Dispute Panda Changed: Fix Your Credit The Easy Way Without Going To The Post Office

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don't have time to fix your credit that's what the credit BRS want they hope you quit they hope you give up and I want to show you a seven step process that's gonna save you a lot of time so sit back relax grab a pen get some paper you already know get something to drinkz we about to get straight into it there's a hard way to fix your credit there's an easy way to fix your credit nothing's guaranteed but you reap what you sow and if you're willing to put in the work the work is going to work so the credit barrs want you to quit they want you to give up so let me show you something that effective so help automate the process to help you remove these negative items off your credit report all right and the reason why I believe the spute pen is going to help with that process because it has artificial intelligence what I mean by that there are five different things that makes um dispute Panda work and has continuous learning increased efficiency machine learning Automation and enhanced accuracy what I mean by that so when it comes to your credit report I always talking about there are things that's going on your credit report is all if you look at your credit report what you going to is inconsistent information but artificial intelligence dispute pen can do all that for you automate the process so what it's going to see is not only your report it also learns from other reports so other people that use this and there's thousands of people that actually have dispute pan so it's learning from them what type of accounts get removed based off of what letter what attack and things like that that's the reason why Ai and all this machine learning is going to help you and effectively help you increase your or help you remove them negatives off your credit report so while you're fixing your credit you can be building that at the same time and as you're building what you're going to see what you're going to see is the process of your credit score increasing so what does do the process look like all right so let me walk you through the seven step process of what you need to do first we're going to be talking about how to create an account how to connect your credit monitor what to attack and select also of course you got to wait the time because based off of the laws and then how do you leverage laws if your accounts come back verified and what attack do you you what attack do you do next to actually um fix your credit and also of course we always have to file the complaint because the credit brills play crazy so let me just go ahead and show you the process and how to do everything step by step by step so let's get into it so step one you want to log into dispute Panda all right if you don't have an account with dispute Panda I'm going have a link for you to actually log in so first thing you want to do is create account now once you have an account what you're going to do is you're going to be on the screen that looks similar to this now what you want to do is click on clients right here to the left now you want to click on new clients right here to the right and what you want to do is fill out your information but most importantly first name middle name last name suffix email address you can't use the same email address that you use to create an account because this is a um dispute this is a software for credit repair business owner so it you created an account as if you was a credit repair business owner but you're working on yourself so you need to use a separate email address all right now once you have your I mean create use a different email address of course you want to put your phone number um last for your social um date your address right city state ZIP birthday now invite client to Safe you don't need to do this because like I said this is for cter repair business owners now once you do that you click on Save but as you're on there you're going to click on your name okay now what you want to do is click on documents all right the reason why you want to click on documents because we have to upload everything that we need all right so you want to upload proof of um your um ID card right proof of um residency and also for safe side you know you can upload your social security card that's up to you however now what you want to do is link your report now how do you link your report go all the way to the left right here now this is M like if you have a desktop if you have a laptop you're going to be able to use this effectively because a phone doesn't work all right um because you're not going to see everything so make sure you do this on the computer so what you want to do now is like on the left or right I mean on the left you want to click on train it all right now what's going to populate is right here this is going to populate so what you want to do is just scroll down all the way to the bottom and look at the different type of credit monitors that you have all right do you have Smart credit you have identity IQ if you have um credit Doo based off of whatever credit monitoring you want to watch that specific training to help you link up your um your credit report to the actual software now once you do that here's what it's going to look like so now you should be on the screen that look similar to this all right it's going to have your accounts already selected your inquiries already selected they're going to have everything already selected so what you want to do now is right here click on Save filter all right now once you click on Save filter is going to allow you to go to the attack all right it's going to allow you to to select the attack now what type of attack should you select now when it comes to um disputing your accounts now I have a specific attack that I really really like but we're going through a process all right and I just don't want you to skip some of the process so what you want to do is click on nerve attack all right the reason why we want to click on nerve attack is because what we want to do is Select every single account that's holding your credit score back all right so what you also want to do is use handwritten font all right handwritten font because it looks like you actually wrote this up but now what you want to do is Click you already know you always got to click the select the best one so Supreme boosted all right here we're going to click this one and select that and then what we want to do is click on start round now this this does cost money all right nothing is free however it is cheap I a say cheap it is Affordable all right so what you want to do is click on confirm all right or select or type out confirm now once you type all that out allow you to um download the letters right and I'm going to show you through the process of what to do next to actually send this all