DIY Berkey Water Filter System CHEAP!

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fact is no matter how many water bottles fact is no matter how many water bottles or even 55 gallon barrels of water that or even 55 gallon barrels of water that or even 55 gallon barrels of water that you have stored up you have stored up how's it going guys welcome back to the how's it going guys welcome back to the pilot patriot channel we all know that pilot patriot channel we all know that pilot patriot channel we all know that water is essential to life water is essential to life water is essential to life and as preparedness-minded people we and as preparedness-minded people we and as preparedness-minded people we understand how important it is to have understand how important it is to have understand how important it is to have some water stored up for emergencies some water stored up for emergencies some water stored up for emergencies disasters and any hard times where a disasters and any hard times where a disasters and any hard times where a regular supply of clean drinking water regular supply of clean drinking water regular supply of clean drinking water just might not be available to us and just might not be available to us and just might not be available to us and i've done plenty of videos on i've done plenty of videos on i've done plenty of videos on long-term water storage i will put a long-term water storage i will put a long-term water storage i will put a link to some of those at the top of the link to some of those at the top of the link to some of those at the top of the screen screen screen and in the description below if you want and in the description below if you want and in the description below if you want to check those out but the fact is no to check those out but the fact is no to check those out but the fact is no matter how many water bottles or even 55 matter how many water bottles or even 55 matter how many water bottles or even 55 gallon barrels of water that you have gallon barrels of water that you have gallon barrels of water that you have stored up stored up stored up eventually that is going to run out eventually that is going to run out eventually that is going to run out that's why in this video we're going to that's why in this video we're going to that's why in this video we're going to talk about something talk about something talk about something that's even more important than having that's even more important than having that's even more important than having stored water and that's being able to stored water and that's being able to stored water and that's being able to filter and purify water filter and purify water filter and purify water if that sounds like something you're if that sounds like something you're if that sounds like something you're interested in please hit that subscribe interested in please hit that subscribe interested in please hit that subscribe button down below hit that notification button down below hit that notification button down below hit that notification bell and give us a thumbs up we really bell and give us a thumbs up we really bell and give us a thumbs up we really appreciate that appreciate that appreciate that now a lot of you may be familiar with now a lot of you may be familiar with now a lot of you may be familiar with the berkey water filter systems the berkey water filter systems the berkey water filter systems they are probably the best water filter they are probably the best water filter they are probably the best water filter systems on the market today especially systems on the market today especially systems on the market today especially for filtering large quantities of water for filtering large quantities of water for filtering large quantities of water i will put some links to those in the i will put some links to those in the i will put some links to those in the description below description below description below but the problem with the berkey water but the problem with the berkey water but the problem with the berkey water filter systems is that they can be filter systems is that they can be filter systems is that they can be very expensive especially for the large very expensive especially for the large very expensive especially for the large ones the big berkey is going to cost you ones the big berkey is going to cost you ones the big berkey is going to cost you upwards of 300 upwards of 300 upwards of 300 what i'm gonna do in this video is i'm what i'm gonna do in this video is i'm what i'm gonna do in this video is i'm gonna teach you how to build your own gonna teach you how to build your own gonna teach you how to build your own water filter system water filter system water filter system with all the same benefits for a with all the same benefits for a with all the same benefits for a fraction of the cost fraction of the cost fraction of the cost using less expensive components so let's using less expensive components so let's using less expensive components so let's get in here and take a look at how to do get in here and take a look at how to do get in here and take a look at how to do this this this all right guys so there's just a few all right guys so there's just a few all right guys so there's just a few components you're going to need to build components you're going to need to build components you're going to need to build this system this system this system at the heart of our system is going to at the heart of our system is going to at the heart of our system is going to be our filters now these are going to be be our filters now these are going to be be our filters now these are going to be the exact same filters used in the big the exact same filters used in the big the exact same filters used in the big berkey water filter system berkey water filter system berkey water filter system each of these is capable of filtering up each of these is capable of filtering up each of these is