Home Depot Urban Survival Kit: Bug Out Bag

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what's up everyone Tim here from everyday tactical vids and I've been looking forward to doing this video for a while today we're looking at the Home Depot survival kit and in particular this is the Home Depot urban survival kit so this is a bag that I put together if you were still in New Orleans let's say after Hurricane Katrina or still on Staten Island or in New Jersey some of the others that were hit by Hurricane sandy this is not a bag to grab and run off to the woods and live for a week in the Rocky Mountains this is not a bug-out bag you're basically in a situation where you can't go back home to grab blankets or sleeping bags or things like that canned food whatever it might be now one thing is I was putting this kid together that I thought was you know thanks be to God that in those situations neighbors are often helping neighbors so you run to somebody's house and they say yeah come and stay with us you know we'll put you up we'll survive together until things get sorted out but this bag gives you options to survive and be sustained for a while even if there aren't a lot of other people around now I'm not saying apocalypse here I'm just saying that if you were going to situation where you had to depend on you and then also becoming a resource to other people here's a kit that could actually be helpful in that process now I appreciate the comments from the low survival bucket and some of those comments that I thought were really good and the suggestions I've taken and added and changed the the bucket into a bag I've changed other things from this kit the other thing I do want to know is that some people that when they talked about the low survival bucket they were like oh you should add this and this and this and this we're talking about for that kid it was yet to get everything for Low's for this bag for this kit everything has to come from Home Depot so you can't just say you should get a better knife or you should get this or that it has to be items you get from a Home Depot I would say overall you can get you know good survival or emergency items from a home depot lowes overall I was a little bit more impressed with Lowe's with their selection and the different items that they had but enough of me talking about my philosophy on it let's actually take a look at what I put in the bag and show you what I put together for this urban survival bag from Home Depot so first we'll talk about the bag and some of the contents you can see on the outside here obviously this bag is from husky they had some bags that were smaller some that were larger this run this one ran $30 and some of the smaller ones obviously less expensive large ones more expensive I like this one because of the handles which seem quite sturdy and then also this has a shoulder strap some of the larger bags again more expensive they had more room some of them actually have wheels built in which for me in an urban survival situation or you know post a national disaster in an urban situation I don't want to have a bag that is going to be built so I have to depend a lot or even you know in part on wheeling it around if there's a lot of junk in the streets I just want to be able to pick up the bag throw out on my shoulder carry it and go so that's why I chose this one and also trying to keep the cost you know relatively under control for this project $30 seemed reasonable to me a couple of things you can see on the outside here this is twisted Mason Line and you can do a lot of different things with this I mean even if you just you're setting up camp for the night and you want to you know dry some stuff out now you've got a line you can do that obviously the Rope you can do that as well but if you're using the Rope for something else negative this you can always make a net with this if you do have a situation where you could fish you know if you're in a place where maybe there's an urban situation but there are some ponds or rivers whatever you could fish in and it's clean to do that you can use this obviously it's fishing line easier than trying to use rope or you know the inner part portion of some sort of rope paracord something like that so anyhow that's why I've got this a variety of uses for that we do have a big portion of rope here let me take this off it's attached with a carabiner that was included non-weight-bearing carabiner actually had a sticker on it have a little trouble here but anyhow how to stick around it which I took off it said this is not for rock climbing so but you know another option to carry things or attach things with this carabiner and then you've got the Rope here it's all bundled up I didn't want to take it out of this nice compact package I left this on here because it does have some information as you can see 244 pound and then you know talking about kilograms but also this is just another piece of paper so if you need to get something to burn it's not exactly paper it's got a little bit of plastic in it but to get a fire going you could use this and I'm keeping this on the outside of the pack because eight takes a lot of space inside the pack be it's got this carabiner right there so I can just attach it to the pack and go from there a couple more things on the outside here this is the knife that I found and quite a nice knife for only seven dollars and coast is not known for making knives as much as other products you know people go to a