Learn Gimp Basics In 30 Minutes ep: 10

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[Music] what's going on everybody this is Angelo from caps on fire and I would like to welcome you all back to another tutorial so in this video today I'm gonna be showing you guys the basics to in 30 minutes alright so before we get everything started the first thing that I need you to do is to click the subscribe button below and also click in the description for a link to our sublimation group and once you click it arm just submit a request to join and I'll go ahead and approve it so the very first thing we need to do is we need to do is we need to download ok so go to and dot-org that's GIM P org and you'll be able to download either your windows or on Windows or Mac Mac version for your computer alright so once you download it and you open it up this is the very first thing that will pop up now one thing that we need to know about is is a bitmap arm software it's just like Photoshop ok and you have nothing which is Inkscape that's just like illustrator and we'll be covering that in later videos but for now since we're doing sublimation and we want to cover a wide range a wide spectrum of colors I recommend using so the very first thing we do when we open up this is what will show up ok so in order to get a canvas on your screen you'll want to go to file go to new and go to any size since we're doing sublimation we want to click this right here and go down to inches and since we're doing a workforce printer if you have a workforce 7710 or epson workforce 7720 then you can do 13 inches for the width and the height will be 19 inches which 13 by 9 Siemens also referred to as super B or a3 plus size paper you can click on your Advanced Options and you have 300 dpi or PPI on I recommend keeping this at 300 don't go below 300 on color space RGB mode we design everything in RGB mode on the computer and when it prints it translate the arm it translates from RGB to CMYK or whatever cartridges you have in your printer alright for a precision I'm using 32-bit um you can change it and that's depending a hundred percent upon your computer ok if you have a higher-end computer you can do 32-bit floating point or a 16-bit floating point if you have a lower end computer I just recommend using the 8-bit integer alright so click on that um for gamma that's gonna depend what you selects within here so if I go with 8-bit integer it'll change this to perceptual gamma which is recommended for 8-bit integer so for 32-bit is recommending linear light so after that we have color profile on we don't have to do anything to this fill with wheat we want to fill it with transparency alright so when you're doing sublimation or anything like that you want to have that transparent background because it's transferring all the ink that's gonna be on your sheet over onto your arm substrate alright so just select transparency some won't have that boxy looking feel whenever we arm if we have you know any other brand of colors that are gonna be on the background or anything like that so comment created by me Angelo and we'll just press ok now that we have our canvas arm if you try to do this and it says something about your maximum image size is not supported or anything like that just go to edit go down to preferences and when you get here change this right here maximum new image size and you can raise it up okay so I do nine hundred and fifty megabytes for a gig you know what it just really depends on whatever your computer can handle um for me I just chose 915 and just went with that or you can just boost it up to where it's a little bit higher than what that box is gonna be saying when it gives you that arm error code or not error code but um it gives you that out warning message alright so once you change that you just press ok and it'll automatically save it okay exit out of this now next up we want to go ahead and look at this well pretty much the whole screen okay over here is gonna be your toolbox area and these are your arm tools that you can use to edit your photos or well edit your image yeah your photos that are within your layers or edit your layers alright and for your layers your layers section is gonna be right here alright your layers section is extremely extremely important okay because when you pull in pictures is gonna layer it up over here alright so if we have an image let's say let's dragging this laptop image if we drag in this laptop image and drop it right here on the picture and for this we can just go ahead and press convert to convert it over to the colors that are already set in let's drag in our jeans let's drag in Atlanta now as you can see Atlanta is on top that's why it is showing over the ripped jeans because this is our very top layer ripped jeans will be second and then laptop will be third which is behind the ripped jeans alright so if I were to take Atlanta and move this down drag and drop it below the ripped jeans we go below the ripped jeans and if I was to take the laptop and drag your all the way to the top layer it'll show over everything over the jeans which is next and then over Atlanta which is last so our layers section is extremely important alright and if you want to change some stuff within the layers arm these are the proper ways to change or the arm options that you have to be able to change what's in your layer so let's say the laptop layer let's say we want to reduce the opacity we will drop it down some and it'll stand as you can see on the picture right here it