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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to my channel it is drew here from lone fox and we have yet another bedroom transformation today and when you guys see the before of this bedroom you are going to freak out because i cannot tell you how much of a transformation the space is going to be as many of you guys know my parents moved to arizona back in august and my aunt also moved with them my aunt was living with my grandpa back in my parents hometown however my grandpa didn't want to move with them he really wanted to stay in his hometown but as they have moved for about six months or seven or eight however longer it's been now he just decided that he wants to actually live there half of the year and then live back in our old hometown for half the year as well so he's gonna like switch it up and live in both places he is getting older um as he is 81 at the moment so it's just definitely nice to have him like around my parents however my aunt's brand new home that she just bought or not brand new it's definitely a fixer-upper style home for sure needed a little bit of work so i knew i wanted to go in and make a bedroom for my grandpa in there and that is exactly what we were doing today so it is a very small bedroom but i'm really excited to kind of maximize the space in there and just make it feel really inviting and cozy and a nice space now my grandpa is going to be keeping his house back in our original hometown so he's going to be able to travel back and forth so all of his belongings and items are going to stay in that house so this new room doesn't need to have like a ton of storage or anything like that it's more so like a long-term hotel room if that was to make sense to you guys and i'm going to be transforming this bedroom which is bright pink into something that kind of has a little bit of his own home aesthetic in there he is very muchly a farmhouse vibe i guess he wears cowboy boots every single day he wears wrangler jeans it's kind of like that whole aesthetic very farmy if you will why not take a little bit of modern farmhouse and mix it up with my current style and just make something really fun for him so that's what we're doing in today's video and also you guys i'm filming this friday morning at the moment i'm leaving in just an hour to drive over to my parents and i have to be back here on tuesday morning thankfully today's sponsor of the video helix was super kind they sent a mattress over a couple of days ago which i'll talk about in just a little bit here for you guys but they're an incredible company i've worked with them multiple times in the past and their mattresses are superb i literally have one on my bed right now and i just love love my helix mattress so much so that's already sent over there we have no furniture or nothing so we're gonna have to see what we can do i have plans on diying a headboard i have plans on diying some wall sconces let's go ahead and jump on into today's extreme bedroom makeover for this small pink children's room that's going to be transformed into my grandpa's kind of part-time new bedroom hello you guys it is the first day of this room transformation and it is currently 7 34 at night i don't know if you could see that but i'm starting this transformation at night time because basically there's going to be a lot of painting occurring in this room if you can see behind me this room is full on pink and it is just not the vibe that we are going for for this space i set up a light as well in here because it's pretty dark at the moment if you were curious but i'm going to start off by giving this room a full coat of white paint because i want to go ahead and do some boarding detail on this wall back here and so i figured i would go ahead and just tonight add one coat of white paint that way tomorrow i can add the boarding detail and then we can do the second coat of paint and everything will blend together i got my paint i ended up opting for the bear in the finish of eggshell and the color is polar bear by the way out with the pink and in with the neutral white tones okay i'm not sure what this is right here why is this darker here and then also you guys the inside of the closet is such an ugly shade of literal poop brown like i'm very concerned about this possible to obtain in a manual recording [Music] there is also a full pink door which just has to go sadly [Music] [Applause] a little tip for you guys if you are painting you can actually put your paint brushes and rollers inside of a plastic bag like this and then put it in the refrigerator and will actually cause it to not dry out so you can use it again tomorrow since we're going to be doing the second coat just popping it in the fridge and that will be ready for tomorrow i went back over to my aunt's house in the morning and we had a really exciting delivery from helix which is today's video sponsor my grandpa actually took the sleep quiz over on helix website to find the perfect mattress match and this is actually his quiz here i filled it out for him but i went on a call with him and just asked him all the questions he is 81 years old um 5 foot 10 inches 170 pounds and he actually is a side sleeper and then on top of that we also found out that he likes a more soft to feel mattress and that is because he does have back pain normally when he wakes up so we wanted to keep that in mind and that's actually an option here on the sleep quiz as well and he was actually matched up with the sunset lux mattress here which is a perfect option for him it is so so soft and an incredible quality mattress and if you guys did not know helix is a premium mattress in a box company meaning that your mattress is shipped directly to your doorstep which is super super convenient and it's packed really nicely inside of this box here it truly is absolutely incredible to me that they are able to get such quality mattresses inside of this box and ship them to your door i don't know