Divine Connection - Surah Al Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent) - Day 4 - Tawfique Chowdhury

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alum smell Agrafena raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim ala nabina muhammad in early heels i be huge - and i'm a laconic not allahi Brocato great to see you all mashallah and I hope that in being Allah your travels over here and your the difficulty that you've sustained in coming to this place inshaallah will be well worth it being allowed the prophet sallallaahu seldom said whoever leaves his home in order to gain knowledge that he is in jihad is in the path of allah subhanho wa taala the scholars a slap understood that hadith to me that that person if you were to actually die in that process of actually coming to a class then he would be a Shaheed inshallah so it is a tremendous reward a tremendous blessing a tremendous butter that allah subhanaw taala blesses people to gain knowledge and I'm and I'm happy and I'm excited and I'm honored that you all have decided to inshaallah embark upon this path today welcomed allah we have certain mileage and surah marriage is a surah that was also revealed in makkah the very very early period it was revealed because of a challenge from a man by the name of another bin al Harris another banal hadith was a non-muslim and he came to her solace SLM and said what does the Quran say so the prophecy told him what the Quran said then he said you know what and then he actually looked up the sky and he made a challenge to God out of Allah and he said o Allah if indeed this Quran is hot and this court added that this man is reciting to us is the truth for until Elena he Geritol - Emma oh it Tina be either having a lean What did he say he said o Allah then punish us destroy us right now by bringing down these rocks from the sky raining down upon us hail and snow and rocks from the sky or bring upon us a terrible punishment from yourself so equity this is what was said by by this Videl hadith and as a result of which what actually happened was a loss of Hattin one that I revealed this verse it is from the mercy of allah subhana wa ta'ala that he does not respond to the arrogant people with the arrogance or with the challenge that they were asking for what would have happened if allah subhana wa ta'ala stroy them there would be no more holiday will adorn so I was Sufjan or any of the Sahaba they'll be normal Koresh there will be no Kaaba etcetera Allah would have destroyed and level them totally correct and so the point of the matter is equity they are these arrogant people amongst us sometimes sometimes disbelievers in the level of arrogance that they wish to challenge Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to a point that they even make this sort of comment saying Oh alive this is true and if you're true then why don't you kill me right now I would be left and this is the height of arrogance so what did Allah subhana WA that I do he revealed this beautiful surah about about the challenge that this man had had brought out in this surah allah subhanho wa taala we'll talk about following on from the previous surah you remember the very previous surah what was that about it was surah ha ha and surah hakka was about the day of judgment the a20 day of judgment in this surah allah subhana wa ta'ala we'll go into the point where people are now going to be in the fire and being thrown into the into jahannam and how when the command of allah subhanho wa taala has been given that they are going to go to Jahannam that allah subhanho wa taala will now describe the fire in great detail to us so in the first part of the surah allah subhanho wa taala we'll talk about the fact that allah subhanho wa taala is the real marriage where this name of the surah comes from they'll marriage meaning the one to whom everything ascends to and that is reference to the angels that would be ascending to Allah on the day of judgement then Allah subhana WA that I will talk about the distress that people will face when they have been given the final command of going to Jahannam there allah subhana wa ta'ala will describe Jahannam in detail ok allah subhanho wa taala we'll talk about Jahannam and in Halawa necessarily shia that The Omen at the bar about Allah etc lots of Hannah whatever will describe behind them in detail and what I will do is I will give you a detailed description of Jahannam that opportunity as well we will then towards the last part of the suit or the middle part so following on from the half of the surah till towards the end of the surah allah subhana wa ta'ala we'll talk about who will be safe from Jahannam okay this is this Jahannam that allah has created which is a worse a punishment that allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about what will save you from Jahannam which is a terrible torment the worst of punishment how can you save yourselves from this from this terrible torture and that is where allah subhana wa ta'ala will talk about talk about solar and you'll talk about zakat he'll talk about charity he'll talk about keeping your oath he'll talk about all these things that that that are critical for a person to have safety from Jahannam because indeed Jahannam will be full of people that will do the opposite of these things not pray not give zakah not uphold the amana etc and then of course allah subhana wa taala will end the quran talking about this talking about the disbelievers and their arrogance with this quran so equity it's a nice surah it's a very very beautiful surah talking about the terrible terrible adventure that awaits us all and the whole aim of this equity is so that we can ensure allah be safe from this and we can struggle with our lives to implement what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has told us that will save us from from the terrible fire so inshallah pay attention as we take the soda and vanilla the power of the surah will become very clear to you all by the way equity we are taking three surah every week every Friday Saturday Sunday and my sincere aim and my sincere request to you all is in those four or five days in between try to memorize these sodas try to memorize them because now you know the meaning of these sodas you know they will have a special place in your heart because you have a special meaning to you all in your own spheres of influence in your own lives they will mean different things to you and have different relevance to your lives so please do your level best to memorize them so that in charlotte allah you try to recite them again and again in yours in your prayers within that type it smell like my name in the name of allah subhana wa ta'ala the one who is the most merciful to all all of creation the one who is specifically merciful to human beings Alessa alum ba-da-da walker the questioner has asked about the other the punishment that is worker that will most definitely take place okay which question are they talking about another banal health right he came to Russell as I said him and he said if indeed this is truth or Allah give us the punishment so at that point allah subhanho wa taala said sir Alessa olimpiadas be worker meaning that the questioner has asked about my punishment which will offer surety come true little curvy renal a Salah who the affair for those who are disbelievers there is nothing that can prevent them from it from those who died upon this belief nothing in this dunya the Asura nothing in existence can prevent you from that terrible punishment ladies Allah who they affair lace Allah who defending that can defer meaning that far which is to prevent which is to defend so from the disbelievers nothing will defend in fact this is how Allah is telling us to respond to those people who also make the same same comment so you might be at your work or you might be at your place we are giving downward to some people and a unfortunate non-muslim makes a comment to you and says if this is true then tell your God to punish me right now how should you respond when someone says like that what should you say should you ask Allah to punish him right now no respond in the same way recite this surah to them so Allah say along be aadhavan walker Lilker fiorina ladies allah who the affair so this is the best way in fact one of the most beautiful things I have noticed as I learned more and more