DIY Valentine's Day Ideas | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] good morning Caillou good morning Happy Valentine's Day Caillou was excited when he remembered that Leo was having a Valentine's party today I'm going to make Valentine's cards that's right you could bring them to Leo's party to give to your friends and they'll give you cards too mommy explained that Valentine's Day was a day to show people how much you cared about them this shirt is perfect red the color of [Music] love I want to make a heart okay we'll do it together [Music] wow good work Caillou now you can decorate it and choose who it's for Caillou tried to decide who he would give the Valentine card to this one's for Clementine she likes Stars where's the glue H that's funny I'm sure it was here somewhere here's the glue we're all done with [Music] it Caillou worked very hard at making special Valentine's for his friends I'm finished Mommy I need one for Leo and Clementine and Xavier and Emma the cards look wonderful Caillou I'm sure they'll all be very happy H you better put your coat on we're going to be late Caillou couldn't wait to get to io's party the Valentine's here you go Caillou I put them in a bag for you you thank you have a good time bye [Music] daddy when Caillou got to Leo's house all he could think about was giving the cards to his friends did you give out the Valentine's yet no we're waiting for you caou caou come on okay okay does everybody have their Valentine's ready then go ahead and give them out this one's for you Clementine Happy Valentine's Day wow it's pretty I made it that one's me and that's [Music] you [Music] here Caillou thanks wow wow it's nice Caillou was glad his friends liked his Valentine's did you give all of yours out huh Caillou hadn't seen that Val Valentine before I didn't make this one [Music] hey it's for you it has your name on it but Caillou had already received a Valentine from everyone did someone give Caillou two Valentine's Caillou wondered who made him the card looks like someone gave you a mystery Valentine [Music] y cookies Caillou was impressed by all the sparkles on the cookies and they were delicious too but he was still wondering who the mystery Valentine was from your mom will be here soon Caillou why don't you take a few cookies home thanks thanks bye mommy did you give me this one no I didn't make it you don't know who it's from well that's quite a mystery we'll have to investigate at home Caillou was determined to figure out who the mystery Valentine was from daddy daddy is it from you no it's not for me why do we look for some Clues there's a clue a cat's paw print Gilbert it's from Gilbert I don't think Gilbert could make a card but Gilbert must have been watching the person who was painting the card now Caillou was really puzzled he had no idea who made made him the Valentine are you sure you thought of everyone Caillou I think there's someone you forgot Rosie Rosie did you make this card for me Rosie do it we worked hard on that Secret Valentine didn't we Rosie thanks Happy Valentine's Day I have something for you Rosie yummy sticky thank you Caillou thank you Caillou Rosie too Caillou caou [Music] yay play [Music] ball we're going to watch Daddy's baseball game mommy daddy I'm ready okay okay we're ready Rosie ready too you have a tiger on your shirt that's because my team is called the Tiger Let's go Team Caillou was very excited to go see his daddy playing baseball are we going to cheer for daddy Caillou [Music] yeah look Daddy's the one with the bat hit it Daddy hit it y y [Applause] [Music] Caillou was getting bored just watching the game a Caillou Daddy's over on the bench now why don't you go see him can I hit the ball daddy these bats are too big and heavy for you but after the game we'll use your bat okay oh okay Daddy Caillou was very happy to be part of Daddy's team can I have a tiger shirt too hey I've got just the thing for you Caillou you can get this sewn onto your T-shirt the crest made Caillou feel very [Music] special oo I'm [Applause] thirsty want some water too I can do it Daddy yay Caillou is excited to see his daddy scoring a run yeah thanks Caillou you're a pretty good water boy what's a water boy the person in charge of giving water to Thirsty people oh [Music] oh we're winning [Applause] Caillou I was the water boy look Mommy very nice tiger can we play baseball now we sure [Music] can yay cou I win Caillou was very proud to have scored a run for the Tigers where did the ball [Music] go Rosie's on the tiger team [Music] too dock sled [Music] ahead [Music] come on Caillou it's cold outside don't you like your new snowsuit I don't want to wear it Caillou liked