how they do it but they do it now i can't speak for my grandpa but i can't speak for myself because i've had my own helix mattress for almost five months now and i absolutely love it i couldn't imagine having another one in my home if you guys are in the market for a brand new mattress or you just want one in general i highly suggest helix it's fully customized to your body type and your sleep preferences so i think it's just an incredible product and honestly the best part is that helix delivers your mattress right to your door for free it comes rolled up in the box it's super easy to set up yourself and if you don't like it you get a 100 day sleep trial and you'll get a full refund and they'll come pick it up for you you don't even have to put it in the box which is incredible so if you'd like to check them out go to helixsleep.com drew scott to get up to 200 off plus two free pillows i will link it in the description box below good morning oh i just literally hit the fan good morning you guys it is the second day of this room transformation and i'm here my dad is over here he's in the closet painting but as you guys saw last night the room was bright bright pink so we went ahead last night when i got to arizona and did a first coat on the entire room thankfully my dad is helping me with this project because i don't know if i'd be able to do it on such a quick time frame while behind me i'm going to go ahead and do some vertical just basically board and batten but i'm not going to have a top to it at all so it's just going to be like the vertical slats i actually saw my friend erica from peony and honey do this in her craft room and i love the way that it looked with the white so i figured i'd do that as well just to brighten up the room since it is smaller but give a little bit of interest to the wall as well also you guys we're gonna go ahead and remove this old fan here luckily my dad's really good with like electrical things because i however am not the best i can i can remove a fan and put one up but you know thank you for helping me my dad had a really great idea of also spray painting the cover to this vent which i would have never thought to do um so we're gonna spray paint the cover to this just so it's nice and clean and white as well and then of course i'm gonna go in and start working on this back wall here so we can apply a new coat of paint and have it all nice and seamless [Music] for our wainscoting accent wall i'm going to be using some 1x3 pre-primed boards along with some liquid nails and some caulking a miter saw and also a brad nailer which i forgot to film but you're going to see in a second here so the first thing that i actually did on this wall was i wanted to mark the exact center which happened to be 66 inches so i just placed a little mark there on the baseboard i'm gonna have to go back and paint anyways and then i measured out the height of my first board which i used my miter saw to go ahead and cut the ceilings in this room are eight foot tall but of course that base board adds a little bit so you want to go ahead and chop off any extra that you're not going to need apply a little bit of liquid nail to the back side and then i also suggest using a level to ensure that your board is straight now something i can give you guys tip wise is to start in the middle and apply a couple of nails right into the middle there then go down and re-level the bottom and re-level the top before nailing it in just because sometimes the wood is a little bit warped so i do suggest nailing in the center first to kind of get that center balance and then working down and up to ensure that you have a nice straight board there so as you can see i'm using this piece of baseboard which i cut down to 12 inches wide just as a spacer i thought it would be so much easier to create one spacer as opposed to having to measure out every single board so that's exactly what i did i spaced them out 12 inches but you can totally adjust that if you have a larger wall or if you want the boards to be closer together or further apart i just did 12 inches because it seemed to work great for me and i also got really lucky because i didn't even hit any outlets or anything so i went ahead applied them all on there and then our next step is actually going to be to use the caulking to secure and just make sure that they look flush against the wall and it's like one entire piece as opposed to boards just nailed to the wall and this really makes a humongous difference you guys so i highly suggest you not skip out on the caulking at all it gives a polished look i am very pleased with how this is turning out you guys so far i cannot believe this room was pink last night like it's already looking so much better and if you guys did not know there was hardwood floors installed and there was also baseboards installed in here but i am going to go around i'm actually going to caulk the top of all of the baseboards because the guy that installed them did not do that for some reason um and then we're going to paint the baseboards the same color as the wall so everything's nice and seamless you can kind of tell how they're a little bit of a creamy tone at the moment but so far so good um i believe ha this half over here of the wall planks have been painted this half still needs to be painted here and then we just need to finish up this little ceiling line there now i'm actually going to be diying a headboard for the space because i couldn't get one shipped quick enough with the turnaround and i was like let's go ahead and diy one i love diying in general so these are the tools and supplies i'm going to be using for this headboard build um i'm going to be using some wood some braces some screws and some cane as well so the first thing that we're going to start off by doing is actually cutting down two of our boards to be 60 inches in length this is going to be the width of a queen size bed so you're gonna want two for the top and bottom of the headboard next we're