different knife company if they had to probably but seven bucks pretty nice knife for you know something you're going to get from a home home depot shape it looks like up close here and see the liner lock other side with a pocket clip DX 340 and then you've got your safety here so when that is pressed up you can't push the liner over to the side you push this back down then you get the liner like that and close it the reason I have this on the outside is actually probably be in my pocket I would put it into my pocket just carry it as a knife and there are other cutting options in here but again just a knife to cut rope cut string cut through things whatever it might be nice to have that so Coast knife only seven bucks to other things on the outside here two sharpies and sharpies obviously writing utensil duh but one thing I noted in my pointed I call my last ditch survival kit is that if you have to write down notes you can write it on your hand on your arm someplace where maybe there's not going to be as much sweat as on your palm but you know if you have to say hey I went down three blocks at over two blocks boom we read down there now it's on your you got your information right there if you have a pad of paper even better but you know this is something that's readily accessible on the outside of the bag and now you can write down directions write a note for somebody whatever it might be so now let's just flip around the bag to the other side we'll see it's on the back there on the backside of the bag here obviously can see I have some more rope and what I've done is I've run the shoulder strap through this handle so again it's I'm going to take up space inside the bag and you can obviously tell diamond braid poly cord and this is 75 feet and again high visibility it's bright it's float it's building resistant just a lot of uses for cordage so this is very lightweight it's already wound up for me so I don't want to take it apart some people might say well you can compress it and make it even smaller that's true but this is organized as is so I'm keeping it in this in this form and as you can see 50 pound working load there so a couple different varieties for cordage and then the one other thing I'm come around this side of the camera on the front here you can see if I can get these out one of the things is that the more stuff you put inside the harder it is to get the stuff out of these outside pockets but what we have here is you can see fire starter this is actually in the barbecuing section and there's about 10 between these two different pockets but this is for getting a fire going yeah if you got matches or light or whatever it is you can just get it rockin hopefully but in case it's wet outside now I've got an option to get a fire going so especially when I'm thinking about post hurricane sandy down in New York City Staten Island those areas are really you know New Jersey they got really hard hit people were just setting up shop in the street just to hang out with one another and stay warm if you can't get a fire going especially then in the middle of winter man just rough so having a fire starting option that's a nice addition I think to an urban survival kit so I can go back into either one of these pockets so you can see down into the bag let me just show you very quickly it does close like this so it kind of folds in the two sides like this and I did have to kind of compress it down to get it zipped up there is a lot of people like a tactical bag you know for a bailout bag or something like that emergency bag is because they have so many pockets this thing does have so many pockets but once you just get it filled to the brim you just start piling stuff and organizing it that way so as we open it up here you can see one of the first things I have here is just some tubing and this has a variety of uses the the primary thing I was thinking about was you know if you had a water source that was a little bit hard to get to but seemed you know like you could actually use it here's a way to actually get that doesn't mean putting it in one in and drinking directly from the other end maybe you could siphon it out and then you could purify it but now you've got tubing and again more than just that use but that's the primary one I was thinking about second we have two bottles of water there's one here's the second and that's just because if you're in a disaster situation it's nice to know that you have water to start with you're not starting out and saying where can I go find water so two things of water some people you know that they're paranoid or concerned about the water the bottle breaking and then dumping out all over the place yeah you can certainly put it in a garbage bag I just chose not to these seem a little bit more stable than some of the other like the Poland Spring ones are a little bit more flimsy into this so that's why I just left it as is this seems like it may be a crazy thing to put in there but again you have to get these items from Home Depot according to this project that I was going to entertain your crafty from some of the struggle that you may be going through and also knowing what the weather will be according to the Farmers Almanac might actually be a help you can see in the back here there's ads so if you're in a situation where you just want to not be thinking about the tragedy just went through this could be a good thing just to to read through if you guys have looked at some other kit so you should have a Bible