DIY $49 Bug Out Bag / Emergency Kit - YOU Can MAKE - GEAR CAVE #001

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hey guys welcome to the gear cave I'm here with Joe how you go man it's going really well dude how are you yeah we're in the gear cave and we are talking gear today not just any gear we're talking a $49 Bob usually one of the complaints that we get is that we talk about gear that is overpriced or too expensive well not today not today yeah so this is a collaboration between ultimate survival tips and our new podcast the survival show podcast and so in podcast number two we talked to Creek Stewart who is the master of bug out and the host of SOS how to survive he actually talks to people about how they bug out what they need and the people who have bugged out before like yeah yeah yeah and he's written like three or four books on the on the subject so we had him on podcast two and we talked about how to simplify bugging out so what I did is I went to the dollar store with an idea that I'd spent 50 bucks and didn't think that I could do it but I did it and there's some really cool stuff that people can put together for like 49 bucks from their dollar store we're gonna talk about that and it's going to be a surprise to me too because I have that seen we're also gonna talk about what gear can do for you and what it can't do for you okay you guys don't want to miss this we're gonna talk about a lot more than that I have a feeling yes I think that we will shall we break it down yeah man let's break it down okay so you got this at the dollar store I got it all at the dollar store okay so here's what I wouldn't talk about so in episode 2 of the survival show podcast we had creeks on and we talked about a couple of things and one big thing that we talked about is how people overpack and they overthink for emergency kits and bug out bags this serves this would serve as a go bag something that would be portable you could throw it in your car when you travel or an emergency kit one for each person in your home and it's 49 bucks yes one of the things too that I can just see here feel some of you out there going like Oh turning up your nose at the dollar store bug out bag don't do that man there are college kids are out there high school kids that are out there dads like us that have multiple children and want to put something together for our kids this is a great idea to be able to put put together a good bug-out bag for less than 50 bucks so here's what I want to say I want to ask you do you have a bug out bag if you don't you can do this and you can build from here yes that's that's the deal and here's the thing people have these huge enormous bug out bags that they ever think right right so my co-hosts with the survival Show podcast Craig Caudill and his book extreme wilderness survival he maps this out he breaks survival down into four things mindset skills tactics in gear gears last right okay so if you have a survival mindset you're strong-willed you you know how to push through things okay that's good so we move on to skills right you have some skills that's good too tactics is are just simply how we engage with other people to accomplish a mission and then there's gear at the end right the better you are at those first three mindset skills tactics the less gear you need to carry right and that's very so so practical as well because a lot of us are attracted to the gear I know that I am attracted to the gear we're not saying that gear is bad but the more that you have in your head the less that you have to carry on your back exactly and we all love gear I'm not knocking having a lot of gear because I have a lot of gear you have a lot of gear we love gear right but when you start out in this thing our tendency and it's a natural tendency is to go towards gear first because it's easy because it's easy and it compensates for skill because gear is a force multiplier let's remember that guys it multiplies your force like a knife's better than a sharp rock right a tenth a tenth easier in the setup anybody knows how to set up a tent but using a trash bag or doing a wilderness wickiup or something is a lot more difficult right right so let's just remember that this but this covers a lot of things it'll take a little bit of school you want to dig into this thing yeah let's dig into okay so first since it's on top we've got the pack here this is basically I'm gonna say for our listeners in the podcast I'm gonna call that about eighteen inches tall and we're gonna say maybe twelve inches wide I'd say that it looks like maybe it's a single let's just open it up this thing is okay there's not no extra pockets inside and it is what it is it does have side pockets for your water bottle so maybe the water bottles will fit there and it has like oh it's it's like a bungee bungee cord flourish for fluorescent orange and it's a black backpack just a small pack small oh there isn't okay there's a little extra pack like in the top front which woah dude where that goes the whole way down yeah so that goes the whole way down into the pack there's a lot of room there it's almost like a black camo and it does have that blaze orange I know you're not a huge fan of the blaze orange but I love it because I set stuff down all over the place and then can't find it you know I need to find my stuff in this particular situation I would I would take the blaze orange because if you set this down in the woods in your car or whatever you're gonna be able to see this so I'm down with that you've done it so there's our pack and before we're done we're gonna see if everything fits in there I'll go ahead pick something let's talk about its fleece toes okay so we've got these fleece throws we've got two of these you of them one red one and one blue one red and one blue one and there's 50 inches by 60 so we're it like what is that