Flow hood for under $80?

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so i got this uh 80 air purifier from the old mate jeff bezos we can sell anything this way cost 80 plus a bit more shipping to new zealand the question is can i turn this into a flow hood like i have in my we lab out there i reckon i can so i'm going to give it a shot let's give it a shot this sun is cooking me so we chose a toppin comfy ear c2 now i found this on amazon and it had really good reviews so this is our device right here unboxed in all its glory it's quite small it pulls the air in from around the sides here and pumps it out the top this is the way device out of its box here and you can see it's got four parts around the bottom where it sucks the air in from and it blows it out the top underneath here we can access it by opening it up there's the power cable and here is the hepa filter here now this is an h13 hepa filter which are pretty good hepa filters the one i use inside my lab is an h14 so it's a grade above this but this should do the trick for some pretty cost effective home mycology the airflow output from this is 88 cubic feet per minute which means if we create a housing around the end here that expands to one square foot it's going to be blowing at a rate of 88 feet per minute now i have heard that you want about 100 feet per minute for a good laminar flow hood but if we wanted this at 100 feet per minute flow rate the area you have to work in front of might just be a bit small so i'm going to try this by expanding the area at which the air comes out here up to about one square foot and that'll give you a nice space to work in front of if you want to say collect cultures from the wild or perhaps inoculate small bags of spawn we're going to do this by lying the device on its side and we're going to create a shroud that covers the end and just makes in larger this is hopefully what the flow hood is going to look like so you can see i've just got this systema plastic container and i'm going to mount the flow hood coming in the end down there i have to cut this lip off the bottom so it's flush with the table once that's running it should suck the air in here filter it and blow the air out here i'm concerned we might get small eddies of ear circulating or dirty air circulating in these corners but after you leave it on for a while i'm hoping that any dust that does build up or might get stuck in these corners just comes out and that should all be clean air in there so we just get this on the top now just using the old mark one eyeball to center that highly reliable highly accurate now i don't think this plastic actually takes the oh there we are no good to go and there we have it if you can see that mark that's where the flow hook will go into well not the flow code i shouldn't call it that the uh hepa filter air purifier it's an air purifier we got there right i'll just get this one cut out right we've got this pretty good now see if we can get this to fit like a pair of crocs just but so comfortably look at that so i think the containers are pretty good again i don't like the square corners but i think it will do the trick now the air purifier is mounted in the back here i'm going to need to seal along the edges here because if there are small holes where air can get through you might get a negative pressure here as the ears getting blown out that way so i'm going to seal that up to make sure no dust or that gets sucked through there so it's on and it's working there's a lot of air coming out of it we're going to set it up inside in my incubation chamber out there and we're going to run some experiments with it we're going to leave some open dishes inside here and out here and see if they can terminate so i've set up my flow hood on a table here in the corner of my incubation room the reason i've set it up in here is because this isn't a clean room there's lots of dust in the air there's carpet on the floor so this is going to tell us if this reflow hood here is able to clean the ear that moves over these plates here i prepared these plates in my clean room next door and we will open these up while there's two in here two out here and i'll put a control plate on the side there for a bit we'll open them up we'll leave them open for five minutes and we'll see if they stay clean a few things i have done one is i've put blue blue tech around the edges where it meets with the um container here now this is just to stop air getting sucked through dirty air at the back and getting them blown out here i'm sitting quite low on this table it gives me a work area inside here but i also think you can work outside here as well so if the plates in there stay clean you could in fact um bring this closer and work with your hands in here i'm always behind the plates you're using we'll get this turned on and we'll see if it keeps these plates clean so we will turn this on and i'm putting it on setting number two number three probably just blows actually blows quite a lot of year on number three you can see it there might be a bit too much and one doesn't blow much at all so i'm gonna put it on two and then what i'm gonna do just wipe down the sorry my spray bottle's seeing better days it doesn't spray too much i'm going to wipe down the whole inside with isopropyl 70 isopropyl alcohol and water to make sure you give a good wipe just get any loose debris oh we're also going to wipe down our table out here and cover our hands so our hands are nice our gloves are nice and sanitized i was going to sanitize my arm a bit as well i actually filmed the first half of this video uh months ago and since you know busted my arm and it's come back i've idiot surgery on it you can see the scar there so but it's healing up nicely i've got a lot of use back i can't lift anything with it