Nature Inspired Boho Beads

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[Music] hey nerd Cory hair with the art archaeologist Channel so lately I've been watching I've been watching a bunch of videos on boho beads and I decided to make a bunch and here's a bunch of them that I made and I love the shabby chic look but this time I made more more tribal more nature kind of boho beads so I plan to make a bunch more but for this batch here it's more of an eatery based collection so I'm going to show you what I've made and then I'll show you my process me zoom in a little okay so I don't know why but I kept making pairs which they probably won't be used that way I'd like to make some smaller ones for earrings but these are probably all gonna be split up so they came out a little out of these little blue ones they really came out gorgeous these blue ones and I did these little feathers and I did not do jump rings on these maybe I should some of them have jump rings some of the feathers don't and then I did I found these really cool they're like black lava beads I found these at Michael's I believe or it could have been Joanne's it's one of the two but they are really great I love those and then I did one with the Kristoff it's just so fun and I put a little feather on this one and I've got these little perfume bottle charms that I got on eBay and I did a couple of those they're different and then I've got this put it you just want to pull out all your charms for these I really like putting a charm on the end you don't even have to do that you can just do a boho bead without them here's some that I've made that don't have the charms on them yet but they will and they've got all the fabric and I'm going to show you some of my fabric so I'll just show you a couple more of these here's this really cute focus little owl and then this was I used to buy these bags of junk jewelry and this was an old single earring that was in there that didn't have its pair so I just used it as a charm you can literally use whatever you have around so that's those and then what I love to use for the fabric is grab my 10 I got this tin at an auction and I love it and it's the perfect tin for these so you can pick yourself up a cute little antique tin makes it even more fun okay all right so I want to go over the fabric so a little bit I have oh let me get a hair would go I've got a piece of felt sitting here I got this netting I've got silver and it's like a little fish net pattern I got silver and gold a long long time ago at Joanne's and I've been using this to put on top of the beads on top of the other fabric I'm using and then the fabrics I'm using I just wait for the fabric quarters to go on sell at Joanns and you get all these amazing patterns here's one you can get so meaning me and if you if the fabric quarters aren't Unseld and the cotton that the quilters use all the Cotton's they have cotton boutiques and they've got cotton prints and they've got every color you could imagine so the fabric section at Joanns is really a good place to get stuff for this project so I just wanted to show you a few of the these are all boutiques that I'm using cotton batik fabric corners and they are so cool okay so there's that now I've put together I wanted to show you how I do this I do this with these little straws I've got a bag of these quite a long time ago and I've just had them in my cabinet and they're not the strongest but they're good enough they're just little mixing straws if you ever find yourself at a bar or restaurant just ask them for a few if you can't find them in the store and I'm sure they'll look at you weird and give you some so now these I got at Hobby Lobby in the party section and they have all different kinds and colors but some I want to do some lace shabby chic ones so I wanted I got this craft paper color it's actually got gold stripes on it but you know if anything shows through the fabric I don't want it to be these obnoxious prints you know what I mean so 25 count for $2.99 and you can use your 40% off on this and sometimes this stuff goes on sale I don't see it very often but I don't shop in this section very often so there's that I've got my cute little tray I got this tray at Tuesday morning if you have a Tuesday in your area and I have never been there I invite you to go check it out this store Tuesday morning is so cool I got this little tray and I got a coffee tray it's all cappuccino and coffee and all that stuff for $2.99 a piece in fact I want to go back and get a few more of these just because they're so fun to work on so I wanted to tell you about that too here I put together a little kit just so I could show you real quick how I do B's I've got a couple let's talk Glee Oh for a second I'm using I've got Mod Podge matte in this little container and you can get these in the tie-dye section of most stores as empties I got mine at Hobby Lobby and then I've got Fabri attack and this Mod Podge is the matte because all the fabrics I use our matte I I rarely use gloss anything so Mod Podge matte for this project if you don't want a gloss and then Fabri tack this dries clear so I haven't had any issues with this being real shiny so those are what I'm using for glue now I've got these long eye pins and I threw the container away cuz I always put them in Ziploc baggies but these are probably I don't know I would say what are they two and a half inch there's this size and then they're smaller and you really should these are three inch you should have them all in your stash these are three bucks a pack but if you wait for it to go hop off you can pick these up for a buck fifty