DIY Ribbon Tassel

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hi guys welcome back to my channel it's Laurie from shave three angels the long awaited tassel DIY video awaits I just wanted to show you guys my huge under-the-bed bucket of ribbons so this is what I have to create my tassels and I wanted to start off the video showing you my ribbon supply and we will be getting into a DIY of how I make my tassels here in just a bit so bear with me my second DIY video I'm hoping I can edit these and make them understandable and easy for you guys so give me just a second and I will be back with you at the crafts okay guys so as you see we are back at the craft table and I wanted to go ahead and this DIY was requested a few times so I'm going to go ahead and show you guys how I make my homemade tassels and I actually promised someone that I would make her tassels she went ahead and exchanged some paperclips or swapped some paperclips with me so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and kind of do two things at once here I'm going to make her tassel and then I'm going to show you how I do is so then that way you guys get the video out there as you can see I have my handy dandy little dollar tree organizers and this is my gold and this is my silver as you can tell I prefer the silver versus gold but sometimes you just need a gold accent and in here let me show you kind of what I have these are a larger jump ring I can't remember the size of them but let me get my ruler out and then that way you guys can see how big they are so maybe about one and a half centimeters I don't know what those are on the packaging but I need one of these so I'm going to set that aside and I do have different sizes of these lobster claws this is one of my favorite ones but it only comes in like a package it's either three or four but then I found these bigger ones so I picked up a couple packages of those and these small ones I actually use for charms when I send out charms in my pocket letter so those people that I know who have charm bracelets I will go ahead and get their charm ready so all they have to do is put it on their bracelet but for today's video I'm going to go ahead and use this lobster claw and I really want to let you guys know you got to make sure that these things kind of open I think I've gotten one of these and this lobster claw that just it wouldn't open smoothly it kind of got stuck and I I think I even broke a fingernail over it but so I'm going to use one of these because it's for a tassel and in here I also have assortment of chain I usually shop the Goodwill's in their jewelry department on their 50% offs and I find chain that is that I can use on my tassels um this way it's all together already and I don't have to piece things together so I repurpose those necklaces that's one of them this is a chain that I bought at Joanne's and these come in those packages of chain but it's a little bit smaller and then this is just a different type of silver is almost like a pewter silver chain so that's in here and then I've got the smaller jump rings so that will actually come in handy because this will attach to the the two the two pieces together so when I do the chain with this and I'll show you you good you guys will see where all these rings come in together so I'm going to pull two of those out I'm not sure if I'm going to use both of them but I'll pull that out and I'm actually going to go ahead and use this chain and I want to use this one on this tutorial or this DIY so I'm going to cut off about let me see I do about two inches so I'm going to probably cut it off right there and the way that I do that is I just open it up with my tools and my two favorite tools to use are these spring the needlenose and these bent needle nose ones these are my favorite ones to use when working with these so I'll be using those part of this chain and of course an assortment of ribbon on this one I'm doing a red white and blue theme just because we went through 4th of July just this yesterday so I went and got I had lace in my stock I have this navy blue in my stock and it's kind of sheer and you'll be able to see that a little bit later and then these ones I just went ahead and cut off some of my spools inside my storage container underneath my bed so there's some red white and blue here there was a little bit of this left so I wanted to go ahead and use that up on this tassel and as you can see I just I cut a random amount I don't really I'm really not specific but I can go ahead and show you kind of where I go with that and then of course I always want to add a little bit of that country flare in it and so I add a a bit of this jute twine to them and then that way if I want to add beads I can add beads to them and kind of embellish them that way so there's those I'm also going to need a pair of scissors I don't necessarily use the ruler but I'll leave it out just so that I can kind of show you measurements that I use and I kind of eyeball it and then last but not least I definitely use this I use this silver trim for up at the top of the tassel to where it's right underneath this jump ring and I'll show you how I use that so this is just a silver metallic trim and I think I got this at Hobby Lobby so I have this in silver and I have it in gold and the last but not least I need a alligator clip and this kind of helps me keep everything in place well I am wrapping everything up so let me go ahead and we're going to cut off two inches of this so I might just grab this one here and I try to find where the ring kind of comes together my favorite is this one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to separate that ring it can be hard sometimes folks maybe go the other way there we go now see how that rings separated I don't know if you're going to be able to see that but the Rings separated and I'm actually going to take the one that's opened with me so now all of this can get put away that one okay so now I have that open and I'm going to see I try to get this part of it done because the ribbon part I do last but I want to see if this fits on there comfortably and if it does then I won't need this the this jump ring so this fits on here comfortably and there's enough room for it to move around so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to squeeze them back together