starts to get clearer and clearer and clearer when we reduce the opacity same thing with the ripped jeans layer we can change the opacity of that individually all right so that's pretty much what layers are if you want to change on different aspects of that one particular layer individually without changing your entire image which is highly highly useful alright and then you have these buttons right here which will make your layer visible or invisible alright so we just click on the eyeballs and we could take away the arm layer alright and let's say we want this picture right here the laptop that's right hand front now assuming for you guys you can see a little better let's say this laptop right here in front we want to delete the laptop if you click on this layer and you just press Delete the only thing it will do is it will delete the actual image all right if you want to delete the actual layer you need to come down to this button right here in the bottom corner and select delete this layer and it will it will remove the entire layer and not just the image that's within the layer all right well let's hold ctrl Z and ctrl Z is your undo button or undo our hotkeys and you'll be able to undo it so let's go down here tool options for each toolbox well for each tool that's located in your toolbox you will have a different set of tool options all right so with these different things within your tool options arm you can be able to edit you know different stuff so let's go ahead and cover the most basic tools right here okay so rectangle select and we're gonna delete some of these layers because we're gonna do stuff individually we'll hold control move our mouse wheel forward and we can be able to zoom in on our image so now this rectangle select tool this pretty much lets you select a particular area of your picture okay so on you see the lines that are moving around the edges those are gonna be called the marching ants alright that is a so that is a arm selection to let you know hey everything within the marching ants you have you currently have selected so if I was to press the delete button on my keyboard it will delete that area so just hold ctrl Z and would you be able to undo that now I know you guys are probably wondering hey when you press it when you press the Delete key why is this black box right here alright so this picture is actually a JPEG alright if we want a transparency edits to this layer we would have to come over to the actual layer right here and it says Atlanta JPEG right click on it and click add alpha Channel alright and when we do that we can't just press delete on my keyboard again and it'll have a transparent layer or we can hold ctrl Z ctrl Z right click on it click add alpha channel because we did undo that as well we can add an alpha channel and now we can just draw a box anywhere press Delete and it's automatically transparent a press ctrl-z zoom out some and as you can see over here we have different things okay so let's say feathered edges all right let's say we raised our feathered edges highlight and now as you can see those corners are pretty much rounded all right so when I press delete that's another thing that comes with it it will fade out alright as you can see right here but that building is slowly faded the transparency outwards so we reduce the radius of the fences edges hold ctrl Z and then we highlight it and press Delete it will give us a hard edge as to where it's not fading out so that's pretty much feathered edges for rounded corners it's pretty much self-explanatory it's gonna let you know hey how round do you want your edges of your selected area so you can be able to increase it or reduce that um after that is gonna be lets see expand from sensor this will lock your selection to a center part so let's say let's see let's see this light bulb for example if we zoom in on his light bulb and we press right here in the center it will lock that center point and when you expand it it'll expand it outwards from that Center all right we can just hold ctrl Z to undo that and if you're wondering how I'm moving my screen around all I'm doing is I'm holding the control key and the wheel you can click the wheel on your mouse down so when I actually click it in I'm sorry wrong thing so just click your mouse wheel down you don't have to hold control click your mouse wheel down and you can be able to move it around alright if you hold ctrl and then click your mouse wheel down you can easily zoom in and zoom out so after you have expanded from center you have fixed ratio now fixed ratio that will let you know hey arm when you're making a box do you want it one by one or do you want it all one by two and that just pretty much lists you know um do you want a perfect square or do you want a rectangle or what ratio do you want okay pretty much like on TVs how you have 1920 by 1080 P that is a ratio all right so let's say if we want a box that's 1 by 2 but it should be twice as long as it is wide so this is a perfect you know rectangle box or whatever you want to call it and then right here you have what mode do you want do you want portrait mode or do you want landscape mode you select landscape mode of course it'll be across portrait mode will be straight up and down they have position you have different things right here where you can change that you can change it to inches or your position or size you can change that to inches it's a lot of different options in here okay of course I'm not gonna be covering all of these options because this video