in there both because I'm a pastor it may be to help other people but also you know to have something to read and encourage myself so this is the best I could find compared to compared to find in a Bible at a home depot this is what I the closest thing I could find so Farmers Almanac for 2014 a couple different masks this one's a little more heavy-duty than this one they do help you know thirty and forty and fifty dollar masks at Home Depot but again the size they're not easy to collapse they're very large so I got you know ones that already sealed here and one that was not CL I took it out of the packing because it was just kind of hard plastic took up a lot of space so again if there's dust just a mess in the air this could be a good thing to have to keep that out of your mouth out of your nose gloves one thing I'll note is that Home Depot does not care care mechanics gloves which are my preference but these are inexpensive leather all-purpose and they come in a variety of sizes and these are like 250 I think something like that so relatively cheap they're not going to give you a lot of warmth if you're in a cold situation but it will give you at least a little bit and keep your hands away from touching nasty things or having to deal with something that's you know maybe a little bit more dangerous so now you have some protection for your hands you can see here got some protein and I just mix it up as far as the two different styles no particular no particular reason one thing I will know is I have a good friend who hiked the Appalachian Trail when she was and under her phone she finished her undergrad and when she was about halfway done she didn't and and 2,000 plus miles half halfway through she met a guy who said you need to stop eating just carbs need a protein because your body's breaking down the muscle and trying to add more because your risk of working out all day long and you're not giving it the protein to do so so yeah you want to have lots of calories but also you want to be making sure your body can rebuild your muscle as if you're out you know in a crisis situation so I'm not saying you want to have a steak every night but nice to have at least some option that's not just candy or whatever it might be that you could find a Home Depot this is the original quickie - super PAC absorbent towels just for general cleanup at the end of a long day nice to be able to clean up after yourself or clean up you know sweat whatever it is maybe you can find a place to to wash up a little bit so that's why I added these you could get a you know like a little what I called a butane torch like that they use for plumbing and stuff but that's a lot of weight a lot of hassle I think so this is just a basic lighter here you can see that actually works and not my favorite option I'd rather have a you know fire starter like a fire steel and then obviously just like a couple big lighters would be great but here's my option to get the fire going you and that's like one more thing before we change the angle here this is a ghost headlamp and there were a variety of different products there Coast makes very good quality flashlights headlamp things like that and this one so you can get it set up here so you can see we got the LED there and then red as well so you've got a couple different options this is to preserve your your night vision and then it's a headlamp so when it's on your head it's free your hands are free you don't to worry about you know holding a flashlight like this while you're working on something now let me talk about this close this up and I'll just kind of balance that there the other thing I was actually purchased was this and this is as you can see a head lamp from energizer and a flashlight and if you can look here it's got a folding stand so you could set it up you know set it up and you could be shining it at whatever you're working on now I I didn't commit to this as you can see I didn't take it out of the package I like to have you know the coast headlamp another headlamp and then a backup flashlight great another reason I chose this because this takes triple A's and this takes triple A's now they did have a ghost flashlight that was very nice but it took doublea's so I'd be interested to hear your thoughts you know would you carry two different types of batteries or we just say no even if I'm a little less content with the quality of say this energizer pack versus another Coast option no I want to carry this because I just want one type of battery that I have to deal with so you know that doesn't be interesting discussion put your comment down below let's hear your thoughts on that but this was the other option I was looking at for for a lighting option don't want to just depend on one headlamp so you got this small headlamp here and then you have the flashlight as well and I think this ran you know probably about ten eleven dollars so pretty inexpensive for what you get from this from this set up here alright continuing on here we have a Milwaukee and this is an 11 in one driver set so I just kept this little plastic piece on just for safety but 11 different options built into this one one driver I will show you at the end I'll put all the items together so you can see them but in an urban survival situation I want to have tools I will show you a multi-tool in a little bit a Leatherman but wilderness survival situation I don't need a Phillips head screwdriver most like unless I got to repair some of my own kit but in an urban