Beaded Tassel Charm Tutorial

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hello everyone I'm Alisha for this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make beaded tassels you can use these tassels for earrings a pendant or you can decorate things with them like pillows ceiling fan cord pools or you can use them to decorate purses which is what I mostly do with them I love to collect beaded purses but they are expensive so I have always bought them from yard sales and thrift stores but most of the time when I find them they are damaged they're either ripped missing beads the handle is broken or they're stained beyond cleaning but if the purses have good beads on them and it is only a couple of dollars I will buy the purses and strip them of their beads this is one of the nicest purses that I've ever found it's in perfect condition no stains not ripped and that no beads missing it's beautiful I have found some really cool stuff at thrift stores and yard sales looking for beaded stuff so this here is where the oldest purses I found I did some research on it and it's from the 1950s it's a made with glass pearls and it's only missing two beads one here and one on this side but that doesn't bother me compared to a lot of the other stuff I found and on some of the pearls are chipping and you can see that some of the pearls are darker than the others and it's supposed to be this light color I always hang the ones that are in good shape on the walls in my bedroom so this is the color it's supposed to be is this lighter color on the back but I think the air has gotten to it and discolored some of the pearls so this is one of the oldest purses I found here are just some of the beads I have recycled from damage purses I also recycle other beaded items like clothes and belts or anything that is cheap with beads on it so all these containers here are my big containers of beads that I've collected from damaged items that I found at thrift stores and yard sales I'm just going to go through some of them and tell you what they are this here is tax cut seed beads and they are iris color this container has clear a be 1000 seed beads this one is silver lined square whole seed beads this one is Czech seed beads they're all red I use these on my beaded cell phone case these are bugle beads a be clear bugle beads these are Czech white seed beads opaque white these are a be clear hex cut seed beads these are pearl white seed beads these are 1100 a lot of them when I find them I find sizes like 11 o 1006 OC beads so this container here these are also check like these but these are pearly check this one here is bronze and this huge container is six o seed beads I got all of these beads from a shirt it was a button-up shirt and the entire thing was all six OC beads it was amazing there must be three pounds of seed beads in this jar this container here is six o silver lined seed beads this one is hex cut green and in the camera they have like a goldish brown color but they're actually a real lime-green off camera and this container back here is brown it levan Oh seed beads so I've gotten all of these from thrift stores and yard sales just by recycling damaged things that the yard seller or the thrift store will throw away because nobody else is going to buy it because it's so damaged so I'm also saving the world by recycling messed up things so those of you that are interested in recycling beads like I am you're probably wondering how I get the beads off a lot of the things that I strip what I do is I get a big pan like a pan that you would roast a chicken in with high sides maybe four to six inches and I'll put when I'm stripping the beads off of in there now if it's a bigger item bigger than a purse like a dress or a shirt and also I've done skirts what you do is put the bigger item in a Tupperware container and you can strip it in debt um if some dresses depends on how the beads are on it and bigger items like that you can cut them up in sections so it's easier to take the beads off of it and then as you get the beads off of it throw it away the red ones here that I got from the dress that dress was dry rotted so I was able to cut it in sections with a seams right up the sides and I'm strip it that way and then I put the rest off to the side in a bag so that didn't fall apart while I was working on what I had um when I stripped the stuff off the items I found it best to use a fine point scissor these are fish car scissors and this was a limited-time color so you won't be able to find this purplish pink color anymore um the color they have them in now are black this parts black the gray handles with an orange lock on and over time they will get dull and I've used mine for years now so while you're there buying the scissors buy the fish car scissor sharpener you can use this sharper this scissor sharpener on your big scissors the ones you have in your kitchen kitchens and utility drawers and all you do is you stick the bottom blade in this hole up to here and you squeeze the scissors and pull it back to you and it sharpens the scissors and boy does this thing work it is amazing all the scissors you have it will sharpen them um some things I've run across is stained things that are really dirty a lot of stuff I find is dry rotted it's old um I found purses that are really nasty where they've like been stored somewhere where real dusty and what you can do if you want that but it's dirty you can clean the beads and this is what I've done I've took in a clear bag you know the large ones for beading like these here and I'll put the beads in the bag with a little bit of hand soap and just put a little bit of water in there and you shake the bag and once you get done cleaning them you'll see all this dust and stuff coming off of it pour it out of the bag the liquid gently pour it out of the bag and then pour the beads onto a washcloth and let it sit there for about a day or two and they'll dry out and then you can put them in a container so well this is what I've done they're not always dirty like that they are usually nice like these are nice and stuff um it's usually the older purses that are from the 50s I've done a couple of them so um I hope