Amazing Shabby Chic Tassel Tutorial One for sale

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hey grab ppb's ängelholm and roll designs did you see I have a huge array of amazing things on my desk and today I'm gonna show you how to create this beautiful tassel so shabby chic is so yummy in crystals and dangles and you're not going to believe how super easy it is to create so I'm gonna step walk you through each step show you how you can make these beautiful tassels using pieces of broken jewelry pieces of stuff that you have collected pearls dangles trims from creating with details store calm and just scrap pieces of laces and stuff that you've just been hoarding and now you have a reason to pull them out and use them so alright now what we're going to do now this is like a scrap jar as I was telling you you know like you're going to pull out pieces of laces and trims and and stuff this is just to get you um working with stuff that you haven't that you've set aside and that you have put on the back burner or said I'm going to use this stuff I will one day so um so that's what I'm doing I'm going to try to use at my scraps instead of trying to use some of my new stuff you know I'm going to use up my scraps so I pulled from that scrap jar you know like strings of pearls and stuff that you've collected also I have scraps like this um like that just a scratch you know mistakes pull out some of this there's another piece so why you're doing this and getting prepped just you know pull out some things like that like pieces of lace like this from curtain you know stuff like that so alright now that we have a pile of things going on the first thing you're going to do is you're going to measure about how long do you want your tassel tails and remember you're going to fold these pieces in half so I'm gonna say about say 12 about 16 inches so I'm gonna cut these mounts alright I do apologize I am stick with something I don't know what I'm sick with but I am sick with something so I apologize for those that get offended with the sniffles okay so like these small pieces here are from the creating with detail or calm like here's it doesn't have to be 16 inches like I'm just pulling scraps like this is a scrap lace so I'm just going to trim this up like that and use pieces like this I'm laying them in here like a making a sandwich like here's some pearl clip off the bed um let's see here's some of this you put that in there you want different links to kind of give your your tassel some character like here's a like a worn piece and this is what's neat about this one if you have one like this you can clip off the tool like this and use the tool as well um what you're doing is you're building your your tassel up we're going to kind of put that one underneath that one kind of do that let's add a little bit of flour in there like that I will add some of this old curtain here just chop it up like that it doesn't have to be perfect in fact I don't want it to be so I've got to cut down the fold line here just you know like rip up pieces of just fabric and stuff because you want this to be a shabby and being beautiful just like that see you can put that one like underneath there with that and the last thing I want add I had some of it torn fabric that I have add some of that in there like that okay so now what you're going to do is see look how beautiful and yummy that is okay now what you're going to do just get you some crafters wire you're going to snip you off a piece you're going to locate the middle there now before you put this on now you can add a touch of chain but I'm going to show you how you can add that later in your piece this is just a broken piece of chain from a necklace so get your craft wire find your center here okay and then you're going to pull as tight as you can and you're going to twist the heck out of it like that if you have to get your pliers like that now you're going to take and snip off the end and you're going to leave this little wire piece okay like that okay so that's what you've got right there and then while you got it holding up like this you can work the laces around like that so that you can move them around and switch them around if you need to put some bracing forward put some back you know just kind of condition it the way you want things to lie a like that there we go looks nice okay so now we have the tassel on body-fixed you're going to need some corks okay now the first thing you're going to do is you're going to get you a a poker or a sharp edged tool and you're going to poke a hole in the center like this I'm filming I don't know probably next door neighbor okay you're going to poke a hole in there but before we attach our tassel we're going to cover our tassel with some beautiful lace so I'm just got this piece of lace here and there we go and I'm just going to roll it like this there's enough hot glue to catch it they're going to take your scissor and you're going to snip away like that okay then you're going to snip away the excess just like that okay so now you have your cork coward oh please go get some drink okay so now what you're going to do is you're going to take that pointy D in you're going to put your gonna put some William I got to doctor me okay you're going to take some hot glue put it on that end and push it through that hole you just created and you're going to press and hold it for about a minute because you want it