survival situation you know an urban bailout bag whatever it is to have some sort of tools is nice so Milwaukee good brand they did have a variety of different ones they actually had one from forget the name of the brand when it's actually Home Depot's kind of like kobol is what Lowe sells Home Depot has their own it just looked a little junky and this one was very compact and the other one had more drivers but there was nothing to put it in this is all in one little setup so I would have had all these bits that were just kind of floating around the bag even if you put them in pockets I got to dig through this is all in one and obviously Milwaukee high quality brand so there's one one tool also on this side you can see I've got my husky thermos and you know one thing to note about this is that because it is insulated boiling water to purify obviously you're not going to be like just doing it in a clean canteen or something like that but just to open this up and show you what's inside there's a little piece of paper in instructions or whatever but or things to burn you certainly could put items in this the reason I have this is because if I do get a hold of water I've got those other two Dasani bottles but to have this to carry water that I find or filter to me to just be a worthwhile investment I wish they just had a Nalgene but this nice thing about this is that it is pretty slim so I've got an option to actually carry my water while I'm out in that survival situation I know people going to have comments on this and you should I got this because if you do eventually get to a place where you have electricity now you can plug in charge something up whatever it is some people say oh you got to get a heavy-duty you know some heavy duty extension cord not this tiny little dinky gage Vaughn that you know you'd plug a lamp in in your living room I get it I agree with you generally speaking I'm trying to deal with the restraints on the size and the weight of the pack the cost of the overall kit so that's why I went with this this is a twelve foot one as you can see a couple different options here when it comes to plugging in and I will show you I have one of those you know three prong two two prong adapters also if you get to a place where you know you have to plug something in and the you know have the right number of prongs whatever have one of those so that's why I chose this one but you know if you're like oh you should get one of those heavy-duty orange ones I get it I totally get it this is just my my take or my opinion on what I wanted to invest my my money in couple more tools here very basic stanley hacksaw and this is obviously very small and I just kind of threw the blade in there but if you do have to cut through any metal you know especially in an urban situation more options here for tools if you have this Fiskars power tooth folding saw need to press this swing it out so it looks like I really like the corona one that I have from Lowe's but that's Lowe's that's all Home Depot so again to cut through things or get people accessed or you know get access to a place that maybe something's falling down on top of now you've got this as an option let me just get that back in place there it's hard to look hard to do looking through the camera screen here alright so cutting option and then another cutting option here this small hatchet rock force not familiar with them but I did want something that was lightweight I found that the wood handles were lighter than the fiberglass ones this actually does have a little plastic cover for the blade it just fell off in the bag but you could certainly use this for hacking cutting and then the backside as a hammer as well the one thing I don't have with this that a hammer would obviously give me is something to pull nails with but again that's one of those decisions I made in the process putting the kid together so there's your there's your hatchet it's okay and see what else we have in the side sharpening stone this is something that a lot of people mentioned in the last video I did the low survival bucket so that's a good idea you know to have a stone to sharpen your blades or whatever it might be so I got this I think was 997 so not super expensive now we have an option to sharpen some of our tools I've got a vise grip and I got the husky brand I trust them as a brand they've got some good stuff some of it's not as good but this is an option obviously to you know when you want to have an advice you own any type of work quite nice so I got this as another one of our tools a couple other things in here in HDX that's the Home Depot brand so this is the basically a way to access water so if someone you know there's a spigot outside it doesn't have a knob on it now you can actually operate it with this to get access to water not guaranteeing you you know everything being perfect that you have water all the time now but now you least have an option and I've kept it just organized with this because again you can burn some of the burn some of the paper and this slipped in down the back of the pack quite easily no issues to store it in the bag a couple of things on this side tarp in HDX six by eight medium tarp some people recommend it at least one person recommended last time getting some tie backs I have used that for camping as a ground cloth it's great it's it's you know keeps the moisture out etcetera etc I just found this because it has a little bit more structure to it if I had actually set this up over