is limited to 30 minutes and if I do the whole thing that'll be like an hour long I like hours long you know so after that you have the ellipse tool which is pretty much gonna be the same options as your rectangle select - a few different arm options or whatever um course you can pull out you know and make a perfect circle or an ellipse um if you want to make a perfect circle just hold the ctrl just hold the shift key on your keyboard and it'll lock it to whatever aspect ratio you have so as you can see if I hold the shift key if I drag it and then hold the shift key it'll check it'll make a box right here where it's a fixed it'll make a box right there so I'll let you know that hey this is checked to that current ratio and let's say I change this ratio so one two all right I dragged it out a little bit whole shift there it is the same thing that we just did with the square we can change it to landscape or portrait or whatever we want to do after that we have the free select tool it's pretty much a free drawing tool you can draw you know hey what areas you want to cover and stuff like that um nobody really use this tool like that is just something that I guess is there it just really depends on what you're creating and what you're editing all right the next most commonly picked a tool is gonna be our magic wand this is a highly highly highly used tool all right this lets you select a certain color or a certain area all right and it also lets you change the threshold for instance if I increase the threshold is gonna register um more pixels as being the same color all right and that's what the warran tool is for so if this was all like a pure white on one shade solid color of white it would select that whole white area but since we have a fading from it looks like turquoise and a yellowish into orange down here and white and things like that it'll select more of this turquoise area so since I raise that threshold if I click again see it raised it went up a whole lot let's try to reduce that down to 70 something see how that looks all right so 79 as you can see it stopped right about here so let me raise that up to 89 and that should expand it out a little bit more see it expands it out a little bit more we can raise it up a little more so you can see it again 102 and made it a little bigger and like I said all it's doing is just registering all those pixels as being the same color next up will be our select by color tool but a select from go to none our select by color tool it will register every color that's within the picture as being the same color so if I click on this shade of green right here it just selects everything that's within the picture that is the same color green if I select it it'll do that one second let's see select this area yep so if I select that it's saying that all this is the same color green but if I reduce the threshold as we did with the other one then select it the now is matching a lot more is saying hey this color turquoise is the same is this color in this color right here and right here on the windows but that's a highly useful tool if you're trying to take out certain things but let's say if isolate this area right here drop that down son I'm not saying all that green is the same color and it will work better if it was on things like a park bench where you have the arm in between the panel's you may have a white space or something like that and you don't want to go through and highlight each individual thing and create a path and we'll cover that in just a minute create a path and delete all that stuff that's in between the panel's you can just select the white and they'll delete all the white that's within that picture so to get rid of our selection all we do now is just come to select go to none and it'll get rid of those marching ants after that sisters select tool nobody really uses that or grounds too late we don't normally use that past or so past or is another very very very important tool all right this tool lets you trace around certain areas and delete these areas this is the most commonly used tool for deleting backgrounds out of pictures so let's say we want to get rid of this skyline all right I'm not gonna cover I'm not gonna take care of getting rid of the entire skyline because that will take a minute but let's just say we want to get rid of this section going along these two buildings right here alright so we'll hold the ctrl key and then zoom in we make sure we have in our tool options we make sure we have design selected we can start from let's say over here right outside the picture we can go up some and then each point we're gonna click and drop a point but we want to stay along the pixels where the color is changing from the building into the sky we can select around these edges I'm down here select on the building doormats on I don't want to get this building too well get rid of that antenna and if if you ever mess up like let's say you click out here somewhere you can just hold ctrl Z and it will get it'll take you back one bar one point all right it'll take you back one dot one selection - as there are paths toward that control to zoom out zooming up here son click right here we can just take this point all the way up not from here we can just go along the edge of the picture we control the zoom in and now we want to come back to our original location and we want to connect our next dot with this dot so to do that just hold the control button down on your keyboard hover over your beginning of placement from your paths tool