Spotlight on Nature Highlighting Technique

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hi Stampers welcome to Stampers club I'm Karen tra and today I have um kind of a black and white well it's vanilla and vanilla and black it's not really black and white it's black and vanilla with just a pop of color and I'm featuring the spotlight on nature bundle so it's like really there's just like this little bit of color and that's it but you're going to love love love How It's Made let me show you what products we're using so today I'm using like I said the spot light on nature now this one's a little bit different because we have an image Stamp Set there's a couple greetings but it's basically an image but the dyes that go with the bundle don't cut any of that out they're but they're lovely it's actually a two two two sets and they're these beautiful shapes with these little radiating Stitches the little FLIR and then dots and dashes and they repeat in different sizes so you have like an endless combination of what you can do with this let me set this aside and show you how we're making this card cuz this one's a little bit a little bit unique okay so again we're going to start with my card base like I always do we're going to score that at four and a quar it just gets it smaller on my table right gets it smaller so that I can set it aside and we're going to you know line up the bottom edges grab your bone folder and go up and over and that gets it a nice nice firm crease there okay I'm going to set that aside so normally you know me I start from the bottom and work my way up well today we're going to do it a little bit different okay because we need to do some things ahead of time all right so I'm going to get some elements now I'll do this one first all right so let me grab some scrap paper here all right and black ink pad because we're going to keep this traditionally black and this is one of those cute little elements I mean I love these little dashes and dots on the edge right just I mean it's pretty basic you can use it on anything so one die set's going to go a long way if you want the details of all of the stuff that I used here today along with cutting Instructions make sure you pop on over to my blog at Stampers the link is in the description below and of course you know make sure that you subscribe to my channel because we all love that we can share things together with you so I'm going to Ink this in Black stamp it once I'm going to lift it up and go a little bit sideways and I'm going to stamp again all right so I'm not reinking in between I'm just we're inking it the first time and then this creates kind of a a light and a dark and it almost looks like the light is behind the dark even though I stamped it second okay so I'm going to layer that on to another one of these beautiful little elements this is the one that has the whoa throw it around your table why don't you has a little radiating stitches so you get this nice little dashing going on here right going to put these two together okay layer those right up and then the next piece is where you know there's kind of a little bit of technique involved here we set that aside so some very very vanilla card stock I need to get my my big boss out here I know this takes up a little more room on my table but you guys you guys will get the gist here so base plate and impression pad is what I'm going to use because we're going to do some embossing take a look at this embossing folder it's huge it's 6 by8 I mean this will make some awesome elements for scrapbook pages I think right or even uh three-dimensional art like I do a lot of those frames right like right guys do a lot lot of those frames now I normally you probably would think hey let's put let's put the image right there in the middle right well I don't want to do that I want my circle to be partly off my page so I'm going to line this up I need to move this out of the way so you guys can see I'm going to line this up so that my circle it's centered top to bottom but I don't want it all the way to the edge right I want it just to be I want it to be over here somewhere right so I'm going to go over as far as I can go get my dots there right on the edge close my folder so it stays there get this guy over here and hinge in helps save your embossing folders keeps them a little bit more flat although somebody used mine at a at a class and didn't put a top plate on it and when you do that it warps your folders a little bit doesn't damage them it just kind of warps them a little bit but so you always want some form of a plate on top if it's a thick embossing folder you want the embossing pad if it's a standard thickness you just need a clear plate all right let's put that over there we don't need those and we get this kind of almost a psychedelic little pattern here right this kind of like huh well the thing is I have this on here centered crooked what else is new see if I can get that off of there [Music] oh kind of yeah I had it I had it crooked I have a stigmatism I'm sure you've heard me tell you that and uh sometimes it just doesn't work all right so what I want to do is I'm not going to put this down yet because I want to be able to line this up in the circles so I want it to be kind of like following this circles and it's going to hang over a little bit so I'm going to center it in there y get my image the direction that I want it think I want it like that I'm going to flip it over get my scissors and I'm going to trim right along the edge of that vanilla card stock okay and that's what's going to give you that little bit of a cut off edge look so now I'm going to go ahead and get it on my card get some tape on here my card's got weird stuff on it that's weird I'm going to put this on here so this piece I think is 4 by 5 and A4 or so or not because I didn't think I cut it right oh wow I didn't cut that piece right let me uh let me fix that it's not four it's four and a quarter we cut that edge off that's I didn't have that right it was the same size as the base did you see that sometimes there's mistakes and we just fix them or embellish right all right so now we're going to add some dimensionals diamonds craft room diamonds ladies that's what they are all right and we're going to line this right back up on the edge here in that same set of circles that we used before line that right up there I think I'm too high and we are going to go just like that so you still have this little cutaway here right now for that pop of color right get our black ink out and we're going to use this little butterfly that has dimensional backing stuck to it going to do this little butterfly and we're going to grab some petunia pop Blends now any color if you're not a purple girl by all means grab some yellow or blue or orange you can make your butterfly any color you want because the