his old snowsuit better I think you're going to need it when we go to baining Caillou was so excited to go tobogganing that he couldn't stand [Music] still Caillou couldn't wait to slide down a really big hill come on Caillou we're ready to [Music] go hold on tight wa Caillou enjoyed watching everyone sliding down the hill W he noticed all kinds of people and all kinds of different toboggans some of them were very funny I want to slide down the hill too okay Caillou but before sliding down we have to climb up me [Music] too Caillou was determined to get to the top of the hill come [Music] [Applause] on it's a race me and Daddy against Rosie and Mommy okay we'll see you at the bottom Caillou thought the bottom of the hill was a long way down don't worry Caillou it'll be lots of fun and if we go too fast I can use my feet like brakes ready [Music] go CA try to catch us [Music] Rosie Caillou grew more excited as the tobogan picked up up speed we're almost at the Finish Line W [Music] bye-bye did we win the race Daddy no we went faster but mommy and Rosie got to the Finish Line first come on let's go again I want to [Music] win it's a dog can we go see sure let's take a [Music] look Caillou had never seen a dog pulling a sled before he pa pa he was impressed by the way the dog followed the commands [Applause] well that's it for today folks hi there what's your name Caillou I'm Tom and this is shinuk she's a husky dog and she loves the snow Caillou was fascinated by shinuk see shuk's fur is like your snowsuit it keeps her warm when she's pulling the sled through the snow no Caillou noticed that Chinook's sled was different from his I have a sled and a nice one too but shinook pulls a special kind of sled say Caillou would you like to take a ride with [Music] shinook Caillou felt a bit scared he'd never been in a dog sled before don't worry I'm sure shanuk will will be very careful does your little sister want to come along for a ride too Caillou come on Rosie you can sit with me encouraging Rosie made Caillou feel better too he felt safer now that they were riding together let's tell shinook we're ready to go hike hike hike Caillou felt like he was driving the sled now I'll tell her to turn [Music] left now you can tell her to stop say whoo wo try a little louder wo y y Caillou was happy that shinook listened to him shinuk and I have to go home now but I'm sure she'd love it if you gave her a pat on the head since she did such a great job bye Shino hike bye caou wish shinook was coming home with [Music] him daddy can we get a dog like shinook no it would be nice to get a ride home with her but you'll have to settle for the car today come on in you go [Music] hike Caillou you should take off your snowsuit first you'll be hot no I want to wear it Caillou liked his new snowsuit so much now he didn't want to take it off besides Caillou couldn't wait to play sled dog and since he didn't have a dog he tried something else Gilbert you can be the sled cat [Music] wao wa you listen good sled cat Gilbert Teddy is hungry Mommy hungry too it's not quite ready you'll have to wait a few more minutes 1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes is it ready now ready now how about you go get two carrots from the garden I'll prepare them into bunny carrots to munch while you're waiting yay bunny bunny carrots caou and Rosie went out to the vegetable garden where the carrots were growing bunny carrots Caillou had picked carrots before and knew they were ready to be picked this [Music] one then it was Rosie's turn to get a bunny carrot pull [Music] hard no Rosie mommy has to wash them [Music] first because it was such a nice day Mommy decided they should eat their lunch outside hey you twoo need to wash those hands before you eat off you [Music] go Caillou couldn't find his bunny carrots anywhere he wondered what had happened to them gone I can't find them this is very strange I guess it's a mystery the case of the disappearing carrots I'll pick some more for you Caillou was really puzzled where could those carrots have gone Mommy Mommy a rabbit there's a rabbit he has a carrot really this way are you sure it was a rabbit yes a little white rabbit there it is a you maybe the rabbit will come back Caillou thought he spotted the rabbit's white tail in the garden but there was no rabbit Ellie Caillou was so disappointed he thought that he would never see that little white bunny again then he felt something pulling on his carrot look Mommy oh my goodness it is a rabbit bunny I told you I saw him be careful he doesn't know you snowball so this is where you're hiding is this your rabbit Mr Hinkle no it's mine I'm Nancy I'm visiting my brother here and