and it will give you those two inner connecting circles okay those interlocking circles when you have that just press the button on the arm right click on your mouse and there it connected our next dot with our last dot with our beginning that so now at this point when we zoom out as you can see you have a outline or after that you will come over here it's a selection from path which that's what this is called we just created a path click selection from path it'll give you the marching ants but only out to the outermost pixel of your image all right well after that we can press the Delete key and there you go we just delete it on the background from this picture and like I said if I want to do the whole skyline I would have just continued that path along the skyline and the buildings all around to this edge and then took it out here and then just wrapped it around all right so let's hold ctrl Z let's do something else okay you have a fill path which you can fill your path with let's say something ok let's say fill path and you want to fill that path with a solid color or you can fill it with the pattern if we choose fill with a solid color it'll fill it with whatever color our foreground color is right here well if I select this and I change it to red and select okay I select fill a path a solid color it will change it to this red just like that all right and you also have filled with a pattern which if I select fill with pattern it'll select your patterns that you have up here it'll select one of these patterns that you have selected so since we have this one selected that's what it filled with if I select this all wood right here my hole to fill path pattern press fill it'll fill it with that wood have stroke path as well you can either stroke it with a solid line a solid color or you can stroke it with the pattern but for this one we'll just rope with a solid color line with we can leave it at that line style you have different arm up you have different things that you cannot change within right here so let's say you want a rounded edge or you want to join it with a miter or just different things like that you can be able to change it right here I highly recommend just coming in and just playing with this setting just to get the lines that you would want um we could click right here and you can change how many dots you want in between your lines if you want a solid line or a dotted line or however you want to do that or you can just click right here to the dash presets and you can get a straight line you can do a medium dashed line you can do all these different kinds or you can create your own so let's say we want to do this one right here normal dots we come to that and we make sure we have solid color and we click stroke and it'll stroke it with once again the color that we have selected right here and it will give us those dashed lines as you can see if we zoom in all right but that is another very very useful tool so this undo all this we just hold ctrl Z and just keep pressing Z so we get back to the original spot and let's say you want to get rid of this we can just select another tool up here and it'll automatically delete those dots that we made now next up we have the color picker tool but let's say we want this color right here actually I just clicked it let's say we want this color right here all right we will click it and when we click on that color it will automatically replace our foreground color right here if I were to click that as you can see it took that that color from that one pixel and placed it right here and when I mean when I say one pixel if I hold ctrl and i zoom in as far as I can get as you can see our picture is just a collage of a bunch of different colored dots so each dot represents one pixel so if I click this dot it'll change the color into that pixel if I click this dot it'll change the color that pixel alright and you can be able to change your foreground and your background all you gotta do is come down here to our tool options you can be able to set the background color and you can click it right there or you can add it to a palette of colors just to click right there and it'll add it to your palette which is over here is a few different ways that you can be able to do that and one example would be hey let's say I want the sky to be all of the color of this grass area right here we'll just select or highlight the background select I'll use the color picker tool to select this and then do what we just did with our paths tool all control and zoom out after that we have the zone tool be able to zoom into a particular area on your picture that's pretty self-explanatory we have the measurement tool we're not gonna cover that the move tool so let's say I want to move this picture around in order to do that you have to use the move tool and make sure you are in that selected later sometimes you don't have to be but in this video I'm gonna recommend that we are in that layer alright so we'll just use the move tool click on our picture and we can drag and drop it to where we want it to be or control the zoom out and next up is the online tool with the align tool let's say you want this image perfectly centered within our canvas so to do that let's move it out the way a little bit to do that we're gonna make sure we come down to tour options and have it relative to the image which is our entire canvas all right so images are selected after that we want to come over to our picture and we click on it and you'll know you'll have it selected