Dissecting and debunking the Ralsei is Asriel theory

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so i've seen this theory floating around everywhere in the dalton room fandom and i mean everywhere sometimes stated is outright fact and i have a lot of beef with that this theory is pretty unfounded and the whole fandom treating it as gospel really downplays both asriel and rossi's significance is in their respective games and i'd like to go on possibly several tangents about this topic and hopefully bury it dead and as expected warning that this is a long ass rant and it'll delve into logic study and mistakes and critical thinking if that sounds boring i'll put a tldr at the bottom for everyone who doesn't feel like setting through an insane man's lecture but fictional go boys in varying states of distress insert read more here now to begin what does this theory boil down to well in the simplest terms the names azrael and rao saying are anagrams of each other and the characters are the same species as well as both being generally next to other people and we've never seen them in the same room together that's about it it ignores relsay and azrael's differences the roles to the story and to the other characters and entirely undermines the revelation of their true identities in both games but i'll get to that for now let's tackle the main quote-unquote arguments which means just looking at the character side by side israel is a boss monster this is short of outright stated verbatim in undertale more than once as he's toriel and asgore's son and his death is the reason they have an asian who knows how long not only that but he's also a pacifist as i've heard people call him which isn't actually true but sure let's run with it for now elsie is also seemingly a boss monster with the white fur horns and boss monster head shape and he's also the kindest and most forgiving of the three members of the squad but all of these are completely surface level observations let me put it this way in deltarune which is a separate canaan from undertale toriel is a bit of hair on the top of her head sticking up meanwhile asgore and deltarune has a smaller beard aka less hair they both avoid or outright ignore their problems and keep up a cheery facade in the face of actual problems happening in hopes that things will just turn out okay in the end we've also never seen them in the same room with one another lo and behold as guarantorial are the same person in delta room because it's an eu to undertale it's just a swap awake you see where i'm going with this the comparison i just made false flat because the two characters are distinctly different key ways and also they had a child together but i chose not to showcase that in order to quote-unquote prove a faulty theory toriel and asgore are distinct because asgore is deeply in depth and depth asgar and toriel are distinct because asgore is deeply in debt can't run his business well still wants to be victoria after everything that happened and seems to make a habit of visiting everyone around town to give them flowers and whenever he can toriel on the other hand has a stable job at the school makes her own food for her aunt chris seems less interested in the shenanigans in town as of late and literally throws all of osbor's advances in the trash where they belong now let's carry this attitude over to azrael and rosse ezreal is repeatedly described as a crybaby and it's shown that even in his soulless form he cries when he's shown kindness in a neutral run he's dependent on others to the point where he's willing to let the whole world crumble for a chance to spend time with someone who looks like his childhood best friend he also pulls from his father's side and eventually allows himself to fall into violent outbursts when solas even though when he was alive his pacifism is what got him killed his entire character arc centers on the fact that he needs to relearn his compassion for other people and realize that the world is not killed or be killed raw say on the other hand is not only unshaken when the king flat out tells him and his friends to die he talks back almost sassy and his resolve becomes stronger he's not emotional and at the end of chapter one he learns that the world is more cruel than he first thought that being kind isn't always the right option but it's still an important option rossi cares for his friends yes but he willingly lets them leave the dark world with no promise that they'll come back even after the darkness have been abandoned previously he doesn't beg them to stay or crores them or threaten them or lash out in any way he simply offers them cakes if they come back he's a caring friend more than asriel was the frisk at the very least but wait i hear you say all that killing stuff was kyra's fault and rossi never met kara maybe they just had different experiences but are the same person and i'm glad you allowed me to segue into my next point which is as real as in college during deltarune azrael and undertale and deltarune are the same person with different experiences but fine let's play along let's arbitrarily insert an unrelated character into that dichotomy namely ralph say rosse is not only shorter than both susie and noel it's hard to discern with chris whether else is tall or not but they were almost the same height either way making it unlikely that he's the oldest out of all of them but he's also the prince of the dark world we know he is not only because he tells us but because he knows the legend of the delta rune something chris and susie have never heard of before so he must have grown up listening to the stories of the dark but wait that's not all azrael is popular popular in hometown everyone knows him and everyone loves him he's had a first kiss gone to church for it seen his parents get divorced possibly even been there when gerson died asriel has a life in hometown but he chose to leave it to pursue greener pastures