Divine Mercy Healing Adoration Live | Fr Augustine Vallooran | 01 Mar | Divine Retreat Centre

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[Music] [Music] i believe [Music] in daily life [Music] lord jesus christ so heavily you careers [Music] eucharist is the heavenly blessing the supreme grace of heavenly response blessing to dispel and become my self-publishing i believe in the eucharist a celebration the heavenly eucharist in daily life i live the eucharist lord jesus christ so heavy you [Music] i believe in the eucharist a celebrate the heavenly eucharist in [Music] jesus praise you jesus thank you lord jesus i believe i believe in the holy eucharist i believe in your real presence oh lord i believe i trust i surrender praise you jesus thank you lord it's you lord truly present in the holy eucharist in the eucharistic bread jesus it is you it is you lord looking at us now looking at every one of us with compassion and love waiting to forgive us waiting to heal us waiting to fill our hearts with your love and your joy lord we praise you we thank you we adore you oh god hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah praise jesus thank you jesus praise jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus thank you lord let us profess our faith in the holy eucharist as we look at the eucharistic bread the lord is whispering into our hearts this is my body this is my body to be broken for you here is the greatest of all the manifestations of love god becoming so small as a piece of bread and coming to us jesus you came down the son of god that you wear you came down to the nature as a little babe you made yourself so small as a little babe a helpless baby in the nature and you grew up in grace and power but then you offered that body on the cross to save us it's a ransom for many that we may not perish you fulfilled the mission entrusted to you lord by your heavenly father by offering yourself for the cross but even before that you decided to continue to stay with us in another form in the form of bread and you took bread in the last supper and he said this is my body and thus you fulfill the promise you gave in kavanam i will become bread for you i will become bread for you i am the heavenly bread come down from heaven that you may eat of me three may become one with me that i may become one with you that you may live forever you are the living bread you are the son of god with simon peter we want to say it now you are the son of the living god praise you jesus we thank you jesus christ we worship you lord jesus we adore you oh jesus it is you jesus that we see in the piece of bread it is you jesus it is you you're telling us this is my body lord we want to look at your face and experience your love flowing into our hearts let us begin this chaplet of divine mercy opening our hearts for god's mercy to descend into our hearts and fill us you expired lord jesus for the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy open up for the whole world or font of life unfathomable divine mercy envelope the whole world and empty yourself out openness oh blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a font of mercy for us i cursed you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a font of mercy for us in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a font of mercy for us i trust in you our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil hail mary full of praise the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us amen i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord he was conceived by the power of the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius was crucified died and was buried he descended into hell on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to church the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of saints the resurrection [Music] let us meditate on the real presence of jesus in the holy eucharist and the one grace we want to ask of him is the grace of faith that we may be able to open our eyes of faith and see jesus so often we have seen the eucharistic bread on the altar we did not feel anything we did not worship him we did not adore him we did not surrender a life to him and therefore we went out of his presence as we came in today you are inviting us come to me come to me come into my presence coming to my love all of you who are tired and burdened i will give you rest lord we are waiting for your rest and that rest that heavenly comfort will come to us only when we're able to recognize your presence we're able to surrender our lives we're able to worship you lord your word tells us that the very purpose of our life is to worship is to surrender our life because it is only in worshipping there is heavenly confident heavenly joy flowing into our hearts and filling us to moses lord you said set my people free [Music] that they may come and worship me and moses told pharaoh god's people are to be set free that they may worship lord the very aim of our life is to worship you is to adore you is to place the life in your hands and asking for that grace the grace of faith we pray the first decade eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ an atonement for our sins and those of the whole world father sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] mercy on us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the sorrowful passion [Music] [Music] of the for passion have mercy on us [Music] mercy on us [Music] [Applause] [Music] mercy on us for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on [Music] the lord is waiting to give us rest the lord is waiting to intervene into our lives there is someone here accused of a false theft case the lord is setting him free giving him the rest from all that doubt tension in his heart there's a woman here a wife suspected by her husband she's so upset about it she feels ashamed about it because doubted falsely and blamed all the time the lord is setting her and her husband free from that terrible disaster in marriage that they may be able to trust in each other that they may be able to come together in prayer look at the face of jesus the lord is setting you free to worship him cassia constance [Music] lynette navin [Music] lord is telling you jeremiah 32 41 i will take delight in doing good to them i will take delight in doing good to them that's the delight of god jesus it's your delight in taking in doing good to us whenever anyone cried out in sorrow in despair you went to him and healed doing good to them that leper if you want you can heal me you went to him and asked him