D.I.Y.-cology : Low Tech Flow Hood

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Thatโ€™s super cool, and ingenious! Iโ€™ve just created a half SAB half glovebox that works but I like this idea better. It seems more fool proof. So thank you very much for sharing!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Demoire ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Glad you got this posted definitely gonna put my purifier to work thanks!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Forage_For_Fun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys it's dan from veritas mycology how is everybody it is thursday afternoon in virginia and it is about to snow here so i am going to uh fulfill my promise to y'all and finish up this video or create this video for the low-tech flow hood um this is the exact same thing this is precisely the same unit that i used to use in my home before i had a lab when i used to use it for brain transfers inoculations culturing etc anything i would use my flow hood for now and i really never had any issues with this i can't promise you it's going to be 100 safe it's going to depend on you and several environmental factors more than several really an infinite number honestly but this this should work for you it's much better than a still air box in my opinion um and i you know that debate goes on and on i don't know i i still have yet to tell you guys my still air bomb story so uh uh somehow i've avoided that i will have to get to that at some point but this thing here will serve you well if you decide to do it it requires this unit um it requires the filtrate uh unit that's in there so you've got 60 bucks in that a row of gappers tape or good duct tape a uh cutting blade that's extra sharp i'm using a disposable scalpel you can use whatever you've got around a razor blade whatever just make sure it's very sharp uh some iso and a dry cleaning bag now this dry cleaning bag has a great story this came from a guy this is i love virginia for this reason especially small town virginia uh i called up because i was going to shoot this video last night and i called up a local uh dry cleaner and ask them at ten minutes for their closing if i could purchase some bags for them and the guy that answers uh and this is augusta uh cleaners in uh waynesboro virginia and the guy that answers his name's chris and he says uh hey look uh we're getting ready to close i'm happy to meet you somewhere and i'm like what and on top of that i said well listen let me grab some cash and i'll i'll pay and he's like no no i don't take any payment for you so this man not only meets me halfway at closing time for his store but then brings me a whole bag full won't take anything from it and wishes me well and asks uh about our company and so forth and what a great meeting that was what a nice person and i love interactions like that so thank you chris very very much man we really appreciate you for that so uh and if you need any cleaning done in lisbon go see our guy chris over at augusta so let me show you guys how to do this once you've got your filter installed and make sure that you've got a hepa filter okay if your unit doesn't come with one and i'm not sure that they do uh make sure you buy one uh it's a very easy package i think i've got a secure steel so you're gonna want the purple one and it's 3m fill tree same stuff we run in our flow hoods here and you'll start like this it's very very simple this is your air intake and this is your air exhaust so you're going to want to turn your unit around like this ensuring that it is unplugged and mine is you look at your opening here you're going to want to take three strips of tape from your roll uh and you know generous 12 inch strips generous 12 inches cup three of those for now and this is not a hard and fast rule folks if it takes you a couple more that takes you a couple more it's no big deal so what you want to do is take the outside of your bag and kind of bring it together like this and take one of your pieces of tape okay and just kind of gather let down half of it on the bag and half of it on your table or work surface and kind of push it as if you were like pushing material into a sewing machine kind of bunch it up not too much but just enough because you're going to have more bag circumference than you do area to cover on the exhaust so you need to kind of make up for that and use your tape so keep the tape about halfway on the bag material and halfway on the table like that and then you can just lift it off the table now we're using a stainless steel table of course that makes it much easier for us to facilitate this so you're going to want to put your first strip right across the front of the exhaust remember only half of this tape is really covering anything the other half is attached to the bag so it won't really cover all the vents that it appears to be and you'll want to smooth your tape down very well sit your unit up gather your whole bag kind of flip it over and then pull your edge around and you can see where i'm going with this you'll work here on this edge whenever one's convenient to you lay over you should be roughly at a curve here so lay over your other existing piece of tape and roll it out and then kind of gather it and lay it down as you go around the outside of the honeycomb pattern for the air exhaust just remember to keep gathering and tucking your bag material under here and watch yourself over the corner to make sure that you don't have uh any slack in your bag there and it doesn't get caught up in the corner and cause a little bit of a turmoil for you so