Disney Villains: Weak to Powerful 💪

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We’ve already broken down the evil-doers  of the Disney Universe when it comes to   morality in our Disney Villains: Evil to  Most Evil… But when the dust settles… WHo’s   the most powerful? Which one of Disney’s iconic  villains is truly at the top of the food chain?   That’s what we want to tackle today. I’m Brad with WickedBinge and this  is Disney Villains: Weak to Powerful. So, before we begin… Let’s iron out the rules.  For this list, we’re looking at both physical   and magical strength. Brains will also be a  factor. And on top of that, those who have loyal   followers or influence will also rank higher…  Because, let’s be real, influence is power too. Now, we’ll be focusing on mainline Disney  Villains from feature animated films.   We won’t be including Disney exclusive  sequel villains… but… If a mainline villain   reappears in a sequel, we will include  what happens in the sequel. That said,   if you want to see a Disney Sequel  Exclusive Villains: Weak to Powerful…   Let us know. We also won’t be including Pixar  villains because we consider Pixar it’s own studio   and we’ve already did a Pixar Villains:  Weak to Powerful. So check that out. With all that said, let’s dig into it… First up, no disrespect to Pete, but we’re ranking  him as the least powerful. He was a trouble-causer   in many of the shorts and films… and appeared  in many forms and themes… but he isn’t much   of a threat by himself. Heck, in the Kingdom  Hearts games he was nothing more than a lackey   and for a majority of the other times he’s  pretty inefficient or he’s just a loud and   obnoxious guy. In the Goofy Movie for example,  he was just a stern single father who picked on   his son to make himself feel bigger. To  be honest, Pete’s just kind of a loser. Hook is the commander of the Jolly Roger, but  was losing more and more of his crew’s loyalty   the longer they stayed in Neverland hunting  Peter and the Lost Boys. The only thing that   kept his crew in line was fear... Always seen  scattering at Hook’s demands and threats.   Had he not been driven by his long lasting  grudge with Peter, he could have been able   to use his charisma to gain more allies  and power. But it didn’t work out for him.   He’s also quite emotionally vulnerable and has  subsequently made a fool of himself quite a bit. Medusa had been a force to be reckoned with.  A successful kidnapper, a trainer of giant   crocodiles-nature’s perfect predator- and  a manipulator of everyone she comes into   contact with. She was driven to make the  biggest buck in the easiest way possible.   To be honest, she could have gone  far with her cutthroat methods,   but she was more invested in just getting  the Devil’s Eye and living a cushy life…   and she has a bit of a bumbling personality,  making it difficult to take her too seriously. Edgar was much like Medusa in the way that he was  determined to finally have his comfortable life.   But unlike Medusa, Edgar was much better in  keeping up the facade about his true intentions.   He was actually very close to achieving his  goal since the cats didn’t even realize he was   trying to kill him, assuming they were  separated from their owner by mistake.   But all that said, the scope of  his power isn’t all that wide… Cruella DeVil is a horrible woman without  a doubt. Connections to the crime world,   a horrible driving record and the ultimate  goal to have a puppy fur coat, she comes off   as nothing short of insane. But she loses a lot of  points because though she can be intimidating and   has run trucks straight off the road, she would  gladly hire anyone to do her dirty work for her. Onto our second pirate. John Silver was captain  of his pirate crew and much more sensible than   the people he hired. He had to put Scroop back in  line a number of times, using his cyborg strength   and ruthless reputation. Like Edgar, he was  good at playing the role of an obedient worker,   even giving compliments to the current captain  and training Jim on how to live aboard the ship.   The man is able to use his limbs as  torches, knives and other such tools   which makes him unpredictable and  dangerous when he chooses to be. Moving onto Oogie Boogie. Though  happy to torment Santa and Sally,   he didn’t do much as far as damage to a  high degree. He had a unique ability of   manifesting games of chance from nowhere  and had been known as a vile creature by   the people of Halloween town… But all and  all, he’s not really all that powerful.   I mean, his influence spanned over three  children and it didn’t take all that much   effort to rip him open and drain his insides…  As we mentioned in our Disney Villains:   Evil-to-Most Most, he’s definitely  one of the most morally reprehensible,   but his power level doesn’t go too far  past having an incredible singing voice. Now, Hans was the ultimate two-faced creep. He  was the bottom rung of his family and tried to   marry into the throne no matter who it  was with or what methods he had to use.   