somehow snowball escaped from his cage we've been looking everywhere for this little guy would you like to Pat snowball oh well I guess that's solves the case of the disappearing carrots and I found a lost [Music] bunny Caillou marches on I'm ready Daddy thank you Caillou caou like the sound of the wind in the leaves okay let's go it's such a nice day I thought I'd walk you over to Clementine's instead of taking the [Music] car hi there Caillou hi hello okay Caillou I'll see you at dinner time bye Clementine is playing in her room why don't you go up and surprise her but when he got to the top of the stairs Caillou heard an unusual sound what could it [Music] be oh Clementine what is Billy doing Billy is practicing on his tuba so we have to be very quiet Caillou and Clementine tried really hard not to make any [Music] noise [Music] hey Caillou come on in I bet you've never seen a tuba before sure to play I blow in here like this Caillou is very impressed I want to try okay but it's not as easy as it looks Caillou was frustrated that he couldn't make sounds like Billy it takes a lot of practice to be a musician I play in a marching band at school my friends are on their way here to practice a marching band oh oh yes I've seen them they March around and they play music at the same [Music] time look all the music notes are written on the paper that way I remember what to play Caillou was very impressed that Billy could play music by reading notes on a piece of paper play some more music Billy please okay but my friend will be here soon want to play a music game until they get here I'll play a high note and you try to reach for the ceiling or I play a low note and you try to go as low as you can okay now you guys go up and down as I play look how far down I can go it's a high one I can reach way up [Music] higher Billy your friends are in the backyard got to go see you guys later Caillou was having a great time playing the high and low game he did didn't want to stop I'll get it hey I know let me try Clementine Caillou was using that come on you two I've got an [Music] idea would you two like some cookies what and would you like milk or juice did you say you wanted vinegar well okay then no milk [Music] please ah Billy's band is starting to practice maybe you can listen to them after your snack caou couldn't wait to hear all the musicians play together Caillou was fascinated by the trumpet and the drum we can play music too sorry but it's really difficult for the band to get together in practice we have to be the only ones playing Caillou was very disappointed he wanted to play with the band but we are going to practice marching you can march with us if you want to okay let's practice the steps one 2 three 4 and come on Caillou let's March 1 2 3 four oops Caillou your daddy called he said it's time for dinner soon time to go Caillou wasn't ready to go home yet he wanted to keep marching look oh no my sheet [Music] music there it is Catch it got it yay you caught it Caillou thanks Caillou I couldn't play without this Caillou felt very proud that he helped Billy since the band has to March and we're walking Caillou home why don't we all March together well what do you say guys we do have to practice marching and playing at the same time then let's go yay and you too can play your horns Caillou was excited to March all the way home with the [Music] B hello Caillou what's all this we brought you some music daddy it nearly got away but I caught [Music] it who's mooving Caillou was excited because he was going on a picnic with his family we're going on a picnic we're going on a picnic Rosie is sleeping oh come on let's get our seat belts on because we're going on a picnic after a while of playing quietly Caillou started to feel it was taking a very long time to get to the picnic Are We There Yet Mommy it's still a little bit further sweetie mommy look cow can we go see the cows can we what do you say we have our picnic right over there sure why not Caillou had not seen cows very often he was excited to see them up close hi [Music] cows look who's awake Rosie wanted to watch the cows like Caillou did but it was difficult to climb need a hand Rosie up you go I want to go up too okay what are the cows saying I think in their own special way they're saying hello Caillou loved watching the cows Rosie hungry well then time for [Music] lunch take your time Caillou we've got all afternoon I want to go see the cow some more just a minute I'll go with you I'll bring along your plane we can play later Rosie do you want to go see the cows with Mommy okay just finish your Apple first Caillou can I try your airplane okay hooray good [Music] daddy my airplane