top-seed is that whatever people asks you you can always give them a verse of the Quran whatever they say whoever they are you could give them a versatile Quran you're speaking to a businessman give them surah fatah 15 why do little bit of 15 Allah Dini dr. Llewellyn a CS telephone we will take that sooner one day and you'll understand why I'm saying that for businessmen give them surah moto 15 right Oh you've got a father then give them the worse about about parents in there and their Huck upon children and their duty upon children you've got a son who was not being dutiful to his mother then give him the verses about allah subhanho wa taala saying being be righteous to your parents or a wife then give them the verses about men having a right over women or her husband who is being bad to his wife then give him the verses about how allah telling us and telling the men to be good to the wife do you underst what I'm saying what I'm trying to say my brothers in Islam is that we should know enough of the seed so that we can always respond with the verse of the Quran because if you read the seal of the prophets and Al Ahly solemn very many times the prophets of Allah I seldom used to respond with just the Quran they would ask and say o Muhammad what did Allah tell you and then you just recite a part of the Quran oh it tell us about the situation and the process we'll just recite a part of the Quran so it's one of the most one is one of the most amazing and most beautiful ways to actually be in Allah give Dawa because the Quran has its special way of responding and answering every allegation out there little caffeine Ali Saleh who died affair for those who disbelieve there's nothing they can tell file which is to defend against the punishment Allah min allahi dilled my average from Allah the one to whom everything a sense till marriage is the one to whom everything does ascend marriage comes from the word Raja Raja means to rise up so if I were to rise up over over this if not me but if there was a you know there was a bird that rose up above us that would be called Raja Ali Ali he you know he he rose up above it so mileage means the one that rises up so they'll manage the one to whom everything rises up so what rises up to allah azzawajal angels rise up to Allah so Jay good deeds rise up to Allah's origin right good deeds Allah hears or they'll kill him or thigh evil I'm Anna Solley I refer to him the good deeds rise up and the and the righteous righteous deed he raises up to himself also what else rose up to Allah he silence of the Solano's abdullah ER isa ending with we Kawara fear okay Aleya or ezel cause you to die and then I'll raise you up to me so allah subhanho wa taala is high above us he is in the direction of highness above us and so allah subhanho wa taala to him everything rises up in allah he mineral lie till marriage nothing can prevent the disbelievers from the punishment from Allah which is from Allah from the one to whom everything rises up then allah subhanho wa taala talks about those things they rise up and that is the angels true joy Mallika - Aroo Ola he filming Konami pas de lujan scene alpha sana Telugu means rise up what rises up the melodica so the melodica rise up world Roy what is roof roof meaning gibreel actually so the salam is called the Roy it's one of his name's one of the names of gibreel alleys of the Salam is a Roy jibra eel is his name gibreel is his name and a roof is one of his names as well so gibreel Ali so the Salam is called the roof but isn't he a melodica yes so why is it being specified even though melodicas mentioned first and then Ghibli is being specified why just to glorify Ghibli just to honor Ghibli just to show how great debris is in the same way Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says no Quran will have you do a low celerity was olotele gusta Akuma lillahi quality he says what and preserve your prayers and you preserve your prayer so that was the middle prayer which is also prayer and be attentive to Allah why does a lot specify as a prayer after mentioning prayers in general it is to glorify as a prayer the importance of the so prayer because this is the prayer in which the angels will interchange and they will come down and it is one of the most difficult prayers for the disbelievers because they used to go to sleep after the war when the heat was so strong in Medina there's to go to sleep and not wake up to moderate or later on when the Sun was lower down the heat was too intense okay so allah subhanho wa taala specifies gibreel to honor him min al a taraji lamella iike to aroo-whoo alayhi to allah subhanho wa taala filming mikoto so Telugu shows that this is not actually a metaphorical roach it is a physical roach why because allah says alayhi to him and this alayhi means from one direction to another direction that's why we say that the quran has more than a thousand evidences that la subhana wa ta'ala is above us above the seven heavens so the angels and the ended and gibreel rise up to him film in Konami code ro who home scene alpha sana in a day in which the duration is fifty thousand years what does that mean the scholars at the seal explained this verse to me that Allah is referring to the day of judgment it is fifty thousand years Allahu Akbar 50,000 years equity we live only 50 years 60 years 70 years in this dunya but fifty thousand years will be the duration of the day of judgment the authentic hadith Rasul Allah so Allah is Allah explained that the fifty thousand years is not even their judgment yet it is us waiting for the judgment to start okay the fifty thousand years is waiting for the judgment to start yes alarm how are we going to spend that time near 40 how are we going to spend that time so these 50 years of our life of this dunya is going to buy the fifty thousand years of good or bad so my brother is a sister in Islam prepare for that day prepare for that day by preparing for it right now pay the MA by your home in Jannah pay its mortgage do it now your food in general pay the fees now all you're a bad all your worship do it now a hoodie because it is a very long day and on that day there's no more business or trade no more a bad enormous Ilana was a cat no more no more it akov no more nothing at all fifty thousand years of levity Fionan Karla Mecca daaru home scene alpha sana first bill sober on Jamila so Allah orders his prophet and orders his believers us all first bill all mostly mean be patient all mostly mean Sabourin Jamila a beautiful patients what does Sarang Jamil mean subrin Jamil means that you should have patience just like the prophets of God had patience like new highlights of the Salaam had patience 950 years he had patience like for example Jakub Elise of the salon had patience even though his children his child was lost and taken away he had patients just like Musa alaihi Salam had patients just like Ibrahim had patients when he was asked to slaughter his own son when he was asked to circumcise himself at the age of 90 years old with an X Allah ordered him to circumcise himself yes alarm here 40 my brothers my sisters in Islam had patients first bureaus subber on jameelah that's what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells tells us in the Quran and the orders and he says was Bill come a Sbarro alula asthma Mina Rosalee and be patient just like the greatest of the prophets had patients who Azzam meaning the greatest of the prophets had patients greatest of their messengers had patients so equity this is very important first bill sovereign jameelah be patient like the greatest of the prophets had patients first bill sovereign jameelah in whom we are owner who bar EDA they see it far away meaning they see the judgment far away they're too impatient they ask for the reward Jannah right now or Jahannam right now they're asking for it right now in the home Haruna who buy EDA so they're saying is too far away all I bring it close make it now una Rahu Kariba but be patient for indeed it is soon I see it as very very soon they're saying Jahannam very far away I see it as very soon they see it as the reward for their good deeds too far away I see it as very soon so nara ho Kariba so be patient the equity my brothers sister islam be patient for the wot allah subhanho wa taala will certainly come yamato-kun Usama Alma on which day will the recompense come then allah subhanho wa taala now