The No bake Custard Cream, Custard Slice!

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- I'll tell you what, folks, over the years my fridge has seen some sights, indeed. (upbeat music) Hello, everybody. - Hello! - I hope you are well. Welcome to our kitchen. Today, you know what they are? - Custard creams! - Custard creams. We're doing something that came to my mind last night. (girl gasps) This sounds amazing. A lot of you guys at the moment are asking me for something called a custard slice. Do you know what that is? - No. - You see that? That is a custard slice, right? It's like a wedge of custard wedged between pastry, and you do different versions of them with the icing on top, but had this idea for a hack, involving- - Custard creams! - Yes. I'm going to try, today, to make a custard slice out of custard creams. If you don't know what custard creams are, they're very popular biscuits here in the UK. In fact, I've done homemade versions of them. - Didn't you do a giant one? - I did do a giant one as well. - I remember that. - Yeah, I did! And the cool thing with custard creams and bourbons and a few things like that, is there's not a particular brand. They just exist as custard cream. Can you see it's got that sort of emblem match thing on it? But what we're gonna do, we're gonna use this as our pastry alternative. I'm gonna lose Chloe in about half and hour. She's gonna be my little assistant helper, all right? So I have got an amaz...amazing job for you Chloe. (airing up sounds) (man laughs) I need you to keep this for the crust, so we're gonna get a tray. But the cream filling, I wanna keep that. - Oh, I love doing that whenever I eat them. - By the end, we're gonna make a homemade custard with that filling in there, and I hope it's gonna wedge it all together. Do you think it's going to work? - Yes, but I have one question. Is it a giant one? - Well, it will be big, yeah. But you can slice it up and stuff. - Okay. - This might fail. (dramatic music playing) It might make them all go soggy. That is highly likely. But, if it works (music stops) - How about calm down for a minute. (man laughs) - So first thing we're gonna do is grab ourselves a tray like this. There's no set rules to this. What I'm gonna do is get Chloe to first get the custard creams out, and can you just arrange them, yeah? So just wanna see how many we can get on there. - Think we might need some more bags. (man gasps) - We can't use that one! (both gasp) No! (man laughs) Well, you've done very well, but now you've given up. She's like, oh, I've done a few rows, so surely that deserves a biscuit, right? Oh my gosh, that's a perfect fit down there. Look at that. Now the bad news is we gotta take them all off in a minute, 'cause I wanna line it. - Are you sure you couldn't have done that first? - No, I needed to see how many we need. Yes, my friends. Okay, so what I think, When I pour the custard on, it could escape. So I'm probably gonna have to put something here to stop it spilling down. But other than that, one, two, three, four, five, six. One two, three, four, five, six. Six, six is? - 36. - Yes, mate. So we need to get the cream out of 36 custard creams without breaking them. So let me just try to do the first one. We're going to take this biscuit and we're going to go straight down the middle for the fondant, please. Oh, no! (man sighs) We've got a spare. - Yay! - Be very careful, actually do it that way. So it's flatter, like that. Yes, mate! Yeah. I think you need to do it so there's like a bigger surface area. Don't go in as like that. Yes. - So what do we need to do now, chef? - So, chef, whilst I replace the damaged custard cream. - Can you please scrape, very gently, the cream into this bowl? I'll go get another custard cream. There we go. Yes, go through when it is facing width-side down like that ways. Wider like that. We've got another 35 or 34 to go. This is basically our life. Oh no! Another one broken. It's getting pretty tense now. I've got no more spares left. I've used up all the other ones there. The only thing that I've found is that the broken ones the other half, I managed to salvage it. So fingers crossed, I don't break any more. I'll let you know. It's like... (heavy breathing) That's nearly there. I've got four more to do. And just as a tip, if you do do this, go through with a knife, okay? 'Cause they've got a very tiny serration on them, little table knives, but don't even use this. - You nincompoop! (sad music) - Can you go in the biscuit tin? See if we've got one custard cream. - Yeah, so I'm legitimately out. Please tell me you found one. What are you doing? (man gasps) Give that to me right now. - It has Oreo bits on it. - Does it? That'll do. Oh, yes. - And what I meant to show you was with a knife, when it's serrated like that, rather than the spoon, if you just do a little shimmy around, it comes off really easy. Kinda looks like a little bowl of cheese. But I promise you as we found out when we made homemade ones, this'll be a gorgeous custard buttercream. Actually, try to taste that. Take a little piece, it'll be nice. What does it taste of? - Custard creams. (man laughs) - Muah! So check this out. This is my invention, which will hopefully hold it together. Cause I don't want any custard seepage, because it'd make this whole thing fail. Fingers crossed. All right, so this is the baking tray from earlier that we worked out how many custard creams would fit in. I'm lining