I'll get it thank you Daddy yay honest I was just leaving goodbye be careful there thanks that was close pH anybody thirsty I have a special treat it was one of Caillou's favorites chocolate [Music] milk how do you like it [Music] Caillou what's this it means I love Ito M me [Music] too follow that [Music] sound one Snowy Evening grandma was having a visit with Caillou and Rosie H honk vroom vroom does you knows honk Rosie honk honk [Laughter] H what was that maybe it's a monster uhoh Caillou knew there wasn't really a monster but it was fun to imagine one oh I don't think a monster could fit under there the snowplow Caillou loved the snowplow and all the neat sounds it made vroom vroom and all the clowns danced out of the circus tent ready for the big parade there's that squeaky sound again but now it's squeaking and thumping and it's coming from over there maybe it's a dinosaur I'll go check Caillou was imagining he was following the tracks of a dinosaur well hello there I'm following a dinosaur Mommy and it's down there maybe Daddy can help you you have company coming good luck Caillou couldn't hear the squeaky sound anymore but then he heard another sound did you hear that squeaky sound daddy you mean the drill was it sandpaper was it my hammer it's that sound now the sound went squeak and rattle rattle it sounds like it's moving upstairs you better go and check and with that Caillou ran upstairs to follow that sound he didn't know where to look next but then he heard some very familiar sounds down the hall and knew just who to ask have you found your dinosaur yet dinosaur I thought it was a monster it could be a spaceship a monster a dinosaur a spaceship what kind of sound could that be come on follow me Caillou couldn't believe it there wasn't anybody in his room but Gilbert how could Gilbert have been making such a strange [Music] sound why that's one of Rosy's old baby toys Gilbert must have got it out of the bath toy pale well now we know what squeaks and rattles and thumps don't we Caillou [Music] Gilbert music [Music] box Caillou Mommy how did you get all tangled up in my coat I don't know what are you doing Mommy I'm going to put all these things up in the attic I'll help you okay you carry this hat thank you Caillou Caillou liked coming to the attic because it was full of surprises look Mommy I'd completely forgotten about those this was my music box when I was little Caillou like the music that came out of the music box and this was my favorite bear the bear has a hole in its head you want to help me fix it h there now he's a pirate bear Caillou found that the bear was more fun since the music box didn't play music [Music] anymore I'm a pirate me Caillou no Rosie Rosie come here I have something for you here comes the pirate ship that was the music box [Music] playing I want to play with the music box mine you want this no you want my pirate ship no you can play with my pirate bear if you want Rosie really liked the bear so she decided to let Caillou have the music box in exchange now that the music box had stopped playing Caillou wanted his bear back here Rosie you can play with the music box no I want my pirate bear mine what's going on I want my bear back the music box is broken let me see the music box look if you turn this key and open the music box it starts playing why don't you and Rosie take turns playing with it Caillou was not happy taking turns he wanted to play with the music box and the Bear what have we here Pirates have you found a treasure It's the Music Box pirate bear is guarding it okay Caillou and Rosie had decided to play Pirates together daddy my daddy shows me how to do lots of neat stuff we like skating except it's not that easy at first wow and sometimes daddy acts silly but he always knows how to take care of us when I grow up I want to be just like my daddy and this animal is big really really big big big like a dinosaur it's an elephant o and we'll see elephants today at the zoo I love elephants let's get ready we'll pick up Daddy from work on the way home ready okay Caillou was very excited about going to the zoo he wanted to show Rosie all about elephants they were his favorite all the animals seem to be talking at the same time what was that I think I know I'll give you a clue it's got feathers a bird mhm a parrot caou thought the parrot was beautiful but his mind was set on seeing the elephants elephants which way should we go this way that's right this [Music] way a monkey you like [Music] them the monkeys were really funny but Caillou wanted to go on to see the big [Music] elephants what's that it's a hippopotamus the hippopotamus was very impressive it was quite a big animal wow