talks about the day of judgement and how it will look so he says yamato-kun Usama ocal moon on that day when the sky will look like molten brass what do you mean by molten bronze so what have you seen an iron when there molten and it's flows like like liquid doesn't it have you seen that our iron falls like like molten liquid so in the same way allah subhanho wa taala is saying is that the sky will melt and will begin to flow and the scholars described it to me that because the sun will be so close in one authentic narration the prophet sallallaahu seldom said that the sky will be the sun will be about one meal above our heads meal in the Arabic word had been two things it can mean one mile or milk also means a comb a hair comb a hairbrush also means a meal in Arabic so therefore if within the force Arabic meal also means a comb so therefore the scholars have understood this verse to me that this hadith to mean that the Sun will be at least at least a mile above our heads or at most 10 centimeters above our heads because of this the sky will be like molten brass meaning it would be like liquid it would be like liquid flowing and-and-and-and-and pouring on each other because the intense heat of the Sun of the day yamato-kun Osama you Cal moon what the kunal Jabbar Luke Ali and the mountains will be like in what's then it means a wet cotton so wet cotton if you take a pile of cotton and you pour water into it and it becomes wet isn't it because wet and soft have you seen it because witness of meaning that the mountains have been pounded against each other so much and so forcefully that it's become like clay now you can basically take the mountain and you can mold it as you wish it's become that soft Subhan Allah yamato-kun sama Ocala moon when the sky is like molten brass why what the colonel chiba look a lane and the mountains become like like soft wet wool Colleran voila yes Aloha me Liars Alou honeymoon habima on that day no beloved will ask about his beloved so who is beloved to you your wife your husband your children on that day you will not ask about them at home so is it because that you can't see them then you can't remember them is that why you're not going to ask Allah says no Allah says in the very next verse you Barcelona home they will be able to see them meaning you'll be able to see your wife you'll be able to see your children you'll be able to see your husband you'll be able to see your beloved brother or sister in this dunya you'll be able to see them.you bus Aruna home however here what dual mujrim oh yeah what dual Mooji remove the Mooji lame wishes just wishes you know what dual mu J mu no F the D if only he could sacrifice if did that means to sacrifice now we have to D if only law means if only yesterday only he could sacrifice yeah me neither bo may even be bunny if only he could sacrifice on that day the punishment of Allah and and have safety from the punishment of Allah by sacrificing his bunny his child can you imagine me I'm grabbing my son and saying take my son instead of me yes I love you know you've all seen movies I'm sure and you've seen movies what they do take me don't take him right is that what they say don't take my son don't take my wife take me shoot me don't shoot him okay all you see this movies where your son's dying or the sons dying and then the guy the hero says take my heart you know take my heart out and you know you know and give it to him is that what they say Subhan Allah can you imagine what will cause a person on that day to say the opposite what will cause a person to say the exact of that when here people would gladly be shot in the head themselves instead of their son but the punishment must be not just one shooting must be so severe must be so tremendous must be so unbelievable that a person is willing to give his son instead of himself so you must understand your the punishment of Allah is that severe you cannot do chaos or the punishment of Allah analogy of the Punisher Allah upon any punishment or any difficulty in this dunya because it is too little the punishment on that day is so severe that a person is willing to put his children forward rather than himself you must solve una whom yo wat duel mu J mu now after D min adhabi o me even be bunny and if not his child then was aw he Betty he woke he and his wife so put his wife take my wife up me okay take my wife I know my wife is probably thinking that's what Toby's gonna say no but Subhan Allah can you imagine take my wife not me take my akhi my brother not me well sir he but he were he were facility he'll let e2 we for Sela means what his offsprings and his close mates I'll let it agree that he always goes back to and that he has a strong friendship with one man fill out the Jumeirah and from my Eunji and not just that he would rather sacrifice all of the people of this world if he could you'd sacrifice everyone else and just for himself to be saved yes Allah this is the punishment so what is the punishment that is different people mad in one verse in surah Hajj in the first surah allah subhanho wa taala says in the first verse of surah al-hajj Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says ye you Hal in son Yakov baku in Zulueta sir RT show you nothing o mankind fear your Lord verily the earthquake of the Day of Judgment is a terrible thing yo mataró Nahar the day when you see it hakuna mutata namma or that every breastfeeding mother will throw her breastfeeding child from her breasts will take the child throw the child away waha local no more dating a Murdock or tada Aquila Dottie Hamlin Hamlin & women will drop her pregnancy will drop her baby from fear she'll just quickly get the baby out from fear she will leave the baby haloo cool no more da da da da da da da da da da da Hamlin Hamlin what are NASA soukara you will see mankind rivet bad warmer humba tsukada they are not mad what a keen audible la he Shadid but the punishment of allah has driven them mad so equity this is the whole point the punishment Allah is so severe so what is that punishment that people are willing to sacrifice all of humanity in order to be saved then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells us what the punishment is he says in verse 15 Cal nay in Halawa what is that punishment it is the lava what is la da la da is something yellow though that that removes so if I were to demonstrate if I took a knife yeah like a scalpel you know a scalpel which you shave you know when you go to the Baba but I took a scalpel so sharp that I chipped the all your scalp off until the bone showed okay all right until the bone showed so literally I took a scalpel and peel the whole skin off only the bone remained yeah so sharply did I did I scalpel it that even the last bit of blood and last bit of tissue I took took off right that is lava lava lava is something that scales the skin until the bones are visible and burns and destroys until it goes to the bone that is what lava is okay lava is a fire that burns to the bones color in the hull of a rather nay it is the scowling fire it is the fire that destroys things all the way to the bone in the hull the Meza at Alicia WA the fire that removes the shower Shawa is the top of the head meaning as soon as a person is being thrown into the fire it is as if the bones the the skin and flesh are melting of the bones and they're becoming like bones not certainly Shoah why because people with Rhoni Jahannam from the heads and as a result the skin on the their heads will peel off and it will completely go down to the bone Nizar tell the shower today oh man adobo owatta wala it calls out ya Pharaon where are you yeah man where i used to the shaadi so the the fire will be calling out people's names yes alarm huh can you imagine the fire will be calling out the names of the champagne and will be calling out the names of the people of Jahannam as a further mockery has further feel how how bad is that right but for example you know when my kids know that they've done something wrong and then they hide you know they hide they know that the Baba's Baba's back and was going to be angry and then I say Ibrahim where are your brahim everybody's smiling there can you see if I'm knows see ya Ibrahim knows right you so used to have that to the use of his to hide behind the walls he thought I'd behind the doors he thought I'd never find him there and subhanAllah analyzed - just