myself this would actually I find give me a little bit more form to what I was trying to build so that's why I chose this one and six by eight because I'll cover you know maybe me and two other people one other person pretty comfortably if you set it up properly so medium duty tarp six feet by eight feet and let's see we got that's just the cover to the X except we have our hex keys and again this is husky that's the not one of those brands that Home Depot carries and one of their main brands they carry obviously this is metric you can get this in more extensive and less extensive extensive versions I just know that this was the right size for the kid I have and again another tool option we have now in our kit couple more things on this side just a basic pen or pencil I'm sorry and nice thing about this is that it's not a pen so it's not going to die out on you or freeze on you and you don't need a pencil sharpener you can just sharpen it up with a blade to light sticks it did need to signal or you know set these up to find your your camp or your shelter in the evening or when it got dark now you've got a couple of those the last thing on this side is this right here which is Leatherman as you can see wingman I think I might've said wave before but and yeah this is the wingman runs about thirty dollars not nearly as extensive as some of some of the other Leatherman multi-tool is out there but it is a what Home Depot sells and be its Leatherman it's a good quality product it's got blades it's got a couple different drivers and things on it so now I've got a multi-tool and I would I kept this in the bag but again this could be something keep the knife on in one pocket and this in the other pocket alright looking to the other side of the inside portion of the pack here one thing I bought is reflective tape and they did have reflective safety vests but they were a little bit more expensive they do take up some more space so I figured you can get some reflective tape you can even buy a couple of these if you want and you could put this on clothing if you had to walk at night you know and it was dark out and people were driving cars or whatever so 3m I'm generally pretty happy with 3m tape I find it just generally works well so that's why I bought this instead of a reflective vest you could certainly buy a reflective vest wrap it on the outside or just wear it all the time but that's the reason I chose is just to reduce my size and weight of the bag something that was really popular from the Lowe's kit was this right here these are rat traps and yeah I mean if you got to get food and you got to eat rats you got to make the decision if you think that's sanitary enough but certainly squirrels chipmunks small things like that if you are in an urban situation but there is you know some sort of park or something like that or if you're you know close to a city but you're in a you know the suburbs and there are still trees and woods around this is an easy way to catch some dinner in that type of situation where there's not a lot of food around so these are like 2 bucks apiece or something like that so very basic easy and cannot acquire you can acquire some food that way Gorilla Tape this also is something that people were felt pretty strongly brought from the last video they were like don't get duct tape just get Gorilla Tape instead so yeah obviously it's duct tape all amped up guerrilla tape is great stuff I've used it before I do like it I just got the duct tape last time for the other kit but um there's a million uses for this so I just keep it wrapped up in this form because I find it easy to transport and you can actually put things down inside it once you put it in the bag so guerrilla team safety glasses these are obviously sunglasses as well kept them in the package just to keep them from getting scratched up yeah if you're doing something in the evening you need safety glasses on the dark you know the fact that they're darker is going to make a little bit more challenging but I thought you know during the day if you're out in the sunlight working on something it's nice to have the sunglasses as well and these are still in the bag like I said I would keep them there and they're made by 3m safety glasses rain poncho and you can see quite long it's not a little dinky one they note here waterproof snap closure attached hood they did have full rain gear but I thought this would just be a better option so rain ponchos up all right got some candy here this is just simple sugars something to taste sweet taste good and give you a little bit of an energy rush when you need it so I grabbed three of these the other thing about these is that even they get even though they get really chewy and kind of tough they still last a long time so sour patch kids three more options for food we've got some reusable latex gloves these are you know what people use when they do the dishes but if you had to handle anything nasty and you didn't want to get your leather gloves dirty you could use these they do have a wide variety of these there's ones that go you know all the way up your arm instead of just partially up your partially up your arm but these I think would work fine for me and then obviously a variety of sizes let's see what else do we have in here down on the bottom two packages of zip ties so 11-inch these I think are 11 inches well no 10 inch now both 11 inch both 11 inch zip ties there's 10 in each they have 20 I just mix up the colors for kicks these are