capable of filtering up to 3 000 to 3 000 to 3 000 gallons of water and they're not only gallons of water and they're not only gallons of water and they're not only going to filter out particulates they're going to filter out particulates they're going to filter out particulates they're also also also going to purify the water and filter out going to purify the water and filter out going to purify the water and filter out bacteria and viruses and things like bacteria and viruses and things like bacteria and viruses and things like that that that i will put a link in the description i will put a link in the description i will put a link in the description below to the berkey website where you below to the berkey website where you below to the berkey website where you can look up all the technical can look up all the technical can look up all the technical information about these filters if you information about these filters if you information about these filters if you want to want to want to now there are other companies where you now there are other companies where you now there are other companies where you can order filters just like this can order filters just like this can order filters just like this but the general consensus seems to be but the general consensus seems to be but the general consensus seems to be that the berkey filters are that the berkey filters are that the berkey filters are of the best quality the next thing of the best quality the next thing of the best quality the next thing you're going to need and what's going to you're going to need and what's going to you're going to need and what's going to house your entire system house your entire system house your entire system is two food grade buckets but you are is two food grade buckets but you are is two food grade buckets but you are going to want to make sure that it's a going to want to make sure that it's a going to want to make sure that it's a food grade bucket and that it's nice and food grade bucket and that it's nice and food grade bucket and that it's nice and clean clean clean along with that you're going to need the along with that you're going to need the along with that you're going to need the food grade bucket lids food grade bucket lids food grade bucket lids this is just a regular food grade bucket this is just a regular food grade bucket this is just a regular food grade bucket lid with the gasket seal inside lid with the gasket seal inside lid with the gasket seal inside now you can do just two of these but i'm now you can do just two of these but i'm now you can do just two of these but i'm going to be using one of these and i'm going to be using one of these and i'm going to be using one of these and i'm going to be using going to be using going to be using a blue gamma seal lid and i'll explain a blue gamma seal lid and i'll explain a blue gamma seal lid and i'll explain why i'm going to be using the gamma seal why i'm going to be using the gamma seal why i'm going to be using the gamma seal lid in a minute but that's not necessary lid in a minute but that's not necessary lid in a minute but that's not necessary you can just use two you can just use two you can just use two of the regular food grade bucket lids of the regular food grade bucket lids of the regular food grade bucket lids the next thing you're going to need is a the next thing you're going to need is a the next thing you're going to need is a spicket spicket spicket now you can get a spigot like this from now you can get a spigot like this from now you can get a spigot like this from pretty much anywhere pretty much anywhere pretty much anywhere online you can also get them from your online you can also get them from your online you can also get them from your local home improvement store local home improvement store local home improvement store the one that i'm using here actually the one that i'm using here actually the one that i'm using here actually came with the with the berkey came with the with the berkey came with the with the berkey repair and accessory kit and the reason repair and accessory kit and the reason repair and accessory kit and the reason i got that is because i got that is because i got that is because it also comes with these two plugs now it also comes with these two plugs now it also comes with these two plugs now i'm going to be building this system i'm going to be building this system i'm going to be building this system with two berkey filters but i'd like to with two berkey filters but i'd like to with two berkey filters but i'd like to be able to add more filters in the be able to add more filters in the be able to add more filters in the future future future if i want to and so with these plugs i if i want to and so with these plugs i if i want to and so with these plugs i can drill two extra holes in the bucket can drill two extra holes in the bucket can drill two extra holes in the bucket and this will plug it up and this will plug it up and this will plug it up and then in the future i can just take and then in the future i can just take and then in the future i can just take these out and these out and these out and add more filters to my system if i want add more filters to my system if i want add more filters to my system if i want to to to now ultimately the way this is going to now ultimately the way this is going to now ultimately the way this is going to be set up is you're going to have a top be set up is you're going to have a top be set up is you're going to have a top bucket bucket bucket that you put your water into and that's that you put your water into and that's that you put your water into and that's going to be sitting on top going to be sitting on top going to be sitting on top of your bottom bucket that's going to of your bottom bucket that's going to of your bottom bucket that's going to catch all the filtered water as it drips catch all the filtered water as it drips catch all