Veteran Kryptonite When It Comes To VA Disability Claims

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the only speed bump in the VA claims process are CMP examiners I believe that uh one veterans have the knowledge to understand their own process right I'm I'm never going to get on board that veterans are stupid I'll call them stupid when they submit a claim without a diagnosis I'm like don't do that right um but veterans are smart they can figure out the process as it pertains to them they don't have to understand M21 t one right um I believe Vos are well equipped equipped to at a minimum submit the claim at bare minimum submit it right anything else on top of that is this candy right saying hey oh you have a CMP exam for your lower back maybe you think about the nerve damage in your legs right that would be like the cherry on top um I believe believe it or not I believe VA adjudicators um when given evidence make the right choice and there's processes in place like the higher level review I had to do a higher level review because I had the evidence Boom Service it took five days right so there are processes in place in worst case scenario we have VA accredited attorneys that are really going to wheel and deal and like your supplemental claims and then your board of appeals right and that's that's definitely not the majority it's a very very small Niche set of claims um but then you have these CMP examiners that are I've had both experience es and and I like to speak in facts here so I'll just talk about my experiences I've had CNP examiners that were awesome you know they actually asked me questions about my service they were like oh man you you you went to Afghan and Syria he was like that's that's pretty cool man like why why are you here talk to me about it and they were just open to talk yeah I've also had the complete opposite where it was almost don't speak unless you're spoken to and I probably said this was the migraine claim go figure right I probably said um maybe maybe 15 words during the migraine CMP um which was it was just combative and the the energy wasn't there there was no customer service aspects zero that came back at 0% now me not being a dumb veteran I knew I had the evidence so I did a hlr boom easy peasy that's the day right that's that's an easy day but the CMP examiner in my opinion Remains the one variable the one speed bump in the claims process I would probably make the argument that you you'll see people on social media and I'm sure you've read a million comments of if Vos if vsos weren't so bad these companies wouldn't exist if the process were easier they wouldn't be here just by just by the fact they exist shows that there's you know potentially reason I've heard that argument plenty of times it's it's not unfounded you know um there are problems in the system and you're absolutely right that um you know the CMP exam is where you're going to get the most variability uh things like your service record are black and white yeah right uh what the Raiders have by and large they they are given information and they base that off of what the rating schedule is and then you you know submit that there but if they're basing that off of bum scoop then you may not get what you earned uh so that is where the the process can kind of immediately get off the rails if if there is a bad exam VA switched over to almost entirely contract examinations a couple years ago a few years ago um and I I hear you that you know uh are some of these maybe well influenced possibly but that's where we really need to do a better job cleaning up because that is the base that's the foundation of your claim so that when that gets to the board of Veteran appeals they they can like properly adjudicate that because there was something good to go off of if it's unknown well then we're starting all over again and that may be months or years going back back in time to try to get what they've earned right yeah um I I I would probably make the argument there are three kind of root causes to these claims Consulting companies making millions of dollars and and just a side note you know yes they are taking veterans benefits but make no mistakes that's taxpayer dollars it is absolutely Uncle Sam doll they are in the most literal sense taking American ta pay dollars that's a whole that's a whole other subject right um but if I had to number the root causes I think I would put personally CMP examiners at the top one bad CMP exam is going to result on denial what happens with that veteran is irritability that would probably be an understatement right you're denied you say whatever screw it I'm not going to touch it that was in 2015 all of a sudden a company reaches out to you you're like fine go ahead if if you can do it go ahead and then all of a sudden you're now a part of their algorithm as and they're targeting you for your tax your your excuse me dollars right that CMP examiners number two is I would actually say you know I think we have to be real and say are there bad vsls or are there vsos that aren't as good as others and I would probably say yes you know I I would agreee with you on that to be honest there's there's dissatisfaction sometimes um I would making this statement you know much like with VA and with vsos most people are satisfied with this stuff yeah but the people who aren't can't be dismissed as irrelevant right or or an outlier because if you have a bad experience you don't care that 90% don't whatever the percentage is because to you that's the most important thing that there are are vsos who need to do better we try to improve every single day we we will never claim to be perfect but what we do not do is scam you we don't rip you off we work to get better every single day there are there are not enough Services sometimes but we should improve those services not put the onus on the veteran to then pay for it so there there are absolutely gaps that were we are looking for real accreditation reform real service Improvement for some of these folks unfortunately accreditation reform has taken uh the track of well how much can I make
Channel: TheCivDiv
Views: 9,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 38 cfr, cck live, va claims insider, combat craig, claim denied, claims process, how to file va claim, how to win my va claim, intent to file, SMC, BDD, supplemental claims, transitioning to civilian, va appeal, va claims, va healthcare, veterans disability, medical evidence, va injury, buddy statement, 100 va disability, va disability lawyer, va pension, va medical records, secondary service connection, ptsd, mental health, SSA, how long will my va claim take, va rating
Id: tFuR55cYByA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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