šŸ”„Smokeless Fire Pit with Bilge Blower!

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I have a pretty decent fire pit but it doesn't burn as efficiently as it should it also smokes quite a bit I'm gonna install some pipe to to a supply additional draft to the fireplace 12 inline blower that's up next okay so you see here I purchased an inexpensive tote and in that I attached to the bottom of the tote a piece of wood secured debt on the bottom side and then attached my blower to the top then I went ahead and cut two oversize four inch holes so that through there I can insert the dryer vent hose that I purchased and I can attach it to the inlet and the outlet side of the blower with that done I went ahead and dug a hole near the fire pit so that I can insert the tote underground then also after I dig this hole I'm gonna go ahead and tunnel towards the fire pit up to where you see the edge of the landscaping there this soil is pretty sandy so it's fairly easy to dig I just need to be concerned about getting it deep enough so that I can dig at least 12 inches under the current fire rim that you see there that I'm clearing the ashes from that is an old truck rim I needed to pry that out of place and then dig down like I said 12 inches that would give me enough space to accommodate my four inch Venna drain cap and the elbow that goes on the bottom so I need to punch a hole through under the landscaping to the other side I pound this in and the dirt that fills that pipe I just shake that out and continue to keep pounding and removing dirt until I get tunneled all the way through to the other side here you see it's getting a little easier to punch through and I made it through to the other side so now I have a nice 4-inch tunnel into which I can insert my galvanized pipe so I assembled my rain cap my four inch elbow and my two foot pipe as you see there and put it through the hole and then I attached the galvanized dryer vent hose to that two-foot piece of pipe that will allow me to extend that our hose up through at this point then I backfilled around the rain cap with some brick to kind of hold it in place and then I back filled that whole area with a lot of peat gravel this pea gravel will help keep some of the ash out and to further protect my rain cap I put a large paver stone on top of that and leveled it in place once that was in place I could reinsert my tire rim on top of that and then once that's in place I'm also going to backfill that tire rim with pea gravel again the pea gravel in theory will help keep the ash from migrating down inside and around my rain cap and with the small vents in that rain cap I think there's little chance that anything will get clogged up in there and but yet it should allow free flow of air from the bilge blower into the fire pit so with that done I can concentrate on this other side I put my tote in place and attached both ends of the dryer vent so that what you see at the bottom of your screen is the inlet side and on top of that you can see I have a four inch vent cap that I'm going to attach to that so what I'm doing now is I'm laying in pavers and as you can see at the bottom of your screen what I'm doing is I'm laying pavers on the side and then I cap it with a paver on top that will protect the dryer vent hose from collapsing from the weight of fill material that I'm going to put in on top of it so there you see everything capped up and in place and now it's just a matter of back filling that whole area first with pea gravel which I'm pouring in at this point and then once I get that filled adequately with pea gravel then I'm gonna backfill the areas with soil and once I get the soil back filled in there I can cap it I can put the sod back in kind of tidy it up so here you see me shoveling back in a lot of this soil and I'll get that up to an adequate height and I'm just tamping that in real good packing it in and then I can cap everything back up with the sod so the idea is to leave that tote accessible so that if I have any problems with that village blower I can access it to be able to service it or replace it if needed and so I've got my inlet vent cap on there tapping all the soil in place and then I'm going to put the stone in place and this is kind of what it's going to look like once I get everything tidied up so with everything looking pretty good I think at this point what I will do is pull up that stone and uncap the tote so that I can then access the wires and my plan is to pull my lawnmower over here and I can hook those wires up to the lawnmower battery and that will enable us to be able to test this thing to see how it performs so now it's just a matter of building a good fire getting it going well and having it burned unassisted by the blower and then I'm gonna turn the blower on and to see how well it performs so with that in mind let's get it lit up here and see how it performs okay it's time for the moment of truth I've gone ahead and taken a couple of leads and attached him to my lawnmower battery eventually my plan was I have a battery in my daughter's old playhouse I use that to produce some green energy with my wind generator and I will eventually attach wires that's the plan over there but in the mean time for testing purposes I've attached wires up to the battery on my deer and as you can see this thing's producing quite a bit of smoke so we're gonna head and hook up those leads and see if it helps [Music] okay the blower is now working I'm gonna zoom in on this [Music] it's not smoking as much and the flames are being stoked I got to admit it's not putting as much air through as I thought it would but it is helping stoke the fire so that's a positive thing as soon as you can see it's not smoking like it was before and the flames are stoked so it appears to be working I'm going to go ahead and attach the leads [Music] we'll see the difference so we've got a pretty good flame I can feel the heat clear over here on me let me take off the lead and see what happens here leda's off now [Music] and you can see slowly the flames are dying down here bit by bit and you got that smoke again so the fire is not nearly as vigorous as it was and again it's smoking quite a bit so I call this I guess a limited success it was a lot of work a lot of effort to get it to do what it's doing the flames are down quite a bit now smoking quite a bit I'm gonna go ahead and reattach the leads and we can see the difference again [Music] and lead is attached we got quite a bit of smoke and very little flame right now [Music] but as you can see as before it's starting to Stoke up again a lot more flames so I would say some limited success in helping the fire being more productive at least it doesn't smoke as much and we got a pretty decent flame so [Music] I'm gonna cap this back up until I get time to run the leaves over to the battery in my green energy station so I'll go ahead and leave some links in the description below and some of the pieces and parts that went into making this turbocharged fire pit and hopefully this gave you some ideas on [Music] you
Channel: Buds Smart Home
Views: 296,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp fire bilge blower, fire pit blower ideas, Smokeless Fire Pit with Bilge Blower, fire pit bilge blower, bilge blower campfire, bilge blower fire pit, fire pit air blower, fire pit bilge fan, add blower to fire pit, increasing draft for fire pit, increase draft for fire pit, increasing fire pit draft, increase fire pit draft, fire pit with blower fan, how to increase air to fire pit, smoke-free fire pit, Best smokeless fire pit, fire pit ideas, Fire pit build
Id: 8AiGnrb__LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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