like 5 foot a little bit 5 foot long and about a little bit over 4 foot wide sufficiently big fleece fleece is good because it's not cotton so it's gonna retain some warmth even if it gets moist or wet we have two of them there were five dollars each excellent but look at the time of the year it is these works these were half price I got both of these for $5 I don't know what I'm gonna get my mother-in-law that's what you can do at the dollar store so we've got two of those and you know again that's warmth that's shelter right there and these are actually going to take up the majority of the room in the pack but it's gonna be so worth it to put these and other states if they fit all right next we've got contractor Brett bags okay contractor bags trash bags basically trash bags these are two mils thick 42 gallons so these are on the larger size your typical trash bag is 28 to 30 gallons in size so 40-tooth big may not be big enough to like go over you as a poncho but you can make it fit so I've got two videos on the YouTube channel that can show people how to use these for various shelters one you can make a poncho out of it - you can make a shelter out of it three you can stuff these with dried leaves and make a pretty comfortable bed of them for you can cover your gear and we're probably gonna do that we're gonna probably put all our gear in one of these so it makes our backpack waterproof right a good solid garbage bag maybe a two Miller and better would be one of the best cheapest items that you can compress and make small around our next versatile item is a 3-pack of bandanas there's three of these red white and blue and so we could use them for signal we could use them to filter strain water use them for wounds I mean it's really use them to blow your nose and we got three of them there was three bucks for three oh that's really good - there's so many uses of bandanas and there's lots of videos out there to tell people how to use them and we've suggested a few whoo look at his awesome flashlights that you picked up for what I'm guessing the muck it was about a buck it was a buck I don't know if it works but for a buck it's probably gonna work and that's one thing I want to discuss right now and we'll share this at the end as an action to make sure that you test all your gear it's not a bad idea to have extra batteries in here for your flashlight but if it works for a buck that's that's great next here is item right here cutting tools is a probably the one of the most logical items that you picked up yep okay so this is the breakaway utility knife I've used these for years and years and years again this was a dollar it's basically a razor blade and that has multiple break off razor blade pieces on it okay so there's a little slider for you guys that are listening in the center and it pushes up the blade and there's notches in here so it stops and locks the blade in place so you push this up use it until it goes dull then you just snap the tip off and you've got a fresh razor blade there and again we're not going for the cool factor we're going for the practical this is crack this is practical because you've got one two three four five six seven sections eight sections to this so you can dull this thing down to nothing eight times and we're talking about a 72 hour bag this is this is nothing more than to get you by for 72 hours that's a fantastic cutting tool and you also have a backup I had extra money I had extra money so I was thinking okay I have some food here that we'll talk about let's just talk about it so I've got peanut butter creamy peanut butter this I don't know what this was three dollars and fifty cents for 32 servings at 180 calories that's gonna push us up close to 7,000 calories the average adult yeah the average adult is 1,500 to 1,600 calories maybe a little bit less a little bit more this is almost 7,000 calories right here that's almost three days alone alone add the jelly then we have the jelly I'm like the prints too small I can't read it but then we've got this jelly you don't even need a knife to spread it the jelly is squeezy jelly so you don't need a knife it's not gonna get super messy and it seals up really good I'd put some duct tape over that excellent and you can just squeeze it on and we've got I mean these were these are huge extra-large flour tortillas ten torts it says on there 10 tortillas not eight so we've got and there are like two dollars and fifty cents so we've got how many meals the other day I mean bad I mean three works right haps dude I've done survival trainings and a lot of camping trips right mostly peanut butter jelly just like this and tortillas because they pack up small they fill you up way over the calories you're gonna need for three days how simple is that it's easy-peasy so is a knife let's talk about the knife yeah you're stuck was the backup knife I had an extra couple bucks so I got this knife it's it's long enough to go ahead in there and scoop out the peanut butter cuz I was thinking about that you could do it with a stick or your finger whatever but it's just messy so backup knife next thing we have here so three hundred fires three hundred fires yup 300 matches and it's already pre wrapped in plastic as well yeah we'll talk about fire kit so we've got matches here I think that was a dollar seventy four three hundred matches a dollar general yep and then we've got some calico lighters three calico lighters and there's some things we can do to ensure that they don't break three of those and that was they were I'm gonna say they were a buck fifty maybe a dollar fifty we've got matches and we've got lighters for a fire starter that covers us in two fire starter who was one and one is done no they didn't have any feral rods or anything like that Farrah Rudd takes a little bit of school so would I what I did find is a clearance on candles I