which is what I do and then I buy a bunch of this stuff so I've got my eye pin and then you want to pick your beads you want to pick your combo and make sure the length is going to work I'm using straws that are cut for this particular set an inch okay so then you want a smaller hole bead for your end hold everything together okay and then I'm using these really cute silver bead caps and you can get these these are our metal gallery Hobby Lobby the brand is called metal gallery they also go on sale like every three weeks I don't buy anything full price if I can avoid it so I've already got my combination worked out you want to put your whole combo on your wire already and then comes in the pliers I've got this pair I did not have a pair of these for years and years of my beading and I could just slap myself for not having them these are the best pair you could ever have with the just this plastic coated little soft things because you can straighten your wire and you can do all kinds of things without marring up your stuff wire cutters these are sawtooth needlenose pliers they definitely have a serrated they're serrated which I like because I need to grip stuff and then I've got a soft nice smooth pair of round nose pliers so I'm gonna use my round nose there's tons of videos out there on this stuff but I will show you real quick how I do it so I want to leave a tiny bit of space so that all of this can flow a little bit because I'm gonna wrap this with wire in the end and I need that extra little space so you give it about I don't know quarter inch bend it down then take it go to the very end and curve that around all the way until it closes into a loop okay and you want it to close all the way that's what these serrated edge needle nose pliers are good for they can come in if it's being a little tricky with you and just give it a slight little squeeze and there you go so now you've got your whole little thing I'll do it one more time real quick I'm only gonna do one of these beads though while you're watching because you get it I just want to get this together so that I hat don't lose anything cuz I will I am a DD all the way alright so you get your little pattern and then you have a quarter inch down bend down curve up you want it big enough loop that's what these are do these round nose pliers are designed see how they get smaller at the end so you can make all these different size loops that I like to have pretty big ones on here you can see that because I'm gonna be putting charms and then I'm going to be putting a clasp on the other end so that these can be for pendants or earrings or elements for a junk journal so I like to have a big loop at both ends and then I I went ahead and got some of this fabric together now this is that cotton batik and I like to tear mine so that all the edges are nice and rough and you can check the sides on these sometimes one sides better than the other and I've got this silver fabric for last so here's how I do it I take get my my tail is a disaster the cleanest part of my table is right here so I'm gonna get this mucky old piece of poster board tickle ooh and then I'm gonna take the Mod Podge works perfect with these batik fabrics the cotton it's terrible with anything satin I wouldn't even attempt it and I don't think I'd attempt it with lace either it just doesn't work as well as the Fabri tack but for this it's perfect so what I do is I wet an entire end I also try to rip this a little smaller it didn't come out that way this time but I put my bead down and then I go ahead and get that end stuck on that straw and you want it pretty tight and you're just gonna kind of spin it on there I like mine we made this you can see I like mine a little chubby with fabric so I've got quite a length of piece I'll measure it and show ya it's probably like six inches on these I just want a chunk of cloth in there and then I roll it all the way up sometimes like halfway well that's good enough I'll just throw a line of glue like that these bottles are great for this and then just spin it and if you get glue on your fingers just wipe it off onto the fabric that's another thing you can get messy with this and not have to be all perfect and uptight when you spill a drop of glue or something it's no big deal which I just can't do uptight perfectionistic art I'm over it I did it for years I can't do it okay then I just seal that with the lip of glue when I'm rolling it the lip of glue you get that comes out from rolling it you can just sell that baby right up I have a rack let me grab this rack so that you can see this thing hold on a sec okay it's kind of hard to see it but it's got all these hooks on it and they've got little like clamp pins on them so I can just take my beads and clamp them so you could do this you could get some clothes pins and some string and do this on any kind of a bar a curtain rod or something in your house I got this rack it's really tough to see hair let me at an auction there it is from the top I just got really lucky and I didn't have you for it when I bought it but I raised my hand but when it went up for bid and I won it for like two dollars and fifty cents so I'm really glad I got it so sometimes I'll stop there and that I'll let this dry and I won't mess with it again for a while but for the sake of showing you I'm gonna go ahead and put this on now I want the blue let me bring it back in here I want the blue of this to show up underneath this netting so I don't want to keep lining it around and around you can totally if you want that look but I'm just gonna overlap it a little bit and then give this a whack Oh every time