He used his standing with Anna to have authority  over Arendale and then used the trust he’d   earned as a leader to kill Elsa. Had Anna not  interfered, she would have frozen to death,   Elsa would have fallen to his blade, and  he would have gained a kingdom all his own. Lady Tremaine became more ambitious the more time  she had on screen. In the sequels she goes from   trying to have her daughters marry into nobility  to twisting time with the Fairy Godmother’s wand   to ruin Cinderella’s life. She was able to use  magic to twist the Prince’s memories of the ball   and had the authority with the guards to order  banishment for Cinderella. Luckily she wasn’t   in power long, but she knew how to use her  air of superiority to gain a higher standing. Let’s move onto Governor Ratcliffe. Greedy,  violent and xenophobic, Ratcliffe is a heartless   villain. Certainly in something of a position  of power, he doesn’t wield as much as assumed.   For instance, he admits he never had been a  popular man… and his peers refer to him as a   pathetic social climber. Still, he does seem  to at least command respect from his troops,   which is where he becomes a genuine threat. Now, Bill Sykes was a small time mob  boss that relied more on his two dogs   than other people. He had the ability to be  able to terrorize a variety of individuals   but instead preyed on Fagin and others in  his position. He’s heard talking on the phone   after kidnapping Penny to take another person  out, but we don’t see him run much of a group.   He’s more the type to prefer  working hands on with those he uses.   Otherwise he could have been a very  ruthless leader of the criminal underground. Speaking of, Ratigan is next. He was not  only an elegant rat with a large following,   but he had high ambitions to be the next ruler.  He knew what buttons to press to get people to do   as he wanted as he had high enough intellect  that he almost always escaped Basil’s grasp.   He was close to his goal, having broken the  toy maker and Basil’s spirit for a long while,   but he hadn’t counted on how much Dawson  would kick the detective into action. Onto Clayton. He was a successful poacher  and had many allies among the trade route,   which was a tricky thing to accomplish. And he’s  also a pretty manly dude, willing to trek into the   jungle and fight high up in the trees. With a gun,  with a blade, with his fists… We have to give him   points for that. He managed to make his way onto a  trip that was praised by the scientific community   and worked well to trick Tarzan and the other  members of the expedition to find the information   he wanted, so he’s also no dummy. Not smart  enough to avoid hanging himself, but still. Moving onto another hunter… Gaston was a hero  to the town but a terror to Belle and the Beast.   He was a capable hunter, strong enough to  lift numerous people at once and lead a mob,   and could have easily gained more  standing as a soldier or governor.   Despite how dumb he appears, he knew how  to conduct shady deals to get his way,   relying on blackmail when charm and force didn’t  work. The only reason we give him the edge   over Clayton is because Gaston has a surprising  amount of influence for someone of his ignorance. Prince John was also good at getting people to  bow to his wants. He sent his brother off to the   Crusades so that he could rule without being  regulated and taxed his people to the point   where they were too poor to leave and unable to  really fight back. He used the death sentence   on anyone that dared to oppose him and used  his crown to make up for his low self-esteem. The Duke of Weselton was a much more open  and ruthless figure. He’s willing to play   the game among royals as long as it means he  can get something out of it. He tried prying   information from Anna, declared Elsa a threat  to be taken out and only played nice with Hans   since the man was the closest leader  Arandelle had while the sisters were absent.   Hans was an excellent actor, but the Duke  was raised and trained on how to swim among   the higher elite. He gets his higher  ranking due mainly to political power. Yzma was briefly emperor and a cunning scientist.   Though she didn’t have the best method  for storing and sorting her vials,   she was able to create some pretty off the wall  things. And this all scores her some big points.   She could have easily used that ability to take  out anyone who opposed her. But unfortunately   for her, she usually fails to pay attention to the  small details… Which ultimately thwart her plans. Mother Gothel was like Medusa in that she  was a successful kidnapper. But her tactic   was a little different, taking Rapunzel at a very  young age to convince the girl she was her mother   and making it more difficult for Rapunzel to leave  the tower. We don’t see her use much magic aside   from making herself younger with Rapunzel’s hair,  but she does have a way of getting people to do   things for her and see her side of things. She’s  a talented manipulator that has no issue using   a blade when words don’t sway her victims. This  may not seem like true power, but it really is.   And arguably an even more dangerous type of  power because of how it flies under the radar. Madam Mim gets a higher ranking as a very  capable witch with impressive magic. But   she also loses points because she tends not to  have much of a plan and dives into confrontations   without much thought. It doesn’t do much good  to turn into a dragon if your only goal is to   make another spell caster feel inferior.  