though and these are our plates here now what i like to do with plates before i open them is just each side of spray that one's kind of coming off and then i just with my hands i usually just go around like that there now what i'm going to do is open two plates in here and two plates back here and we're going to leave them for about five minutes and after the five minutes is up i'll come and i will seal them back up and we will give them a week in our incubation room and see if we have any bacteria or any other stuff growing on the surface of the plate these are malt x multi extract agar plates i made myself we'll open these two in here and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to open that plate and sit it open like that there we're never going to go in front of the plate we're going to be working behind it open these two here i'm going to open these two right here now i'm going to give those five minutes right we've had this on for about five minutes i'm going to cover these plates up seal them and we'll see if it's worked to cover them i use parafilm i actually get the one that's wider and i cut it into thin pieces like that some people use the long strips but i think this is the most efficient way for plates you don't need a heck of a lot on there some people overdo it i think you just go around like that there i'm going to mark these plates at the front with one and mark these plates at the back with a two so you'll know what is what i don't need to make left two l two r one l one r and we'll just do a re-control as well i'm just going to open this plate up and expose it to the air for about five minutes so this is turned off so it's not pulling clean air up over it and we'll close that up after five minutes and note which one it was so it's been about a week now i think it might be just shy a day shy and the results are in so let's have a look at what our plates look like now they're not perfect and i could have guessed this there's still a number of vectors for contamination which exist in this room i'm doing the testing there's carpet on the floor there was a big fan i'm blowing this direction when i was doing it if you go back in the video you actually hear the background sound of a big fan blind i didn't turn that off and the ear was sort of blowing this way there's another vector for contamination you know i hadn't ran this in the room at all prior to starting it so there would have already been a lot of dust in the air so to improve the results of this i probably could have ran this a little bit longer maybe vacuumed the floor with the vacuum of the hippo filter ideally you'd want a room that's easier to keep clean so this is the results now it's not ideal i do think i could have achieved cleaner plates if i had uh prepped the area in the room slightly more but perhaps the point of this video wasn't to show that perhaps it was just to show that you can achieve reasonably good results from a very cheap setup you can see the control plate down the bottom here i'm just going to count up the number of instances of contamination on it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. that's 14 points of contamination which i can visibly see there so that's the control and that's it for about five minutes just open on top of the box which is just behind it here this one here is contamination free great plate this one here has one point of contamination there this one up here has actually two it's got the big trite contam and then right next to it just here there's a tiny drop of bacteria right there so it's two for that one and this one up the top here has got the trike which actually has three and then a little spot of bacteria there so to go from this one here to relatively to a clean plate and then a near clean plate like this is a pretty good result i think as i said i could have got better if i'd spent more time preparing this room even leaving this this device on for you know an hour two hours before i started would go some other way to getting this trike out of the ear i do think it's a bit perplexing that the the containers that were actually inside the container the plates that were inside the box got more trike on it than these two which was sitting out here perhaps there was a bit of dust current stuck in the box which i did mention earlier on the video i was concerned about eddies of ear stuck in there but it's certainly a major decrease from this plate here so i thought about reshooting this whole experiment and maybe making this room a bit cleaner giving it a vacuum leaving this running for a bit so i could produce better quality plates you know make the video look better but that's not what it's about i think this video is about showing you that with a limited and perhaps cheap setup you can pull off some alright home lycology i mean this is shown shown you that you can get clean plates from a affordable float i mean there's one there because i think what this world needs is more people looking at the ground more people looking at the mushrooms that grow on the ground and more people gaining a respect for these organisms
Channel: Oak and Spore Mushroom Farm
Views: 6,876
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Laminar flow hood, mushroom growing, mushroom lab, flow hood, laminar flow hood fan, laminar flow hood diy, diy mushroom farm, laminar flow cabinet, laminar flow, making a mushroom lab, mushroom laboratory, laminar flow design, laminar flow hood build, mushroom clean room, mushroom growing commercial, mushroom growing equipment, diy flow hood, diy flow hood build, hepa, toppin, toppin air purifier, clean room, clean, room, fungi, mycology, mushroom, farm, flow, diy, homemade, cheap
Id: lXmUcA-Oc58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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