and I just I pinch them and if you don't have the strength grab your other needlenose pliers and use those for your strengths and then I just squeeze them together and they should go back in place sometimes you have to kind of go from this angle you guys see that and squeeze them together on the top there so that way you have that smooth there you go and now it's attached together and so I don't attach this until the very end because I want to be able to work with my ring freely this is the bigger ring so I want to be able to work with that without having to tuck this and manage that at the same time so so far I have not needed these smaller jump rings and so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and start placing and figuring out my my ribbon I'm just going to cut some of this dude off so there's that this this and as you can see these are really long and I know that they're really long but what I try to do when I'm making my tassels just because I'm not using a method of measurement I'm just eyeballing it generally if you do eight inches of ribbon and you fold it in half through the jump ring you're going to get a four inch tassel so again if you're going to go ten inches you're going to get a five inch tassel so just remember to cut that number in half like I said I go through and I just snip off some ribbon and the extras I put in a box and I will save for embellishments for a pocket letter or something like that so I am probably going to go and just do this random because that's the way that I'm used to doing it and at the end I'll trim and some stuff I'll save and some I won't so these pieces that I randomly cut I'm just going to cut in half because I may want to use two of them I may want to just use one of them I don't know that's cool thing about this project so I'm going to go ahead and cut this one in half and this one is probably about eleven ten and a half inches so I'm looking at probably about let me see this is a short one I'm looking at about a five inch tassel so that one I'm not going to cut in half because it's already small enough and this was just the remnants on a spool of ribbon that was what was left of that specific ribbon here's another one I'm going to go ahead and cut and like I said just eyeball on it and I want to cut this in half also my judge so now all my ribbon is cut and what I have learned from doing my ribbons is in order to get the effect of all the layers of ribbons that you're using you want to put your thicker ribbons on first or you want to put them on the bottom which is basically your first layer so I go ahead and just feed this one through and what I found have helps is up here do you notice how just leaving it flat like this I'm going to weigh it down my ribbons here just leaving it flat like this you're going to have this all bunched up here so what I have started doing is I've started twisting it so it's twisted in half and then that way you don't have that much ribbon there as if it were flat so there's my white and I forgot to cut my lace I wanted my lace cut some ways I'm going to do the read I know it's supposed to be red white and blue but this is just what I'm doing and I'm folding that one in half too and I'm doing that as I go along it's it's going to be hard to manage at some point sometimes but you know it's your tassel you figure out how you want to do it and then here's this blue and fold it in half or twist it and this is where you're just going to have to manage with your fingers and then here's another white well I want to save that white for less because it's actually a thin one remember we're putting those thinner ones on the top of your so that was blue I think I'm going to go ahead and do the right the white red lace again flip flip on there and then each time I put a ribbon in I try to just go through and make sure that they're kind of lining up on both sides and they're even so and yes it's a lot of finger play to get these in here so you can still see my my jump ring has that part here when I'm done layering what I do is I twist that jump ring under here so then that way it's kind of protected and it won't separate all right so I got my lace on there so far I've got some red white and blue probably going to do another blue on top maybe yeah do another blue on top and then remember twist so you don't get excess layering and then you of course have to play with it to get the blue on the other side because I already have blue on one side do you see what I mean I already have this blue on one side so we don't kind of want to play with it a little bit to get it to move around I'm going to do a jute I know it's the thinner one but I want to do a jute underneath the white you see that underneath and that will be underneath this white and the thinner your ribbon is the less you have to twist it up at the top by the jump ring now I wanted to show you guys something see how this ribbon has a transparent ribbon here and then this one's kind of solid and I do want to add this other ribbon but what I'm going to do when I put it on here is I'm not going to put them both the same direction I'm going to flip it and I want the transparent side on the opposite side of that other one do you see what I mean now they're not on the same side so it's transparent and then I'm going to put another another jute cord through and like I said we got to measure those I got to be careful because they will slip they'll want to slip and go wherever they want to so at this point I think I have all the ribbons where I want them I've got that red lace in there I've got white in there see how that white is kind of like your your background white is that it's a thick satin ribbon and it will make all the other stuff pop out when you have it all together so what I'm going to do is make sure that that jute cord is right where I want it and this is where I take my alligator clip and I go over can you guys see that I go over all that ribbon and the clip so this is going to have to be a pretty big clip and here I can still move things around but I kind of like the way that this is turned out so far so this is where we're at here and what I'm going to do is I am going to start wrapping this and if I wanted to and I might do that I think what I might do is take the jute cord and wrap that as well because it's going to give it more of that little