Still, we can’t deny the overall power. The Coachman from Pinnochio was not a  spell caster of any time. He was just a   shady business man that knew how to trick  young boys into letting their guard down   so he had slave labour to use... Honestly one  of the most f’d up villains in Disney history.   He had an abundance of anything a young boy  would find tempting from cigars and booze to   candy and fun carnival rides. It’s unclear how he  came across these things, but we can only guess   he has a vast network of connections from selling  the boys off once they changed into donkeys. The Queen of Hearts was a merciless ruler,  ready to take out anyone who displeased her   in any fashion. She was dangerous because she was  unpredictable. Anything from a game to having tea   could set her off and result in her chopping off  heads. It’s a sad truth that many rulers used this   fear method to keep power and she uses the tactic  very well. And we have to rank her this high,   because she really knew how to keep her kingdom  in line. Everybody genuinely feared her. Next up we have a serious plot-twist villain...  Bellweather from Zootopia… Now, physically,   she certainly doesn’t even come close to  ranking with the big baddies… But it’s her   intelligence and skills at manipulations  that really allow her to pull off a lot…   When you factor in the threat she was to  Zootopia and power she briefly held over   it… all while flying under the radar…  You really can’t deny her power. And   unlike villains like The Queen of Hearts… she  doesn’t reveal her cards until she has to. King Candy, or Turbo as we find out, was a master  of disguise. He was a program from a dated racing   game and since his initial game hop, he found  ways to constantly update himself and shift   the world he was in so no one knew the game was  even tampered with. Anything he disagreed with   he could just shut out of the game and pretend  didn’t exist. This may seem like a kind of fun   and goofy plot-line, but contextually, this  is a pretty tremendous display of power.   Being able to go into another digital  world and take over is pretty serious. We can’t forget about Lyle Tiberius Rourke  from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Simply put,   he’s an opportunist much like other Disney  Villains, but his strong military training and   leadership skills really separate him from others…  He is physically strong, willing to do whatever   it takes to achieve what he wants and is both  manipulative and adaptable to intense situations… Now we’re really getting into monarch power…  Scar knew how to twist things to get his way.   He was smart enough to recruit the  hyenas for his plot to take the throne   and everyone believed him without question when  he gave the news Mufasa and Simba were dead.   His army of savangers made him nearly impossible  to challenge and his downfall was trying to sell   them out when confronted by Simba. Scar was  physically weaker than his brother Mufasa,   but he was smarter… more conniving and brutal.  And he didn’t have those pesky little “ethics”   to stop him from clawing his way up the hierarchy.  Scar’s power emulates many historical dictators,   both Communists and Fascists… intelligent  enough to hone in on fear and cast blame   on other classes in order to rise to power. And  cruel enough to kill those who got in his way.   And like most other dictators… the  fall after his rise was brutal. Frollo was a nightmare politician and the worst  person that could ever be a parent. There’s also   an argument for Frollo being the most vile villain  Disney has ever created. He tried using fear to   keep Quasimodo hidden away and to try and keep the  people of Paris from warming up to the gypsies.   He had an actual torture chamber in  the Palace of Justice and is heard   having people whipped relentlessly just  for being sympathetic to the people he   deemed unworthy. The man even  ordered an attack on Notre Dame   that was obeyed without question. His power  is pretty vast given the status he has in   his city and government. But all that political  power couldn’t stop his one-way ticket to hell. Big Hero 6’s Robert Callaghan is next… Also  known as Yokai, he hunts down those that crossed   him after cloning Hiro’s technology. The fact  that he’s a robotics professor at Sanfransokyo   Institute of Technology shows that he is indeed  powerful… but the serious damage he does with   his telepathic controlling of nanobots is what  really makes him one of the most serious threats. Shan Yu was the leader of the Hun army... So that  alone ranks him pretty high when it comes to power   level. There is never a time in the film where we  see his men doubt him or try to take over command.   He commands loyalty, but also seems to  have tremendous respect for his people.   It was an almost brotherly banter as  they discussed tactics and murder,   and because of their joined efforts they nearly  succeeded in taking over the Palace. Shan Yu,   in addition to being a ruthless leader,  was also powerful as an individual.   Not only being willing to fight on his own,  but genuinely loving every minute of it. Doctor Facilier was dubbed the Shadow  Man for his use of voodoo magic   and was a tough man to take on. He resorted  to using his friends from the other side   when things were looking riskier than he liked  and was only defeated because he got cocky   and thought Tiana would be easy to buy off.  