the filtered water as it drips down down down so the first thing we need to do is so the first thing we need to do is so the first thing we need to do is we're going to flip one of these buckets we're going to flip one of these buckets we're going to flip one of these buckets upside down upside down upside down and we're going to take our regular lid and we're going to take our regular lid and we're going to take our regular lid and sit it right on top and sit it right on top and sit it right on top and we're going to drill holes through and we're going to drill holes through and we're going to drill holes through this lid into the bottom of the bucket this lid into the bottom of the bucket this lid into the bottom of the bucket and i'm going to try to evenly space and i'm going to try to evenly space and i'm going to try to evenly space these out i'm going to be doing four these out i'm going to be doing four these out i'm going to be doing four holes holes holes for four filters now the drill bit i'm for four filters now the drill bit i'm for four filters now the drill bit i'm using is a 3 using is a 3 using is a 3 8 inch drill bit [Music] [Music] all right now we got our holes drilled all right now we got our holes drilled all right now we got our holes drilled and you can see that these holes are and you can see that these holes are and you can see that these holes are perfectly aligned they go straight perfectly aligned they go straight perfectly aligned they go straight through our top and through our top and through our top and into the bottom of our other bucket next into the bottom of our other bucket next into the bottom of our other bucket next we're going to drill our hole for the we're going to drill our hole for the we're going to drill our hole for the spigot spigot spigot and there are a couple things you need and there are a couple things you need and there are a couple things you need to consider you want to make sure you to consider you want to make sure you to consider you want to make sure you drill the hole far enough from the drill the hole far enough from the drill the hole far enough from the bottom bottom bottom of the bucket so that when the bucket's of the bucket so that when the bucket's of the bucket so that when the bucket's sitting on a flat surface sitting on a flat surface sitting on a flat surface the spicket doesn't hit your tabletop so the spicket doesn't hit your tabletop so the spicket doesn't hit your tabletop so we're going to go about an we're going to go about an we're going to go about an inch an inch and a quarter from the inch an inch and a quarter from the inch an inch and a quarter from the bottom of the bucket and we're going to bottom of the bucket and we're going to bottom of the bucket and we're going to be using a 5 be using a 5 be using a 5 8 drill bit for this all right guys now 8 drill bit for this all right guys now 8 drill bit for this all right guys now that we have that hole drilled we'll that we have that hole drilled we'll that we have that hole drilled we'll just get everything cleaned up just get everything cleaned up just get everything cleaned up and then we'll get ready to install all and then we'll get ready to install all and then we'll get ready to install all our components we'll go ahead and get our components we'll go ahead and get our components we'll go ahead and get our spigot installed that's going to our spigot installed that's going to our spigot installed that's going to come with two washers come with two washers come with two washers and a nut on the back to install it in and a nut on the back to install it in and a nut on the back to install it in the hole that we just drilled [Music] [Music] now you're going to want to go back and now you're going to want to go back and now you're going to want to go back and get that thing good and tight so you get that thing good and tight so you get that thing good and tight so you don't have any leaks don't have any leaks don't have any leaks we're just going to set this bucket to we're just going to set this bucket to we're just going to set this bucket to the side for now and then we'll get the side for now and then we'll get the side for now and then we'll get ready to put our filters in ready to put our filters in ready to put our filters in to the other bucket these filters are to the other bucket these filters are to the other bucket these filters are going to have going to have going to have a wingnut on the end as well as a large a wingnut on the end as well as a large a wingnut on the end as well as a large rubber washer rubber washer rubber washer so we're going to take that wing nut off so we're going to take that wing nut off so we're going to take that wing nut off and we're going to feed and we're going to feed and we're going to feed the stem of this filter in through the the stem of this filter in through the the stem of this filter in through the bottom of our bucket bottom of our bucket bottom of our bucket and the lid of our other bucket [Music] [Music] once you've got your filter through both once you've got your filter through both once you've got your filter through both holes you're just going to go ahead and holes you're just going to go ahead and holes you're just going to go ahead and thread that wing nut on thread that wing nut on thread that wing nut on now for right now i'm just going to snug now for right now i'm just going to snug now for right now i'm just going to snug it up i'm not going to worry about it up i'm not going to worry about it up i'm not going to worry about cranking down too tight cranking down too tight cranking down too tight until i get my other filter in place until i get my other filter in place until i get my other filter in place that's what it's going to look like once that's what it's going to look like once that's what it's going to look like once the filter is installed the filter is installed the filter is installed