going to cut some of our height pieces which are going to be kind of how tall our headboard is going to be i ended up cutting mine to 17 and a half inches because my cane material is 18 inches in width so i knew i would have enough space in there to kind of staple it down and traditionally to attach wood like this i believe you'd use a pocket hole jig however i am not a carpenter or woodworker i leave that up to the other incredible talent here on youtube but i'm going to go ahead and just use some of these braces and just screw the pieces together this is also way more affordable than me having to purchase that tool as these braces only cost 60 cents a piece so i just used my screws and i screwed them in on each side of the wood using four total screws to ensure they were nice and secure this is going to be on the back side do keep in mind all of the brackets are now screwed on or the braces i guess you should say so we have them on all of the edges and we have a nice and sturdy i guess frame for our headboard as you can see i do want to go ahead and actually apply one more like middle piece which is going to go in the middle here just because i think it would be nice to kind of have um this like separation and have a little bit of darkness here once i go ahead and stain everything so i'm going to go ahead and apply this one the same exact way i did the other one so grabbing that third piece of wood applying it to the exact middle there i'm going to use a couple more of those braces along with some screws to secure it to the center and then as far as staining goes i'm actually going to be using special walnut by varathane this is just a really pretty kind of like warm tone neutrally brown color which i think is perfect for the space because the cane is going to be a little bit on the yellowish side so i wanted something that would contrast it but also go back to our nightstands and overall just kind of add some warmth and almost like that modern farmhouse wood tone to this space and our last step is going to be applying the cane to the center so i soaked it in the bathtub for about 30 minutes in some warm water and i'm going to be using a staple gun just to securely staple this all the way around the outside pulling it taut as i go but keep in mind you're gonna let this sit out in the sun for about two hours and it's going to shrink up hello you guys and welcome to day three of the makeover i already went ahead i started working on the headboard this morning but i figured while i'm letting that dry and um just have to work on a couple other things i would go ahead and hang up the curtains in here i went to target last night and got a black curtain rod along with these blackout curtains they're like a grayish tone the color is called gray linen aruba and the store i could have swore they had a slight tint of green to them but they don't look as green anymore so i'm hoping that once i put them up they look pretty good i'm going to do it as high as possible and i'm kind of also probably going to come out a little bit just to take up a little bit of the wall space his name is [Music] the curtains are installed now and they look great now in store i could have sworn that these were a little bit more like a minty sage green gray tone but in person they're much more gray and i'm just gonna have to see kind of how i like it as more stuff comes in here because as you can see the floors are gray but i'm using like warm woods as well this is a nightstand i picked up at target last night the ceiling fan has also been installed and you guys if you did not know ceiling fans are a must in arizona it gets like 120 degrees so i can't really put like a cute little pendant light in here or something we need something a little bit more functional so that's why we opted for this ceiling fan but i like the way it looks it's kind of ties back to the black hardware here i'm gonna go ahead and actually build the base for the bed so we can bring the mattress in and just kind of see what space we're working with [Music] [Applause] so we went ahead and brought the bed in just to get an idea of how much space it was going to take up along with the headboard i just wanted to kind of get a feel for those colors and now i'm going to go ahead and add a couple of sconces to the wall these are some industrial arm plug-in sconces i got on amazon i'll link them below for you guys and also in a little bit here i'm going to share with you guys a tip on how to really hide and disguise that cord that way it's not an eyesore [Music] new curtains are up and this fabric is just so much nicer i also like how it brings just a little bit of warmth since we do have the nightstands um and it's not too crazy with the floor the floor still looks really nice with it so i really love these ones quite a bit better than the gray ones prior now the next thing i want to go ahead and do is actually work on making the bed and getting all the bedding on here because that's gonna end up determining the color of our headboard and just like our decor elements and everything else we're adding to the space so i'm gonna work on bed next [Music] when it came to the bedding in this space i really wanted to keep everything really light and airy so i opted for a white linen comforter i also added a sheet set that had a nice little tan and taupe stripe inside of it a couple of throw pillows which also brought in a little bit of warmth from our wood tones this one in the front with the blue kind of had a southwestern feel to it which i loved for my grandpa's space and i also popped in the headboard and this really nice golden throw blanket just to kind of tie everything together you guys why does the headboard look so good with the bedding now i actually really really like it i was really not liking the headboard as you guys saw a little bit earlier and i knew i didn't want to go to the hardware store and get any paint just because i wanted to see what the bedding actually looks like on first but when