to have a good hold there you go now look how easy and beautiful that's agood see alright so now what you're going to do is you are going to play around so I want it like a Tassili and so here's a piece of lace from creating with details beautiful tassel lace I think this one's though on her store I'm pretty sure it in and I'm going to glue this around the edge I'm going to glue each tassel now the glue gun I'm using is a sure bond or detailed tip glue gun they are also available over on the store and create my details they're like $14 or $12 and it's a detailed tip and it allows you to do beautiful work such as this okay so I'm just squishing them together just like that squishy squish just like this okay and we're going to do one more someone snip there we go and there we go beautiful okay so the next thing you're going to do is you're going to pull out some 22 gauge wire this is jewelry wire and we're going to do some beading now the first thing I want to do is I'm going to take my needle nose pliers and I keep throwing everything over here on the side so we're going to take our needle nose pliers and we're just going to create like a little loop de loop on the end like that okay and I'm just going to press it flat like that now this loop I'm going to glue underneath here like this okay so I'm going to put a little bit of hot glue right there and I'm going to push this end and then we'll push some of the trim to hide it so it looked like it's coming out you know from underneath just give it a little pressure right there clock is going all the times at 5 o'clock good lord it's have a clock somewhere okay so now we have our wire and I have an array of B and I have some beautiful um pink beads here I have a tassel from prima and cute and I'm going to get out some dangles that I have like here's a dangle when I use a plastic dangle yeah we use those I also have a couple of beads or well this a button there we go I have a couple of these feeds that look like they have roses on them see really cute you can find these at Michael's or Joanne's or wherever now I'm going to start beating on put a large bead put like a little pretty little cherski be there okay now I have those beads and now I'm going to press and make a twist in the wire like that see make a twist let me zoom in on this process because I really want you to see this let me lose my camera okay see there we go now you're going to press now I'm going to put a larger bead another and put a gold bead on here then put a larger shore ski on there like that okay then I'm going to twist like this twist around like that okay there we go now I'm going to put a dangle like so here we go then we'll put another bead another parallel and see another little Biddy cherski here okay now what I'm going to do is leave the end of this wire into the trim so that I can tighten this up because I don't want to go any further until I've tightened it so be patient pull that through like that and it doesn't matter if it's all twisted and pretty because that's what I want I want to twist it there we go now I'm going to take this and feed it underneath this loop here like that take my needle nose pliers and pull like that there we go now I'm going to twist there we go just have a wonky look to it now right here I have room to hang a beautiful dangle from or you can glue a bead or whatever it is you're wanting so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use one of these beads here like that then I'm going to feed it like this so basically what you're doing is you're sewing with the wire and you are just adding beads as you go see something cool with a little just love it love love love it so now I'm going to make another weave we'll try to weave it under here now I'm not I'm just going to wrap it around like that now I'm gonna add another bead let's add a small pink one and let's add a large one another small one like that okay again you're just going to go back through well you can wrap it go back through you can twist it like this again now what I'm going to do is weave it underneath catch that applique pull this away from it and pull through like that and I got a kink in it there we go it will take a little practice but I like making means I am just a moment there we go what this does it just locks your your wire in there like that see just locks it in there very pretty very cute so now what I want to do is I'm going to add another dangle well on this prima dangle and I'll add another bead we're almost to the end here there we go another cherski here there we go we'll add this fun little bead cap here there we go pull that down again you can wrap it around like that and bring it through underneath there like that and pull pull that down and see now you're just leaving okay now I'm going to add another large bead like that one I'm going to add this dangle add another pearl see some pearls they come closed Oh No now we've gotten this beautiful dangle here and now I'm going to wrap this back through the dangle like that so my bracelet got Colleen there we go and what I'm going to do to finish this off I'm going to feed this end back through the little bead cap there actually won't snip some of this off there we go I won't feed it back through there like that pull it bring this over and now what I'm going to do is just pull this taut like that and see you've got all of that beautiful weaved wire dangly chunky beautiful pearls and