this is helpful for those of you that want to recycle beads like this it's a lot easier to get beads like this you can get a ton of them and save money now some of you might think I'm crazy going through all this trouble to get beads but I started beating when I was a little girl and I couldn't afford to spend a lot of money on tiny tubes of sea beads and I couldn't find them where I lived either so getting beads this way is a lot cheaper and I get a lot for my money now if you live in a place where there is no crafts or bead store this is a great way to get beads and a lot of you have told me that that you don't have any bead stores or craft stores around you but you probably have thrift stores and yard sales and I've even got beads from church rummage sales now sometimes it's kind of rare I will find purses that are good shaped and I like to buy them and hang them on the walls in my room now some of them are messed up like this one here um this one had a broken handle so I wasn't able to fix the handle it was seed beads so what I did is I took a chain and I closed it up into a circle then I opened this purse and I put a chain over it and close it with a magnetic clasp and then I have a handle for it this is just so I can hang it on the wall really I don't use this purse um this is the task so I made for it I put a lobster claw clasp on top of it so I can attach it to the chain I did three beads here and I did 11 Oh seed beads and three colors and this is what my purse looks like so here's another one this one here also had a broken handle so I took off the old one and I just replaced it with a chain and I used the colors in the purse to make the tassel so the green here I did the green tassel purple sequins I did a purple bead there's gold sequins there so I did a gold bead and I used a blue because there's also blue in the purse and with this one I have a spring ring clasp and I did a split ring I would have just done the clasp but when I hooked it onto the top I noticed that it was going to be up high like that so I had to add some extra movement and make a little bit longer so I added the spring ring so this is the second one that I did a tassel for this one here the next one is an awesome versus is one of the nicest I found this one here already kind of looks like a giant tassel it has all these beads fringe and underneath there are sequins so this is a bee aurora borealis clear seed beads and it's beautiful but I did want to add another pop of color so I just did purple and pink on tassel and I have this bead here that's the same color as the rest of the purse and I also put a split ring on that and a spring ring clasp and I connected it to my chain this one is in perfect shape or is nothing wrong with it and this one actually sits down by itself so a lot of my purses like this one and this one I stuffed with plastic bags to make them look nicer you know when you buy a purse in the store they usually stuff them with paper so I'm I stuff mine wood plastic bag bags here is the last one I did this purse is an animal print purse and this was the very first one I found in good condition I've had this one for a long time um I wanted to do an animal print tassel to match this and I had these brown animal print ones it was like a cheetah but it didn't look that good with this purse it wasn't the same color brown and gold sits in here so I found this zebra print one that I have this one has a huge hole so I put that in the middle so my seed beads didn't go into it and get stuck and clogged at my home and I found this lampwork one here that kind of matches the two in a brown glass type work and with this one instead of doing a claw lobster claw clasp or a spring ring clasp I made a loop and I just did a larks head knot around a handle because I had nowhere to attach the clasp and for the tassel I did animal print I did the zebra stripes the gold and the brown to match the rest so this was the last tassel I did and now I'm ready to show you how to make the tassels here is the list of materials you will need to make a beaded tassel you're going to need six feet of eight pound fireline if you don't have eight you can use six I'm using the 8 pound because it is stronger than the six pound and you might notice that my spool says 300 yards instead of 125 yards you can get the 125 yards at Walmart and Kmart but if you want a bigger spool you can get it at the Bass Pro Shop or Amazon it does cost a lot more at the best pro shop though than it does at Amazon so if you're in need of fire line and they have all the sizes six pound eight I think they'll set four so four pound six pound eight pound and ten pound fire line 300 yard schools at Amazon and it's a good price you're also going to need two to three beads with large holes and I recommend that you use lampwork beads or acrylic beads so these are lampwork these are land fork acrylic acrylic acrylic and the earrings are lampwork beads do pay attention though don't use beads that have holes that are so large that your seed beads go into it so you need it to be just right where your sea beads don't go into the hole but the hole is big so with this here you can see that it has a big hole but my seed beads don't go inside of it you're also going to need other than that eleven all seed beads and you want to use the cheaper kind don't use the expensive name branch so if you have the seed beads that aren't uniform in size like the ones they sell at Walmart feel free to use those those are perfect for this it's a great way to use up those crappier seed beads um this one here had really terrible seed beads at the top here you could tell that they are not uniform at all so those beads work great for this you're also going to need a finding to attach your tassel to and you can use a clasp the spring ring clasp lobster call or if you want you can use the earrings if you want to do the tassel earring and these are perfect weight these are not heavy at all but just right if you want a pendant use a bail this is my bail and I actually found this bail at Walmart so you can get everything you need to make these tassels at Walmart and it's pretty cheap to do it so you're going to need a size 10 beading needle a