rasay though he's a lonely prince he's had no friends until chris and susie came along he knows of lancer but doesn't know anything about the rest of the kingdoms he's been waiting patiently for the arrival of the heroes of light because he believes that's his only purpose in life to serve lighteners now i do not have time to dissect the moral implications of that but i will merely use this as a point to say that when has azrael felt like he had to serve others especially his peers moreover why would he ever come to that conclusion himself when everything in life has been handed to him on a silver platter with a cherry on top why would he abandon it all just to fulfill some prophets he's probably never even heard of speaking of the prophecy azrael being the prince of the dark in it makes absolutely zero sense in this world not only is he a normal townsperson who just left town for college he's also you know a lightner in delta room toronto's talk spread is completely black and white where undertale she had a bit of red in her eyes this means that there is no way in absolute hell that asriel is even a little bit darker in deltarune when an undertale could be a fun theory to try to craft around toriel specifically in my personal opinion and this just means that there's no confirmation or hint of this in game but if azrael is to appear as anything in dalton it would be the angels heaven that they need to seal i have reason to believe this but to sum it up simply chris facing their brother at the end of the adventure would be a much more impactful climax than a typical kill god plot of most rpgs side note i've seen people say that lancer is the prince of the dark in the deltarum prophecy however the problem with that is that lancer is never referred to as a prince he's referred to as the jack of spades not the prince of spades yes he's the king's son but that title doesn't seem to mean much he's crowned king he's not upgraded from prince to king you know people have stated that rossi being a prince would make him the king's son but that is entirely untrue not only do we have clover the daughter of an imprisoned king but we also have ralsi living in his own castle housing the real dark fountain the one that isn't sealed at the end of chapter one the dark fountain card castle is specifically disrupting the order of things while the dark fountain and castle town has been there for seemingly forever making it a simple speculative jump to assume that ralsi's title of prince of the dark is a reference not only to his species but to his bloodline's role in maintaining the true dark fountain but that's a whole different theory but but i hear the straw man pipe pup again what about susie's reaction to rossi taking off his hat in chapter one doesn't that mean anything and yes it does it means she wasn't expecting rossi to look like that neither did i that was my exact reaction as well and never once did i think that rousey is asriel on my first playthrough not to mention out of all the citizens of hometown susie is the only one to never mention asriel which is why i think her and chris got along so well because she wasn't looking at them as azrael's shadow she was looking at them as the dumbass at the back of the class but again details details there's another key component in this that people love to ignore and that's flowey boy how do the people love to never acknowledge that ezreal and flower are the same person and often treat them as entirely separate entities i wonder if it has anything to do with them not having an immediate physical resemblance like asriel and or else i do anyway enough shade let's get to the point long and sad story short and undertale asriel died and their siblings ideals of kill or be killed got ingrained in him and once he was revived as a flower that no one recognized him as he tried to help people until he became hopeless and turned to murder instead now how does this apply to rossi simple give a man a mask and he'll act like the worst version of himself when given the chance asriel chose not to tell his parents who he was as early as his first reset he found comfort in his identity not being found and he used that for good until he got bored look what harassing and you see the opposite happen the or else that has real theory would not only involve azrael abandoning his good life for one of nothing but boredom when waiting for arbitrary events but it would also give azrael a world where no one knows him and no one recognizes him i'm not saying he would turn to murder i'm saying he would be a lot more willing to do bad things if they weren't being immediately associated with his real identity you know the identity of the goody two shoes choir kid coupled that with the complex a lot of darkness have about serving lighteners and you have a character that sounds a lot more like the knight than ralph say moreover rossi's talk sprites have color like all darkness but if you didn't piece that together yourself binary don't know what to tell you point being there is no way azrael could have reached the dark world and chosen to stay there the way people say he would have in order to put him in the same spot as ralph say but the names they're both princes and their games they're both boss monsters again refer back to my toriel and ask worship post above however i do want to dissect the name and prince thing a little more closely stories have tropes no matter how original or unique or groundbreaking or subversive a story is it will have its own tropes this is actually common with people's original work speaking from experience it's not that the credo runs out of ideas is that certain ideas are more easily explored and more interesting to the creator and therefore get reused yes rossi and asriel are both princes but guess what lancer and papyrus both act as literal lancers and sidekicks not only to the main character but also to their punk girl best friends susie and undyne respectively