Insanely Cheap Chainsaw Sawmill | How To

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today we're gonna build a very cool chainsaw sawmill for under $50 with ten two by fours and a 1 by 6 [Music] so I've had some time to look at a lot of different Chainsaw saunas and for me there were a few important key criteria first of all I wanted to be as comfortable as I could be working with this thing so I wanted to be in a standing position I didn't want to have to lift the log really high on to some platform and I wanted to be away from the chainsaw there were a couple models on the market that fit my criteria but they started at about $1,000 you throw a five to $100 chainsaw into that that's a pretty good price tag just to start some chainsaw milling so I decided I was gonna build one now the first step in this is to create a rail or a ladder that the chainsaw mount can slide up and down [Music] this is probably the most important part of the film to get it as square as possible as parallel as possible and as smooth and straight as possible so I took my time use the straightest 2x4 as I had and made sure that everything was as level and as even as I could get [Music] [Music] so I put out I'm using AG look that I did on a couple videos ago where I showed that new style of kind of parallel clamp I'm using that for this project but you don't have to you could obviously use plywood if you have subscribed pilot laying around in fact that might be better in some cases but for this case I'm going to go ahead and use this go up I have a lot of viewers in places where plywood is ridiculously expensive so I want to show them that you don't have to use plywood for this belt you can just glue up a little panel of 2x4 and use that back to it now on this slide mechanism that slides back and forth on the rail got it close but I wasn't as particular as I was with with the rails there can be a little bit of slop and movement in this which is good because it's wood and then the flexin expand and contract as long as it was captured and could move freely I was ok with it there's gonna be quite a bit of weight sitting on it so that'll help [Music] don't do this kind of thing very often but I wanted to take a minute and say a big huge thank you to two people I love and adore very much this particular hand plane that I'm using right now was made by Tony reuleaux of Hill via wooden metal and a friend of mine Jenny Bowers who's an engraver took the time to put an amazing engraving on it and this has easily become my favorite tool of all time I don't think I've ever owned the tool that I've adored and appreciated as much so guys thank you for your hard work I really appreciate you and your talents and skills this thing is a pure joy and pleasure to use love you guys [Music] mm-hmm all right that's enough of the mushy stuff let's get back to it [Music] because I'm using two-by-four material for the sled I put on a couple of cleats on the both front and back to help support it in cases though once the lawman twists [Music] some people might find it a little silly but that little sled gliding back and forth so easily on that rail made me very happy [Music] with the rail and sled working well the next step was to put a handle on this thing so I could push it back and forth [Music] next up was to build a tower for the saw to move up and down on and this is really complicated it's a box made out of two more [Music] with the 2x4 box done the next thing I needed was some way to mount the saw that would move up and down the model [Music] [Applause] [Music] now before anybody gets their panties in a bunch just know that those two bolts aren't the only thing holding the saw in place I'll talk more about that in an upcoming video [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that moved the saw up and down the carriage or the box I just use some threaded rod I picked up from the big-box store it was like six bucks [Music] with the sawmill nearly done I just needed a place to mount a log [Music] [Music] [Music] now before we get too far into this I do want to mention this is the dullest chain I've ever had on a chain saw that I can remember but I didn't want to wait for my new chain to come in to test it [Music] I know you can't see my face right now but I am grinning from ear to ear I am super happy with the way this came out and the performance of the sawmill not so much the chain but the song that was doing really good really looking forward to sawing up a bunch of laws of this once they get a proper rep chain in big shout out to my tool masters members for going through this build with me and before five iterations of this mill and thank you for all the feedback in comments it was a lot of fun I just like my product control an extension cord some stuff in here with this particular video I'm gonna do another one now this is a super super dull chain chain that I have on this song this is actually the chain that came with it I have it sharpened and I kind of quite a bit of wood with it and if you saw the last video about free handing saw milling that's the same blade I use or sane teen I use not sharpened or anything as far as the mill goes you know 40 50 bucks two-by-fours and some threaded rod and you have yourself a chainsaw mill now I've seen some ones like this out on the market but they started like $1000 I make in no way before you're 50 bucks you could build your own I'm really happy with this setup now there's some improvements I'm going to make to it so don't go blowing up in the comments section do this do that I already have a bunch of improvements I'm going to make to this and I will put those up in the next video coming on Tuesday or Wednesday and have a rich incoming for the book for this and will show this bill in all its glory using a rich chain and really getting the job done so I'm looking forward to getting that up so I mentioned if you're not subscribed hit the subscribe button don't forget forget to hit the bail notification next to the subscribe button that way you get notified when that next video comes up you can see me putting this mail to task with the RIP chain and a whole bunch more material we'll talk more about how the sauce mounted talk about some improvements for this and we'll put a much better throttle system and play around with it a little bit so that videos coming still appreciate you guys thank you very much for watching and we'll talk to you all later
Channel: izzy swan
Views: 715,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, diy, tablesaw, table saw, tools, projects, woodworking, shop projects, jigs, band saw, Izzy swan, Chainsaw, Lumber Mill, Chainsaw Mill, alaskan chainsaw mill, sawmill portable, sawmill chainsaw, sawmills in action, Cheap, Homemade, lumber (industry), granberg mill, MIll your own lumber
Id: 09ixWGEvlAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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