Garage Sale/Estate Sale had great finds!! I've already made my money back!!! Great profit!!

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[Applause] [Music] for sale on a Friday morning I do like the new balances perfect those are nice what are you thinking for your shoes just want to make sure they've never you wear the same size I do yeah these these were new um five bucks okay and what about some of the other pairs the like the Clarks five bucks okay you know what I will take these three can I just start a pile is that okay of course it just makes my I figure I might as well just do that if you know just tell me where to go and I'll I'll put them somewhere in a corner show me that chair okay thank you be sitting down anytime soon you got to put out baby anything that I feel like that stuff you got to put out um yes oh somebody's not happy I hear those doggies oh all five of them oh you need to put out I can always go get Harley you don't have to do that all right just got messed up he oh it's Diamond art okay that's Diamond art okay and look at some of the clothes too got some ties some Stones okay probably do you a dollar [Music] box sequins puzzle I'm over here with Jamie no I'm with Jamie um trying to help her get her stuff out for the yard sale um I left my card all right perfect I'm grab those too like where's she at okay destination summer little side table that's kind of a nice idea what about these over here Ling phone oh that's actually Spanish I think she might have bought out a store because a lot of this looks like the generic stuff [Music] um is all of this going out too oh yes yes oh okay all rights what are you thinking for the napkins a pie uh 50 okay there's a bunch of match oh oh okay okay let me know how many you got you got it absolutely all right great room great room oh table clo or place mats which ones are these okay so I think I will take some [Applause] napkins fact I can just put those in my bag since they're going to be small all right [Music] got some costumes and ties what else is there Fact or Crap oh I got that one because last year that one kept falling down yep that didn't work out did it you know it did [Music] not well I mean you okay let's see if we can do it just gently and maybe keep some of it on the rack but it's obviously did the wind blow it over yeah oh okay to set something on the bottom okay all right we take one of those rocks and wait it yeah okay you have to push up a little bit more on your side there we go okay there we go yeah just put one those rocks um those rocks on there hold it down yeah this is not going to stay unless you do free mulch with any purchese over something okay do you got it yeah yeah that'll work maybe one more but yeah that'll keep that that should that should take care of it hopefully I hope so all right thank you so much no you're welcome it's not a good way to start your sale no now do you have other handbag are these are the Handbags and purses that you're going to be selling these yes yes okay okay all right and that one's pretty I like the colors on that I'll okay all [Music] right okay I kind of like this one sorry I'm trying to grab stuff off of here this one's pretty I like the color it's just plain white that one she'll probably want her um hangers back though too iOS to so I will put that I will leave this right here I thought this was a box separate see what else we have are you able to come back tomorrow you know what I I didn't even I was driving um I saw it on Facebook as as I this morning when I was looking at the thing so I thought well I'll stop by I don't I don't think I'll be back tomorrow no okay great thank you what Bott make sure make sure you ID him wait a minute are you recording this not I see nothing I see nothing oh um the um crown waral or a dollar a piece everything else is that's pretty I would say 10 bucks with all got one two three four 5 6 S8 n and then so that would be 11 really but you can do 10 is fine and you want to keep the bow or do you want the bow we got lots of Indian stuff here too I've never tried the diamond art though these these look like like kits and stuff like that so all right I think I'm done here I'm going to get myself checked out and move on to the next sale all right so I am going to start this um estate sale off in the closet um I did grab some shoes I'm going to go put these down um just so I can I saw some other stuff I want but I'd like to just put these down look okay going to put a pile on my mom is get the pictures and make a pile and come immediately back I can't really do whole I for you yeah I'm going stick these under the can I stick them under the table oh okay well thank you put it I put it right here right now well thank you so much just moment how much is the Joan Rivers right here you know the what how much is this Joan Rivers it's just the earrings or the whole set all of it it's a little all of it Monica the earrings how much are those how much would you offer for I guess you know um I don't know $5 $5 okay I'll make sure check all right thank you that's pretty yes and i' like I did see something back here on the wall CAU my eye I'm going grab those okay there's one and two okay perfect see what else there is on there okay so you guys got to see those good all right so I'm going to put these in my bag and then I'm going to keep on going okay let's see if I can get those in okay good so those went in there is a lot of glass here um a lot a lot a lot a lot oop sorry those are empty of vintage clothing so I know how much some of you love your vintage clothing um this is this is some some real vintage um okay what do we have over here we have a bunch of shoes but those these look pretty these look okay I doubt there's I don't know it does this is run by the family so um I'll go ahead and take this one pair so I don't know exactly how much I'm going to grab um the prices seem to be pretty good um this is where I started in the Shoe Closet there's probably some I'm not familiar with this brand aravon but these are actually pretty nice and I did kind of look at them the first time I walked through here um so maybe I will grab the other one of those they they were smart enough to just put um put like one shoe up so that you could see everything okay so oh my goodness yeah there is a lot of clothes okay so I'm going to stick this box of shoes in my bag too if I can get get the room in there perfect I do see the vintage men's hats right there okay these are totes and what is this one I don't know what this one is but it looks very small and I'm not caring for the form on that but I do see over here the handbags so let's see what we're going to grab that's a buckon this one's kind of cute the little um oops here this is not supposed to be in with this stuff let's put that right there okay I don't know who makes this one but that is pretty