he's big but the elephants are even bigger let's go would you like to have a piggyback ride to go see the elephants wow Caillou couldn't believe his eyes he was finally seeing the elephants and he was very very happy elephant Caillou had a good long look at the Elephant he thought they were the biggest animals he had ever seen so big you like them Rosie it's a baby elephant with a daddy [Music] elephant he's so strong the baby is eating the daddy elephant is coming closer he's having a [Music] bath he's waving he's saying hello wow elant [Applause] hello [Music] hello Caillou and the [Music] Sheep are you ready to go sh mommy is trying to get some rest in the living room sh mommy has a cold and while she rests we're going to go visit a special friend of mine CAO loved going on adventures with Grandma there were always so many Surprises by [Music] cou bye daddy bye Rosie [Music] what's [Music] [Applause] that sheep wow Grandma sheep look Caillou was very excited he had never seen sheep that close before it's eating grass oh it's only saying hello dear hello hello there hello Emma Caillou wanted to stay with the Sheep but he knew that he had to follow [Music] Grandma Emma it's so good to see you and who is this handsome young man this is my grandson Caillou Emma owns this Farm arm Caillou was a little shy with Emma but he was completely fascinated by everything around him a [Music] sheep come on in and I'll show you all the wonderful things we do with the wool from the Sheep we have on the farm wow Caillou could not believe his eyes there was a rainbow of beautiful colors and this couldn't be Mary could it look at you all grown up oh oh I got it thanks Caillou had never seen a spinning wheel before he wasn't sure what it could be used for we used the spinning wheel to spin wool into yarn it's been around for a long time why it used to belong belong to my grandmother Caillou I use it in the shop as a decoration but it still works do you want to touch it it's wool from the Sheep the wool felt very soft to Caillou here I'll show you how it's done you have to stretch it Mary can you give me a hand [Music] sure Grand look Caillou thought it was pretty neat that the wol began turning into yarn it was almost like magic Wow isn't that amazing do you want to go see the sheep with me and that was exactly what Caillou wanted to do go ahead Caillou yeah we'll have some tea and chat Caillou thought the Sheep looked very funny it was much skinnier than the other sheep where did did its wool go why is it like that dad probably just sheared him come and see Mary wait Caillou couldn't believe what he was seeing the man was taking the wool right off the Sheep's back dad really concentrates when he shears sheep I bet he won't even notice us is the Sheep Co oh no and is will a girl back come on I want to show you something else what it's a surprise Caillou was curious to see what would come next is this wool yes it is wow oh no he got out of his box again Caillou was a little scared come on now now back in your box this sheep was much smaller than the other sheep it looked like a baby and it did not seem to want to listen to Mary at all come on he drinks milk from a bottle like Rosie used to is he a baby yep we call a baby sheep a lamb and lamb love milk like all babies do the Lamb's wool seemed even softer than the other wool he had touched before Caillou really like the lamb now let's try to get him back into his box do you want to hold the bottle [Music] okay you just have to back up the lamb will follow you I'll open the [Music] door okay Caillou you can come out now sorry no more thanks Caillou Caillou was very proud to have helped we had a great time Emma thank you so much we have to do this more often oh definitely where's Mary Mary here you go Caillou it's for you Caillou thank you look daddy sh mom is sleeping in the living room look daddy I got a sheep me and Rosie gets a sheep too me too Caillou decided that his sheep would be good company and help mommy sleep [Music] better [Laughter] gber Caillou and the puppies we're going to help Mr Hinkle yes to make a dog house a dog house hello Mr Hinkle hello glad you could come and help and hello to you too Caillou where's the doggy Caillou hello Mr Hinkle they're not one but three dogs two puppies and a mommy listen that's one of them it's a [Music] puppy 1 2 3 want to play with them Caillou Caillou was excited to play with the puppies he liked them very much but sometimes he felt nervous playing with dogs that's a good girl Mimi Come on here girl she's the Mommy hello Mimi she likes you I didn't know you were opening a kennel Mr Hinkle I'm looking after the dogs for a friend who's moving to a new home