just to create a bit of fear and suspense yeah Ibraham yeah yourself since you create a lot more fear and suspense can you imagine on that day for fifty thousand years the Jahannam is calling out your names you know you're headed for it you know is calling your names because you are going to go in to Jahannam look at the terror and that and the terrifying situation of that dead room and other bara wa'ta'ala it calls out to every single person who at the bottom at the bottom means he turned aside he turned his back what table and went away right so other bar is to show your back and table is to move or move away move away from something and to and to leave and go away so if the brother is like for example when he just moved the microphone for me just now then add the butter wata'ala okay hey at the button he moved he turned around the one I didn't move the way so I'm like come here come here alright I'm calling him and he's at the butter whatever let's so it calls upon everyone who has at the butter what the valid meaning turned away from the remembrance allah subhana wa ta'ala said the woman at the barato allah what German are for our gem a beanie and he got all his wealth together and he hoarded it so it will call upon anyone who turned away from the Sunnah and turned away from Allah's remembrance and he hoarded his wealth and he kept it all together all for himself meaning he never gave anything away for the cause of allah subhana wa ta'ala yell 40 this is Jahannam jahannum has been described by the prophets or salient in many many hadith rasulullah SAS selamat authentic let me tell you some of the descriptions Jahannam that authentic number one we know that Jahannam has been lit for 70 years until it turned white then 70 years until turned red and then for another 70 years until Jahannam turned black mini it was kindled so the what that basically means is that the Angels the 19 angels of Jahannam they kept on blowing into it blowing into a blowing into it and throwing into it bodies of shayateen and inns and throwing into it rocks and whatever else into it to Kindle the fire until the fire has been killed and kindled for 210 years how long does it take to start a fire have you ever started a fire in the woods it only takes 10 minutes right sometimes if you get a light and then you blow a little bit and then it comes up sometimes when you start a barbecue has anyone started a barbecue it takes only 15 minutes sometimes you Kindle it a little bit of air and hamdulillah imagine something that has been kindled for 210 years 210 years of fire has been building building building that is what what has happened to Jahannam number to Jahannam is huge the prophets of sallam told us the Jahannam has 70,000 rings on each of the Rings is a rope on each of the rope is 70,000 angels huge massive we also know that jahannum is in such what does that mean in sexual means it it every time you throw people throw people in there the more hungry it gets that's why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in surah kahf he said Yamanaka Lully Jahannam on that day we would call out to Jahannam hell EMTALA t are you full and Jahannam will say hell limousine is there anymore okay is there anymore and the top seed mentions that Jenna will ask for more and more and you will not stop doing it until Allah puts his foot on Jahannam and squashes Jahannam on that point Johana will say bus bus that's it that's it Europe I am full and full that's on authentic hadith rasool allah the third description of Jahannam is that the prophet sallallaahu allen will seldom said that it is seventy times hotter than the hottest fire in this dunya okay seventy times hotter the hottest fire what is the hottest fire that we know of in existence millions millions of Kelvin millions of Kelvin which is the the temperature of the Sun so it is hotter than even the temperature of the Sun seventy times and in the Arabic language who needs a seventy it means countless okay that's why in our last air service Allah says Allah even if you were to ask seventy times to forgive the non-muslims I would still not forgive them that does not mean that only our 71 times I'll ever forgive no it means seventy means in the word 17 Arabic means countless right also your equity the next description of Jahannam that has been given by allah subhana wa ta'ala is that it is so huge and that the fire is so immense that it throws out sparks and the sparks are so great that they are like castles allah subhanho wa taala says in the quran he says in tyranny Bashara in calcutta kijima latin so for it throws out sparks and each spark is so huge in that army Bashara verily throws a char allah which is sparks colossal they are as huge as huge palaces if you wait to see them as the sparks come have you seen the spots on the world and the sparks come out well imagine that Jahannam has sparks that are coming out geniusly and when the sparks come out remember how this box come in they just sometimes fall on the ground like that have you seen that so the quran says when it comes out it is like a huge castle and as it walks off or falls on the ground and and goes off kijima latin so for it is as if they are red camels a group of red camels when they are flowing out or they're running away can you imagine a pack of red camels this is how huge the sparks are also the next description of Jahannam that has been given by allah subhana WA Ta'ala is that people will enter Jahannam and have clothes made of fire made from them clothes of fire FAL latina kappa roogood the ATLA who theobromine na u sub boom in folio you see hula mean so as for the one who's disbelieved then clothes made of fire will be will be cut out for him so we understand that that the Jahannam has clothes made of fire the people will wear clothes made of fire the next description given by the scholars I'm sorry I'm forgetting what number I'm at the next description that the quran says is that Jahannam has a special food that comes from a special tree and that tree is called the coup in nazareth as a coup matera mu Athene Cal moogly ash will boot on Gavin lil Hammonds in surah so fat verily the tree of zaqqum the tree of zaqqum it has a fruit that resembles the heads of Shaitaan so can you imagine the head of a Shaitaan and if you were to bite into it then its scales meaning is acidic it burns the inside so this is the food of the people of Jahannam the Shahada Zaku and it is a shara that grows from the fire itself right the next description of Jahannam that the prophet salla seldom gave was that the people who will end to Jahannam will be made very very big and large they've been massive until the profits are seldom said that the molar teeth of the non-muslim in Jahannam will be the size of the Mount of affect the molar tooth will be the size of the mountain above it can you imagine how big they are and the prophets or Salem also said that the seat of a person in Jahannam the seat the chair that a person in Jahannam will sit on is the size of the distance between Medina and Mecca which is approximately 500 kilometers so paddler can you imagine how big it is how huge is a distance and how big their bodies will be why will Allah make their body so big so that they feel the punishment even more so that they feel the punishment even more there's more surface area there is more to punish and so the punishment is felt even worse and even more severe so yeah witty this is what has driven people mad and this is the punishment and this is the fire of allah subhanho wa taala and you know how severe the fire is you know how severe the punishment is that even a small amount of Jahannam a small amount of the fire is enough to make your brains boil we know that Abu Talib will have the least of the punishment the prophets uncle will have the least a punishment which is a sandal made from fire but his brains will boil from it authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim also we know that that Jahannam is a place of ambush we know that Jahannam is a place of place of ambush that they are hidden creatures in Jahannam that allah has created to punish the people of Jahannam okay and that's in surah surah it Jews Alba in surah number Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that you had them is a place of in the Hagana Mirsad a little in a mob verily in a Jahannam carnot Masada verily Jahannam is a place of ambush