Cartoon Scientists: Dumb to Brilliant 🔬🧪🧬

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Animation has been a staple of pop  culture for years. During that time,   we’ve progressed as a race with what we’re  capable of and have reached a level of   scientific understanding only dreamed before. All  thanks to the influence of our favorite cartoons…   right? From cloning to space travel,  many on this list have quite the   resume of accomplishments… But not every  cartoon scientist has the IQ of Einstein. I’m Brad with WickedBinge and this is Cartoon  Scientists: Dumbest to Most Brilliant. There are a few rules that affect the ranking.  We’re going to eb weighing the scope and scale   of their inventions and creations. The  scientist will be ranked on not only the   reputation within their show but what we  actually see them accomplish on screen.   And of course, if they only produce  prototypes or unsuccessful final projects,   they will lose major points for that. And they’ll  also lose some points if they totally lack common   sense, which is a bit of a trope for  otherwise brilliant cartoon scientists. With that said, let’s start at the bottom with  the least intelligent and work our way up… First up, Doctor Weird and Doctor Fritz  Huhnmorder are worth mentioning briefly   though they aren’t too widely known. At least  not in the same way the others on this list are.   Weird is the one who is featured at  the beginning of Aqua Teen Hunger Force   and normally indulges in very destructive methods.  He gets himself hurt a lot in the process and   while his monsters and robots are formidable, they  do enough damage in the lab that they never leave.   Fritz on the other hand is the doctor  that features on Robot Chicken,   and gets a low ranking because all he is seen  doing is re-animating the chicken. Both are   mad scientists, but to the point they’re only  concerned with their immediate surroundings. Next from the bottom is Doctor Zoidberg. There’s  some divided opinion on how well he does his job.   It’s been stated in the show that he only  struggles with working on humans and that   he’s an excellent doctor to alien species,  but we don’t get to see much of it. While he   does make some good calls, helping the  professor from turning into a yeti and   helping get Hermes his body back, he also  is proven to be clueless on how to act.   He lives in a dumpster eating garbage, allows  himself to be treated as less than dirt,   and will throw away pretty much  anything for a decent meal. Doctor Otto Scratchansniff was one of those  recurring characters on Animaniacs. He’s an   educated man and would be a successful  psychiatrist if he wasn’t trying to help   some of the most ridiculous characters in  animation. He takes social events seriously   and tries to build a reputation  that he can rely on. He’s easily   taken advantage of when he’s on screen which is  unfortunate because he does try to help others. There is a theory that the Brain may not be the  actual brains of his operation, but we don’t delve   into the possibility of Pinky being the smart one.  Brain is seen as the powerful force of the duo,   but none of his plans work. He talks about taking  over the world but has no reason for wanting to   do so. His inventions are only to help himself  and he only wants to be in charge of a situation   because he has a massive ego. He spends the  majority of his time berating everyone, including   the only other creature that tolerates him, and  only lets up when asking for romantic advice. Next is Plankton. Rival to Mr Krabs his only  goal in life is to get the Krabby Patty formula.   But even with having experience in engineering,   inventing and robotics, he was  unable to take a simple recipe   in a bottle. His plans always backfire, but he  manages to do some impressive work. Making robots   that could disguise as a patty or destroy all of  Bikini Bottom, being able to use a mind control   device on Spongebob and creating a self-aware  program in his wife Karen. Still he becomes too   sidetracked when he feels he’s already succeeded  and that’s typically what trips him up in the end. Jack Spicer was dubbed a boy genius and,  weird antics aside, this wasn’t much of an   exaggeration. But he had trouble using his  intellect effectively when taking on the   enemy. There were actually many times he gave up  his leverage to be freed from a bad situation. Doctor Drakken was one of the main villains of  Kim Possible, but let’s be real: he’s nowhere   near as successful as he could be. In fact a  lot of the times he does manage to be a threat   it’s because Shego was leading him through  the project and calling him out on mistakes.   