I go to make a video I miss in some tool I need be right back okay I'm my sister my scissors walked off into the kitchen and didn't come back okay so now with this stuff I really struggle with the Mod Podge I got to sit here and hold it and I did not want to do that for more than a sec I will also use a pair of pliers these are very handy to have around for all this stuff I do and I get four packs of these at the Dollar Tree sometimes they have them sometimes they don't when they do I stock up it's kind of funny I probably have like 16 of these laying around but I use them all the time so now I'm gonna take some fabric tech and I'm gonna go just above that seam line I just did and I've got a pretty thick bead of glue on here so I'm gonna slap that down this is a messy deal so I'm gonna get messy doing at least Iowa you're gonna I want enough glue on there to tamp down that other two seam it down together that pretty much the same spot now this fabric is so good look at that it's holding together so I will just put this on my drying rack now and let that dry for I don't know couple hours I guess and you don't even have to hold it but if you use the Mod Podge at this point on this filigree II kind of or lace fabric you're probably gonna be in first a headache so the fabric is a worthwhile investment I'll be right back to show you the next step okay so while we're on the topic before I go move on to the next step just yeah I want to show you a couple things one whenever I work with wire I have some kind of container on my desk that I can throw there's razor blades in here I should not be poking my finger in there there's all kinds of metal and hair broken hooks whatever metal scraps I have I go ahead and put in hair to keep safe keep everybody safe that's safety first right and then I made these boho beads a while back and I'm gonna show them to you but I do not recommend making them the way I made these they're really cute I made these a long time ago and there they are with batik cotton fabric as well green I can't find this fabric right now but anyway these the base the core of these is made with air dry paper clay I saw a video a long time ago and I don't know who did it we're talking a couple years at least that I saw this and they did this so I thought oh I really want to make some of those well I got the air dried clay and then you roll it up and you'd snake it and then you break it apart and then you take your wire and you shove your wire through the wet clay and then you set I set them all on a cookie sheet to dry out in the air it took like seven days for the the clay core of these to dry it took forever they came out super cute but I would not do this again I'll do straws now or even sticks because I just can't wait that long so it is an option you can mold the advantage to clay as you can mold and shape it however you want so that is an advantage but it's not enough of an advantage for me to do them again I'm just too impatient but if you're patient and you want a certain shape that's the way to get it okay so there's that now it's not support here they're done and I wanted to finish these out and show you how to do the wiring now I'm using a 24 gauge wiring for this I use 20 gauge the higher the number the thinner the wire I use 20 gauge these are like probably 20 gauge when you buy these eye pins and then if I need a log or wire because you're only gonna get 3 inches with these and then you get you got the end sucked up with the I I loop part of it so you lose a half-inch right there just from that you know 1/4 inch on each site so if you need them longer I just use this 20 gauge wire and this goes on sell to a Hobby Lobby every few weeks so you can get that half off now for the decorative wire wrapping I'm using 22 gauge and if you let go of this thing this bull will go and it'll all be off and you'll be bumming so make sure you hold hunt that thing here's why these are so handy they straighten your wire ride up without Marinette okay and then I'm gonna just grab enough to do a bead I do at least double the length of the bead don't like that for this size bead okay give it a whack all the while I'm holding onto this tail because that is a nightmare and you it will happen to you it happens to every single one of us who work with wire but just know there's you'll probably only ever do it once I'll tell you that so now I've got this space right where's that one I just did so here's the one without the fabric and it's got all that a little bit of play in it right well when I started making these I wasn't really focused on that but I still ended up pretty lucky so I'm putting it down in between the first bead and the straw and I'm shoving it down to that wire and I'm wrapping the long end around and pulling it down out of my way cuz I want to wrap this little piece of wire as much as I can up in there if it's way way too long just take your clippers and clip it off but here's why serrated is so good or sawtooth you can just keep getting in there and spin that around and clamp as you're spinning and you won't be able to I can't see it I just have to feel for it I don't want anybody getting poached so your fingers are your best friend for that right there and then get to it I've got I'm a bead hoarder big-time and I have a bunch of these with all different beads and I'm so these are kind of bigger they're like their seed beads only big seed beads you see how the hole is a little bit bigger in these I am a little older I don't want to chase seed beads around so I've got these really pretty this bead is kind of a brownish green that I'm doing so I'm gonna use this really