DIY Fire Pit / How to Build a Fire Pit (Easy AND Cheap!)

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wife wanted a fire pit for her birthday before the cold weather got here so we are gonna build it and so i'm gonna walk you through how to build an easy fire pit this is the fire pit that came with the house but that is not the style nor the quality of the stuff that my wife likes so we're gonna build a nice one we ordered this on amazon and we're gonna take it apart and put it together here and then move it out into the yard [Music] i've seen some difficult diy fire pit builds with paver bases and all the paver bells and whistles honestly i just wanted an easy and cheap fire pit project so this sunny day's fire pit ring was literally the easiest thing i've ever built that came in a box the fire pit ring itself was only four pieces each piece was assembled with two bolts two kids and without reading the directions i put a link in the description for the sunny days fire pit ring we ordered from amazon when you compare and add the cost of the stones and the fire pit ring it still comes in cheaper than most the standalone outdoor fire pits you can buy and the final product actually looks better so we've built a lot of stuff in this house and that was literally the easiest thing we've ever built that came in a box and pieces so that's one good point for getting that after assembling the fire pit ring the next thing you want to do is make sure you're far enough from all your structures the last thing you want is to build a fire too close to your house and watch it all go up in a raging blaze so for this make sure you follow all your local and state ordinances as well as a little bit of common sense once you have a location set your ring down in position on the grass and then place your first row of blocks around it this will be your outline of where you will remove the grass so we got around about 10 bricks i thought it would go all the way around but there's a space left and i won't fit another brick so i'm gonna have to go get some spacers and uh put them in between each brick so it still looks good but it fills up that space they didn't have spacers at home depot so it's time to bring out the big guns i got one of these so i could cut some masonry with this power tool and then i got some more blocks and i'm just going to cut a piece that will fit in there so let's see how it goes all the stones are slightly different in size so if you're selective with your stones and placements and work the stone row like a puzzle you can probably get away with a close fit and not needing a grinder i wanted a perfect fit because i'm weird like that and i hate puzzles so i just cut the stone with a grinder and a masonry blade these stones are thick so you may need to cut out one side and flip it over to cut the rest when making your cut it doesn't need to be perfect but measure it out and make sure you cut it at an angle so you can get a fairly tight fit but please be careful this would be a fine way to lose some fingers and you don't want that also wear eye protection i went back in and got some after i started get your final piece in nice and snug and you've got your first layer done the next step is to take a shovel or garden tool and make an outline of the perimeter of the bricks remove all your materials and then take off the top layer of grass pat down the soil a bit and you should have a perfect spot for your base if you're choosing to add a base at this point you'll want to spread out your leveling sand for your base spread it out and level it with a block of wood and a level then place your bricks back around the circle and level them as you go add the diy fire ring that you put together earlier and make sure all the blocks are snug at this point you're going to add your second layer of brick pavers just rest the lip of the fire pit right on top of a few pavers while you add the rest of them around the second layer be sure to offset them from the first layer so the cracks are alternating and not right on top of each other this will add stability and it'll make it look nice and normal for the wife repeat the process for the third layer of brick pavers and you're almost done if you're doing a base it's super simple the next step i forgot to videotape but for the second layer of the base just pour out your small stones in the bottom of your fire pit right on top of the sand and then level them with your hand lastly add your lava rocks we use two bags for this size of fire pit and spread them around by hand as well then wipe down any dust and debris clean up around the fire pit add your chairs and you are ready for a hot dog and s'mores party as i said earlier if you want to keep it a super cheap diy fire pit build you could always leave out the sand and rocks and just use the dirt as the base to your fire pit honestly you could even build it right on top of the grass and not do any of the hard labor i'm not sure how this would work out in the long term but if i did it again i might try that and just see what happens if you decide you want to try this diy fire pit project it's going to require a few things so here's what you'll need to do it cheap and easy the first thing you need is a sunny days fire pit ring or fire pit liner and we got that from amazon for 149 dollars second thing is 33 angled garden blocks we used the harvest blend from home depot and all together they came out to 78 dollars and 54 cents and those are really the two things the only two things you'll need if you build it just right on top of the grass the other stuff you should have around your house a shovel a tape measure one bag of leveling sand i don't know the price we got that from home depot as well probably about 10 bucks one bag of garden pebbles that's probably about the same price two bags of lava rocks probably the same price per bag those are just estimates and then if you're cutting the block i used a dewalt grinder with a masonry blade that's optional and only if you need it as i said if you pick out your bricks carefully and put them together like a puzzle using the small ones and the big ones you might be able to get away with not cutting anything a socket set and that's optional but that made it a little bit easier to put the fire pit ring together and then lastly some chairs we used uh plastic adirondack chairs that we got from home depot they're pretty sturdy and they were about 20 a piece so if you're selective with the placement size of the stones you won't need the grinder and with the exception of the sunny days fire pit ring itself which we got on amazon everything else was available at the local home depots or lowe's most the basic diy tools you probably already have in your garage or in your shed if you got value from this video please like and subscribe and click on the next video and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Wealthanize
Views: 29,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Fire Pit, fire pit diy, how to build a fire pit, fire pit build, fire pit, diy fire pit, how to make a fire pit, easy fire pit build, cheap fire pit, fire pit ring kit, sunnydaze fire pit, firepit, how to build a fire pit in your backyard, how to build a fire pit in your backyard with bricks, how to build a fire pit in your yard, how to build a safe fire pit in your yard, fire pit ring, fire pit ring diy, build a fire pit cheap, how to build a fire pit easy
Id: uZ7usstl2tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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