because you have the four dots and once again you want to make sure you're in that correct layer that you're editing after that when he come here to alliances Center Oh target which is the center of our image which we have selected and then we want to align it to the middle so now it is perfectly centered within our picture within our image all right down here you have distribute and offset tools which I'll have to cover that later on in another video we have the crop tool which is also um if you're familiar with designing pretty much self-explanatory um what our area do you want to get rid of are different things like that or what areas you want to keep so when you make your box for the crop tool everything that's moist with inside the box it will keep everything that's on the outside of your selected area it will delete so once you make your size well once you make your selection you will press ENTER on the keyboard and it will crop not only that picture but it will also crop everything else that's on the outside including your background alright we hold ctrl Z to undo that control Y to redo if we just in case we go back too far after that we have our unified transform tool and a few other ones so let's say for the unified transform tool I have another photo that I want to show you guys let's take this laptop place it right here I move tool to move it up some so now let's say we want to put this picture of Atlanta within this computer screen and we wanted to have that same perspective so to do that we would use the unified transform tool when you click on it just come over to your image select it and once again make sure you're within that layer once you come over here hold ctrl Z let's move our picture first move it right here drag it right above our layer now we can select the unified transform tool so now when you click on your picture you want to reduce the image opacity over here so that way you can see exactly where you want your image to be it and each line like this outer box is gonna be different than what you can do with this inner diamond looking box same thing is with this box on the side and these tools right here all right well these tools are gonna be your shear tools you can be able to share your image up and down you can share it left to right hold ctrl z this right here is gonna be one of this is gonna be your scale tool you'll be able to scale the width and the wall just the width of the image with this tool on the side or control Z to undo that with this outer box you'll be able to scale it but you can scale it from the side you know you can scale it the length and the width at the same exact time or control-z don't do that with this one you can do the height and then with this inner box you can be able to change the arm the perspective of your image so since we're putting it inside this computer screen and I'll zoom in a little more since we're putting it inside of this computer screen we can drag and drop this part down to here to this corner drag it from the middle of this box so here middle of this box - here this box here and I want to go ahead and say this now the image on this image of this computer screen is not 100% perfect all right um this background is actually not supposed to be there it's supposed to be the same background as you see over here all right so after that we can hit transform and there you go it's transformed it and fit it inside this computer screen with that same exact perspective that on the computer spring the computer screen was already showing so now I can just control Z to undo that go to the next one the rotate tool on this one allows you to rotate your image so let's say you want to drag it down some would be able to rotate it freely or if you want to rotate it on a little bit I guess more proportionate we can hold down hold down the shift key and you can snap it to 15 30 45 60 75 so it'll move it at 15 degree intervals all right and it'll move it according to your arm base point that is holding still which right here is going to be the center if we were to move this over here then move it it will rotate it along that center point really just changed the location of it all right next up is the scale tool this tool allows you to scale your image up make it bigger or make it smaller and some of these well certain tools are gonna all be within this transform tool that's just a shortcut tool to let you do all of those things at once instead of switching between each individual tool same thing with the share tool same thing with the handle tool well no same thing with just a share tool the scale tool and a rotation tool all right so after that would be our perspective we don't really use that Oh flip or reverse this is pretty much self-explanatory unless you flip your image upside down well vertical or upside down and right setup horizontally for left to right except is the cage transform tool arm this one is a little bit more complicated let's say we just make a box like this bring it back to the middle so now we can be able to transform just that section of the picture so let's say if I drag this over here after I made it there you go all right so it'll be able to warp or transform everything that's within that cage or that path that you just created with this tool control-z to undo that Warp transform i'm really use that arm text tool this tool is extremely important because this allows you to write text within our picture so let's say we drag and drop it and let's change our well we'll keep the font the same pixels the same