The ABANDONED apartment - it's BAD! ep1

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well hello again Martin here we're at another flat today that my investor friend has just bought we're going to have a quick look at it and see you have a look around now I must warn you it's a bit Grim this one so let's go okay first thing we see is the usual thing I'm looking at everybody's got their bins outside my bit and I think that's ours as well so there seems to be an awful lot of um somebody else's positions yeah anyway let's go and have a look number five here we go okay the usual pile of mail behind the front door and what a peach this is [Laughter] uh this is as Grim as you like always stinks I'll tell you what it really stinks I do know some of the history of the flat apparently the previous owner died unexpectedly I don't know if he died here or elsewhere but uh the flat is in pretty groomed condition so here we go okay well we've got um just well I'll just let you have a look it is grim we've got secondary double glazing here with old-fashioned uh wooden windows wooden casement windows a bit of damp there I think I'm not sure if it's that part oh look I've got a cable I'm not even going to touch that um there's some mac on the walls okay this is the kitchen now the ceilings coming down here now from what I heard there was a leak in the flat above but it leaked for seven years and the poor Champ here was a bit of a recluse and he never told anybody he just lived with it so um this is pretty grim everything is rotted away all the woodwork seems to have go back to that um a lot of the woodwork seems to have rotted from Jesus man look at that you can't see that but that is actually Rusty look look oh look at that oh my God that is so sticky uh lovely oh yes indeed I I don't know if I even gonna open this look at that oh craky yeah that's just as bad look at that disgusting it really does smell in here and I'm not bothered by such things but it really does smell bad so nicer than to put a unit straight over the cooker you can I hope you're getting a feel for the place now now look here in the corner look these tails are just it's because of the um I think probably due to the leak from upstairs but look at this look at this data oh that's deal I'm an eating them hole in the ceiling for something now I can hear lots of flies you might not be able to see them I can hear lots of flies knocking the bed now around the window frames okay so there's a it looks like a dirt floor down there obviously this is going to be oh completely stripped out I am and the fridge let's have a look in the fridge I don't know if you remember but um one of the flats we went to before somebody left some food in the fridge oh that stinks oh geez man look at that yeah that's going straight straight to the tip [Music] we got up here I've got some paperwork of some sort I don't know what that is okay so that's the uh oh it's the bathroom oh another thing oh yet again look I've inherited another fuse board with a re-wearable fuses I don't know how old that is I forgot how twisty or not no didn't seem to be anything okay so it tastes just the studio flat because this is like the living room come bedroom it's got the kitchen there and this is the bathroom but it's got these kind of inner hallways which will be taking out give them more space oh look at this look here we go look that is completely rotted away and completely loose it's not even connected there's a fan up there with the blue of some sort there's something it's only stackable of course but that just shows you how rotten the whole place was look let me show you the skirting okay here's a bit of scratchy board good the whole thing is just completely rotted because of the leak from upstairs right now look at all that look down there oh it really does smell bad in here fancy a shower and no thank you anyway on a serious note why not look at this okay these are all just [Applause] well they want it long to get off poor chap whoever was living here poor chap anyway on a serious note let's go right to the front okay so this is one bed sorry no it's not one bed it's a studio but we're going to convert it excuse me we're going to convert it to a one bed so this part here which is the living room will still be the living room this area here which is the kitchen and there's a cupboard here as well that'll be well this wall here is going to move much further down and this will become the bedroom and then we'll have a small bathroom this bathroom is quite a big size plus we've got this maybe four or five feet this kind of anti-room here so the bathroom probably won't change it'll change its layout but it won't change much in size and that'll be the bathroom over there this will be the kitchen and sorry this will be the bedroom and then the kitchen is going to be just a couple of units in that corner just up probably up to the window along the back there because this flat is quite small and it's only going to be it's only going to be a one person flat maybe not even a couple flat because it is very small so it's only going to be a one person flat now for one person you don't need a lot of units you need your Hub you need your sink you need three or four base units and a couple of wall units and that's all you need you don't need a big kitchen so in that corner just along there a couple of units there two or three