Really, the power that he wields is some of   the most terrifying in all of Disney animation.  It’s veiled in mystery and can only be assumed   to be endless torment… He was ultimately  consumed by it in the end, which showed   that as powerful as the dark arts were… He  didn’t have the ability to totally control it. As we continue through the realm of royalty,  we get to The Evil Queen. She had impressive   magic herself. She could manipulate age and  appearance, summoned a lighting bolt for her   potion and was able to hunt down Snow White  with the help of her magic mirror. We can’t   rank her any higher though as she doesn’t  use the magic much past killing the princess.   The woman had potential and just didn’t  use it as much as she could have.   Otherwise she likely wouldn’t have been  chased through the woods to her death. Ursula on the other hand knew how much magic  to use and when to gain more power. She knew   how to lure Ariel and was able to make it work  as leverage for Tritan. Like the Evil Queen,   she also could change her appearance and voice to  trick others, enchanting Eric so he didn’t marry   Ariel. Really, Ursula was smart and convincing  enough to be manipulative, her ruthlessness   allowed her to seize power and her magic was  really some of the most intense on the list…   Too bad she became too big a target  once she had the power she craved. Jafar was another magic user, who had some of  the most aggressive magic of any Disney film…   He used it to influence the Sultan and  gain power over the kingdom. Not only that,   but he practically made himself a God… Although  it didn’t last long. Even before he was able   to utilize the Genie, he had ways of finding  people and using their desires against them.   He had the guard which obeyed his every order  and a secret lab to plot his next move in. He   knew how to hide his true intentions, not  suspected of anything until Aladin showed. Heck,   he worked his way up the Sultan’s hierarchy  using his quick wits and hypnotic magic. Hades gets a higher spot simply for being  the God of the Underworld. He’s a schemer   and clearly has immense power in his world. He  knew how to be patient to get what he wanted,   waiting eighteen years for the stars to align  in his favour. But once Hercules was a threat,   he completely lost his cool and resorted  to emotional black mail. But either way,   the mere fact that he’s able to create  contracts that damn souls to an eternity   of being in his possession is scary,  and we can’t take that away from him. Our Bronze Medal of Power goes to Maleficent. She  may have had weird motivations for cursing Aurora,   but she was said to be one of the  most powerful beings of that world,   with the fairies only able to twist her magic  a little instead of being rid of it completely.   She transformed into a giant dragon, could make  countless thorns grow to slow her enemies down,   had fire and lightning abilities when attacking  and could vanish from sight in an instant. Onto the Silver Medal of Power… The Horned  King was not a man of any specific goal,   but was still one to be feared. His ambitions  in the film mainly revolved around taking out   anyone else with magical ability and gaining as  much power as possible. He was able to raise and   command the dead, and found ways of seeing into  the lives of others so he could take out any enemy   before they became a threat. Not only is The  Horned King likely the darkest Disney Villain,   he’s also arguably the most powerful… Well,  except for our Gold Medal recipient... Our Gold Medal of Powerful Villain goes  to Chernabog. Our number one because,   well… he’s the literal devil. He’s seen in the  Fantasia film as being able to create and destroy,   showing neither joy nor anger as he sentenced the  creatures that served him to a fiery fate. We see   him as a force of nature, calling about storms  and breaking apart the earth at will. And yes,   he’s described as Satan and has been described  as Disney’s best representation of pure evil…   But more specifically, Chernabog’s raw  power is unmatched. So… congratulations,   Chernabog. For taking the Gold  Medal of Power home to hell! But what do you think? Who is the most powerful  among the Disney villains? Let us know in the   comment section. Don't forget to hit that  notification bell and binge our Good-to-Evil   playlist. Where we break down the morality  of the characters in your favorite cartoons,   shows and movies. But most  importantly, stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 93,218
Rating: 4.9193993 out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney villains, villain, disney villain, walt disney world tickets, disney world tickets, art of animation, aladdin alibaba, aladdin, jafar, aladdin disney, the little mermaid, ursula, oogie boogie, maleficent, captain hook, clayton tarzan, fantasia, chernabog, black couldron, Cruella DeVil, hans, frozen, hans frozen, Duke of Weselton, yzma, gaston, judge frollo, the hunchback of notre dame, Mother Gothel, king candy, zootopia, the lion king, scar, dr. facilier, Hades, hercules
Id: g0ATSa011ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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