Winter Survival Shelter, Stay Warm Overnight With No Fire

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all right here's the scenario you're in the Arid scablands it's about 24 degrees Fahrenheit it started to snow the cloud cover has come down and you have lost your bearings it's also getting dark and unless you want to walk off of one of these cliffs you're gonna have to stay overnight we've got no shelter no sleeping bag maybe a few things in your pocket maybe a day pack we're gonna have to be resourceful but we can find shelter out here come on I'll show you all right at first glance you might be tempted to tuck up underneath one of these Basalt Cliff faces that's not a very good idea with all this Frost heave and and ice pushing on these rocks that's how all these got down here and any one of these come down on your head would turn a bad situation even worse all right out here we don't have the luxury of things like bamboo or Fern or large Groves of trees to build our shelters with basically we've got some small Brushwood grasses and things like this this is tool read or bull rush and we've got quite a bit of it especially in the lowland areas you want to be careful if you're using this this method that I'm going to show you that it is freezing temperatures out or that you're slightly above the water table you don't want to be building in a marsh this stuff is Hollow and like it it floats and can be used for all sorts of things and has been used for all sorts of things for a very long time so this is kind of what we're looking for what this stuff does is in the winter time when it gets a little snow on it gets a little heavy it actually bends down and kind of forms a little bit of a area where you can make a little tunnel a little nest and keep your butt alive in very cold temperatures what you're going to do is find a big enough patch where you can get down in here now don't just Chomp on the top you want to build a nice little circular a little tunnel inside there okay and it's very easy you don't need any tools Let's uh I've got one set up over here a little further along all right I don't know if you can see it but my little survival shelter is right over there let's go check it out all right so this is a fairly large patch of this and this is only about two and a half three feet tall you can see I've got quite a bit of a Tunnel built there real simple crawling in here [Applause] and doing this that's it now you need it long enough for you to crawl into but you don't want it too big you want it to be like a sleeping bag because that's essentially what we're building now we're going to fill the top in let's go get some materials now we're going to gather up some grass and it's going to help insulate our little survival nest and this stuff's really easy to gather you don't need any tools just pick it and in a few minutes you can have arm loads of it get more than you think if you've got the time it'll keep you a lot warmer and honestly this stuff once you get a pretty good thickness of this you'd be very surprised how warm this will be now what we want to do is gather up some more of this Reed to thatch our roof and you can do this without a knife it's a little tougher but you can do it but even just a pocket knife is a big help just cuts pretty easy and you can gather what you need in no time so this is our roof we've got some holes in here we need to patch those up I'm going to take some grass a bunch of grass that I found run it here and then just cover start covering with more weed even if it's windy you can tuck the edges of the Reed down into the stuff that you've arched very easy to work with this stuff that's really darkened up in there that's what we want that'll keep the snow out keep the draft out keep the warmth in now we're gonna line the bottom with our grass again it's just grass took five minutes to pick all this foreign well of course we're gonna have a door how are you going to keep the vacuum salesman out all right so we built this a little cozy we did that on purpose we're going to try and preserve what little heat we do have and that's coming from our bodies so like a sleeping bag is what you're going for back in grab our little stuff that we saved out and our backpack pull the pack up and block it off obviously the more you have the better but this is very cozy all right I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it was useful to you if you did enjoy it could you do me a favor give me a thumbs up I would appreciate it and leave me a comment down below if you've ever been stuck in a bad situation and like I said earlier if this video does well enough I will come out here and do a 24-hour uh overnight to demonstrate a shelter similar to this definitely if the video does well enough I'm not going to do it for nothing all right see you guys next time
Channel: Scablands Scavenger
Views: 9,188,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lwv-vKYJV1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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