think this was 85 cents that's a fire extender right there it's light it's a little bit of heat if you need it in the cut in a small place not not as many people would think of put that in your bug out bag but that is a good that's a game changer is a game too because if you're down to limited amounts of fire starting material you can get this thing going and that's gonna go for like an hour or so and you can just hold that under your tinder even if it's wet out that's gonna help you a lot game changer right there and it's a little heat source if you're kind of huddled up really close it would provide something amazing how much how many therms a candle will throw up in a cold situation all right next we'll get into some first aid and some other things cotton balls I mean that was a buck and you don't need them all no a hundred cotton balls we won't put them all in the bag but that's a lot of fire starting material also it will help us with first aid and yes you are right I was looking for we've got the triple antibiotic yes this was a little bit more expensive maybe two dollars and fifty cents but it serves multiple it's wound care and because it's petroleum-based you put it on the cotton balls and it's a fire extender so we've got multiple uses for this cleaning servicing wounds my preschool daughters to go outside and practice with their fair rods and lighting the fire that's how easy that you can get and it's a lot easier with a match it was a magical life easier we want easy easy here right okay we'll talk about wound care so instead of band-aids I got rolled gauze so we've got quite a bit of guys here so we can we can service a wound and also if you needed to wrap something gauze is better than that you know if you have a band-aid you're kind of limited there Oh although we do have the bandanas we could use for a larger wound so we've got some some more wound care here gauze and duct tape man that's the best man but we've got gauze and duct tape right and that's it we've got orange duct tape here and we've got 15 yards but it's orange it's fluorescent orange specifically for this this purpose because so we can use this to mark a trail if we got lost we can use if the flag you know flag people down we can wrap it around our essential gear like maybe we want to put a piece on our lighters or the handle of our knife so we don't lose it idea right it's also flammable right all right it's also flammable you can use this as a fire extender it can patch gear and it makes a great band-aid you we've got guys we've got cotton and you wrap duct tape around it it makes it about the best band-aid you can actually make if you're in a pinch I had extra money I literally had extra money dude so I was like okay filter mask so there's two two of these white just basic dust filter that is a whole lot better than nothing if if you were in a situation in the city and there were people getting sick this would not be bad to have pollution if there was some sort of a yeah both of those yeah both of both of these items bandanna and these dust dust masks pollution if you were in a war zone and there were you know smoke coming off of things that's not a bad thing to have again I haxed I literally had extra money so I bought an extra knife I was like ah a buck for two of those masks again extra money non-essential but this is gonna make you feel really good if you can brush your teeth every morning yeah it's gonna make you feel good too because you picked pink so it's a toothbrush in a small toothbrush holder one of those like half sized things so the fits inside this holder and it's actually like legit Colgate toothpaste these cost you about three bucks at Walmart cost me a buck at the dollar store how good is that I'll make you feel good brighten your day every morning right look at this don't let this go oh we don't want that yeah so for a dollar they had this little roll of jute twine right so this is gonna help you in making a shelter out of your trash bags it's great for a lot of things and tinder yeah tinder you pull this stuff apart into a ball that's more fire starter material so there's your cordage and there's a lot on there for a buck and it's nice and compact and already small I actually will probably go back and buy more leaves because I like that size for a small bag it's a good idea what I was looking for is I was looking for a steel stainless steel canteen single walled or a single walled metal cup so we could boil water in it to purify it right if I need to couldn't find anything I searched the whole store and I came up with dog Bowl adapt and overcome sir I mean a dog bowl this was a buck 75 and that's that's a full quart you can boil some water in there I mean if you had super you wanted to make you know you can do a lot with that good yeah that's a good idea washing dishes in there so anyway so the dog bowl you can use it as a cup if you want to multi-purpose for a buck 75 I thought I might just start carrying notes of my regular max water so we've got 2 liters of water here I looked at getting more because I did have extra money and I could have afforded it it was just a weight thing and a size thing was this bag right so I got 2 liters of water there 50 cents each last but not least again I had extra money I literally had like 4 extra bucks so you guys know how much I like ziplock bags so with the Ziploc bags and the contractor trash bags what we're gonna do is we're gonna pack up some things like our matches in Ziploc bags so that we can keep them out of the weather also extra water containers yeah if you don't have a bug-out bag this is a $49 kit we'll put links in the description right to a checklist for this kit and some links over to Amazon so you can pick up somewhere it might cost you a little bit more there check out your dollar store though I mean I got some deals I mean five bucks for two of these