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are you dealing with a charge off right now or maybe multiple charge offs guys 90% of people that try to deal with charge offs mix the common mistakes that make the situation worse for the charge out to get removed well in today's video guys I'm going to explain a simple strategy anyone can use to remove any and every charge off from n credit report guys by the end of the video you're going to have all the confidence needed to remove all of your charge offs forever guys stay [Music] tuned welcome back to the channel guys if you new to the channel I'm credit Coach K I create the first cloudbased software that allows you to put your c repair experience to your own hands if you're new to the channel I'm super super excited cuz I have a banger today's video we're going to talk about how to remove all of your charge offs but before we get into that video guys please like subscribe to the channel it allows YouTube to push this content to a wider audience and allows us to leave the lights on guys please like subscribe to the channel if you have anything to Rocket to in your credit report I mean anything negative charge offs late payments bankruptcies medical bills guys you name it please go over to mycredit it's the website and the software that I was telling telling you about that allows you to put the full experience to your own hands guys people are removing thousands of dollars worth of debt by themselves there are no longer using credit repair companies are putting this information in this experience into their own hands and appreciating on a deeper level guys please go to mycredit check out the software and start removing these items guys if you have anything derogatory on your credit report now let's dive straight into the meats and potatoes of this video guys I'm super excited about this video because we're going to talk about how to remove charge offs I haven't really made a charge Out video in quite some time and I think it is time to bring these strategies to the masses I've been getting emails I've been getting DMS of people always asking how can you remove a charge off a charge off a charge charge off okay so let's dive straight in so first thing you have to understand is is what is a charge off so a charge off is a piece of debt that was charged off by your original creditor or the current creditor by the IRS meaning that they are basically asking the IRS to give them a tax deduction on the debt that you did not pay so if you owe them $10,000 and they owe the IRS $10,000 their idea is to basically show the IRS that you didn't pay your $110,000 so I can't pay my $10,000 to you so that's basically what a charge of debt is in terms of the IRS and the Creditor now how do that pertain to you now we're going to use that at our advantage by setting a few traps but before we get set the Trap we always want to make sure that we are freezing our Lexus Nexus right so all of our um secondary bureaus Lexus Nexus inovis and save stream is going to be Frozen now we're going to freeze those accounts because we don't want any of those secondary bureaus communicating with the Creditor s or the credit bureaus pertaining to our debt we don't want that we don't want any of our debt to be communicated with one another on the verification and accuracy whether it's mine or not they have to do their own due diligence and they cannot use the secondary Bureau so the first thing we're going to do is freeze Alexus Nexus because that is going to give us a leg up when it comes to them actually appropriating the debt right so freeze leus Nexus the say stream in the inovis and now we ready to actually tackle the actual charge off now I know every charge off is different every charge off have different leverage points that you can use to get the item removed if you want to know what a leverage point is a leverage point is basically a point that we use to Leverage The Debt for removal so if the debt is old then that is a leverage point for statue limitations to actually get the item removed now every credit report has different leverage points for removal but this strategy is going to work for 90% of you guys that's dealing with charge offs which time right I didn't say that this was going to be a fast thing this is a marathon 9 a Sprint and because we are are going to put the trap in place perfectly we're going to get the results we want right so the first thing when it comes to laying a trap like I said is free texus Nexus now before we actually go into setting the Trap the easiest way to remove it is the statue limitations right everything credit reports be 100% accurate 100% verifiable And 100% timely so we are going to use those three references to build our case initially so if the dead is 10 years old and we know the that your limitations is 7 years that mean that 7 year the debt can only stay on your credit report for 7 years once we realize that it's over 7 years that is the easiest by far the easiest way to get anything removed because it's p the jurisdiction for the placement of your credit report so that's the by far so if you have any old debt this past seven years depending if it's a judgment judgment is 10 years but if you have anything like a charge off they only have seven years to keep you in your credit report so if it's really super old that's the first and easiest way to remove it send a certified letter to the credit bureaus telling that the statute limitations for this debt is passed and they will remove it the fastest and easiest way possible now let's set the Trap right so setting the Trap is going to comprise of us contacting the Creditor not the credit bureau we're going to contact the Creditor and we're going to ask for a $10.99 C now the reason we're going to ask for 1099 C is because that is what they were supposed to give you initially when they charge the debt off when they charge the debt off they supposed to give you a $ 1099c as verification that the debt is being charged off and and if they don't not give that to you you can request it right now when you request that they are going to send it back to you and that is going to be everything you going to need to actually get the charge off removed okay once you sent out the letter to the Creditor you are going to go to my creditor and inside the software that U there is a uh section called the YouTube charge off letter now you can go to the search engine of the letters and actually pick the YouTube charge off letter and it's already structured and already ready for you guys to mail it off all you have to do is sign up my credit approve find the YouTube setup letter and mail it off now once you once you actually send it off to the Creditor you're going to wait for them to send it back now on once they send you back to 1099c you are going to call you're going to call the Creditor and basically verify the 1099 C in the dismissal of the debt now once you get the verification that they are going to basically get on the phone and verify that dismissal of the debt you're going to basically record that you're going to not you have option to either record it with a tape recorder or recorded manually and a notepad basically U keeping a record of this verification of the dismissal of the debt now we have as you can possibly notice we haven't even reached out to the credit bureaus to remove it we just asked them to send a 1099 SE now once you have the 1099 SE in your possession now it's time to go to the credit bureau and actually get it to removed from the credit bureau now if you surveying your credit report and finding anything that's inaccurate anything that's unverifiable anything that's untimely then that is going to be everything needed to actually get the item removed in The Leverage points now you can sign up on my credit and my credit approv will help you find the leverage points that you need to actually structure the letter to the credit bureaus you can do this the YouTube setup letter or you can do the section 609 letters inside of the software and now and when you send out your letter to the credit bureaus you're going to send out the initi is letter that you sent to the creditors along with the 1099c and the verification of how you verify that the debt is dismissed and you're going to send out the request for the debt to be deleted now once you sent all this to the credit bureaus it probably take one or two tries to actually get it removed you can do one or two rounds we have four rounds in the 609 method and once you send all this to the credit beers out of the first round you're going to send it to the cfpb now once your first round come back after the credit bus you're going to go to the cfpb website and file a complaint and in the complaint you're going to list off all of the charge offs that you are requesting to be removed along with all the documentation that you sent to the original creditor and also the credit bureaus guys this strategy has been working like magic so if you have anything that you need to be removed as far as a charge off guys listen to this message write down all of the notes and follow the step step by step and I assure you that you will get the results that you Reserve in terms of these charge offs I know charge offs can be a issue I know a lot of people have damn near perfect credit but they just have a few charge offs on their credit report and they just don't know how to remove them guys follow the strategy step by step freeze your Alexus Nexus contact the the original creditor get to 1099c file a dispute with my credit approv to the credit bureaus and if that don't remove it file a complaint with the cfpb and guys you will get the charge offs removed guys leave let me know in the comment section how you feel about this strategy do you have any particular questions on with your specific situation let me know in the comment section guys I'm very interested and I would handle them there guys until next time take care of your credit take care of yourself credit Coach Q out
Channel: Credit Coach Q
Views: 23,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: credit repair, 609 credit repair, diy credit repair, credit repair services, charge off removal, credit repair agent, credit repair secrets, credit repair podcast, credit repair company, credit repair software, how to remove charge offs from credit report, charge off removed from credit report, charge off on credit report, charge offs and collections, chargeoff removal hack, removing collections and charge offs to boost your credit score, removing collections and charge offs
Id: Kd5U3MHeyFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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