it with foil generously on the widths because that was where we had gaps, right? - Yes. - So if we've got enough slack in our foil, we can bunch it up and hopefully wedge them in because I'm really worried that the custard could just go blahh. Blahh. Blahh. (raspberry noise) - That's the official term, all right? Blah. We're gonna line the foil with some baking parchment. So a little bit more non-slip texture on there. And what we'll do is we're going to put the first layer. So gonna grab the custard creams. Oh, yeah. So why are you being so cautious? Because if you drop them, this video ends now. - Biscuit number one. - Biscuit number one of 36. So it says custard cream, one way up, okay? So like that. So what I'm going to do is make it so it says custard cream, maybe it's a bit OCD, all facing this way. - Biscuit number two. - Thank you, mate. - Biscuit number three. I think we might just have to, this might go very slow. I think we just might have to fast forward it. Woo! (VHS forwarding sound) We teleported back into the future, and as you can see, we've still only done three. (man laughs) (Chloe humming dramatically) - [Man] And there! Yes, mate. Oh look, it's a little bit. Yeah, push it right in the width is perfect along there but I see we do have these gaps on either end, which is why we use the foil, okay? - Okay. - Look, Chlo, they ain't even budging now. They wedged in! All right, so we'll see Chloe again at the end once this thing is ready, if it even works. We've gotta get it to chill. But now we'll make the custard. We'll be using some custard powder, which we used when we made the homemade custard creams. Custard powder in the biscuit and in the filling that we have now removed, which we'll then put back into this custard. So little sauce pan, and we'll get it going. Yeah, here's our custard powder and it's almost got a slight pink tinge to it, but we just shimmy it in here. And we've got a litre of milk, but I'm only going to add in about 20% of that 'cause I find if I do that and just whisk it through... It's just personal preference, but I find that that works really well if I add a little bit of milk initially. Whisk until it's smooth, and then add in the rest of my milk. Oh yeah. And a little bit of sugar as well. And just to give it a little bit of punch, one, two good ol' drops of vanilla extract, which genuinely, genuinely smells of vodka. It's a video coming up very soon. I'm making homemade vanilla extract if you're interested. Hopefully it's not just a bottle of Smirnoff. You see, it's just starting to come to a simmer. Might not look like much is happening. But as you put your whisk in, see? I'm lifting this up now. Do do do do do... You need to keep whisking it? Otherwise it could burn your pan, but it is, Oh, that's sticking up, look at that! That's literally happened as I've been recording. Amazing. Right, let's turn that heat down to low. 'Cause we do want to cook it whilst it's pretty much, look. Pop for me. There you go. There we go, that was a good one. We do want to keep it on a low heat just to keep it cooking for just like one to two more minutes, all right? Whoa, angry custard, but a nice colour. All right, so another two minutes on a low heat and that has thickened up gorgeously. Look at that. And it will obviously thicken up more as it cools, which is what I'm hoping for for this whole thing to work. But let's now add in the filling from the custard creams straight in there. The weird thing is in that filling there used to be custard powder. So it's kind of like, hey! How've you been doing? Oh, not too bad. Nice to meet you again. Really happy with that. This as you can see, the colour is amazing, isn't it? It's still quite warm. So I just don't want to damage anything. I'm just going to let it stand for 20 minutes. Maybe half an hour, spread it on, and that should hold it together with that other layer. Notice I'm saying "should" for most of this recipe. It should. The aim is to coat it all along there, and then get the very patiently waiting ones to go back on top. Yes, friends. Look at that. Mrs. B will kill me if I don't remove that. It's a sort of thing that happens to me when I step out into reality. Like I might walk the dogs whilst we chill this in a minute, and like I generally have got some custard powder there on my T-shirt, and I'll just be walking the dogs, and somebody's like, oh, you've got a little... Yes, it's just custard powder, yeah. It's just what I do! The actual really cool thing is if this works, I know I keep saying that, is we'll actually have potentially nice individual portion sizes if I line it up correctly. Oh dear. Oh, it's moving. Oh no. Oh, I've got to be delicate. I think the tactic is to dollop it on, cover all the corners, and then spread it, okay? Yeah, I mean, that's not something you see every day, is it? But just where they join, if I get those gaps covered first of all, that should put us in fairly good stead to just level at all out, okay? I just hope it grips it. It's actually really soothing. It's quite fun to do. So, now we lined the biscuits that we've left on the side up with the biscuits at the bottom, which I now can no longer see, but luckily we do have this template. The one thing I do know is that it was right in that corner there. I just hope the biscuits don't go soggy as well once they go in the fridge. There's so many things I haven't thought about. I'm like, oh no! You can see where this is