whole idea is to Spotlight this color you know the stamp set is called Spotlight on nature kind of goes goes with you know the theme of just spotlighting the color or the card just get some I'm starting with the light on this one a lot of times I start with the dark and then blend in the light I'm not really going to blend this card the image is kind of small for that so I'm starting with the light and then I'm going to add the dark I found that when there's this when they're this small and the colors are kind of close that it seems to work better if I just add the color that I want where where I want it because when they're small images they're just a little bit harder to get to be a little bit more two-tone they just kind of bleed together because the area is too small so I just got some highs and some lows there now as I said there's not a die set for this stamp set so what are we going to do here we're going to go with an old old oldfashioned die it looks like this has two little silver points and the other one has some little handles with holes in them the holes you put your fingers in the oldfashioned die cut I know but you know there's a lot of stamps that don't have dyes I'm sure you have a lot of them and so so you know sometimes we just need to do a little fussy cutting so when I'm doing my cutting if you notice I'm turning the paper not the scissors the scissors are pretty much staying in one position away from me and I'm getting my paper way down into the Nook of the scissors and then I just as I close the scissors I move the paper where I want it and I try to keep it as far into the scissors as possible I just have a little a little more control over what I'm cutting or where I'm cutting when I do that obviously these long stretches I'm going to close them but I just it's a little bit easier you get this nice little fine edge of white around it in this case vanilla don't cut off my antenna get rid of that get these kind of rounded out at the top and zigzag a little there we go there we go there's our nice little butterfly let me grab that bone folder bone folders aren't just for creasing you know your P your card stock in half here but it it also kind of stretches and breaks down the fibers of the card stock when you roll it like this because I want to give this butterfly some little movement on his wings grab a little diamond and I'm going to oh probably right about oh let's say here okay now I'm going to grab a little half inch strip of paper my black ink again and my greeting thanks thank you for stopping by and visiting with me today ooh you see how that worked out let me grab another piece of paper that's just you know happens I guess right let's do that let's recut that you know what I did is I rocked I rocked the stamp so I if you notice I rocked the stamp so I got this little funny little line here well and I've already trimmed this stamp because it was like doing that a lot and don't you know I just cut it I just took my rubber scissors and cut it but what happens is you when you put your stamp down if you rock it rather than to just go down and straight up you get that funny little line although I'm getting it again huh I think I need to trim that stamp a little bit more that let me show you how I did that real quick so I took my rubber scissors wherever those might be um well you know what I'm just going to use these ones they'll work too and I'm just going to cut the rubber right where it was bothering me and just take that rubber right off there now let's see if it does the same thing get another little piece of paper here try that again it's just a little piece of paper nope I'm not getting that little line there this time so sometimes you just have to trim your stamps all right Perfect Look at that no more goofy line all right now I'm going to just give these a little bit of an angle just to dress it up just a little bit pop that up on a dimensional make it look like my bird's trying to land on my my bird my butterfly is trying to land on my thank you then we're going to add a little bit of texture now this card is perfect just like this for those of you that are non ribbon lovers but I wanted to add a little bit more textile to my card so I'm going to do my two little Loops I call them bunny ears and we're going to tie his ears together just like that so I was doing a Boe the other day and I was like you know I remember having a neighbor's dog that had these really really really long ears and we used to as kids my girlfriend and I we would tie his ears together and see how long it took him to get them undone of course a good Shake on their head and they were usually undone but sometimes it was two shakes we didn't hurt the dog though we just played with them all right let's get some ribbon trim get my Tails cut off a little bit grab a glue dot so when I do my glue dots I actually put the ribbon onto the glue Dot and then it lifts right off that way I'm not touching the glue Dot and just getting it all over the place right and we're just going to give this a little bit of a bow right there and again you know we could be done this is a stunning card I love simple cards like this simple in color contrast but I'm going to add a little bling okay let's get my take my pick tool flop over that little piece so the take your pick tool comes just like this you have a little paper picker upper a little tiny piece picker upper and this piece you have a piercing tool or a spatula so one tool three Tools in one I'm going to grab let's see let's grab a big one and a little one These Are the In Color Shimmer Glam shim gems use another big one put it up here I'll put it over here again these are the 2024 2026 in colors petunia pop pretty and pink sh um Summer Splash shy Shamrock and peach pie probably look more shimmery if I put them on black clearly I've been using these a lot they are just beautiful and voila A girl's got to have a little bling with her butterflies right but I love how these dots just kind of like match with these circles so again feel free to visit me at any time Chop on over to my blog at Stampers links in the bottom of course I'm over on Facebook I'd love to have you guys share some some of your creations with me or if you did the same card with a different butterfly I'd love to see what color you Cho chose and you can check me out at Stampers Club on Facebook also but I enjoyed being with you today enjoyed sharing my card with you today and I hope you have a great rest of your day bye for now
Channel: Stampers Club with Karen Trelfa
Views: 722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spotlight on nature, stampin up, stampers club, wow cards, thank you card, black and white card, technique card, stampin blends, coloring
Id: IYciZppI5kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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