country Flair that I want it to have with fourth-of-july colors I like the dark the dark blue I like the dark red or the burgundy and I like the cream colors so these are like my fourth of July colors I know it's not traditional right away in blue but this is what I like so when I decorate my house anything fourth of July it's always this color combination or I'll have a ivory a really pretty cream color with this instead of this bright white so those are my color combinations and this is why I'm making this for my friend is because I kind of wanted to give her a little piece of me so I'm going to cut off some more of this jute and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to wrap it around twice before I tie it and why I'm doing that while I'm doing that I am pulling tight so I want it to be as tight as my little fingers can tie it and yes it will jump around in your hand like that so you just got to be patient and know that you will get it so right now and of course all the other strings are going to get in your way and what I'm doing is I'm trying to tie it as tight as I can and hold it as tight as I can pull those ribbons through there we go so that's about as tight as I can get it and I think that's pretty tight and that's just tying it once so now I'm going to find that ribbon that I tied or that jute that I tied and it's already falling apart a little bit so I'm going to have to tie it tight again and then I'm going to want to tie it in a knot because you want to stabilize that OOP sorry guys so there's that and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to wrap it a couple times and that's what gives you that little build up of twine or jute up here and you pull it tight okay I'm pulling it tight and I don't want to do too much but now I've grabbed on to that original piece that I tied in that knot this is that original piece okay and I'm going to tie it one more time I've wrapped it around four or five times I didn't count that guys I don't know if you guys did but maybe you guys can go back and do that so now I'm tying it off I have it kind of where I want it and I'm going to tie it in a knot again now this one I usually add a cross to in the front and I can show you how I do that I'm not going to do that with this one yet I haven't decided how I'm going to do the cross on this one so now I have that jute all on there I'm going to take this off and you can still move the ribbon around a little bit do you see how it's kind of janky right there okay I'm just going to go ahead and move that up a little bit tighter move these ribbons around just to make that look a little less janky a little more smooth this one's kind of so I just I pull those and I pull those until it looks just about right not happy with that blue right there but that's okay and as you can see that's falling apart all right I think I kind of have it where I want it so see again like I told you guys I don't measure it's all kind of uneven but I'll still play with it a little bit and it's just eyeballing it and so what I'll do is when I'm done I'm not done yet but I'll use my my fingers and I'll measure that out and I'll even all of these out at the end but I'm not done with this yet so that I usually do at the very end I'm still kind of working these so bear with me so here's my little bucket my little bucket of crosses so these are the different little things that I can add to it it's an embellishment I could add a heart if I wanted to could add a cross here's another cross this is a pretty cross aisle this isn't I think this is one of my favorites right there and if I wanted to add a cross to this one what I would do is while I'm tightening this I would feed that jute through I would feed it through this loop can you see that this loop and I would and then you would see that the this ring would be behind the jute instead of on top like it is right now but I don't want to add across to this one I think what I want to do is I want to add some of my little silver embellishments and that would be this so all of these actually I can probably add to my this is one of my favorites this is the one that I like using this is my favorite one to use on these tassels so what I'll do is I'll grab two three or four of them and you guys know that three is my number so I am definitely going to add add three of these so what I'll do is I'll take the jute cord and I am going to go ahead and feed that through on the jute cord the hole is big enough on these that the jute court goes right through it and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a double knot on here because I want the silver thing to go down low even though I haven't trimmed anything yet I think these jute cords are right where I want them so I'm going to double knot it in this thin area and then what I do is I just slide the the little silver piece on it and then if I find that this keeps slipping like this one is what I will do later is I will go ahead and add some glue here on those in between those two knots and I will slide this over let it sit let it sit overnight and let the glue dry and it will keep it in place so that's what I do with that so there's that one number one done I think I want another one on this side so again just feeding that through and sometimes on this jute cord you can find these really thick sections of the jute and by the way this is from the dollar tree and you'll see that I'm moving this one up a little bit higher but this thicker section of the jute actually helps keep these gems in place so I don't need to glue that one that one will probably never fall off and I'll do this one this one I'm going to have to do two knots in because it's a little bit thinner and this one I'm going to do up a little bit higher just to give it that randomness so when you're looking at it you're like oh oh look there's one right there - so just slide it right over so there's those and I think what would be really cute is if I had a charm or I'm actually show you guys an idea I got these earrings from my husband when they went on their Boy Scout trip and what I thought would be a really cute idea is I don't if you had somebody who lived in Texas or something like that you could put one of these little jump rings on it and take this this hoop thing off and you could hang this from it and that would be really cute sending that to