold it it ain't going nowhere um do' all think that I shouldn't have covered that cotton but I I wanted to anyway anyway tell me what y'all think about this one okay y'all right here I got those they're called coasters and you get two in a pack for like $2 or $2.50 from the Dollar General you guys and I'm going to drill a hole in it so sorry and uh in mine at the top of it there and um I'm going to take that white chalk paint from Dollar General and um I'm going around the edge there trying to make sure that I don't get it on the bark and there it is with one coat you guys so y'all see there that's that's what you get but I actually um painted both sides and I gave them two coats I believe both sides and I'm just going to take a piece of Jew and I'm going to make a Lark's head KN here with it when you run it through uh when you fold it in half run it through and then Loop it through I know that's a mess right there my Jew was way too long so it's hard to explain that but I'm going to take that 22 mm bead and I'm going to paint it in night sky and I'm going to give it three coats of poly acrylic and these rub on transfers from Miss shot G Dad I can't say your name Charle gutier Gutierrez I don't know I'm just buding up but look guys oh my gosh I can't even no look at them and I'm going to put one on each side yes they're just too cute and the same way these are are different though you guys these are like almost like stickers it's it's crazy I'm like dude but I'm making sure I rub these down really really well because of that texture in that wood and I wanted to make sure it got in all those cracks but if I see any of my transfer coming up I just lay that transfer paper back down and continue to rub you guys and then of course coming from the opposite side cuz I didn't want his little horns to pop off you know yeah look m you guys I love this and this little guy right here oh my gosh sto my heart I can't not gigle when I look at him I mean come on look at that oh no and this one's precious oh no but oh my goodness he is just too much that's why I painted that um that one bead in that night sky because because of his little um handkerchief yeah right okay I'll stop showing you I can't help it you guys anyway and I give the both sides of that two cuts of polyacrylic and I even go around that bark to try to prevent it from falling off the best I can and then Shirley got me these beads too y'all I I open a package at the end of the video look oh my gosh surely thank you these are just too cute anyway oh no so I put a uh Brown bead and then like a light brown dark brown bead a light brown bead and then like this orangish color and then a white and then I put one of my little um Hing cows on there oh I put more than one but you know and then um oh and then I put my blue bead because it matches I think I told you guys the little barrel and his handkerchief whole purpose of it I got blue Accents in my bathroom too but I wrapped that Jew around my Cricket spatula there or Cricut whatever it is uh 30 times but I end up taking 10 of them out so you I only going want 20 pieces because I'm going to add 10 uh of those that juk to it also I know right and this is if you guys want to make a tassel for anything you can just you know do yeah whatever and here I'm just going to mix them together because I don't want them to be in just one pile but I also add some Rafia to that also also rub add off ah also well I keep saying also and I'm gonna stop anyway and then I take a piece of Jew and I just knot that right there and then I do damage control and cut off some of that so not perfect so I can get it under control and here you guys if you make a loop and start wrapping your JW and wrapping wrapp and wrap you need to start at the top and go down to the bottom I did it I start at the bottom went up to the top but you take your piece that's left over and you run it through your Loop and pull it really tight and it will KN up underneath it so you won't have that ugly hot glue and stuff you have to worry about and here I'm just going to trim it up the best I can sorry and um mhm and then I take um a piece of that ju that's my beads there and I'm going to untie the um I don't know what I'm doing petting that cow but I'm going to untie my knot there and I'm going to knot it to a piece of that there so I can pull my my tassel through and make sure I keep twine inside of it you know what I mean and then I knot it at the bottom of my beads but I always knot it a little bit loose I don't want it so tight that they're not bendable but I also don't want a bunch of uh J to show either so anyway and then I yep there it is but I decided to take a piece of Rafia and split it down into a bunch of different pieces and tie it around where we tied up our tassel and make a little Rafia bow you guys this thing is just too cute oh goodness I thought I was done doing that and look at him look at at him oh my gosh I just love him I do he's my best friend oh sorry Brenda that Cal took over and joking anyway but I did add three of those little beads one of each of them to my and that one bead is Black by that dark brown one's just hard to tell difference but I added a little butterfly to that little uh guys with the glasses and handkerchief thing okay right here I don't think Dollar Tree has these anymore I can't find them anywhere and I've had that one for like two years and I've been holding on to it for a special occasion till finally I'm like I just want to use it so I used it and I gave it two coats of that Cottage white and then with my little chippy brush that BR gave me I'm going to distress it pretty heavy with um rich black my folk are all the way around or black chalk P I don't what I'm even saying around my whole entire thing and then Shirley sent me these Beads no I'm lying Rose sent me these beads Rose Turner and I do black and white and gang them and black and white and gang them and black and white and another rub on transfer you guys and this one's so cute it's got a little pig on it with the windmill and all that jazz and you know the whole thing rub it and then pull and rub it you know just as I've done already twice and um I'm just going to make a little gingham bow from that ribbon from the Dollar Tree I'm