pretty selection of Brown and copper I'm just gonna grab a handful if I don't know eight or nine I don't count I don't care I want to have fun when I do my art I don't want to be you know it's it's fine to be precise when I need to be but I don't always want to have to measure and count every little thing I do otherwise I'd spend all day measuring and Counting and I just get them on here with my hand seed beads are a real bummer to chase her out these aren't as bad if you like doing tight beadwork and you have the patience for it by oh me and seed beads look lovely on these they look totally gorgeous so I've got quite a strap it's as long it's chute it's you know almost double the length of this bead that might be a little too much actually I'm gonna take a few off and then what I do is I'll get this wire just the wire itself started on the bead like that and then all I'm gonna do is just keep spinning the bead and wrapping around and I'm gonna drop these little beads off as I go okay all the while I'm pushing this wire down on that and pull and kind of tight see that so that it'll all stay together for me and then I've got a really long tail to work with her so I'm gonna wrap a couple more rows on here I didn't have to drop all my beads off so soon but you can pull it down and mess with it and manipulate it and then the goal is when you start getting down there to get up in between that bead and the straw on the other end and spin spin spin and I've got quite a bit of wire left over on this one so I'm gonna come in and Wow okay and before I do anything else I'm gonna put that metal in that canister cuz if I set it down on my work surface it's gonna end up on the floor and somebody's gonna step on it so I've just trained myself to get rid of them right away and then I'm just spinning this and clamping as you can see and then I'm gonna reach in there make sure I don't if anybody should be stabbed it should be me and no one else and then what I like to do is since you've got these beads on here this wires kind of loose I like to take my soft smooth round nose pliers because you can snap this wire if you're using the wrong tool alright and I'm gonna do little bends like that here and there on these strands of wire and that's gonna tighten up all this work you just did all this pretty bead work on here and it's gonna add a decorative element I have stabbed myself a few times doing this just because it helps to pay attention sometimes I just get distracted hmm if you don't want to hurt yourself just don't do what I do okay so there you've got this beautiful wire wrapped bead with some extra interest on it and I really don't care how this lands I just don't let myself get into up tightness over stuff because life's hard enough that's the way I see it all right now I've got some jump rings around here I need these charms quite a while ago and as you can see it's just a an eyepin piece of metal and you just strand your beads on and then do another loop just like we did easy peasy right I will be right oh there there I was gonna stop the camera because here I am again not having water made so I just picked up some of these they're really flat mat cold jump rings at UM Hobby Lobby and I have really bright gold they have silver bright copper this bronze color gold they were they only had one bag of these so I snagged it I wish they would have had more so for the sake of what I have on the table I'm just gonna use my round nose and my sawtooth and you want to bend these jump rings you always want to bend them sideways you never want to pull them apart because they're designed to bend sideways and when you do this this actually when you work your metal it hardens it it's called metal hardening okay so I'm going to take this pretty little charm and throw it on here and then whichever end of your boho bead you want on there just throw it on that jump ring and then bend this straight back like that and then you can line it right up the way it's supposed to be it's a very very important piece of information there okay so since I have another I another loop right there I'm gonna go ahead and grab a teeny tiny feather if it's not too much trouble I have stuff everywhere the feathers are a nice end piece and I get I get most of my beads between jo-ann's and Michael's high some I buy a lot of stuff at Hobby Lobby too but beads and charms I get mostly at Michael's okay so I've got a lot of golds and browns and hair so I'm gonna go ahead and use this gold little tiny feather say thing I'm gonna use my round nose and my my sawtooth whatever they're called and same exact thing you want to open it like that and then just pop that on there and they've got a nice finished piece and then now this top when you'll put a jump ring and a lobster claw or whatever kind of clasp or just a jump ring whatever you want to the top but here's the finished bead isn't that cute and you can make tribal shabby chic you know your imagination sky is the limit once you've got these basic techniques so I really hope you try this I'm racking up a whole bunch of these lately and I'm doing other fun exciting stuff too so please come back and join me for more videos and I will see you next time thanks for joining me today and have a good one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Art Archaeologist
Views: 21,328
Rating: 4.9468846 out of 5
Keywords: Nature Boho Beads, Beads, Boho beads, diy, tutorial, boho, boho beads tutorial, boho beautiful, jewelry, diy jewelry, Nature Inspired Boho Beads, how to
Id: 3WgYYE8B9d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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