units there will be perfect so um it does smell bad I'm sorry it does smell bad but you know what it's not a bad little place poor chap whoever lived here before lived here like this and that's really sad actually anyway I'm going to gather up the mail see if there's any I'm going to gather up the mail see if there's anything to be sent on to the uh previous order which is the the the deceased brother I believe and uh when we go back to the office I've got a bit of a plan already because the the lady next door very kindly a few months ago let me into her place so that I could make some measurements because our place has got quite a different layout to this and hers is one bedroom too so see let me have a look in and let me measure our purpose so when we go back to the office I'll show you some plans and some designs that we're thinking of doing okay I hope to get this job I think I will get the job of this because I've done a couple already for the owner and I expect to get the job of renovating this so hopefully now it'll be quite interesting I'm sure all right so let's go back to the office now and I'll catch up with you in a minute so we're back at the office now and that flat was extremely dirty and extremely smelly but uh there we are so as I was mentioning earlier I've got some plans uh of the neighbor's house so I'll show you that but I'll show you first of all the floor plan that came with the flat which I've been given here we are right so there's the floor plan uh you can see it there okay so obviously uh bedroom come living room kitchen and bathroom and you see we've got this this kind of let me point with this we've got this old area odd area here and this massive area here which is just a waste of space so when I've done is I can show you here I have made a copy of what's basically the outline not the uh internal walls and just the outline of what we have so this is what the neighbors one looks like which has been obviously it's a mirror image of ours so it's it's opposite but she's got bedroom bathroom little kitchen area with a wall now that's got a wall we're thinking of just having a breakfast bar or something and uh so anyway what I'm going to do on here just give it a second on here is I've got all these look I've got all these which I've made okay so I've got these are all 20 to one uh armchair a 30 inch door bedside cabinets shower tray 900 shower tray two seats or sofa things like that Dressing Table I've got everything here oh here's the bathroom sink okay so we can play it making houses here for example you could put the armchair there you can have the double bed here for example you can have the double bed there bedtime camping at either side it's just to give you an idea of um what sort of layout you could have you could have a wall across here if I was to put a wall across here okay then you've got a double bedroom and you've got this bathroom here uh here's the bath in fact I think well I have a bath here but I don't think we're going to use that I think we're just going to have a shower so let's say shower in the corner something like that uh no actually that's going to go further down a sink in the corner there a door opening in the corner from the bedroom and uh what else we got Twisted toilet gotta have a toilet Comfort the toilet straight okay anyway toilet in this corner wash on Basin shower uh actually that's going to move along because here just here along here we're thinking of having cut that in half so this will be the Wardrobe and this will be the broom cupboard something like that of the kitchen the kitchen will be here I've actually got the kitchen I've got two to 600 units I've got maybe a 500 another 500 I've got um so we could have a little you could have a thousand unit there and two six hundreds enough up to the window and that's really enough so you can have your kitchen sink here and the stove here uh or or vice versa and a couple of um wall units I've gone one thousand there as well I've got a couple of wall units and that really will be big enough I've got a little 300 unit there if you want to add something in so we can play around with this stuff all day making houses so that's the plan I'm going to have a little play around with all the different scenarios that we could have there and uh I'll get back to you maybe not in this video but maybe in another one about uh what we've come up with uh for the best layout it might not be when I went to see the neighbor's flat it looked really good but now that I've drawn it out I can see some parts that I don't like like there's a rectangular room but the corner is cut off to make the door I don't like that kind of thing and there's not really another option to do it so although I've got her drawing here on paper um I'm not necessarily going to follow that completely I might just carry on with my own design okay so um that's it for this video hopefully you've enjoyed yourself uh pity you didn't have smelly Vision because that was Grim alright so I'll catch up with you soon take care and don't forget to watch this space because there'll be lots more coming soon okay bye for now
Channel: My Property Channel
Views: 2,709
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Id: 6C-ljIPCSLg
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Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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