How to build your own swimming pool. All process, step by step (in only 30 minutes).
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Alexander Fedorov
Views: 10,646,119
Rating: 4.5689254 out of 5
Keywords: Swimming, Swimming Pool (Industry), Swimming Pool (Film), Finswimming (Sport), How to build swimming pool, Inground swimming pool construction process, pool, swimming pool design, Human Swimming, custom pool builders, classic pool, in ground pool, pool and spa, inground pool construction, swim pool, premier custom pool, swimmingpool, pool building process, gunite swimming pool, backyard pool, how to make in ground pool, Gunite, Gunite pool, Gunite swimming pool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 11 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wonder why they put up that ugly fence? To keep out trespassing skinny dippers or because it's an insurance thing where putting up a pool brings the risk of people drowning in the newly placed body of water and the owners becomes liable?
Notice the two guys in white shirts during the patio concrete phase... Just saying.
That cementing phase... Hnnggggggg
why did i just watch this whole thing?
That landscaping is very unsatisfying.