His robotics were impressive and tech such as the  mood device was entertaining to see in action,   but he didn’t really seem  to use his full potential. Bling-Bling Boy had the  money and smarts to dominate   at least a small country but he would get  way too distracted by Susan. He was far more   invested in using his connections and gifts  of time travel and genetics to woo the Test   sister than he was to actually make much  of a name for himself. We’re pretty sure   this is a flaw he’s aware of since he starts  almost every interaction by stating his name. Next we have Doctor Alphonse Mephesto.  He was the creepy madman of South Park,   and that is a strange honour to have considering  how many strange people reside in the mountain   town. He’s obsessed with cloning and is the man  people go to if they want something strange done.   He was the one able to reveal Eric’s real father  and is often the voice to explain why an idea will   or will not work. Making mini elephants is  cool and all, but do we really need them? Or   a monkey with more than one rear end? We have to  rank him higher because of all he manages to do,   but at the same time, we have to place  him here due to his odd motivations. Princess Twilight Sparkle, though royalty,  was also a sharp mind. In her world, magic   and science often come together and Twilight used  her knowledge of magic to find solutions plenty of   times. She also managed to become experienced  in how the minds of her fellow ponies worked,   often interviewing people on how they  felt about her approach to friendship   and peaceful resolutions. She was regarded  as a top student in all her classes and   even the human version of her was  gifted in science and equations,   quickly being granted the right to study  in an independent lab even in high school. Professor Oak deserves being mentioned. His main  work focuses on pokemon and how to breed and care   for them while still preserving their lives,  but he’s also knowledgeable in meteorology   and genetics. His expertise often comes up in  times of crisis such as in the 2000s movie,   but since his focus is pokemon care, we can’t  rank him much higher as a man of science. Professor Frink was one of those Simpsons  characters around since the beginning.   He was deemed one of the brightest  members of the community for his robots,   making a chess playing arm and device to  call all the school children for snow days.   But he also had a lot of weird and fairly  useless devices such as a sarcasm detector   and hamburger earmuffs. Though we will  ask, Professor, what is the pickle matrix? Doctor Thaddeus Venture is likely not to be  voted the world’s best dad, but this isn't   a list on morality. From a young age, he was  raised to place intellect and ability to use it   above all else. He’s cunning and always  finds a way out of whatever jam he’s in.   He’s used time travel, built vehicles  and weapons, but is pretty clueless   when it comes to everyday life. He becomes  confused at times such as checking his email   and mixing up spam in his real messages  and giving poor dating advice to Rusty. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton were known as the ultimate  ghost hunting duo. Though their methods were   extreme at times, they did make a decent living  out of their obsession. They lose a lot due to   being oblivious to what’s clearly in front of  them. While Vlad had a somewhat decent disguise,   the voice made it clear it was still him. And  not recognizing their own son? We don’t drop   them lower since evidently no one was able to  figure out that the two people who looked and   sounded the same were the same person. That seems  to be a weird trait with heroes, ghosts or not. Doctor Doofenshmirtz had a rough life, but he  uses the energy he spends frustrated at the world   to make some interesting machines. He managed  to make a variety of successful clones until   he deleted them all by accident and he almost  had a very successful slave empire of monkeys   forever doing laundry. His worst fault  is that he doesn’t seem to take all the   variables into account and winds up failing.  His worst habit is putting a self destruct   button on everything he builds which  is almost always used against him. We’ll mention Mojo Jojo next.  The very first time we see him,   he’s nearly successful in taking over the world  with the bust of Anubis’ head. He’s been defeated   by the girls more than a few times, but he’s shown  to have experience with gaining powerful allies,   using mind control and creating a variety of  threats to use against the Power Puff Girls.   He’s one of the most well known villains  simply because of all his near-successes. Dexter and Mandark we’ll put together.  Not just because they’re in the same show,   but because they’re both young  boys with a very narrow mindset.   And formidable foes to one another. They  thrive on being able to show each other up,   and they feed off of their rivalry. They lash  out at others when things don’t work out and will   do anything to manipulate a situation and bend  things to their advantage. They’re both able to   build some pretty incredible labs and inventions  right in their family homes with anyone knowing. Princess Entrapta is high energy  and often overwhelming to be around.   