and the spirit of that verse mentions that there are all these wondrous creatures Allah has created in Jahannam all made of fire that will pounce upon the people of Jahannam in order to bite upon them so yahuah T this is Jahannam allah subhanho wa taala protect you and me from it and our families from it I mean allah subhanho wa taala keep us away from it and and write for us a free from Jahannam today or Allah make us from those people who are safe from Jahannam to the omen at the whare WA Ta'ala so who are the people who enter Jahannam the ones who turned away and did not pay attention to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala x' command well GEMA of allah and they gathered the wealth together they gathered the wealth together and they hoarded the wealth and they never ever gave it's hot' never gave zakat never gave charity never fed a poor person never ever did that in in son a Hooley Kahului verily mankind was created helú whereas helu mean one of the meaning of hello means that mankind is always striving for good for himself another meaning of helú means he is very very hasty and always striving for fair for himself either mustahab Rajasuya when when when evil strikes him then he is despondent and he is distressed why either must Sahul human wha but when good touches him then he is menorah menorah meaning he is withholding and he stops what is allah saying about telling us here meaning one of the reasons why we enter Jahannam why in sun will enter Jahannam is because our nature is that we are too hasty we look for easy games quick games right now that is right now what's here for us now that's why we go for pleasure sins are we to say the sins don't give us any pleasure at all it does it must give us some pleasure and that's why we go for great only a fleeting pleasure it's only a tiny pleasure it's only a quick pleasure then what comes after it is distress and a disaster and that is the whole point equity Xena gives you five ten minutes of pleasure and then after that it's Haram and then after that this disaster and distress after it and this is the whole point reality the whole point is is in Sony's haloo and either Musselshell Rajasuya he is always with holding is he is he is despondent when evil strikes him and when good strikes him he doesn't share it he doesn't thank Allah nor does he share the share with others so either masaha chevre away the muscle hyouma Noah and when good touches in Manoa he withholds so he doesn't give his time to allah azzawajal he doesn't spend his time looking after humanity or benefiting other muslimeen he doesn't thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala yahuah t remember I told you that before in the last of seed I told you that thankfulness is a is a level higher than then praise correct so al hug is a level but sugar is a level higher than that so how can you praise Allah subhana WA Ta'ala just by saying alhamdulillah you praised him but how can you thank Allah then that is by memorizing the Quran that is by praying that is by giving sadaqa that is by speaking the truth right and that is shoe Korea hooding sugar is not just by by word it happens by deeds it has to happen by deeds so ask yourself everything when good touches you are you someone who thanks Allah Azza WA JAL or are you someone who is man you are always with holes back except in l'Alma Sun lien Allah says except for the mousseline they're the ones who are not manure are they're the ones who are not hollow are they're not the ones who're Josua they're not the ones who are Gemara are they're not the ones who at the bar wa ta'ala right they're not there are different people the mousseline are different people but equity the question might be coming in your head but today a lot of people I'm us are lean but still we see them manure hollow-eyed josuha and everything else and whatever else you know other words there are they are there that - why is it the reality is because our solar does not go beyond our throats our prayers today are useless to most of us because we hurry up and pray at the last minute or we don't even pray with a son or we don't even learn about solar how many of us actually started praying and learn about the Philco Salah before we started praying properly properly understood the flip of Salah how many of us very few how many of us actually do things and learn before we do it how many of us perfect hours are now how many of us learned about who show or strive for her show and that's why your Katya asana is not making an impact in our lives today our salah is not making an impact in our lives simply because simply because the equity we don't connect with our salah and we don't give it the importance that's all I should have and so as a result unfortunately we might be mousseline but we're not really muscle lean so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says LLL mousseline so if we truly Amazon lean then we're going to be different we're not going to be hasty we're going to be thankful to Allah we're not going to hold our wealth we're going to give it away and we're going to be different types of people ill Elmo suddenly now allah subhanho wa taala is going to tell you about those characteristics that will save you from this terrible Jahannam so alal mursaleen except for those who pray ll mousseline al-ladhina whom Allah Allah to him the amoun those who are constant upon their prayers constancy means what means regularity meaning praise at their earliest times and with the highest of concentration and with the best levels of who show and always try struggling to pray in the first row and always in JAMA ha if if possible where possible and always ensures he prays in the oldest Masjid that's also the meaning of the amoun what does it mean but all this Masjid our Shaykh me online mercy upon him Sheikh Mohammed Irish Ankita used to tell us do not pray except in the oldest of message it do not pray except in the oldest message we wish to ask you share why and he used to say because Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says Nicole and he says alwah loh Masjid in Aussie said Allah he praises the Masjid of kuba and he says it is the first question that was built upon taqwa and the scholarship of C said therefore the older the Masjid the more valuable the Soula in the eyes of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so Yahoo T I know you might say wow mashallah let's go to play that message it is a new Masjid fantastic carpets fantastic perfume beautiful reciter yada yada yada whatever right beautiful air conditioning but guess what to Allah the ones that has the most value in your Salah of the oldest masajid ok al-ladhina whom allows Allah to him da amoun those who are constant about their prayers and we are going to realize the equity right after this verse Allah is going to talk about other deeds that are also important that will save you from Jahannam but at the end he will also go back to Salah again meaning Allah would mention Salah twice just to show you how he will wrap everything in sana and that's what the scholars of FC said the fact that allah subhanho wa taala has wrapped all these deeds that will save you from john them by mentioning solid the beginning in solid the end shows it therefore if you don't have sulla all these other deeds are useless ok and shows that sana is that critical deed that will in charlotte allah ennoble all your other deeds ll mousseline al-ladhina whom allah celerity him the Imam those who are constant about their prayers one ladina film wali Akuma alone and those who have feom wali him in their wealth Haku maloom a well-known Huck meaning that they know that when they earn wealth that this wealth does not totally just belong to them it belongs to someone else who else does the wealth belong to well Lavina family Haku Manu Lissa Ely well my room for those who ask and those who are close in relationship in blood relationship so when you have wealthy equity you know that the people that also have a right upon that wealth are not only your family but also those people are yourself but also those people who are close relation to you and also those who ask you as well the beggars and those in need correct so next time I want to make this point very very clear next time your family asks you for wealth let's say you have an auntie or a chachi daddy nanny somewhere out there who's asking