going to hot glue it down to my little uh bottle cap and look isn't this so cute oh oh I just love it it's so tiny and Precious my precious I don't know what's wrong with me seriously yeah issues deep oh look at that how cute and I like this this one's so easy and quick too don't blink you guys yeah there's a lot of them like that in this video but um I took all the stuff out of it and I take that little uh pickup truck from those window clings and I fussy cut all the way around it even the flag y'all almost lost my flag it was a close one but I covered that with a white vinyl I thought it was from the Dollar Tree and it wasn't it end up being some my good vinyl it's cuz I don't pay attention I'm like you dork and that did not look good because it was lumpy and bumpy and you could see through it so I just took a white paper paper oh my gosh a pickled paper a piece of paper and uh or card stock I don't even know anymore and I covered but I put a very light coat Mod Podge on the back of my little pickup truck very very light I didn't use glue cuz I was kind of in a hurry and I thought I was going to be done to have to do pictures and it wouldn't dry but that was a lie this was like yeah anyway and I cut out that USA and put it on there too and then I take that film off from around that little store and fussy cut around it but I leave it on the paper it was on and it came on and I mod podged it to it s so it would be stiff so I could hot glue it down in that or Mod Podge it down in that little corner there and that frame is perfect for Fourth of July and I think that is adorable look how cute that is there you go that is you know the pick them up truck yeah so cute anyway see I was all over place in this video I did that I got that little cuton board from Walmart uh After Fall last year for a quarter I think it wasn't much but I gave it uh two coats both sides and Brenda gave me that napkin and it's so cute and it's almost a pink cow but I fussy cut around her oh my goodness do I ever and I wish I wouldn't have taken the time to fuss cut all around them flowers but I did and I gave my board a coat of mod podge and let it dry and then I'm going to remove the layer from the back of my napkin there y'all most y'all know the drill but some new people don't and I'm going to lay it down there and I'm going to take my parchment paper and cover it to reactivate that Mod Podge so my napkin can stick to my board that's mod podging right there y'all and anyway make sure you I let it cool down completely before I removed it but then I saw off oh my gosh uh sand it off any excess napkin and then I just added some juice here um with the Larks head knot you guys and I end up taking these little flowers from the Dollar Tree and I have every color I think and I wish I'd had one more it have been perfect but I got blue and and peach and purple and like that turquoise and pink and yeah and then I think I added yeah I added another pink because well she's almost pink so I just made her my own little hairdressing thing and this Greenery here is new from the Dollar Tree for me I've never seen it before and I'm going to cut off little pieces and I'm going to glue that coming out of her little flowers over in her in her head on her head yeah see yeah and they're really really cute and uh that's what I do there and then I coat it with Mod Podge after i' done all that I'm like oh man but anyway just hot glue at Greenery down in there too and I take that lace ribbon from the Dollar Tree and I make a bow just a regular shoestring bow and then I um take that Rafia there and make another little bow and just hot glue them down what was that yeah it's easy you guys and look she's so look at her eyes she's like and what anyway yeah I think she's CED and there you go up close and personal okay y'all I know Brenda's like probably fast forward to video waiting on this we had to the challenge items were um dup something to Brenda's you guys I had to totally redo all this because I had to um I forgot to add one of my challenge items but anyway um yeah the very first DIY I did was a challenge item we had to use a gift bag so uh and and then um this is dup something of Brenda's because it's her birthday and um y'all see I just put alen tacky glue all over that and glued these two signs together um I did two sets like that and then that little sign from the Dollar Tree was from Christmas last year and if you heat up your knife and a little bit of that glue you can usually slide those off pretty easy I've learned just over time um that like cuts to a lot of butter and then I paint it with um I remove my whole thing I just painted The Backs side and um I painted my sign with uh colleage White and I hate using these sticks to put on the back of my signs but y'all I was in a hurry I mean I was running late but I did cover up those stores cuz I don't want to cover the back and then it get punched through them stores in the back you know what I mean that'd be kind of tacky cuz one day I do want to sell my stuff if I ever get the time but I was filling my crack there with lightweight spack and then I had to wipe it all off I was like oh no I did try to keep some in the center because of what I got to do so I take and go 34 inch around the entire sign and I'm measuring it there and then I'm going to take masking tape and I'm going to um outline all of that all the way around the sign Brenda I don't know if you know what I'm making yet but when I saw this I was like this is just it's hard to do Brenda because she has so many great things and I just didn't know which one and I yeah anyway I got these farm animals from the Walmart Brenda Walmart she said she didn't know if she got them at Walmart or Michaels but they came from Walmart they're the exact same ones I know I just so happen to have them and got lucky and no signs I think mine or a lighter color than the one she used but that's all I had and um I'm going to stain all that in antique wax and go around and make the Border like a frame for my sign with that antique wax I'm sorry y'all and I do the Mr Miagi wax on wax off but my my little um frame going around my little sign was darker than hers and I had to take cashew and Len it up but I'm just going to cover the back there with