DIY - Device for lifting heavy logs

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everyone welcome back to makers playground HQ I am Izzy and today we're gonna start working on a log hauling device so you can move big logs like that one sitting behind me I'll buy your little only self back in the old days they used to be able to lift heavy things and move them around without any mechanical engines or motors or they just use manual devices and today we're going to start experimenting with a couple of devices called a windlass so what I want to be able to do is be able to lift heavy logs move them around with one person you know to set them on my sawmill a couple years ago I did a sawmill it was wildly successful I mean thousands of people have built it which is incredible but now we need some way to move those bigger logs onto that sawmill manually without having to have a tractor or a big heavy equipment so we're starting down an epic road of discovery starting with testing some devices that you can make yourself to lift really heavy stuff right now we're starting that so first we all would have to we have to build like a big testing device like six feet tall eight feet tall something we can put these wet witnesses on and then we need to come up with some you know like a crash-test dummy to use to test it with me no yes talking to you ah okay right so what I'm thinking is we're gonna do just to like we're going to take two two by fours and laminate them together on two sides like this earring and then we're gonna make like little break so you have a really good one on the bottom angle brackets coming up here one on the bottom angling backs coming up here so if you're looking at it from the side it's just a tee like so with the angle brackets so kind of hold everything nice and secure probably like half way up not in that low it's about four foot and then we need to do a cross-section across here to kind of hold these things from wrapping this way so maybe we'll go maybe we'll put a a third leg out like that another brace right there and then just tie them together with a couple pieces of 2x4 to keep them rigid and then we put the Willises up here crash-test-dummy here and that's that so that's what we need to do and rather than going through and like explaining that because it's a simple build let's do like a quick montage montage yeah [Music] keep pushing through [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn Sun beats down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice okay now that we have our testing mix you see the notch up up there pay no attention to the notch two of those are two by eights two of those or studs now that I get a two by four by eight does I gonna do about that so now Brad's low we're setting up the CNC we need to cut off some pieces for the windlass to actually sit in need to make a big crank handle and then we need to make a shaft for our witness that coming up next to the music dip dip dip dip dip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dude [Music] dip dip dip dip dip you need a little bit about our our dip dip dip dip dip dip to eat a little dip dip dip dip dip dip duty down [Music] ready to test the first windlass this is just your regular water well windlass but for that we need a crash-test dummy and Brad's bringing our crash-test dummy right now this is gonna be awesome so we've got this log it's I don't know what is it this is about four feet long and 20 inches in diameter and it's been sitting for about a year and a half now that being said it's waterlogged because we've had a lot of rain here lately so we're gonna try this now this is just a typical winless setup just like you would see on a water well where you would throw you know five gallons of water down or five gallon pail down and then you'd winch it up and this gives you a lot of mechanical advantage you have this very narrow shaft that goes across with a crank that's quite a bit bigger so you have all that mechanical advantage to lift it up now Brad's gonna make an attempt right now to go ahead and lift this log which I'm guessing is in what do you think 400 pounds 450 pounds so we're in that range so we're gonna try and lift this up right now let me back up so you can see all right it's in the air is that easy or hard gotcha so we lift that up let's pull that out of the way and you know this is there's no way Brad could lift this thing by yourself right off the ground so this is actually pretty cool now there's a Chinese variation of this that I think is way better than the block-and-tackle because with a block of tackle you need a whole bunch of blocking tackles to get this type of mechanical advantage now the Chinese variation is really simple and it gives you the same advantage like I don't know I haven't done the math but I'm guess I'd be saying somewhere like ten of them so very gently let it back down watch yourself there don't don't let go look that would be bad all right so we're gonna stop we're gonna rig up for the Chinese version or the the Chinese windlass is what it's called and I will show you how that works and it's pretty amazing how much more mechanical advantage you get out of just one simple change to this whole setup right here this is the basic principle of a Chinese windlass you have one rope going up one direction and the other one coming the other direction so as you're turning this one side is letting Rope out and the other side is taking rope up so if you're turning it in the direction that this side is taking rope up it's taking more rope up than this side is letting out right here and this pulley down here will either go up in small increments or down in small increments depending on which direction you're pulling this gives you a huge amount of mechanical advantage as Brad's about to demonstrate for us there's there's not a lot of rope on this side Brad if it drops just get out of the way you're going the wrong direction no you're right there you go here we go is it any easier to lift than the last time what what happened oh all right let it out let the tension let the tension off we need to put like a divider in there so I can't skip like that probably move that over there all right ladies and gentlemen the Chinese windlass let's see what happens hopefully the Rope doesn't slip off that one side but yeah let me come over and hold it all right go ahead so that one's rolling up slightly faster than that one is unrolling and I was putting lift pressure on the log or at least that's what if we feed something sweet this book is supposed to be doing all right let's see but is it harder or easier all right you're still working with fluoride aren't you and look at their don't go too much further because that ropes gonna come off we should have started with a hundred feet of rope instead of fifty but that is the basic premise of it is it so is it super difficult to hold it what happens if you let oh is it yeah a little bit so so that's about so we're saying that's gonna words we're gonna say that's about 400 pounds well actually get a scale out later and weigh it so with the variations of the different sized rods and if we make the center rod out of Steel make it a lot smaller and then make only the step up like 1/2 H instead of right now it's it's an inch and a half because we have 3/4 H on both sides so if we made it let's say 3/4 of an inch step up and just put extra rope on there you should be able to lift maybe a ton without too much trouble at all I think we need to do some we're experimenting so let us know in the comments section what you guys think of the system now imagine it much more compact made out of metal and you know I'd be willing to bet there'd be a drill involved here somewhere in the near future but this is kind of like the mechanism I'm thinking we're going to use for lifting the logs into the log hauling device I'd love to hear your feedback this is a really fun project so by changing some of the parameters of the Chinese Windows we'll be able to lift some super heavy weights manually just by hand or obviously with a drill because you know that's way more fun than doing it by hand hey everybody thanks again for watching so we're building a log hauling cart in the next few videos it's going to match up to the sawmill that I built a year and a half ago and you're not going to want to miss this log hauling cart there is nothing like it out there I'm pretty proud of this design and I can't wait to show you guys this thing in action in the meantime we're gonna dress some more tests with our Chinese witless and cope with a much better ratio for lifting lots of heavy loads we'll see you in the next video
Channel: izzy swan
Views: 257,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, tablesaw, table saw, tools, projects, woodworking, shop projects, jigs, band saw, Izzy swan
Id: RMzpLHUNa50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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