DIY Concrete Block Fire Pit With a "BREEO" Smokeless Steel Insert

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how you doing everyone today's video is going to be how we built this fire pit this fire pit is uh manufactured by tekko block it's uh called valencia the valencia fire pit and the color of it is champlain gray so i hope you guys stick around and check this video out it's a nice quick build but a really good addition to any kind of outdoor uh living space so we'll get right into it guys stay tuned it's made by brio it's a smokeless insert comes with a nice cover and i think it really uh really ties everything together and it's gonna um really help with the longevity of the fire pit so the only thing that can make it better is if it was my house or benny's that would make it then definitely better that's the only way it would make it better would have went with a different fireplace yeah benny pounded a steak in over here we got another steak in on the other side it's gonna be roughly the center point where we have this string and stake set up so we can find our height for um setting the uh the fire pit in i mean it's it's pretty hard to get a perfect circle but that's pretty damn close to a perfect circle let's go look at it from the top of the hill what do you say yeah that's gonna be a really sweet area and he's making a little trench so the string can go through find our level level point and stop building guys stay tuned okay guys so what we're going to be doing is laying these fire pit blocks on the same bedding stone as what we would lay our concrete pavers for the patio we're installing as well what this is going to do is make it look like the fire pit is actually deeper in the ground and is coming out of the ground rather than i know i see a lot of people install these fire pits on top of concrete pavers and that's just not what we do it's not as good looking or professional in my opinion so what we're going to do is screen this middle section of the patio area and lay our first section our first tier of fire pit block on that bedding stone and then build our paver patio around the fire pit so what i'm doing right there is screeding is what it's called um and this is how we level off our patio and walk away bases with this quarter inch chip rock is what it's called it's for permeable paver installs but we use it for even non-permeable applications all right guys benny has been back he's busy unloading the trailer you guys like benny and one he's just an all-star isn't it all right so we got the right fire pit block now let me show you the difference that's called uh champlain gray what we had was shale gray champlain has some tans in it which the shale gray does not so this is shale gray champlain gray so there was the error but we got the right stuff now i got a lot of the patio laid now we can build the fire pit okay guys so what i was just explaining is we actually got the wrong color fire pit and um it was just something that slipped through the cracks but anyway while benny was gone uh getting this this fire pit for us i started laying i screeded another section and laid the patio but as you can see with with where i left myself with the bedding stone at the same height as the pavers is now the fire pit's going to look like it's coming out of the ground and it also makes it very easy for us to level the first tier of our fire pit block because we're already screeded rather smooth and level all right guys we're all uh leveled up first course is all set now it just gets easier and easier from here looking good now like i said next step is um concrete adhesive and just stack them up the only difference we're gonna do on this row is offset the joints so we're gonna um start to start the next row on the center of a joint and then go from there because we don't want to necessarily stack them on each other you have to offset it kind of like any kind of brickwork or anything like that so let me uh let me get the glue gun all set up and we have is made by srw products we use it for all our wall block and anything really um it's good for high temperature compatible so we've got retaining walls pavers concrete natural stone and fire that's what it said it's used for and that's what we use it for all right guys so if you do this right one tube should give you just enough for one row um you don't want to put it too close to the back or the front where you'll get um seepage and you'll see it come through on either the front of the back which is [Music] so all right there's one full tube now like i said we want to offset the joints every row so we're going to put this about halfway through the block uh all right now we'll make our adjustment make sure it's all tight with no gaps all right so we got our first row that's glued on and uh it's coming together good as you guys seen in both layers you usually have to adjust them just a little bit by pushing them all inwards or slightly moving them to the left or right but that's just the way it goes on on pretty much every level the important things are making sure before you put the glue you either blow blow the layer down or sweep it down good as you see me with the little hand broom and then just use an entire tube on the on a row it's just the easiest way to do the math and to build the project with good structural integrity but um there's five rows in this in this kit this valencia kit so i got two more to go here and then um the brio uh smokeless insert will be going in afterwards i didn't actually tape that so a very important question with these fire pit kits like this is will the concrete crack if i don't buy a metal insert of some kind um it will crack eventually it just depends on how many fires and and when but it will eventually crack but if you're somebody who doesn't have fires very often and it'll last you a while without a metal insert but if you're somebody that maybe has fires every night or not every night but at least a few times a week or so i would definitely recommend a uh a steel insert of some of some sort just to protect the block um it is just concrete so the fire definitely um definitely hurts it after a while all right guys so this is a picture of a job that i did a few years ago with the fire pit insert that you can actually cook food on with a few different grates very awesome job here but to take you through some before and afters the wall block we use on this project is a techo block product as well it's called the sema wall system s-e-m-m-a and it's capped with the taco block product as well and it's the architectural cap and they both color shale gray from techo block we had to do a lot of drainage here too we connected in all their downspouts into a big drywall that we dug and backfilled with three quarter inch crushed stone as you'll see in a minute here we dug a big hole in the side yard and filled it with uh drainage aggregate so that all the downspouts would be able to drain into the ground and the patio pavers we use on this job were a techo block product as well and it's blue 60 pavers and the color blend again is shale gray and we have a dark onyx holland stone border guys um enjoyed that little video on how to make that fire pit don't forget to hit the like and subscribe and don't forget to look for the the full videos on this whole install here it's a it's a really cool job patio there are a lot of different types of fire pits but i've done this valencia a few times now and like i said it's simple it's uh it's quick good product so shout out to taco block the uh taco box really got a lot of good products out there so this is just one of them all right guys uh until the next video stay tuned god bless keep working hard keep enjoying life enjoying what god gave you all right everyone just want to show you real quick techo block this is their catalog they've had the same one for a couple years now i'm not sure if they're gonna change it going into this 2022 season but um here is our fire pit valencia they have four color options in the catalog chestnut brown sandalwood champlain gray which is what we used shale gray which is what we got first and didn't use there is a height of 14 and three quarter inches i don't know how clear this is but um 48 inches on the exterior so four feet wide and 29 and eighth interior they don't come with any inserts this is the one they recommend on the page it's just a regular steel insert nothing special but what we put in we got their website here brio is a manufacturer x series is what we installed i believe it's the x30 x series 30 smokeless firepit they're not cheap but um these customers were gonna use the fire pit a lot so they wanted to make sure they had a nice insert to protect it so go to the website brio lifetime warranty look at that what do you think man go check out taco block and brio you
Channel: The Christian Hardscaper
Views: 12,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building a block fire pit, how to install a block firepit, how to install a fire pit, how to build a concrete block fire pit, techo-bloc valencia fire pit, techo-bloc valencia fire pit installation, techo bloc valencia fire pit, hardscape, backyard patio ideas with fire pit, patio with a firepit, pavers, concrete pavers, concrete, the christian hardscaper, hardscaping, how to build a fire pit, diy fire pit, do it yourself fire pit ideas, DIY Patio, breeo smokeless fire pit insert
Id: 1NKp3rw12aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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