that uh vinyl from the Dollar Tree and I just take on a hangers from the Dollar Tree and staple it in and cut off the excess and you see I painted um my boards there with cottage white but I'm taking alien alien's tacky glue and hot glue and I'm going to glue that that little piece to the top of my sign and I'm going to um take my little chicken or rooster and my pig and my Kow and use alien's tacky glue and hot glue and I'm going to glue them down the left side if you're looking at it but right side if you're behind it anyway and on my cricet I cut out eggs bacon and milk which I flipped it upside down and thank the good Lord above it didn't get stuck permanently but it is removable vinyl I think no that's permanent see I just didn't hit it hard enough thank goodness and at the top I I cut out the Breakfast Club and oh my gosh Brena when I saw this I laughed so hard and I thought that is the cutest thing ever and it's fake Jordan's favorite movie and I was like oh that is just too much and I hope y'all love this you should if you go back and bring the stuff I'm telling you those those DIYs are so good I'm just like dude yes if y'all love Farmhouse then that's the place to be cuz she sure has The Farmhouse stuffff yeah anyway yeah so here is brendas and here's mine and only difference I think you can tell in them is um the font and hers is like darker but that was only because of lighting back then we didn't know any better but anyway okay here's the other challenge item ribbon spool so I got that empty spool ribbon and I'm going to try to take the top and the bottom off of it without tearing either one of them you guys so yeah um cuz you kind of need them and I'm going to uh fold that one in half and then like set my my middle spool there on it and like Trace around it like see what I'm saying and then I cut it and then I'm going to try to cut it down the middle well that didn't work so I ended up having to use the bottom half to make another one but you just bend it and fold it like that like wrap it around in a see and then I'm going to set it on there I'm sorry you guys and um I'm going to cut it down to the size I need it to be and then I'm just going to hot glue it together and then I'm going to yeah take H alen's tacky glue and glue and a little bit hot glue and glue my there right there on and then um yeah see I cut that o blurry did the same thing as that one and I cut out in another piece and we're going to bend it and do the same thing and cuz we're making our little milk can you guys this thing is too cute oh my goodness and then when I get it fit where I want it I just hot glue it and I set it down in there and then I put alien's tacky glue and rub it all in there and then I'm just going to take and put hot glue on the bottom of it and set it down on another ribbon spool that I cut a p work and um it's the big thick part like that not the end pieces and anyway cut off all the excess and then I'm just going to sand it down the best I can you know get all that extra off there um and then I take alen's tacky glue and I go around pretty much all of it like I rub it in really good because I want to get in all the cracks and crevices see and then like all the big blobs and stuff that's left laying on it I'm going to wipe them off with a wet wipe there and then um this is modeling paste but you guys can pretty much get the same effect with lightweight spackle I just didn't have any and I covered the entire thing and then um after it dries I sanded this bad boy down I mean sanded it and it's just not in yeah see I covered that thing and then I take two wire ties and I'm going to wrap it around top and bottom a see and then of course cut off the excess but hold on to those because um after we get those cut off off we're going to make our little handles with those now I bend back the ends of the pieces you'll see better here in a minute and that was just trial and there and then it worked and I was like well no never mind so and I hot glue them on there yeah but yeah sorry I you'll see here in a minute you guys well maybe oh my oh just get it on there I did fight that thing pretty bad and then I'm sorry and then uh yeah take the other one and right here you'll see see there how bended bended bent I I don't know whichever one it is each end down and then I try to like bend it and form it to go at that curve and hot glue it onto the milk can y'all look at it and I take one of them farmouse stickers I got from the Dollar Tree forever and a day ago and I put a little cow on there and then I take antique wax and uh I go around parts of it like especially where the hot glue is by the handles to make it look like rust and I take a little that pumpkin orange and I go over top the antique wax to really make it look like rust and then I started trying to use a marker to go around the tip of my lid and it just wasn't working so I did just paint it take a paint brush and black paint and go around it and then I take some of these little rubble and transfers from the Dollar Tree and like I said this was the other challenge item duping Brenda and then that uh gift bag in the beginning but look oh my gosh look at my milk can y'all could that be any cuter oh no oh no oh gosh anyway I I thank y'all for being here and I love y'all so very much and surle please don't be upset but I had to take out where I opened your box I will have it in next video because it made this one be an hour and 10 minutes long and Brenda's going to kill me the way it is is because it's late because I forgot to add that DIY it was the milk can obviously um because Brenda's was going to be last but you know it just didn't work out that way but yeah I'm so sorry Shirley but thank you for everything I love everything oh my goodness and as you seen this video I've already used some of it but why is going on with my there's something going on with my camera you guys oh my gosh what in the world I'm so sorry here's everything now y'all was like I'm dizzy now I hope y'all enjoyed the video I love you and have a blessed week bye
Channel: Kathy Jo DIY’s
Views: 10,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: usiVtVUOECw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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