then right here at the end I am going to add the last Shore ski that I want to put on there like that with a pearl and then with my needle nose I'm going to take it and I'm going to feed it through underneath there take it give it a twist as I can hang a charm from the loop made then as you go as you twist you're tightening look at that those are those are gorgeous yes it is okay got little dangles beautiful shore skis and like right here if I would see I'll twist it and kink it and just get it tight around there like that and then you can take jump rings get a few jump rings here these beautiful charms here are available over on creating my details store you're just going to hook that right there and close and close the jump ring I thought make sure it's close look at that see you can hang a bangle from it okay over here you can get her let's see you can hang another one of these like this just figure it through there like that and feed it through there like that picture pliers and there you go another beautiful dangle so yummy chunky beautiful and very very shabby chic okay so now what you're going to do is you're going to figure out if you want to add more to this edge like this beautiful trim we look gorgeous so that's one one years will clip off with bad part so I want to locate just take some glue like that and you're going to add this around and I'm going to snip it off excuse me my nose digit I'm gonna have to stop the video so I can go blow my nose and then you're going to pin it around there all right so now um let me go blow my nose and see if you want I'm gonna back this out at this process you can lay it out and go through and clip if you need to clip you know just everything at an angle I always do that like that there you go like that give that a little clip get that a little clip give that a little clip you know what it does is it just makes it look cleaner and more beautiful and very well-dressed unless you want the raw edges but if you take the little extra time to clip off the edges there then you're going to comment basically with your fingers and that is the start ladies somebody gorgeous alright I'll be right back for how we're going to create the top and add the chain and add the finishing details okay ladies I'm back oh goodness gracious when the weather changes whoo-whee okay clean up get my hair out of it all right now the top of the tassel you can do lots of different ways in fact this one I used I string some pearls on a piece of wire then put a large pearl and then glued a crown charm on top and I have the chain I'm going to do something similar except these are pieces of jewelry broken jewelry this is a bullying svorski bead cap or spacer bead that you can get and I'm going to put it there like that and I'm so use my glue gun you can do all sorts of things on tops of these so I'm just going to place it on there it's up for perfect fit for the top of the cork like that and then I am going to take a piece of wire and I already put a loop on the bottom and I'm going to feed it through the large pearl here this is a very large pearl and come on a string of pearls and you can get it Michael's jo-ann's how to lobby then I'm going to feed this will try to feed these through there we go like that and then I'm just going to give them a twist here like that I'm going to snip one of the the pieces off rather close then I'm going to snip one short bring it and try to make a I hook here I am still learning how to make these little boogers like I said practice practice practice there we go a little hook little i hook there now I'm going to glue this on top of there like that and that little tail will go in that hole so we'll put a little bit of glue down in there pop it down in there make sure everything is straight like that in the gorgeous little crown you can straighten it up if you need to like that okay then you can get you a piece of chain which I'm just going to get some of this silver chain I have I'll just going to snip off just what I need here okay put this back in the bag then now I'm going to take a jump ring you never can have enough jump rings they're wonderful you're going to feed both ends of the chain through then you're going to feed it through that hoop you made and you're going to close it just like that and there you have a beautiful way to hang now I'm not done so what I'm going to do is I'm all hangs this on this makeshift hook that I have I'm going to kind of bend my camera so that you can see what I'm about to do next now remember when I told you about the chain like they do with it you know broken pieces of paint now this is a belt that I had purchased a cheap belt what is it mean so I'm just going to snip off a couple of links and leave two of the faux poins on there and I'm going to take a jump ring I want to fade it through the end of that now you can go underneath your tassel here which is what I would do go underneath your test step back on go underneath your tassel and try to get in the middle and as you can see here I'm going to thread this right through here so I'm going to pick up my chain with one hand and then I'm gonna thread it through there like that and close it just like that and now that chain is inside my tassel okay alright I'm hoping y'all can see this okay so now um that other chain that I had where do they go I bet you I've tossed it somewhere oh here it is okay so um pick you out you know a piece of