ruler and tweezers in sometimes I use these sometimes I don't need to use them it's just for tying our knots to get in tricky places so that's all you're going to need so to start this I was tying the end of my thread onto my finding but when I was doing that I realized that the knot that I tied onto my finding was blocking up the hole on on the top of my bead so the best way to do this is to pick up your top bead slide that down and then you're finding whatever it is your clasp bail or earring slide that down and take your top bead of your tassel and slide this down then go through this bead just like this so now your bail is sticking out the top and then pick up the rest of your beat so my second and my third bead pick that up and slide that down so now I have this you want to make sure that you leave about five inches for your tail so later on when we get done with all of our tassel strands we could tie knot so right there's five inches so now we're ready to add on our tassel strands so when we go to do our task the strands you have to make sure that they're all the same length so you want about three inches to four inches would your tassel strands in this tassel in this tassel my tassels are four inches long but in these three I did three and a half inches long the pendant I'm making in the video I'm actually going to do a three inch tassel so this right now is the part where you decide how long you want your tassel strands to me be if you want a huge tassel like these ones here go ahead and do three and a half to four inches but if you want something smaller and do about three inches I'm going to do three inch tassel strands on this pendant so I'm going to pick up half an inch hang a tight half an inch purple lunch white half inch purple half inch hematite so the fastest way to pick these beads up is to put them in a little jar container and just scoop them up on your needle like this and then once you think you get the amount you need go ahead and measure it so there is half an inch so I'm going to slide that down now I have to pick up a half an inch of purple go ahead and measure this there's half an inch purple slide that down now I need one inch of white seed beads if you don't want stripes like I'm doing this you don't have to do it like this you can just do one solid color so I'm off by a few beads so there's my one inch of white seed beads slide that down now I have to go back and pick up purple so half-inch purple the more you do this the better you get at figuring out your measurements and when you measure it's usually right on so there's half an inch slide that down now I need a half inch imma tight and I think this isn't them there is half an inch in haematite slide that down all the way make sure your seed beads don't and go into that bead like I said now take your needle and go through the bottom of this lampwork bead through your other ones and at the top so pull your needle all the way through and all your thread just like this now you have to take your needle go through you're finding your Bale whatever it is you're using and then go back down your beads here so we'll however I'm going to using two or three go back down all of them and pull it out the bottom just like this and I'm going to go ahead and measure my tail and make sure it's still five inches because it does move okay so it's still kind of five inches so you can tighten this up if it's loose if it's too tight you do want to be just a tad bit loose so even like this because the more and more we're going to go through this the tighter it's going to get so that's about good for me just going to lay this back down and now I have to pick up my other now another half inch of hematite measure this there is half inch just slide that down half inch purple any another deed okay so there's half inch slide that down now I need one inch white measure it and it's one inch so slide that down and now I have to do purple and this is one beat over so take that off slide it down and now the hematite again I finish and I have a purple in there measure it one bead over pick that all slide it down so now we have our three inches on and slide that down and I'm going to take the needle and go through all these beads out the top pull my needle my thread through and now I'm going to go through the bail the finding whatever your funding is do not forget to go back to that because if you don't you go back down you're going to open it up again so you'll have to go back up again so pull that through to anchor it and then I have to go down all three of my lampwork beads and at the bottom just like this and now I have to do it again I'm going to do it one more time it's pretty simple you don't have to do stripes like I'm doing you can do one solid color of three inches three and a half or four inch beads it's up to you so I have three and a half inches just let that down three and a half again slide that down now one inch of white measure it and three beads too long so take those off slide that down and a half inch of purples I'm just going to pick these up and then even one more so I got down now half inch hematite shut that down now I have to go back up through all these beads and try not to go through a seed bead so if you well this is going to full and fuller and when it does is going to be really hard so when it does get fuller you just slide your needle from here slide it down and go into the hole slide it against the glass go through all three beads put your needle and your thread through go through your finding and then go down your three beads and try to avoid going through a seed bead so come out here now you're ready to pick up another round of seed beads so keep going doing this and try to avoid going through the seed beads at the bottom because it's going to mess you up do as many tassel strands as you could possibly do the one I made had ten tassel strands that's the most I can get filled in its with the beads and um once you get to the most you can do I'll show you how to finish this off so my tassel has gotten pretty thick and I still have enough thread left to do probably another strand of seed beads so I'm going to show you how to go down here and go through this