that's fantastic okay so that's we just broke down this kit how about we make some modifications to this kit and then stuff it all in this bag and see if it works perfect sound good sounds good we'll be back with that okay guys so Joe and I just broke this stuff down out of the boxes and we made some small modifications let's just go through the modifications really quick you got one yeah here is our fire starter and our med kit we have about 35 to 50 cotton balls in this ziplock bag with our antibiotic ointment a lighter wrapped the head of it was be wrapped in duct tape so that the the gas does not get out of that the length or gets pushed and also our gas so fire starting in first aid kit all in one quart ziplock bag in another ziploc bag we have the jute twine which is a very very small it's a small sized roll but there's 200 feet of it in here well you could do a lot with that and again we've got another lighter with a second one of our three again wrapped in the orange duct tape so that one we can find it and see it into that we don't just charge the gas automatically or accidentally in there and we've got our matches and a 1 1 quart ziplock bag so that was a fire kit here is we're gonna call this our ditty bag with hygiene care you go Colgate toothpaste a travel toothbrush and our third lighter and then in this next again in another 1 quart bag I've got three unused 1 quart bags just kind of rolled up inside of this one with our flashlight which we found out is an LED light here was your first cutting tool option and it was a slide-out razor blades and utility knife with break off blades there we go and all you did was he wrapped a little bit of duct tape on the end of that so that it did not push out and cut you or cut your bags and here is the second cutting option the studied second knife that you had picked up and you had made a really cool sheath is like a paring knife I'm gonna say that this knife is one too it's probably three to three and a quarter inches long right and we all we did is we made a sheaf out of the packaging that came off of it just folded it in half and then a half and half the other way and it actually makes quite a decent sheath so it's nice and tight right to it we wrapped the sheaths part in duct tape to hold it together and actually kind of waterproof it and put two little tabs on the side to hold the knife in there and then we wrapped the handle it's kind of messy but it'll work wrap the handle on some of that orange duct tape too so we don't lose it now let's pack it up okay [Music] [Music] alright guys so everything's packed up in here we got room in the top are you going to give that away for Christmas presents I might then do survey might get this for Christmas guys that listen to the podcast he's been saying I'm just not prepared for a bug-out so I think I think we got it here and you know there's a bunch of emergency bags that you can buy with cheap junk in them I'm gonna call this like for less money probably way better way better exactly how much did how much do you think it weighs so here's another thing that that you don't want to carry a whole lot of gear because 160 pound person who's an average fitness can only carry about 15% of their weight so we're talking about 20 pounds right so I don't I don't know it's this ways but we have the scale here so you want to hold it the water and this is gonna be the majority of the way the water is gonna be of course water is about eight pounds per gallon and we are at Oh BAM we are like the average person could easily carry this we're at about 17 pounds excellent that's only 17 pounds that is I am very impressed that is fantastic very very it's a $49 bug-out bag weighs less than 20 pounds okay we're long on time what we were gonna do is we're gonna show some people show guys add ons to add to this why don't we hold off till the next video in the next podcast for that and we'll show people some add-ons to add to this will show people some things that they shouldn't carry because they're just a waste of time and we'll go down through some action steps I'll give you guys one action stuff go out and get one of these make a bug-out bags like this if you don't have one to get you started now that's your action step for this week and it's a cool thing I was just thinking about - it's a fifty dollar budget there you go very easy you could increase that to a hundred dollar budget yeah we could spend a lot of money on the bug out bag there's some things that I would want to add to this right and we'll talk about that next time but until then thank you guys for watching go over to the survival show podcast check that out but specifically check out episode 2 with Creek Stewart we talked everything bug-out and a lot more than just gear and kit we talked about personal security we talked about one debye got when not the bug got all kinds of stuff and then there's show notes for that show so you can get a kit checklist for this bag find out what you absolutely should put in your bug out bag that we did not put in this one and what you also should absolutely leave out of your bug out bag which we also did not put in it ok guys so thanks for watching coming to you from the gear cave and we are talking gear alright guys thanks have a great day [Music]
Channel: Ultimate Survival Tips
Views: 111,051
Rating: 4.7465477 out of 5
Keywords: survival, bug out, bug out bag, bob, emergency, emergency kit, best bug out bag, budget, budget bugout, go bag, survival kit, knife, survival knife, stainless steel, best kit, best knife, best survival kit, cheap, cheap bug out bag, bugout bag, gerber, cutlery, podcast, survival show, backpack, disaster, disaster kit, first aid kit, camping, backpacking, hiking, bear grylls, cheap knife
Id: OjujXB-QcsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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