chain here snip off a link get you a jump ring okay you're going to do the same thing you're going to locate you a lace no I don't want that lace you're going to locate your lace and like right here is a good spot I don't want in the middle I want kind of on the side here just like that there you go now you have another beautiful chain in there like that and until you what I'm going to snip some of this off don't throw away your other pieces of chain because I'm going to use this piece with another jump ring you're going to and now I'm going to go over here on this side and I'm going to hook it to let see where I want to hook it yeah I wanna hook it right there on that wire that we leaved so beautifully okay just try to get it in there like so more than the end go it's easier said than done there we go lift it up like that damn it get in there there we go then you're just going to close the jump ring like that awesome okay so now what you can do is you can add button you can add pieces of jewelry um here's a jewelry charm that I have I got it Michael's just pulled this off and what I'm going to do is I'm going to attach it to that short one get another jump ring like this feed it on the end ah there we go yeah go just go just now you're going to want to do the same thing find something to go but this earring here can be purchased it's in a necklace set at creative detail store calm you get a necklace and earring set just use the ear me you got to add some bling get something okay you're going to feed it through and you're going to go feed it to the end it doesn't matter if your jump rings are silver and your chain is off antique gold it's look at that gorgeous but it's just too damn yummy right there look at that okay and then on the inside of your chain here and you can add more dangle charms like you can add beads another bead on there you know it's just whatever you want to do I mean you just pull out all these little pieces has you been Savin like this this is a jump of just stuff that thrown in here um you know like I could snip this old piece off here like that and get a jump ring and just feed that through and hook it to the chain here like that see and just like this piece right here that's one key we're gonna take that out and fix it ah just right here if there's a broken joke this was a an earring and where I get my stuff a lot of people ask me honey I go yard saleing I bought broken pieces worried about I was on eBay for just like a lot of broken jewelry broken pieces and stuff you know that's what I look for and like here's another one there's a little cream I'll put another one them in there um you know that's what I do and then I just break them apart and I use them wherever I need to or want to so I'm gonna attach this one to here just like that and close it in bed and jump rings ladies yeah Breen's okay now I'm gonna take this down from my makeshift foot here so you can see the beauty myth of this and facto to see a perfect charm that would look good in here is a key that is something I am laughing is key I'm gonna have to go shopping it Mae's house and you shopping at her house we're gonna order some team oh wait a minute let's see what mr. Tim Holtz has here let's see I got some arrows blank thingy here let's see user view mmm nothin in layer I would add a monocle this has this this is from Tim Holtz little monocles here see we're going to want to add this where it can be seen action jump rings let's see there's that there's that that's where I want the front to be so you need to pick out your front - probably going to have to add one little piece of chain on this side and I've got a piece right here and I've got a jump ring gonna fit here will not add it right in there and it just needs another piece close your jump right there we go there's a little piece of chain and then I'm just going to add this little monocle on here like so and to dress this little monocle ng style I'm going to find two pieces of a piece of bling and I will it glue it on this side and so that you don't see the ugliness find another one and glue it on the other side just like that double them bling sandwich look at that padeen all right ladies and that's it that is how you make one spectacular amazing yummy so if you have any questions please let me know these will be for sale in my Ipsy link up in description box down below or you can click my banner and have that link as well I'm going to have this one for sale and of course this one too and I made this a little bit thicker than I did this one so I don't know I might add some more to this but it's got beautiful pieces of bling on there as well so there you go that's how you make beautiful shabby chic tassels and you have any questions please let me know I'll be one happy to answer them for you so until next craft project I'll see you then bye-bye you
Channel: Angela Holt Designs
Views: 57,488
Rating: 4.7794676 out of 5
Keywords: craft, crafting, mixed media, altered art, angela holt, angela holt designs, shabby chic, mixed media cards, craft educator, shabby chic tassel, tassel tutorial, lace tassel, tassels, tassel, pearls, shabby chic tutorial, making tassels, Tutorial (Media Genre), shabby chic decor, shabby chic crafting, tassel mixed media, mixed media tassel, shabby chic style, crafting shabby chic
Id: zfLZu-nQaOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2015
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