without going through the seed beads so right now I'm exiting out of the bead on the top I have to go through the Bale go down my three beads flip this upside down part your strands and you should see your needle coming out the very center try to avoid going through seed beads so right there it's kind of hard to see there's my needle it's coming out the very center and I'm not going through any seed beads so this is how you get through all those beads and come out the bottom without going through the seed beads so I'm going to pull it through now I have enough string to go ahead and add another strand of seed beads so I'm going to go ahead and do that so I picked up another strand of seed beads and now I have to go through this lampwork bead and come out in between here and tie knots if you're not able to come out through here because it does get tight when you make a lot of these just go straight up through all three go through you're finding whatever it is go back down in tire knots in the strands of seed beads so I'm going to try to go through here and if I can't I'll have to do it that way I do believe that I have eleven tassel strands though so I'm exiting in the middle and to go back through I'm going to take my needle slide it across my land fork bead and go up through now if I bend this and try to separate it I might be able to go through okay there's my needle so there's my last strand and now I'm ready to tie my knot here I'm going to do half hitch knot so I have a nice amount of string here to work with for my knot I'm going to take my needle off and I'm going to type my knot here now if your thread is shorter like the one up here you might have to use tweezers so I'm going to take my finger put it here and I'm going to wrap it around my beads here is my loop make sure the tail thread is out of the way I'm going to tie a knot right here I'm going to take my thread and go through this hole twice make sure that my knot is going to fall in between there and pull it down I'm going to tie a couple of these in the same spot again I put my finger here again rough around the finger pull the tail up and away go around go through the loop choice make sure your tails not in the way so right here is where I need my not to foal I'm going to pull this tight and pull my knot down I'm going to do it again make a loop all the way around and go through this loop toys they're not down now what I'm going to do is put my needle back on this thread then once I do that I'm going to go and sew back down through here and I'm going to go through one of the seed bead strands so my needle is kind of bent from doing this so many times I'm exiting out of here and now I'm going to bend this just like this and I'm going to go up through this lampwork bead and then I'm going to go through the one above it just like this and take my pliers pull through go through the bail and go back down now this time we want to go through one of the seed bead strands so I'm going to flip this over and look for my needle command Eagles coming out the middle so that's a thigh strand or it go through here's the strand okay pull through I'm going to hide the rest of my tail in these seed beads if you want you can tie knots in here if you want to make it more secure I do have enough thread left to tighten out so just go ahead and tie one here to anchor oops er now I have to go to the rest Stud my evil turn to you'll see if I can go back through these and I can't yet I have to back it up just through the seed beads like this and then I can go back up through here and now I'm going to trim my thread so right here I'll turn my thread and now you have to tie the same half hitch knots that we did right here so go ahead and tie your knot here but your other thread what in choice and pull this down to a couple more right here and then go down through your beads and hide your tail in your tassel threads so if your needle was as bent as mine was you can straighten it back out with nylon jaw pliers and it'll look brand-new again um I put my pendant on a chain and you can do any length of chain you want it's going to look great either way I'm really happy with how all of my tassels turned out I would have liked some of them to be thicker but um some of the ones I did were experiments like this in this one those are the first ones I did into the thinnest with the tassel strands I did count the tassel strands this one has the most out of all eleven strands and I realized because my tassel strands were shorter I was able to do more because I had extra thread left over so these were three inch tassel strands and I did eleven these were four inch tassel strands and I did nine but I also had to take an account that I had to do this little handle up here to go on my purse because the clasp wouldn't work and had to reinforce that twice so it's durable so um I can't wait to see what all these tassels are going to look like on my purses and then on the wall I haven't seen what it looks like yet so I hope you guys are going to enjoy this tutorial there are so many different possibilities with these tassels you could do so many things with them and I'm sure you guys are going to think of a lot more things to do with them to why I showed here so please like this video leave me a comment subscribe if you want to see more videos and follow me on Facebook and don't forget to share pictures of the things you've made and in it and if any of you have beaded purses I sure would love to see them on my Facebook page thanks for watching
Channel: Beadifulnights
Views: 231,350
Rating: 4.9033384 out of 5
Keywords: beading, beadwork, tassles, tassels, beaded decoratins, seed beads, focal beads, simple beaded tassels, simple beaded tassles, tassel earrings, tassle earrings, tassel necklace, tassle necklace, tassel pendants, Tassel, Earrings (Jewelry Type), bead, fireline thread, beaded purses, beaded pillows, tassels for curtains, how to make tassle, how to make beaded tassels, how to make beaded tassle, how to make tassel, purse dangles, purse charms, beaded keychains, decorative tassel
Id: KSwcJG7L-ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 02 2014
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