for some wealth or an uncle or uncle or auntie there somewhere who is asking for some wealth you know the tendency is to say you know what I've already helped you and you sometimes brag about that sometimes you know your wife gets angry why you send your family money all the time have you do you know that or not guys especially I know in my part in my culture Pakistani Bengali Indian culture you know our wives unfortunately sometimes make it a matter of argument with us why are you sending your family so much money well recite this verse to them well if we I'm wiling him how come my lonely silly well my room they know that there is a hug of their family on their wealth so you can't you can't argue with me why I'm sending money back to my mom they have a hunk of my wealth right they have a hunk of my wealth and don't argue with me why I'm giving poor people money etc they have a hug on my wealth as well when you know therefore that the poor have a hack on you wealth equity the next time you give charity stop thinking you're doing a good deed for yourself yeah you are doing a good deed but stop acting like you know what you're giving more than what is due to you do from you you're giving what is due you upon you you're just giving someone else's Huck away today our lack of charity has gone to a level today where you know what some people come to me and saying chef can I give my RIBA money that I earned in my bank account to that orphanage I said yeah of course you can say and then I've seen people giving them money ribbon money that they have earned ribah right not charity normal charity ribbon money they give it away and they say oh Allah I'm doing it for your face for Allah give me your reward and I feel like you know what these people need a wake-up call it's a wake-up call why because on top of RIBA which is not even your money you're actually getting rid of the ripa that person is helping you by decreasing your sin rather than you doing a good deed today our lack of charity has gotten to that level my brothers and my sisters in Islam we have to revive charity we have to revive charity do you know and soon I'm gonna have your coat verse number 14 right verse number 14 so what I'm one of your cone in verse number fourteen does anyone have the Quran with them turn to surah I'm gonna flick on verse number fourteen yeah what number is soon I'm gonna have a what number surah is that 63 right 63 surah number 63 verse number 14 I just want to show you something very critical that is part of this understanding of in fact and giving in the path of Allah pseudonym of number one surah al-furqan verse number fourteen well I'm cuckoo me Marah satin aku min wobbly I yet I had a Kumamoto fire Kula rugby Lola a heart Anila agile in kareem for assad doc were akuna mina salah him right huh verse 10 i'm sorry thank you apologized verse 10 of surah moon fa poon so surah 63 verse number 10 what is allah subhanho wa taala saying this verse does it apply to muslims or non-muslims muslims this verse was revealed for muslimeen Allah says a one ficzko and give your wealth min kulli and yet here I had a common mode before death comes to anyone fee one of you or Muslim me why are cooler and then you end up saying at the time of death let up be o my lord lola heartediy please just give me one second one more minute right lola heart any ela agilent Caribe meaning just a few more seconds a few more minutes for me to live what would I do the first thing go for Hajj go for jihad gain knowledge give give pray no let's give sadaqa first thing I would do is for a sock well I couldn't minister Lehane and I would be from the righteous ones what does that mean a hoodie the one thing that will save you from Jahannam more than anything else okay more than anything else after Salah and though he'd is your sadaqa and that's why the prophet sallallaahu seldom said that's what the prophet sallallaahu seldom said he said in NASA Dakota tooth fiora double rub comma you'd feel ma and now verily the sadaqa extinguishes the anger of allah just like water extinguishes the fire so extinguish the fire of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with charity yet what they have you have you read the hadith or a solar system with the Sahaba did make perpetrated sins whenever you read the Sahaba made us in the first thing they would do is give charity right first thing you do is give charity so if wa t this is the whole point the most important way after sala allah is mentioning soda-can charity and that's why 27 times in the quran where are Pema solar Toa are to zakah and established a prayer and give zakah 27 times 27 times sohe t it is so critical Salah and right after that must come charity and that's why the the closest of the wives of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah that join the prophets I said I mean Jenna right after the prophets death was who which wife which wife was it the Prophet SAW Salem said the one that will join me the first will be the one with the longest hand the longest hand not Khadijah Khadijah of course yes she died before but the one who joined the prophets some right after his death which one was it the one who joined the profitsystem right after his death the soonest was who no man I shall many years later ah um Salaam umm Salama okay and why because umm Salama was the one who gave the most charity okay the most charity and the cause of allah subhanho wa taala that's why your hoodie if you want you reward to come faster to you and you want your blessings faster than anything else then give charity the most and she was well known to be of the wives of the prophecy salem the most charitable of them all diability so be of those people who give if i'm us where are we well Lavina film wali Akuma hello lissa le well my guru for those who ask and those who are near related well ladina you sought the kona beyond with dean and those who testify to the truthfulness of the day of judgment who are those who testify to the truthfulness of the day of judgment those who gain knowledge so this verse is referring to those who seek knowledge the two labelled and the scholars of knowledge so right after sala allah mentions the character zakat allah subhanho wa taala mentions knowledge well ladina you sought the puna beyond with dean because the stick and those who speak the truth are those who know the truth and thence and then attest to his truthfulness and who are they who are the Siddiqui they are nothing but the ulema they are the scholars of islam and the students of knowledge well Ladino yah da cunha beyond me Dean well Adina home inaudible Robbie Hamish cocoon and those who truly fear the punishment of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in a developing while Romo Allahu Akbar verily the punishment of Allah is there is no guarantee of safety from the punishment of Allah that's what Allah saying in the other Butterbean verily the punishment of your Lord very low moon meaning there is no guarantee of safety for any one of you so for me no guarantee of safety for you no guarantee of safety and that's why you are worthy that's why never ever think that you have a safety or a guarantee of safety the punishment Allah just because you're Muslims just because you're fasting today don't ever think it will lie you very bad in your whole life they come on the last day of your death even then you must not think Europe we have done so much so much so much in my life no guarantee of safety or punishment at all no guarantee of safety of punishment at all Irrawaddy no guarantee of safety punishment in the other bar abhi Himalayan one moon one levy in a home Li 400g him have your own and those who got their private parts those who guard their private parts this is very critical guarding your private parts sisters Islam hijab very critical for every one of you very critical and the hijab is not just a hijab that is worn hijab is a way of life the hijab is a way of life it includes the dress it includes the way you speak it includes the way you behave includes where you sit where you are it includes how you interact with males it includes where you study and how you study hijab is a way of life it is not only a dress so in equity to protect your private parts meaning to cover your outer meaning to stop anything that will lead to illegal sexual intercourse so not even the phone calls not even the blinking