while still carrying themselves as the center of what's happening in their most important people in their own lives lancer and papyrus have more in common doral say and asriel do as characters this doesn't make them the same character rasa has more in common with the character of the prince from the little prince novel why is that because a lonely prince and a hopeless world is a trope but outside of that why the name similarities it could be that just like the names of the games a letter is being shuffled around or changed between worlds is there as an aesthetic choice just like how chris is vaguely a mashup of the name's cara and frisk if you squint at it how susie is susie's name in undertale that's kind of weird to say and even how aggro calls his shop flower king even though he has nothing to do with royal affairs in this universe it's all there as tie-ins between the games vague word threads that tie them together not literal explanations of what's happening if we were to take the route of logic that anagrams equals facts then we'd have to assume that toriel is not only the tutorial of drone which she is not but that she is also a murderer as her surname in the game is dreamer which is an anagram of murderer which applies to both of the people that carry that's her name in undertale aka asgore and azrael so it must be true here too right lastly the entire basis of this theory is what's called a logical analogy or at least in my mother tongue that's what it's called i don't know what the actual academic english name is which is a thought process that looks at similarities between two subjects and forms the conclusion that they are either one or the same or share other traits besides what's immediately noticeable a good example would be two tulips one is white the other is red but their flower shape is the same and so is their smell so through analogy we conclude that they must also have the same stem and reproductive process and so on so forth this is a fair enough assessment until you try to conclude that the red tulip is the same as a rose because of their color alone a very common mistaken analogy and why it's generally looked down on in scientific research is because it often leads to actively looking for any similarity while not looking at the disparities let's look at toriel again as previously mentioned she has more hair on her head in delta than an undertale she is kind and caring especially to chris much like rosse is they both enjoy baking and cooking food in general it seems they both wear glasses and enjoy reading and are also people oriented in their professions toriel has color and her sprite and undertale unlike every other lightener we've met in both games and she has horns that point inward just like ralph say does they both feel the same trope in their respective games as the tutorial character that guides you and they both are sort of fighting when push comes to shove oh and we've never seen them in the same room together therefore dorial and raleigh are the same character not convinced is it possible because their ages don't match their personalities aren't the same and that they both have very different relationships with the characters around them tell me then do you still believe that rousey and azrael are the same when there's arguably even less income between them and toriel and rosse tldr aka the conclusion rossi and azrael are different characters when examined further than just their surface level traits the trees they do have in common are often shared with other characters namely other boss monsters just like each other and it's very possible that ralph says name being a nanogram of asriel's is just an aesthetic choice just like how chris equals karen frisk susie and susie and undertale and deltarune and so on shuffling of letters just seems to be a general theme rossi is much more resilient than asriel is and he has a much more grounded idea of morality and his duty and seems undershaken by the threats people throw his way while hazreal is a canonical crybaby asriel is in college during deltarune and there's nothing to explain why or how he would be able to fit into a prophecy of prince from the dark when adulterous he is neither a prince nor a darkness toriel and rossi have more in common than asriel and i'll say but you don't see people theorizing that because there's legitimate differences between them that you would have to ignore in order to make it work just like how rossi and azrael are different in very key ways but everyone chooses to look the other way for the sake of a theory that makes raw stays blushing around chris seem weird hey none of those screenshots had any sick character development you can't just skip the best part to chapter one like that oh um sorry susie but this video was all about me and chris's older brother man that guy doesn't even appear in chapter one it's not fair how popular he is you do know there was a game about him before delta room right what really um well yes it was quite a successful game it's called um undertale nah doesn't ring a bell that's quite strange as you were mentioning it even when i wasn't what what uh susie can you not remember this at all no my memory always gets a little bit clammy about these things oh um funny you mentioned clams i think it was a clam person that mentioned you what like my neighbor i do believe so when your name was spoken it was yellow and people started to believe that you were the human of the yellow soul i'm no human yes it was quite a strange theory that one uh much like the one this video is about man how much fourth wall breaking are we even allowed to do hmm i think the fourth wall is already in pieces as we speak so oh cool can i smash it some more well if you must
Channel: Kooki Autumn
Views: 143,206
Rating: 4.885922 out of 5
Keywords: #undertale, #deltarune
Id: 7TGRNohJhL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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