going. See you in a minute. I'm so glad we had that one last biscuit because this would have really, really bugged me. But it actually looks really cool, doesn't it? Let's put the last one in. I would suggest doing it after about 10 minutes whilst the custard is still warm, because as I'm finding as this is really cooling down, it's kind of getting more springy and harder for it to bite into. But that looks really awesome. I love all the intricate designs. It's like a tapestry. You can cut wedges out. That was what I visioned, the dream. Unfortunately, I'm now gonna put this in the fridge for a minimum of three hours for it fully firm up, so we get a good old slice out of it. I'll tell you what folks over the years my fridge has seen some sites indeed. Right, see you in four hours. And then folks, it has been four hours. I've just got back, a little bit of few errands around town, sent off some little giveaways and stuff, and I'm very excited to see this vision come to life. It should be firm and chilled. Let's see what it turns out like. Here it is. It probably looks no different to you whatsoever, but this tray is ice cold, and hopefully it should have a little bit of movement in it, but I can probably lift this thing out. Yes! Okay, I'll just rip that away. - That is a proper custard slice. - It smells so custardy, I feel like I'm in prison. - Check that out. - That is so simple but fun. Oh my gosh. Oh, I don't know if I should've done that. Oh no, I can get in here. Here we go. Oh! That's blooming stonking, check out that! I kind of wanna dust it with icing sugar, and I don't know, take it up an extra notch, but I just like the simplicity of it. You can't deny that is a custard, a double custard slice. I can't wait to see what this tastes like. Do you know what, I bloomin' love that. I don't know what next, like this is Barry's playlist, Barry's hybrids? Maybe like a molten lava cake from actual molten lava. Wow, that is super custardy. It's like an intense flavour of it. The actual base part of it, it almost feels like it's slightly merged with the custard more than the top. There's a softness to it. It kind of lost the crunch of the biscuit, but not too much. It's held together. It's not crumbly. It's not gummy. That is blooming gorgeous. I just literally at that whole piece, it just goes down so well. The intensity of that custard flavour. I was so worried when I was walking the dogs, went for some lunch just to get out, because otherwise I'd be like, no, no, I've got to keep checking it, that it was going to be some weird, biscuity mass merged together, but it has actually worked. So if you liked this idea as a concept, perhaps not the volcano idea, but if you've got a hybrid recipe idea, do let me know down below, and I'll tackle it. And if you try this, how simple was that? It was actually like, it's like a dream. We've made a dream reality for me today, and I'm really, really proud. I can't wait to see what Chloe thinks of it. But if you do try it, do you send me a photo on your social media choice. Don't forget to subscribe, and make sure you have the notification button turned on so that you get told about new video uploads, and that's it. It's blooming gorgeous. I just got to make sure that I don't eat any more of it, 'cause it is so good. - Check your level, player, no matter what your style. The kitchens for me. Maybe all three. - Today's one of those days where Mrs. B's gone to work and has no idea, when she walks home, what I've done. Sometimes that freaks her out. Actually, that's understandable but she does love custard slice, let alone custard creams. She loves those too. So this should go down really, really well. The only thing is Mrs. B does like to have things all around the right way. And I get lots of people do this. Some people will, you know, extreme cases labels around the right way. I get that, but I'm totally not like that at all. Now, there was a perfect opportunity to put a piece back and I have done it right there. I replaced the one right there. And I've left this gap in the middle and they all say custard cream up the right way, and I'm just going to turn one around. - So it says "maerc dratsuc." You like it? - They look very, very good, apart from... why did you try one in the middle and not from the edge and work your way in? - I've been rumbled. See? - And, there's one that's upside down. - I knew you'd spot that as well. I just went and grabbed my camera so I could see you going, having a little look. - Mmmmm - Mmmm mmm - Very nice. Very custardy. - Yes, that's really intense custard, isn't it? - I like it a lot. - Well, there we go. Family approved. Make sure you turn out the right way and take it from the outside in and everyone's happy. Cheers, guys. - [Everyone] Bye!
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 61,529
Rating: 4.9243088 out of 5
Keywords: custard slice, custard creams, custard cream, vanilla slice, custard tart, food hack, custard, no bake, no bake desserts, baking, dessert ideas, easy, biscuits, giant custard cream, how to, best vanilla slice, pastry recipes, vanilla custard slices, best baking, easy desserts, mille-feuille (dish), easy recipes, learn to cook, cookery, food, pastry free, food hacks, kitchen hacks, quick recipes, hybrid, viral, custard recipe, custard slices, pie, barry lewis, virgin kitchen
Id: XA0o6ginuDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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