the dog house is a surprise for him Caillou was still a little nervous but he liked the puppies very much they were so full of wa they're very excited to play with you oh where' the spotted puppy go Mr hle he can't be far I bet he's hiding I'll go and find him have fun here [Music] puppy Caillou had so much fun playing with one puppy that he almost forgot to look for the other one then he remembered where's your spot puppy that's not a puppy that's a [Music] ball puppy I can't find the spotted puppy Mr Hinkle don't worry their mommy keeps a careful eye on them he's probably still playing his game I hear him puppy puppy where are you h hiding there you are the puppy was playing hide and seek caou love this game where's the puppy he ran over here I didn't see him we'll just put this roof on and then we'll have a little look there he is there all done I hope the dogs like it come here Mimi Come on puppy do you like it it's a great house I love it I think they like the house Mr Hinkle they're going to [Music] sleep I think they like you [Music] too the duck family I got it Daddy okay Caillou one more time it's too far hold on Caillou wait for me don't worry we'll get it back somehow Ducks it looks like they're having a family picnic too caou loved watching the the duck family it sounds like they're [Music] laughing what are they doing they're probably looking for something to eat under the water Caillou couldn't imagine how ducks found food underwater they're hiding no look they're coming back one's missing oh there he is Caillou is having fun playing hide and seek with the Ducks daddy look I think we scared them Caillou was sorry they had scared the Ducks he wanted to keep watching them I have an idea come on now I'll show you how to speak like a duck ready quack quack Caillou thought duck spoke a very strange language but he decided to give it a try quack quack look daddy they're coming that's the father duck see his colorful feathers Caillou wanted the whole family to come out of the water quack quack quack quack quack quack daddy Caillou was thrilled to be so close to such a tiny duckling hi little duck why are they leaving the mother duck is just making sure her ducklings don't get lost Caillou come on let's go see your mother duck B you found it Caillou had been having so much fun with the Ducks that he'd completely forgotten about his ball if I were a duck I could swim over there to get it great job I'll carry it come on we better get you home and cleaned up I don't want to take a bath but there's someone waiting for you in the tub quack quack [Music] quack Clementine's new pet caill that was Clementine on the phone she just got a new pet and we're invited to go see it want to go Caillou could not wait to play with Clementine's pet I know Clementine didn't get a cat can you guess what she got Caillou's own pet was Gilbert a cat what else could a pet be a dog true a dog can be a pet but that's not it try again look Mommy oh my maybe Clementine got a squirrel nope squirrels are wild animals they live outside let's see I'll give you a hint Clementine's pet is orange what could be orange thought Caillou a dinosaur oh my that would be something I guess you'll soon find [Music] out hello hello please come in come see he makes bubbles what kind of an animal could blow bubbles Caillou wondered a fish sh what does he eat I like hot dogs and cookies here you go sweetie now just a little bit okay he eats fish food see take a tiny pinch and drop it on the water wow my little fish will get too warm if he keeps his jacket on okay thank you Caillou do you want to play hi fish his name is Goldie because he's a [Music] goldfish the fish seemed to stop a moment to say hello Caillou was delighted goldfish goldfish Goldie the gold one for a snack Goldie the Goldfish I can eat like [Music] Goldie let's draw Goldie it's for you thank you it's beautiful Caillou will be leaving soon all right Caillou did not want to go just yet he had a surprise in mind Caillou was happy Goldie was looking at his picture mommy was ready to go back home here it's for Goldie bye Clementine hello Clementine has a goldfish named Goldie and he liked my drawing Goldie is not the only one who likes it hey cubert it's mommy's drawing mommy mommy is great she takes me to fun places is like the beach mommy says it's fun to try new things and she likes it when I draw her pictures it's beautiful Caillou thank you and I like it when she tucks me in at night
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 56,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: WRWojIsaBZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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