Tips for Installing New Flooring in RV with a Slide | S2:E10

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everyone welcome back what I'm going to talk about today is installing a new flooring in our RV now last winter I watched probably every video out there on people putting in new flooring and if you've got an older RV and you want to update it maybe look make it look a little bit newer a lot of people are putting into laminate vinyl flooring and that's kind of what we had decided to put down but after looking at all the videos and hearing some information from some flooring people what I decided to do was put down a solid sheet of vinyl now the laminate flooring I really like there's a lot of different choices out there patterns colors it's easy to put down you can work on a little bit at a time and work your way through but a couple of things that I didn't like is I've talked to people who have it in their house and they had a few issues with the panel separating either from heat or humidity now inside a camper and it's going to sit all winter it's unheated in the summer it's sitting and if you're not using it it can be over a hundred degrees and you put that with the fact that you're going to pull it down the road and it's going to bounce around you have a chance of some panels separating so that's why we decided on the vinyl and what we've done I didn't put it on the slide and I'll tell you Hawaii we've seen I seen a lot of videos where people are putting it on their slide out and it looks good the only thing you have to contend with is like on this slide here this manufacturer the slide itself goes down behind this track but to cover it you would have to leave a piece of vinyl sticking out a little bit over the top of this just to cover it which isn't an issue but the issue is when you have your slide in you've got that piece of vinyl that's sticking out with no support underneath it now we use our camper we'll take it for a couple weeks at a time in the summer and we can stop an arrest park and if we want to eat lunch in it whatever we can access everything with our slide in but if we're gonna walk through this area with the slide in and you've got this piece of vinyl sticking out you got a high chance of breaking that off so what I opted to do was leave this carpet and that's going to be a later date we're just going to pull this carpet out get a new piece and put in there and then we don't have to worry about it I didn't want to take a chance on having to every time we walk in here we snap off the piece of vinyl so another thing we run into and I seen this on somebody's video and I'm gonna pull this slide in a little bit and I'll show you another problem okay I watched the video last when Aaronson people put their flooring down he did the laminate and he did an excellent job on it looked great but when they brought their slide in it got most of the way in and where it sets down on the floor it put a big scratch gouge in the floor and there was either a nail or screw or something out of here that they didn't know about so if I wouldn't have seen that video I wouldn't have thought anything of it so I looked underneath this and it's a piece of wood and it's rough and although there's nothing that's really gonna gouge the flooring it's not a smooth surface and I figured every time that comes in when it gets in about 3/4 away it drops down on the floor and it has to slide on here and it's wood but it's rough and I thought that's gonna start scratching the floor and another thing I figured out the way the reason they put carpet in these our v's will have Park carpet Park vinyl that carpet is a guide for this to run on because when this slide comes in you got about a half inch of carpet there and it lays on that when I had everything stripped out of it and I run the slide in you can see that slide would actually drop that extra half-inch and that whole slide assembly you can see a tip when it come in and then it took when it go out now if you've got a slide on your RV sooner or later you're going to have problems with it they're going to have some issues and I thought that just looked like added stress and it's something I didn't want to you know have a breakdown out on a road where the slides not working right so what I've come up with when I got the flooring from the flooring store the guy gave me some remnant carpet and I cut these strips out of it and I just put foil taper on the edge to keep the fibers from all falling off so when we pull our slide in I'll just put these down with the carpet side down that slide will come in it'll go right over the top and it hits about right here and then it'll use this as a cushion to come in and so it can't contact the floor it can't scuff it and it also holds the slide up and I'll do these all the way down it's about 12 feet and I think I've got six of them here so it supports that thing this slide so it doesn't drop down and puts takes the stress off of it so that worked out good a little bit inconvenience every time we want to remove the slide we've got to lay these down but I'd rather deal with this than have an issue with the slide so it works out real good it protects the floor it keeps the slide from stressing too much by moving and bouncing around and here I'll show you how we did the vinyl flooring it's a little bit more complicated to do than the laminate because you've got one sheet you've got to get that thing in here and get a cut so here I'm going to show you next how we did it fairly simple way okay what I did go to your home improvement store and get a roll of this paper it's almost like a paper bag material so once I had the old flooring taken out the carpet the vinyl all the nails the floor was nice and clean no rough spots I laid this paper down from one end to the other and make a big pattern out of your on your floor and cut a few holes in it put tape on it'll keep it from shifting but all your little corners you just make little filler pieces tape everything together tape your seams and you're basically making you follow all around your corners all your little nooks and crannies and make a paper template of it so get this out of here roll it up best you can get it out the door taking layer new vinyl out on a clean surface like a garage floor something that's smooth and flat well you got enough room to work lay this paper pattern out there tape it down and then just trace it out and add about an inch going inch bigger on your vinyl than your pattern in case you've got any mistakes where it might have shifted or come a little bit loose cut the vinyl out and we laid the vinyl down in here made sure we had about the same overlap all the way around it was running parallel with everything and once it's in then we just pulled up one whole side of it and applied the glue now I wanted to glue this down so when we slide furniture on it's not going to pull up the vinyl or anything or buckle it but we pulled out the vinyl to the halfway point and I child my glue on there and it's a real thin glue it's like a 1/32 inch notch trowel you use glue it down lay this out flatten out by hand and once we got that side lay down where we wanted it then we just did the other side pulled it up glued it and then all we had to do is just go around the edges and trim and that was a little bit time-consuming to get it in the corners real nice but once it's done we've got a scene 3/4 it's not gonna come apart I feel like a laminate and I just used a clear silicone to go all around the edges here especially in the kitchen if you're going to spill water or something because you got bare plywood underneath here and that way it'll keep anything from seeping in there and ruining your subfloor but it works out real good it's glued down solid we've got a recliner that's in here to go down the road we didn't want it shifting around and pushing on the vinyl so that's why I glued it down and we're real happy with it like I said that's going to be a future date we're gonna pull this carpet out just updated get a new piece cut and we won't have to worry about damaging an edge and we're really happy with it it come out good I don't know cost-wise if it's any cheaper or more expensive than some of the vinyls the plank but we're real happy with it we did buy top quality final buy mannington so it looks good it feels good so we're happy with it like comment subscribe anything else you want to do thanks for watching
Channel: Pleasant Valley Outdoors
Views: 107,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: installing flooring in RV, vinyl RV floor, new floor in RV, DIY RV flooring, tips for installing RV flooring
Id: 5McoiOFNmfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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