when you drag and drop and make a box it won't initially create a layer over here until you start typing so let's just say we put Atlanta as you can see in went ahead and created a layer over here and also it went ahead and followed these presets that you had alright so for the size we're going by pixels you can change that to inches if you were like our color of course we selected it was already pre-selected red and then you have justify justify is pretty much like on your alignment tool with our Microsoft Word no do you want it on line on the left side on the right side or going down the middle or filled count like a newspaper all right after that you have how much indentation you want you can be able to separate your line spacing so if you put Atlanta giorgia USA if we increase this as you can see it'll create more spacing in between your words between the lines of your words if you select okay so mess up which is perfect anytime this happens all you do is just grab this right here select your tool options and drag and drop it back into your area right here and it will add it right back and if you were to accidentally drag this out here and you were to exit out of it the best way to get it back is to come to this arrow key right here go to add the tab and then select tool options and it will add it right back and that goes with templates that goes with anything just come right here or the add tab and it'll give you all of your different tab options that you can have all right well after that let's say you want to take this back at zero we can just type zero press ENTER and then we want to separate the spacing in between the letters and just come right here press up on this and you can increase the spacing of the letters or you can decrease the spacing of glows to fit however you are desire after that we have the fill tool the bucket fill tool will fill a certain part of your picture or your whole picture with a specific color all right and you can fill it with your foreground color fill which is right here your background color fill right here a pattern feel that you want selected which you will select over here in this area and then you have different options as well down here let's say we want to feel since we're in the text layer if I was to select pattern fill and fill it it'll fill that whole area alright and let's say we undo that hold ctrl Z to undo we could let's say we want to only fill a particular area let's say we want to take this Atlanta Georgia USA and uh make a background layer to that and have it outlined in let's say black if we go to black we can come to Atlanta I'm down to alpha to selection and it'll make the marching ants around everything that's within that layer all right so once we do our alpha to selection you can come down to here to create a new layer black outline we'll just leave it as it is bill with make sure it's transparency select okay we can drag that black outline right below Atlanta make sure we have it selected as well and the young arm the alpha test election is still going around our word when you go to select and we can go to grow now when we get here I like to change this to pixels so you can have a better control of how big or how small you want they all grow to be so let's say you want it up let's leave it at five pixels just to be random and as you can see it just made it that area a little bit bigger all right so we're on our fill tool I mean our bucket tool yeah our bucket fill tool and we want to have that background that color black so we make sure we have foreground color field selected we come over and we press and that's it all right but you have to make sure you are in that black outline layer because it's adding a layer to your current image all right if we did not do that if we hold ctrl Z to undo that this black outline let's say we didn't even do it we left it here and if we want to select grow it'll grow about the same thing it'll automatically save it you're gonna have a couple issues one everything on the outside of this yellow line is not gonna be there when we do the finished product and then two if I were to fill it right now because we are within this current layer is gonna cover up everything as you can see it covered up everything and if I hold ctrl and zoom in everything on the outside of that yellow on line it is not selected that's why when we created that other layer a black outline layer that yellow box was expanded all the way out to the same size as our background all right and after that on this whole control Z to undo that and to get rid of the marching ants we can just go to select and go to none if that we have a few more tools on the paintbrush tool is very popular you'd be able to paint you know different arm selected areas of your image and you can have a multitude of brushes and how to download brushes and all that which is something that I would have to make a complete video on um same thing as the pressure dynamics that goes into dealing with arm your a Wacom tablet or your human on tablet or whatever you know tap whatever drawing tablet that you're using which is another beast within itself alright hold ctrl Z to undo that part you come to the eraser tool same thing you can use a brush a particular brush for an erasing option all right so let's say we use this brush right here we can increase the size of your brush or decrease the size of your brush so let's say we have a black outline later we're gonna go down to our Atlanta lair and we can delete well erase this part right here it'll give