now i'm just going to go ahead and now i'm just going to go ahead and now i'm just going to go ahead and install the other filter install the other filter install the other filter and my two plugs now i've got my plugs and my two plugs now i've got my plugs and my two plugs now i've got my plugs fed through there and i'm just fed through there and i'm just fed through there and i'm just putting these wing nuts on the back on putting these wing nuts on the back on putting these wing nuts on the back on the bottom to secure those in place the bottom to secure those in place the bottom to secure those in place only thing left to do is put our last only thing left to do is put our last only thing left to do is put our last filter in all right guys this is what filter in all right guys this is what filter in all right guys this is what the inside of our filter looks like the inside of our filter looks like the inside of our filter looks like only thing left to do is to sit this on only thing left to do is to sit this on only thing left to do is to sit this on top of our other bucket top of our other bucket top of our other bucket all right guys now i did mention earlier all right guys now i did mention earlier all right guys now i did mention earlier that i'm going to be using the gamma that i'm going to be using the gamma that i'm going to be using the gamma seal lid seal lid seal lid for the top bucket that's just so i can for the top bucket that's just so i can for the top bucket that's just so i can easily unscrew this top on and off easily unscrew this top on and off easily unscrew this top on and off to add more water to the system whenever to add more water to the system whenever to add more water to the system whenever i need to i need to i need to all right guys now the way this is going all right guys now the way this is going all right guys now the way this is going to work is i'm just going to unscrew to work is i'm just going to unscrew to work is i'm just going to unscrew my gamma seal lid there i'm going to my gamma seal lid there i'm going to my gamma seal lid there i'm going to pour my unfiltered water into this top pour my unfiltered water into this top pour my unfiltered water into this top bucket bucket bucket and then that water as it runs in and then that water as it runs in and then that water as it runs in through the filters is going to seep through the filters is going to seep through the filters is going to seep through and drip down from these two through and drip down from these two through and drip down from these two nozzles on the bottom end of the filters nozzles on the bottom end of the filters nozzles on the bottom end of the filters and drop down into our bottom bucket and drop down into our bottom bucket and drop down into our bottom bucket where we can then use our spigot to take where we can then use our spigot to take where we can then use our spigot to take the filtered water the filtered water the filtered water from the bottom bucket into our cup or from the bottom bucket into our cup or from the bottom bucket into our cup or bottle or whatever we decide to put it bottle or whatever we decide to put it bottle or whatever we decide to put it in in in you could potentially add up to six you could potentially add up to six you could potentially add up to six different filters inside this bucket if different filters inside this bucket if different filters inside this bucket if you wanted to you wanted to you wanted to but with just the four that i have it but with just the four that i have it but with just the four that i have it set up for i can filter set up for i can filter set up for i can filter 12 000 gallons of water before having to 12 000 gallons of water before having to 12 000 gallons of water before having to replace these filters replace these filters replace these filters now no matter what your water source now no matter what your water source now no matter what your water source whether it be a pond a river whether it be a pond a river whether it be a pond a river a lake rain water you have the ability a lake rain water you have the ability a lake rain water you have the ability now to filter now to filter now to filter as much water as you want without having as much water as you want without having as much water as you want without having to rely to rely to rely on your stored water all right guys now on your stored water all right guys now on your stored water all right guys now that's it for how to build your own diy that's it for how to build your own diy that's it for how to build your own diy berkey water filter system i hope that berkey water filter system i hope that berkey water filter system i hope that helped you out if you have any questions helped you out if you have any questions helped you out if you have any questions guys please leave them in the comments guys please leave them in the comments guys please leave them in the comments below and don't forget to use our links below and don't forget to use our links below and don't forget to use our links in the description for all these in the description for all these in the description for all these components components components so you can build one for yourself thanks so you can build one for yourself thanks so you can build one for yourself thanks for watching guys for watching guys for watching guys please like share and subscribe and stay please like share and subscribe and stay please like share and subscribe and stay [Music]
Channel: PilotPatriot
Views: 77,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PilotPatriot, review, water filter, berkey, berkey water filter, big berkey, diy, food grade bucket, prepping, prepper, prepared, diy water filter, do it yourself, bucket, water storage, emergency water, water purifier, water purification, royal Berkey
Id: N62RYVeW6y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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