don't over gather it looks like i might be able to do this with just the two pieces i've got we're gonna use three because you're going to use multiple pieces actually uh you need to um it's important to be certain that you've got a good seal on your bag to your unit one of our favorites the wife and i love to sit and watch bob's burgers is absolutely one of our favorite cartoon brewing stuff uh funny bunny okay that was one of the things i loved about my wife when i first met her was her bob's burgers uh shower curtain time for the charm bomb to explode all right so you can see that all i'm doing now is or maybe you can't see uh but i will explain it uh i'm going around and reinforcing my seams and just kind of bringing my tape out a little bit on both of my uh syndrome and i will pick the unit up and bring it over to you and show it closer to the gimbal there and i'm going to grab a couple of short pieces like this just happy little pieces of tape i mean that's bob ross right i know i missed power loss that was what like that used to be my zen time uh this is how big a goobers we are my wife and i we will sit around and play old bob ross videos and just chill out and listen to guster uh and that is our meditation time all right so anyway this is your tape job it's i think i'm good now and i'm going to turn this up on its side so that the exhaust is forcing out and i'm just going to play the bag out a little bit now this has ver variable speed control it's got three different speeds uh and it goes zero three two one three being the highest so you'll want to have your scalpel ready you're iso ready and uh you can pretty much so put your tape out of the way your iso will sit over here and you'll want to go ahead and glove up now now i should if i were going to actually use this flow head i would number one i have something covering my sleeves and probably be a little more concerned about this of course i just ripped my mouth out all right the old hands so get this ready make sure you've got your blade ready as well and don't be intimidated by this this is not a big deal so you want to make sure you go to the lowest speed flip it over to zero and you're going to want to plug it in first yes you will all right plug it in first then go to your your speed number one as you do that you'll see the bag begins to inflate the idea here is as it inflates it's going to create a tube of sterile air and cut a slit here let me slit here for your arm holes and then a small access port with an x towards the end and doing that allows you and you can widen that out if you need to by just simply putting your hands in it carefully stretching it make sure you're being safe and recap your blade and then if you find that you've made your holes a little too big yeah turn the power up captain she's got to have more power and if you haven't sterilized beforehand and you can you can spray this bag inside and out with iso and i recommend you do and make sure that your hands and everything else is sterilized as well spray the outside around your holes and your flaps go inside spray your unit inside now am i recommending you do this with the unit going no because i don't want anybody doing anything unsafe but i've never had any problems the exhaust being blowing it out generally takes care of any issue so and then of course wipe down your iso bottle and leave it in there if you've got another one which we happen to then you can iso down whatever you've got going in work on it and tweak it out so that it works for you if you don't like my way of doing it do it yourself that's cool man that's the part of experimentation i just want to give you an idea to work with so for less than 60 bucks uh maybe 65 i've never found a dry cleaner that ever charged me more than a dollar or two honestly so uh and that's for a huge quality of bags so you'll find them they're very generous these these bags are the reason we like them is because they're very cheap and they're very light and this makes for an excellent flow hood so let me take the gimbal and i'll walk you around this and show it to you real quick there you go you can see there's the uh slit that i cut out an x shape it kind of blows itself out my arm holds it here for me to reach in and work through and there's the unit itself [Music] this is a really fantastic way for you to start working with mushrooms now at your home you can do grain transfers here you can work with your liquid cultures you can do your agar plates here uh and figure it out guys you'll fit you will figure this out and if anybody wants to build a big monster one and show it to me after they've done it man with like a i don't know like a bounce house attached to a giant one i will love that so uh whatever you guys get into man i i definitely want to hear about it if this has inspired you in some way fantastic uh if it hasn't then uh use it as something to make you inspired uh to do it better i i i appreciate everything that you guys have done for us we love the love that you've given us and we hope to be giving that back in these videos let us know what else uh you're looking for and we'll try to get something up there for you immediately we'll see you later guys we really appreciate it bye hey friends don't forget to check us out at www.veritasmycology.org also on social media on instagram facebook twitter and reddit also look for us on youtube where we post all our videos
Channel: Veritas Mycology
Views: 1,354
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Id: M9FWIu2YLr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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