what do you want me to do for you and he said i want to be healed lord you healed him you take delight in doing good to us comforting us the man with the problem of impediment of speech and hearing jesus you took him away from the crowd and put your finger into his ear and with his petal touched his tongue and you you groaned a father be opened jesus you're groaning you took all the pain from the heart of that man and he groaned lord you're groaning because you know how hurt we are how distressed we are you take all our distress into your heart lord you take delight you take delight in doing good to us hallelujah hallelujah praise you in jesus us you take delight in restoring us to health praise you jesus thank you lord jesus bless you let us let us sing together jesus you are the lover of my soul you're my lover you love me you take delight in doing good to me i surrender i want to believe this looking at your face oh lord in the holy eucharist i want to believe in this that you take delight in doing good to me you jesus you're the lover of my soul jesus [Music] love my soul jesus [Music] i will [Music] set my feet upon a rock [Music] [Music] my closest friend i will worship you until i love you i need you though my [Music] never vulnerable you go my savior my closest friend i will worship you until [Music] jesus [Music] set my feet upon a [Music] i love you i need [Music] my savior my closest friend i will worship you until the very end [Music] praise you lord jesus praise you thank you lord jesus jesus the lover of my soul praise you jesus thank you lord jesus in this second decade let us remember very carefully what god said to moses there is no worship in the land of idolatry there is no worship in the land of idolatry when moses said to pharaoh let my people go god is telling let my people go pharaoh came to a compromise i will build a temple for your god in my land your people can worship your god in my land and god said no there's no worship in the land of idolatry egypt was a land of injustice of idolatry sin dominated in that country and there's no worship lord [Music] is my family a place of sin but sin dominates is my heart a place of evil where evil thoughts evil designs evil imaginations always reign in my heart in my work in my living then i cannot worship i cannot take delight in worshipping my god my god cannot take delight in doing good to me lord i am i'm so sad too many things are going wrong with my life with my family with my relationships only because i'm not able to worship the reason set me free ask your pardon lord for every sin of my heart i'm waiting for your mercy to descend into my heart into my family into all my relationships into the place of my work that i may not live in the land of idolatry let us pray the second decade eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ an atonement for our sins and those of the whole world for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] mercy on us for the sake of the sorrowful passion [Music] passion have mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us of the sorrowful passion have mercy on for us sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] [Applause] the lord is setting us free free from every power of sin dominating our hearts this there's a young person here who is enslaved to pornography and he finds his life more and more dried up and empty he's not able to worship the lord he's not able to rejoice in the presence of god the lord is setting that person free all the time what dominates in his heart is that urge drive to go into pornography and when he comes out of it he feels empty he feels guilty and miserable and the lord is setting that person free telling him if the son sets you free you shall be free indeed someone all the time giving in the thoughts of despair blasphemy unable to find it easy to believe in god the lord is setting that person free free to worship him the purpose of liberation is worship hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus christ thank you thank you jesus christ raymond raymond cheryl amy clifford the lord is telling you john 8 36 if son sets you free you shall be free indeed lord send your spirit as he promised i will send my spirit into your heart the holy spirit into my heart to set me free totally free from all the evil drives all the evil sinful powers in me and habits in me lord set me free holy spirit anoint me with your power from above spirit of god dwell within me and liberate me completely souls sing together spirit of god [Music] spirit of god in the [Music] in the finger [Music] [Applause] will [Music] me [Music] spirit of gold creation is growing fill the earth bring it to earth [Music] the breath of the spirit there is place on this altar in the presence of god every evil addiction every painful memory that haunts us all the hatred in our hearts all the powers of evil as in paul tells us romans 7 15 i don't know what is happening to me i want to be good it's good that i want to do but i end up doing the wrong i understand there are powers of sin in me the lord is intervening with a mighty arm as the lord did to the people of israel in egypt with the mighty arm god is intervening to set every one of us free the people of israel never forgot that all the time praising god for that intervention with the mighty arm lord they're waiting for your mighty arm to remold us to strike the powers of evil to break the chains of darkness in us and set us free lord your mercy that your mercy listen to porn us now and liberate us completely we pray for your mercy [Music] eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ an atonement for our sins and those of the whole world father said [Music] mercy on us [Music] [Music] mercy on us [Music] [Music] have mercy on us [Music] mercy on us [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the sorrowful passion [Music] of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] [Music] mercy on us [Music] alice here is a message for you message for everyone waiting upon the lord from psalm 29 5. you anoint my head with oil my cup of floors your heart overflows with the joy of the lord you my brother you my sister were keeping the cup your heart closed against god and therefore the lord could not fill your cup your heart your relationship now your cup is overflowing abundance grace and abundance flowing flowing into your heart what i want to sing what i want to sing and joy i want to sing joyfully rejoicing in your presence because my cup is full my heart is filled with your love and peace i was a slave i was mourning i was enchained lord