you a hard edge on it since this since the hardness is at 100 but let's say we come to a different one where the hardness is at 50 and we increase the size on this as well as you can see it will erase it but it won't erase all the way to the edge all right it'll do like a fading out method kind of like how I showed you guys earlier when I did the rectangle select tool and then switched it's a feathered edge all right then you have a multitude of other options as well um will cover the listen where's the quote one a clone tool all right so let's minimize this and dragging our ripped jeans later and if you want to just add this to this picture you can just drag and drop it within here but if you want to make a brand new arm uh I guess picture from this just drag and drop it over the mascot right here over his eyes drag and drop it to there and it'll give you a brand new arm a brand new image that's not associated with whatever you were working on so with this tool let's say we these are ripped jeans let's say we want to get rid of these rips to do that we'll come to the brush make the harness at 100 and then we can keep besides it I guess y'all can keep it at 51 just for now Ashley let's make it a little bit smaller let's do okay that's cool so with this tool we want to delete these rips in this pan and in the pants in order to do that you have to clone a particular area of the pants that's almost exactly the same um and you can be able to cover up or whatever you want with that cloned area so let's say right here let's say if I off well first you have to down here say select the source image first you hold the control key and then you press down right here now this is your selected area and it will clone everything that's within this circle to whatever area you desire so now I want to cover up this part right here and I want to make it a little bit bigger let's make the signs up not that big because we don't want our circles in there connecting we can drag it and now it's copying everything that's within that area down here over here well let's hold the ctrl key to find a better source we can drag it onto it again and if you accidentally go a little too far like if we were to touch that white or this area right here it will clone this also over here but let's say if I accidentally selected this area right here I come down here and I start cloning see as soon as that other dot crossed over that white area it automatically cloned that area as well all right so just be aware of that and sometimes you may have to switch in your source area make it look just a little bit better same thing we're down here who hold control select that part all right and this is just something that's our I'm doing really brief right now of course it's not gonna be 100% perfect but you can play with the overtime and then you'll be able to perfect it in once again this is another tool you can do some really amazing things all right after that on that is pretty much the basics um there's a ton a ton of things that you can do with this program like a complete ton of things um another thing that I would suggest if you're doing sublimation our highly advise you change this bar up here and this bar on this side it's an inches and to do that you will come down to this option right here select scroll down so you see inches and now it's letting you know how big this image is so this exact image is are a little over 13 almost 14 inches wide by then maybe about 21 inches about like 20 and a half inches long all right um that's pretty much everything so far um if I didn't cover it in this video just stay tuned because I will be doing a video on each individual tool and pretty much every option that is available within alright so my channel will be very lengthy but not only that I'll be doing sublimation tutorials with different items like how to sublimate a t-shirt how to sublimate photo glass or watch a keychain a sequins pillow just tons and tons of different things alright so that pretty much wraps up the video and please don't forget to click the subscribe button below and also press the description to join our Facebook group and also if you need any type of sublimation supplies like ink arm templates and other supplies coming soon just click on the link in the description below and that will forward you over to my Etsy shop and soon I will be selling on Amazon as well so just check down in the description because I might have it posted by the time you see this video all right guys that's pretty much everything um if you want me to do a certain tutorial just comment down below and I'll go through the comments and I'll add it to my list I may not get to it immediately but I will add it to my list okay and if it goes on my list I will have it done eventually alright that's pretty much everything I want to thank you all for tuning in and until the next time Angelo up [Music] you
Channel: Cosmos Ink
Views: 51,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gimp Tutorial, Gimp for Beginners, Gimp Basics, How to use Gimp, Sublimation Cove, Caps On Fire, Sublimation Tutorial, Sub That, Sublimation 101, Sublimation and More, Sublimation Unchained, Sublimation for the Soul, Epson WF7710, Epson WF7720, Design Software for Sublimation, Editing Software for Sublimation, Epson Sublimation Printer, Epson WF-7710, Epson WF-7720, DIY Sublimation Printer, Sublimation for Beginners, What is sublimation
Id: XQaPMXNjfls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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