somebody who lives in Texas I really think that that would be adorable then that way you're not you know pushing the cross on anybody and you don't know what they're you know religious background is or the religious preferences so but I thought that would be cute and if I had an American flag that would be super cute because that's what I would do on this one so now I'm going to go ahead and attach my my chain and honestly on these things you can use anything for your chain I could have used jute for my chain I don't have to have chain for this I don't have to have a jump ring for this I could have used any kind of string I could have used another ribbon you make them the way that you want to I just happen to like the look of chain and the globster claws that's just the way that I like to make them so you can make them any way you want to so now I've attached the chain to the big jump drive to the big jump drive jump drive I think that's something else for computers to the jump ring and so now I want to go ahead and seal those that remember grab if you if you can't grab that you can take your other needlenose pliers and have them hold on to it and close it this is going to take some muscles from your fingers so if you're planning on making these and you have maybe are a or problems with your hands you may want to do this on a day that you're not having so many issues with it because it's a lot of give and play when you use the chain and it's a lot of force so now I'm just squeezing making sure that that's nice and smooth and that it doesn't catch on anything and this is the back because that's where my knot is at and even if this it doesn't have to be the back if you wanted to like that heart pendant that I had I could actually glue that on there I mean I know it's kind of big but if I wanted to I could technically glue that on there or I could put one of my little jump rings on it and I could make sure that I get that attached to somehow so I thought a key would be really cute on that and I don't have a key in here but again like I said you can you can do that any way that you want to and I think for now I'm just going to go ahead and trim up my edges so I'm going to get all this jute out of the way because I don't want to trim that I want that long like it is so those go up there these come down I've got to find my shortest ribbon which I think is this white one right now but I can fix that by pulling it through a little bit because I don't want that to be that short so let me go ahead and I am going to do a trim right about there so I'm going to take my scissors and I'm going to trim I know I'm trying not to cut my fingers guys so that will trim those and if the scraps are long enough I will save them and use them for a pocket letter like this jute I am going to definitely say for Pocket letter and then what I like to do is I like to go through and on these I like to do either these little corner on the thick white ones like this satin one I like to do this cut so you kind of get that little this look on the the ribbon sorry about that guys or you figure out how you cut those little triangle parts out but this is the way I do it pretty random its homemade so on the lace itself I like to cut it at an angle I don't do those these cuts on the ribbon or on the lace what I do is if you see that there's one flat edge right here and this is kind of like the bumpy edge I will cut like a line like that this one I want to do this cut so it has that then here's another one we just got to be careful how you line those up if you wanted to you could just do it this way and that way you get it kind of even and honestly the randomness of it is what makes it so unique and so personal is being able to give a little part of yourself to that person you're sending it to you know it's not something that's manufactured that you can buy in the store it's it's homemade and a lot of people appreciate homemade stuff because it's not somebody else doesn't have it so I think if I just look at my ribbon again double-check it and it looks like I've got all my edges cut just need to adjust it again make sure she can see all those little gems and again if you notice the Jutes a little bit longer and that's okay it's just a little different make sure that you just adjust everything in and there you go guys I am finished so it doesn't take very long once you start getting used to how to make these when I make them I usually make them to match someone's pocket letter so then that way it's kind of personalized to their pocket letter but if you guys like this give me a thumbs up and I appreciate you guys coming and visiting my channel if you would like to see more DIYs or any kind of hauls I do some chitchat videos which some people have said that they like so I will continue doing those go ahead and subscribe to my channel I will gladly respond to any positive comments or feedback and I hope you guys have a great day I will see you in my next video bye hey guys just coming back at you just to show you that I did change my mind and I wanted to add across to this tassel and I just wanted to show you that I decided to embellish it just a little bit more and you guys can see the close-up of it and see there's like a little gem hiding in there that's what I love about these little gems just hiding in places so what I did do is this cross already had it's not focusing it already had one of these rings on it and I can't remember for the life of me but it's like one of those keychain rings on it and I just put the jump ring on it and I attached that jump ring - this ring right here so I think that this is like the perfect complement to this one because you know in the meta and the theme of 4th of July you know it does say under God and I wanted to add the cross just because it is a red white and blue tassel and this is the finished product I hope you guys like it so don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and be happy to have you join our community of DIY crafters of pocket letter people Dollar Tree hauls craft hauls we would love you to be a part of this family so I will see you in my next video
Channel: Lori J
Views: 84,134
Rating: 4.5494962 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: I3xHb2zCSyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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