messages not even the flirting not even the second looks not even the gazing not even the desires of the heart anything that will lead to it well levy in a homely for Geum half even those who protect their private parts the scholars Islam they say when the Koran Hodja Maharaja lalibela your October of Houma who is a co-ed what does that mean the quarry that means when allah subhana wa ta'ala mentioned something which is the most critical thing in an issue then the understanding of the prohibition or the obligation must not be restricted to only that thing only I know it sounds like a very very strong very difficult color to understand but basically what it's saying is when the prophets or a lot is seldom what is it when the Prophet SAW said let mention something then do not restrict yourself to only that thing his prohibition extends to beyond that so the prophets are Psalms for example do not let the sharable fee on you till the Hubble filter don't drink from the gold and silver utensils that also means don't make will do from gold and silver utensils as well okay doesn't mean just not just not drinking from it also makes not make you will do so that's why when allah subhanho wa taala is saying and protect your private parts it doesn't just mean protect your private parts it means protect your hands protect your eyes protect your hearts for anything that can lead to illegal interaction between a man and a female that which is not halal from allah subhanho wa taala daya reality and it what do you think about this if allah subhanho wa taala wanted us wanted for all these things to be other than how a lesson hannah was ordained he would have allowed us to date allah would have allowed us to date each other before we got to know each other Allah didn't intend that a legend allow that Allah didn't even allow a second second glance except when - at the time of getting married so why do it today condone dating why do we allow the promiscuity that we have in society today a hoodie it's something we should not tolerate we should not condone we should be far more protective of our private parts of anything else so sisters this is for you and for brothers your equity if there is one thing that will lead you to Jahannam more than anything else it's your private parts and for women if there's one thing that will lead you more to Jahannam anything else to you it's your mouths that's what the prophet saw some said it said the one thing that leads women to Jahannam is the words that they say and and the Sahaba said how your rasoolallah and so the Sahaba said because a man does something to a woman and a woman says I have never ever seen anything good from you remember the hadith it's authentic it's in Bukhari so that which leads a woman to Jahannam is the mouth and that which leads a man to Jahannam is that which is between your legs because we don't we tend not to think with this we tend to think with something else and that's how muscular we are sexual creatures and that is our test allah subhanho wa taala created us with that test of thinking with our sexuality more than anything else equity and this is our test that's why the prophet salla salam said i have not left for men any greater fitna than women not even that the job is as great a fitna for men that women so my brother's assistant Islam what does it mean means protect yourselves with fasting protect yourselves with marriage protect yourself even if you have to with a second marriage and a third and a fourth allies allowed this Allah has allowed this but Allah has not allowed at all these other things that we do Allah hasn't allowed masturbation Allah hasn't allowed dating and and having a girlfriend Allah hasn't allowed even a kiss Allah hasn't allowed any other ways to divulge our desires except through halal marriage so my brother's my brothers in Islam you have to get married get married my sincere advice get married even if you're young Allah will give you wealth and money Allah will increase you in wealth don't think about too much about oh how am I going to look after my wife I don't have money money will come Allah will not leave you Allah Allah order you to do something and then leave you alone Allah provided for you and I will provide for you and your wife as well in China and you're going to find immense blessings in marriage so do not stop yourself from getting married Yahoo E and B of those people who rush into marriage the prophets of allah who sent them said hastiness is from the Shaitaan except in three things doing good deeds burying the dead and getting the young ones married so you could get married my brothers Islam get married get married and protect yourselves from what Allah subhana without is talking about well Ladino whom Lefou regime have you do those who protect their private parts Allah Allah is watching him except from their wives Alma Malekith a man whom all from their slave girls my Malekith a man who meaning what their right hands possess meaning the consenting slave girls if you have a slave of course there is none at the moment but if there is then if the slave girl can sense to sleeping with you then it's permissible according to this verse in the Quran and this is not abrogated this is continuous on tyll tyll tyll tyll tyll today Allah Allah Ilana's regime Alma Malekith a man who for in the home rail room a looming if they were to do that then they are not sinful they are not they're not to be blamed if they were to to quell to quell the hunger of their their of their body by sleeping with what their wives are their of their slave girls from le bateau Hawara America so whoever wishes anything other than that family Berta Hawara Italica whoever wishes anything other than that for infant in Nevada Yahoo will I do then they are the ones who transgress the limits so you are they are the ones who transgress the limits those who go into pornography those are going to masturbation those who go into any other way to quell your desire except through these ways Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has allowed for Allah Yokohama la dune one Latino home Lee Amana to him Wadi humor our own and those who are always looking after our own meaning always fulfilling their amana and their art and their amana means the trust Allah has put upon you and there are meaning the contract that that people have done with you which is based upon a mutual understanding and mutual faith so if someone is entrusted you with something you must fulfill it and if someone if you made a promise to someone you must fulfill it you made a contract with someone you must fulfill it so while there Dena Leah Leah manatee him why Heidi him our own you made it a for example with Malaysia haven't you I for example of entered Malaysia I've got a visa with Malaysia so I have a contract with the government here that I will fulfill and abide by its laws so I should not break the laws of Malaysia wilfully right and Allah is saying here that I must look after my right my obligations in the same way I have an Australian passport I've got an ID with Australia with the government of Australia with the people Australia and so I should not be treacherous to that I should not be treacherous to that act and this is fulfilling your amanhã and you you have with people well latina homely Amana to him why the him are our own meaning the fulfil and they look after the Amana and the I well latina home be shahe dirty him Cory moon and those who are upright with their witnesses meaning whenever they witness the witness the truth they never ever witness to falsehood so they always witness to that which is upright well the Deena who wish I had that him got a moon well lady in a whom Allahu Allah to him you have you doing again Allah goes back to Salah and those who are upright about their solar Allah Yaffe Janet in MOOC Ramon they are going to be safe from Jahannam and they're going to be in Jannah mukla moon meaning they will have cut them down upon them what is Karim Karim means they will have a lot of nobility they have they will have a lot of honorable sorry sorry they will have Karim which is Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will deal with them in the most noble of ways hola ECOFIN Jannetty MOOC Ramon they'll be honored and ennobled in engine and sha Allah family ladina kafir okay Bella Cameron so what is wrong with the disbelievers that towards you