right so click on it it will generate it takes about two to three minutes to actually generate your letters and now what do you do next after that so this is what it looks like all right now once you have your letters generated is going to allow you to mail them out so all you have to do is just click on this and you should see this all right now what you want to do is click on pay and mail now type double side color yes or no it's up to you all right now click on paying mail once that populates it's going to say confirm now basically what you got to do is you know pay to get them sent out now these are fake letters so I'm not going to be paying to send out anything so all you got to do is type in confirm and then mail them out so now you got your letters out all right so what we got to do now is wait 35 days according to law according to 15 USC 1681 I all right six we got to wait 3 well I then six because says 30 days for them to do an investigation five days for them to actually send you an investigation all right so when you send those letters out make sure you certify them and when the credit barrels received it make sure you document and I mean make sure you um put in your calendar a 35 days from now let me see if I get an investigation back if you do get an investigation back guess what what you want to do is just look at the investigation now typically what happens is some accounts get removed some accounts don't get removed so if your accounts don't get removed everything comes back verified what do you do next all right so we're going to do everything based off the law so here's what you want to do next and how you use dispute panel but let me show you a specific law of course because I just want you to you know be um learn and be educated and be informed so 15 USC 1681 I um 7 right so you want to go to that specific law so all you got to do is just go down to number seven and what I want you to do is read this specific law all right so a consumer reporter agency shall provide to a consumer a description referred to paragraph six B3 but no later than 15 days after receiving a request from the consumer for that description so how do you create this letter in this feed panel and let me walk through that process of what that looks like so here's what you will do next all right so you'll be on this screen that looks similar to this all right then click on Save filter now what you want to do is click on start new round all right now the round that you're going to use is a static letter So based off of the static letter what you want to do is scroll down to um method of verification so method of verification that has a LW right here 15 USC 1681 87 all right so click on this and then click on start round now what should happen is it should generate some um letters it's going to take up to like I said two to three minutes but it's probably quicker than that and what you want to do is just wait so you mail those letters out and then we wait 15 days add a calendar reminder to your phone if they don't respond back to you in 15 days we already know they're not what you want to do next is guess what f complaint with the cfpv and I'm going to walk you through the process of how you actually file a complaint with the cfpv to actually get your desired results so what is that project look like so let me show you the scope of work of how to create that uh how to create that complaint and actually knock them out so let's get into it so if you're new to the channel you want to go ahead and Google cfpb create account and once you create an account now you're going to be on a screen that looks similar to this all right you want to you want to click on submit a complaint and now once you're inside your portal and then you want to click then you going to be on the screen to look similar to this now click on credit reported and it scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on credit reported again all right now what you want to do next is just click on this right here so click on problem with company's investigation it took more than 30 days the investigation did not fix the error on your report have you already tried to fix this problem yes um did you request information no next now what you want to do is typically write up a complaint and we got to be very very detailed when it comes to this so here's what your complaint should look like now your complaint should be similar to this all right so you got to be very detailed what you did when you did it how you know everything that you did all right so I looked at my report back on whatever day and notice some things were incomplete and inaccurate I sent the letter to exper um on whatever day and asked them to investigate the complet accurac you could also put the track number of the um when you sent that letter out I received the results and notice they did not fix nothing they are breaking the law all right according to this law they supposed to do this and also the other laws that they also broke is as well i s the letter out this day just have 15 days to respond back to me they didn't do that either and they broke multiple laws so now you want to have your name and account number right leades account immedately because of violation of 15 USC and all the other laws that they uh broke all right so just list all the accounts that you want deleted from your credit report and what you want to do is attach the documents all right attach those letters that you sent to um experience transun Equifax but remember we only talk to One credit Barre so if it's with Experian attach the letters that you own s to experient all right now if it's with Equifax do the same thing trans all right we just going to make three separate complaints all right because I don't want when you send one complaint to another that they you know mess it up so or add another account to this specific credit bureau so click on next and then basically file the complaint who you're talking to so we're talking to experence right now we just going to look for experience so all you got to do is just look for experience um experience information solution social name as appears on your credit report date of birth and now what you want to do is just scroll down and put your information you want to compl with another company no and then wait so as you're waiting that time since we on the mission together hey I got a free gift that I want to send to you all right all you got to do is just cover shipping all right it's my book and I want to send it to you for free and I just want to say thank you for allowing me to help you knock the credit bars out and if you have any questions or comments drop it in the comments and I'm going to respond back to you all right I'll just go get a copy of this book and I got you
Channel: Dave Cousins
Views: 6,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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