you're liberated you set me free to worship you to be there for you and lord my cup is overflowing i i will sing o lord so [Music] i want to see [Music] till i am lost in your love [Music] till i'm mounting your [Music] [Music] how precious [Music] lord i want you to know [Music] it's [Music] taken me to [Music] me like a friend [Music] never [Music] again [Music] lord the one thing you did after bringing your people out of the land of idolatry was to heal them by giving a very solemn revelation i am the lord that healed thee book of exodus chapter 15 verse 26 the people of god fell ill and they prayed to you [Music] and your revelation came [Music] resounding in the horizons i am the lord that healeth thee but lord you give a warning [Music] if you really listen to my voice and do what is right in my eyes i will be the lord that healeth thee you shall not be like the people of egypt living in slavery of sin you liberated from slavery to evil lord i offered to you every ailment of my body of my mind offered to you all the pain in my heart i offered to you all the painful memories that torment me all the time i offered you everything hurting in my heart and in my body everyone in my family my son who is sick my daughter who is all the time upset my husband having a problem with drinking my wife always always sad i bring every sickness of the heart and mind and body and soul to you lord i claim your revelation i am the lord that healeth thee the revelation you are giving to me now from this altar from the holy eucharist i am the lord that healeth thee and praying for your mercy i we recite we pray this decade eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ an atonement for our sins and those of the whole world [Music] have mercy on us [Music] mercy on [Music] the us of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] [Music] mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us and on the whole world for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy [Music] [Applause] of the sorrowful person [Music] for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] for the sake [Music] marina asha tanya [Music] audrey jonathan marisa pray all of us shall pray with the psalmist psalm 117 verse 18 open my eyes oh lord to see clearly the wonders of your word the wonders your word is working around me this universe is a wonder the wonder of your word [Music] my own body is a wonder of your word the holy eucharist is a wonder of your word every healing is a wonder of the word of god lord that word you are pronouncing now go in peace [Music] your faith has healed you let me open my eyes see the wonders of your word jesus thank you for the healing thank you for the peace you are giving me now in my heart in my family hallelujah hallelujah praise you jesus thank you lord jesus praise you jesus thank you lord praise you jesus thank you lord soul sing together give me joy [Music] give me joy in my heart keep me pressing give me joy in my heart i pray give me joy in my heart keep me pressing keep me pressing till the end of day [Music] [Music] so to the king [Music] give me love in my heart keep me safe give me love in my heart i pray give me love in my heart give me something give me something till the end of [Music] [Music] as we pray the last decade now [Music] this is the prayer give me joy in my heart but i may be an ambassador of your joy as mother mary was an ambassador of the joy of the holy spirit and wherever she went after her total surrender to the lord everyone rejoiced elizabeth rejoiced john the baptist in the womb of elizabeth rejoiced and began to dance lord you want me to be an ambassador of your joy joy is such a rarity around us everyone is sad and angry make me an ambassador of your joy give me love in my heart that i must serve make my life a service to everyone service without murmur and complaint the holy spirit is now being given to us filling our hearts that we may make a life a life of joy and peace and love with that prayer let us pray this last decade eternal father i offer you the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ an atonement for our sins and those of the whole world father of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] mercy on [Music] [Music] [Music] of the sorrowful passion [Music] [Applause] for the sake of the sorrowful passion [Music] for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] of the sorrowful passion have mercy on [Music] [Applause] [Music] for us sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us for the sake of the sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Music] let us conclude this chaplet waiting to receive the blessing of the lord holy god holy mighty one holy mortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world holy god holy mighty one holy mortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world holy god holy mighty one holy mortal one have mercy on us around the whole world [Music] president [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you have forgiven them bread from heaven having me the self all delight let us pray lord jesus christ you gave us the eucharist as the memorial of your suffering and death may our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience the salvation one for us and the peace of the kingdom where you live with the father and the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen blessed be god blessed be god blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name blessed be jesus christ through god and through man blessed be jesus christ true lord and true this will be the name of jesus blessed be the name of jesus blessed be his most sacred heart blessed be his sacred hearts blessed be his most precious blood blessed be his most precious blood blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the old testament be the holy spirit the paraclete blessed be the holy spirit the paraplegic this will be the great mother of god mary most holy name of mary virgin and mother blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother blessed be sent joseph her most chaste spouse this is it be god in his angels than in his sins [Music] [Laughter] [Music] please [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] days [Music] is [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Divine Retreat Centre Colombo (DRCColombo)
Views: 2,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mem5rrsFUMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 58sec (3658 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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