i changed the curtains and the bedding the headboard looks really nice and i do not mind it with the nightstand at all and honestly the gray floors don't look bad either i'm very pleased with this which i'm kind of shocked about because i really thought i was gonna um change up the headboard but i actually quite like it so you might have been asking yourself how are we going to be hanging up this headboard well i ended up picking up these picture hanging rings from lowe's and i'm going to be going ahead and screwing them in on the back side of the headboard and i also went ahead and marked on two of the boards that i've applied to my board and baton wall where i'm going to be applying this headboard so i'm just going to be screwing two screws directly into those boards and my headboard's just going to hang essentially like a photo and a little tip for you guys if you want to make sure that it really stays on there just wire the screw and the ring together and the next what i also did was apply these cord covers which i also got at lowe's you can really get them at any hardware store i'm applying the cord cover over the top of the cord and then making it centered on our board that way the cord travels down the wall and looks really nice and clean once it's fully encapsulated and just finished on that piece in terms of wall art i went ahead and picked up a couple pieces again from target this is a really cool kind of like abstract landscape piece and then this right here is a two-piece pack that has these like framed rugs inside of them or like i guess just tapestry pieces but i thought they would tie in the colors in the room so perfectly and i do have a rather large wall here that doesn't of course we can't put a dresser here we can't really put furniture here so i figured why not put some wall art here so i'm gonna put both of these there one i believe is just gonna go right in front of the door here just right here i'm not sure if a tv will be put here in the future so i'm just gonna hang this there for the time being [Music] a little tip for you guys that i actually learned from tiktok when you have to hang up artwork that has two different holes on it which is my least favorite kind what you're gonna do is actually apply some painters tape across the back side and mark where the two holes are going to need to be drilled then you could transfer that painters tape over to your wall so you have the spacing and use a level to ensure it's nice and level screw directly through that tape the holes that you created to start and then you're able to hang up your artwork nice and cleanly and you can repeat the process for your next picture or however many you're going to be adding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay you guys i just went ahead and looked at the before clips which i'm going to put up on the screen right now for you guys to see of this room and i cannot even believe the transformation that has occurred in here it truly is absolutely incredible and i am so excited to share with you guys the reveal of this space it was such a fun and simple transformation there wasn't anything too challenging at all everything just honestly worked and i love the headboard i love the colors in here i did go ahead and tweak a couple of little things um and i'm actually going to be filming the final clips tomorrow morning so if you see a couple of random little like you know decor pieces here their place that is because i added them in but i am so excited to reveal this to you guys so let me go ahead and share with you guys my grandpa's brand new bedroom in three two one [Music] so [Music] and just like that you guys i am back in los angeles and the makeover is complete now sadly i wasn't able to grab my grandpa's reaction hopefully my aunt can get it because it's definitely going to be a surprise for him for sure once he gets there um but he's not going to be getting there for a couple of days so i had to actually come back soon just to kind of work on some more projects for you guys and some more diys and stuff which is why my time was shortened and i just want to thank you guys so so much for watching i'm literally laying down at the moment pooped from my little makeover journey but it was so much fun and the room truly was such an incredible before and after and i want to thank you guys again so much for watching today's video if you are not already you could subscribe to my channel i post brand new home decor and diy content every single week and last but not least i do want to thank helix so much for sponsoring today's video and sending over a mattress for my grandpa that was so so kind of them and i'm sure he's gonna absolutely love it i know that me and my aunt were laying on it and we were like this is the most comfortable mattress ever it's so so soft he did opt for that softer option but they have so many different styles and of course you could take your sleep quiz to find the perfect mattress for you so i will link that below for you guys and don't forget to also use my code you guys to get up to 200 off of your purchase plus two free pillows i actually love the helix pillows they're super super comfortable but i will catch you all in my next one again just thank you guys so much for being part of the lone fox family and supporting my channel i love you all so much and have an amazing rest of your day bye guys you
Channel: Lone Fox
Views: 1,939,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lone Fox Home, Drew Scott DIY, Imdrewscott DIY, DIY, Lone Fox, Lone Fox DIY, Drew Scott, small bedroom makeover, small bedroom, room makeover, room transformation, from start to finish, modern farmhouse, farmhouse makeover, extreme room makeover, bedroom, airy bedroom, bedroom design, how to decorate your room, tiny room, makeover, diy headboard, diy rattan headboard, diy board and batten, easy, affordable
Id: haXfIxTckOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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