also reusable you certainly want you put them on they're hard to get off but you can depress the little the little knob in there a little piece in there to take them off and just tons of uses for this more cordage or you know options like cordage good to have and these don't take up much space so you can abby's add more of those as well because they're they're tiny they're they don't take up a ton of space in the just pull this out real quick I think that's pretty much it from there's one little thing in the bag that is it from inside the bag this must have fallen out when I put them into this container about ear protection this will give you an opportunity to protect your ears if you're going through construction zone or something is really loud and also at night there's a lot of noise or a lot of people out again I'm thinking a lot about hurricane sandy there a lot of people out just awake and trying to survive make a lot of noise at night but if you want to you know get some sleep if you if you can't because it's so noisy now you have this to help you know quiet things down inside your head all right so what I have here is this is a 1 quart container it's for mixing it's I got it in the paint section you can see you've got an option to measure things here which is nice obviously liters ounces the whole thing is a quart I bought the cap if you did collect some sort of water then you could put it in here also if you collect so you find a place that has raspberries let's say or strawberries or something growing now you have a container to put it in it put them in yeah you could put them in your shirt you could just put them your pockets whatever but here's another option to carry things take off the cap inside see shake some of these out mention the ear protection already there's no more in there got a couple of these and these are toe warmers they're obviously smaller than the full-sized hand warmers but they do they can give you an option to warm up if it is quite cold so we've got two of those then we have down inside you can see more ear protection and also that three pronged a two pronged converter and then here you've got four yeah four bags of salted peanuts now some people might say all salts going to dehydrate you yeah you're right but that's this is what they had it could not find an unsalted option you got fats and proteins in this and then I'll help you give you a little nutrition while you're actually dealing with a urban survival situation these are two other things that I'd like to add to my kit in some form so I don't mean I'd be carrying this entire box of bags and that entire container of bleach but contractor bags somebody mentioned this on the comments from the low survival kit and I thought that was great and I've used 50 gallon drum liners in survival bags so this is obviously these are smaller but still quite good and I would take all of them but you could put them as a liner within the within the survival bag or that husky bag where all the other stuff is you can just stuff them into random pockets you know get a handful of these for various uses in your back and then bleach obviously you can use that to purify water if you're doubtful that you can actually check on the internet there are government regulations or recommendations s it should say when it comes to how much bleach you add to water to purify if there is some sort of situation while your water is contaminated due to a natural disaster or whatever I just need to figure out a way to carry the bleach in a small amount so I don't carry this whole thing but just finding the right sized container something I'm still working on so as with all the kits that I make they're always in progress but these are two other things that I would have in some form and it to the urban survival case so here are all the items in my urban survival kit from Home Depot let me zoom in here just so you can see I'll pan around if you have questions you can certainly comment below you can email me at everyday tactical visit gmail.com and let's get the discussion going down below what are you what would you add what would you change what are things in your area your home depot carries that maybe I don't have here that's you know again it has to be for Home Depot don't tell me you would have your K bar-b-que too because I don't think they're selling that at most Home Depot's has to be from Home Depot maybe changes additions tweaks on things that I've done also don't just comment to me if somebody else makes a comment and you agree or disagree let's get the discussion going in that way always be respectful in that process but you can disagree or have a different opinion and be respectful about doing that as always thanks for checking out the videos please subscribe to everyday tactical vids like us on facebook follow us on twitter check us out on tumblr take care you
Channel: EverydayTacticalVids
Views: 507,744
Rating: 4.7037039 out of 5
Keywords: Survival Kit, urban, bailout bag, bail out bag, Home Depot (Organization), emergency bag, survival bag, car survival bag, bugout bag, bug out bag, everyday carry, car safety bag, emergency car supplies, camping, tactical, survival, medical bag, Bag (Product Category), emt, get home bag, bug in bag, bug-in bag, emergency, fire, flares, wilderness survival, tactical skills, everyday tactical vids, home depot challenge, urban survival kit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2014
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