they are mostly meaning they are running away mr. aim at the a meaning Muslim meaning that Mohammed Salim is here so the disbelievers look at you answer no no let's go away go away go go go go go everyone let's go go this is just a mad man here who's talking from a little Edenic efforts what is wrong with the disbelievers around you more terrain that they are running away Annalee emini one is shamalia are seeing they are in groups to your right and to your left as in means groups so I kneel your name to your right and to your left there in groups and their running running away and they're walking away very very quickly what is wrong with them I hope tomorrow cool luminary in Minho are you the halogen mezzanine do they have a guarantee that they will be entering the Blessed Jannah do they have a promise from Allah a guarantee from Allah that they will not be punished in Jahannam - gender color no of course they don't they have no guarantee and no no guarantee at all that they will ever enter gentleman color in Hanukkah Nahum Mumbai Alamo rather offer surety they know from what we have created meaning let not human beings forget where they came from where they came from which is from a a clot of blood which came from a despicable fluid that flew from the man with a boy either an egg that came from the woman somehow 11:02 created human beings from that so how does human beings think so highly of themselves kalila in an akuna home in by a lagoon fella Oh Cosima be robbed build my charity so I don't swear meaning I don't say many offer surety I swear remember what I said before and surah mark what allah subhanho wa taala says i don't that means what Allah means is of a surety I do write in Arabic in Bulava when you say la cosa mo we all mil qiyamah it means what of a surety I do absolutely I swear by fella Oh cosa nubira bill Macatee wilmuth arabic meaning of a surety i swear by the lord of the east and the West I swear by the Lord the East and the West in Alucard Jeroen verily we are most capable what are we capable of Allah and nobody'll hire a min home that we are able to work' pible of changing the hair that they have a la nube de la Hiram in home woman ah Ruby must spooky and we will not be overtaken in this cause meaning we will not be superseded no one will be able to supersede me and everyone will be overtaken in this in this in this hair if allah subhanho wa taala so wills meaning equity do not have a guarantee that the hell allah has given you will persist and lasts forever allah subhanho wa taala can take it away at any point in time and subhanAllah anyone who has had a serious distress in their lives what we're talking about at one point there are money the next point they're gone one point they have their dad in their mom next point you know they get a message their parents have passed away Subhan Allah Allah is indeed able to change the situation from one of good to evil one of one of prosper prosperity to one of disaster overnight or line further home Yahoo dua Allah boo so let them be let them Yahoo do so let them be who do mini waste time in vanity why Allah boo and let them play around hotter you la paloma homo Naledi you are doing until they make that day which they have been promised Yomi ro Joon Amin al a Jadhav the day when they will come out from the edge death meaning the graves yo may accrue June Amina legendary surah our meaning must lay on so when we come out of the edge death as we know that the fear of this verse manage mentions that on the day of judgment when allow recreate the graves then Allah will cause a bit of rain to fall upon the graves water went from that water when we will hear the thuds of water on the top of the graves we will start moving the hands and the hands will dig out the soil on top and we will come out as quickly as we can yellow Maya who do nominal ajudada theseare on we will come out jump out as quickly as we can out of the graves why because this is the day that we've been waiting for right salar an unknown allah new sube you feel hoon as if they are running towards a goal meaning as if they are running towards the gender that they feel that they are all going to be going to be going to right so on that day Allah has described our coming out on that day out of the edge death as zero and very quickly will come out and we will want to then run towards our goal meaning Janna because we can hear it and smell it and this is the gender this is how people will come out of their graves art and Abu Saleh whom however as soon as they come out of the graves their faces will be filled with fear Hoshi at an episode of Taha Paloma Vilna their faces will be filled with it went with this grace from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala disgrace and Villa from Allah the Ilah Cali Oh milady kau you are doing that is the day that they had been promised so this is Sora marriage equity as you can see the surah was revealed in Makkah so it was very early on that allah subhanho wa taala told them about Jahannam very early on then lots of Hanuman I told you about Salah and zakah and about Amana and about protecting your private parts all of these injunctions came out very very early on and so equity us being where we are in our practice of Islam being like the very early Muslims that really just just accepted Islam this surah is very very critical for us to pay attention to so be of those people unity of those people who protect yourself from Jahannam and be of those people who do the things Allah Subhan Allah that I said in this this verse and come closer to gender in sha Allah let me recite in Arabic and inshallah to Allah you will be then understand now the meaning of it now that you understand the Arabic banila bismillah al-rahman al-rahim selasa illumi Adam you appear little kaffir in la sala who dafair min allahi dill marriage Ta'ala Iko to Aurora la la fe o mil Konami code ah Konami code our oficina alpha sana phosphorus or boron jameelah in Naju me Aruna who buried aa wanna Rahu pariba yamato-kun Osama okay Elmo whatta kunoichi below Calais voila a new hobby moon honey ma you besar una home yacht dole mujrimun Africa demon are de mio meeting be Bonnie wah Sahib a teehee wahi whoa facility he'll Lotito we woman fill only Jamil form ing kala kalah in Halawa Nazareth Alicia our tag Roman Adubato a koala wah-ha-ha-ha in asana una caja Laura EDA Misawa shobhraj as OA ye de más abajo euro menorah Elmo Celine latina home on equality him da y moon well Adina fee am wali him ha c'mon oh Lisa le one mushroom one latina you SOT economy omit Dean when Latina women are de bureau be him mush week own inaudible be my new Roman moon while Edina homely for og him half alone Allah us watching him oh mama not at a mono home oh my manicotti a mono home for in-home Ohio may know me from inevitable ah ah don iike foois iike home hola dune one latina homely a manatee him wardi him or Arun one latina whom be Shahada to him call are you more on one latina woman either swallow to him you have his Oh on Ola Iike Fijian not emo Cora moon family latina Carphone okay Baraka more tearing a Lilia mean II wanna see Molly rising high up tomorrow cool ammonium in whom I owe the fauna Janet Anaheim Calif on Epona homem aranha moon fala Cosima be orrible maturity Wilma very be in Ellicott aroun Allah and nobody'll a high or a minimum woman no be much spoke in favor of una foto aisle are a bow heta you'll apoyo mahoma lady you a goon yo Maya for Jonah mean alleged Isis y'all can Nahum elimo so be you feed own heart and a bow so low home Toraja poem villa la de Cali Oh milady Cano oonh Zappala hair i ask allah subhanho wa taala to blesses from this beautiful for you see
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 26,290
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Keywords: Divine Connection - Surah Al Ma'arij - Day 4 - Tawfique Chowdhury, Divine Connection, Surah Al Ma'arij, Tawfique Chowdhury, Day of Judgement, surah, Surah Ma'arij, The Ways of Ascent, Jahannam, Muhammad, Koran, Quran, Al-Maarij, Quran (Book), Prophet, Nasheed, Ahmed, recompense, arrogant sinners, terror!, terrible Fire, Allah, save ourselves, protect, hell, heaven, fire, burn, sunnah, Burning, Flame, tafseer, Sheikh
Id: tOxwjwkKQd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 39sec (4539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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