it's Liz Clayborn okay so that's a Liz Clayborn uh oo very dusty we got some Merl Norman cosmetic bags so the the bags the the bags and the handbags they're they're not um they're not the high-end stuff so um I don't know what this one is this one I thought was kind of cute you know I was like The Plaid yeah these aren't I don't think those are going to be what I want so I am going to keep on walking I'm going to check the scarves though just because some of these older scarves especially if they are the designer l oh that's actually like a Shaw collar I haven't seen one of those in a while this is this this home is is it's actually oh that's a Chicos that one's pretty it's actually in a beautiful area oh that's got dirt all over it so that one's a that's going to be a no we do have some old some older things like I said the older things I always have to look and see oopsie things are falling off the hangers just like with my closet okay I don't think we're going to grab anything out of there so let's go ahead and hit the Next Room okay this is definitely a base boost I don't know okay so this looks like an old cassette player I was looking to see if there's any of the Old Texas instrument calculators and there is but this is a very old one um I don't know if the one this old would have any value or not um I think I'm going to just go ahead and leave that we do oh we do have some dolls in here okay so that's an old Cabbage Patch but it's pretty worn I'm going to stop and look in here because you just never know what's going to be stuck at the bottom I know dolls can beautiful though just too high have a lot of value but I'm not real positive about any of these all right well let's go ahead and sorry I was adjusting the camera a little just to make sure that you guys got to see everything um those are all cards it's another closet full of clothes not what I think I'm going to look for so we've been through the closets we've been through the rooms we have not been in the kitchen lots of stuff in the kitchen [Music] okay bir I'm checking the walls checking the walls for the stuff see if I see anything I think we've been over here already I was checking to see if there's any Sew sewing stuff but I don't see any um is this no that's not a fabric one okay so this looks like the laundry [Music] room all right about 32 I am um you know I'm I'm looking but none of none of this sorry a lot of people came in they were limiting the amount but there's a lot of people in here and it's I mean 32 okay that might go with the round thing over there I think it might I think you're right all right let's see what this one is spring 2000 okay abely um NOP I don't think I'm grabbing anything off of here okay well I think we're going to get ourselves uh get ourselves checked out I I did I did have some um shoes and things up here so I will take care of that and get out of here but look how pretty this is this is this is a very um a large lot um I'm I'm right near the water so very hey everyone I wanted to do a quick recap this is the estate sale that I actually went to on Friday um I did get a few things the prices were were really good um so I did I did grab these Uggs um I ended up paying $8 and I just need to brush them a little um they actually are uh purple so no if you can't if you can't tell that you're not seeing anything they are purple I did get a piece of glass um I suspect it's blinko it um but will double check to see um I my first thought was it was blinko but um I will double check that and I paid $2 for that I did get a pair of Monroe shoes these were a cute little metallic pair um so I ended up I believe it was $3 for a pair of shoes so I did end up getting three pairs I got the Easy Spirits I got the aravon and I got the Monro I also got two pieces of the cruel um the you know the the raised uh threading I always always buy that and they're a matching set and they're actually I'll just you know touch up the frame a little bit um and they will look great and of course I did pick up this this is probably something a lot of people don't know about but these Joan Rivers classic collections when they are complete in a box like that I believe this is actually the clip set um you know don't quote me on this I don't know if there is a difference in price when you buy the clip set compared to the pierced set but I would I do expect this to to go for the $50 range um so that is something to keep your eye on the Joan Rivers uh vintage Joan Rivers Classics things like that some of the Joan Rivers jewelry goes for good money um this one recently sold in the pierced for $58 so I paid $5 so I knew I had I knew to keep an eye on the Joan River stuff um I've I've seen it before and I've continually Seen It Go for prices that were surprising so that's always something good to uh look out for uh so all in all when I got to the the end of um you know buying all this stuff at the estate sale I spent a total of let me do a quick quick math in my head I spent a total of $32 so that's what I spent at that sale I I spent $32 and these are all the things I got so it was actually a pretty good um pretty good little run you hey everyone I wanted to give you a quick recap of the things that I picked up at a garage sale Friday morning um I didn't get a ton of stuff but I I did get some some nice items I did pay $5 a piece for the shoes but every I believe these two are the two Clarks are brand new um and these are these are in really nice condition I wouldn't say they're brand new but they're pretty darn close so I did pay $5 a piece for the shoes um I did spend a total of $25 at that sale I did get a bunch of napkins um these are actually old steinart runs I did get six or seven packages of these so um I did put those in the house um I did get an ornament this is actually a Pier One I Got a Brand New puzzle the game sequence um and the Jones a New York um top I might just keep that for myself I haven't really really decided but um yeah these shoes are brand new and they're really a cute one this one is actually a blue and um they're small I want to say they're both like a size seven yeah so they're pretty they're they're smaller they're smaller but they're they're just adorable so uh yeah my total spent at that garage sale was going to be I want to say I spent $25 so $25 at that garage sale and like I said there's a bunch of napkins in the house if you'd like to see something in the eBay store you can find that Below in the description you know please like And subscribe if you haven't already I appreciate everyone's comments I you know I love to hear from you and as usual thanks for watching bye [Music] we [Music]
Channel: Short Girl Picker
Views: 7,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VSH3rC1SmDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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