She is almost always seen with goggles on her  head, ready to be plunged into an experiment.   While some of her research does backfire on  her and sometimes her over zealous nature can   cause more harm than good such as trying to  demonstrate sound for a sound-motivated threat,   she’s always quick to roll with the punches. Next we have the resident of Superjail simply  known as The Doctor. Deranged and driven,   he delighted in being able to use the prisoners  for human experimentation. He creates machines,   monsters and all sorts of abominations he  affectionately shows off. He stays in the   jail so he can submerge himself in work that in  any other setting would dub him a war criminal.   But as horrible as his work is,  you have to admit it takes skill. Asami Sato worked alongside Avatar Korra  and made quite an impact for their team.   She was considered formidable and ruthless, even  taking out her father to fight for her cause.   She uses everything she’s given in an almost  effortless way, making her a challenging opponent.   She adapts to each citation quickly and is able  to think steps ahead of everyone she faces. Jimmy Neutron was a young boy genius. Much like  Mandark and Dexter, he was more invested in his   own projects and surroundings, making a lot  of gadgets and tools that would make his own   life easier. Such as having a robot dog so  he could have a companion without having to   get shots for his pet, making so he didn’t  have to style his hair by himself every day,   and be praised by his teachers. We rank  him higher than many on the list, however,   because he had a lot of experience dealing with  multiverses such as during his adventure with   Timmy Turner and dealing with aliens such as when  Carl was carrying an exterrestrial offspring. Professor Utonium was the creator of the  Power Puff Girls, making superhuman kids   when all he was trying to do was make a family  for himself. The guy was clearly successful,   being regarded by the community and  working from home before he created   his daughters. He was also the one to  lead to Mojo Jojo’s intelligence and,   while limited when interacting with women, is well  aware of what to do to raise his kids with powers. Zim was said to be a scientist before he was  tasked as an invader. Even in the show, we see him   build a variety of things from new eyes for Keef  to trick the kid into thinking a squirrel is him   to being able to remove organs out of a living  thing and replacing them with inanimate objects.   He’s seen adapting his PAK in a few scenes  and is always experimenting with the life   he finds on Earth. We don’t understand  why he’d launch a chicken into the sun,   but we will say figuring out to cover himself  in glue to survive the rain was resourceful. Megamind has earned our next spot. Being an alien,  he was outcast for looking and acting differently.   He didn’t easily impress others and so used a  lot of his energy to make weapons. We see from   his later interactions when training Titan that he  only wanted someone to present a challenge to him.   He wasn’t able to show a lot of his potential  for a good portion of the movie because he simply   wasn’t driven to give his full. But what he does  manage when he’s successful is impressive. Able to   use holograms to disguise himself, dehydrate  and rehydrate living organisms and using his   quick wit to take down the power hungry Titan  are just a few of the shocking feats he managed. Next is Doctor Nora Wakeman. Known for her  passion in robotics, she built J-10 to help   keep people safe. She made a self-aware  teenage robot which is quite the feat.   On top of that, she aided Jenny in being able to  utilize new information and take on new threats.   Jenny was her pride and joy, being a massive step  forward for everyone in AI and robotic technology. Peridot was another alien that was just trying  to adapt to what resources she had on Earth.   She was stubborn to adapt at first, but  once she got a hang of the Earth technology   she had access to she was able to use her  past experience as an engineer for Homeworld   to create a drill to go all the way to the  center of the Earth in order to face the Cluster. Jumba was deemed mad, but he was one of the  most successful scientists of the galaxy.   He was able to create Stitch and his many cousins,   each one with a unique ability of their own on top  of their great feats of strength and endurance.   Jumba was able to make various weapons and was  considered a threat by the Galactic Federation.   Had he stayed a shady character,  he would be a scary super villain. Vlad Plasmius was once an aid to Jack, but once  he was cursed to be half ghost he used it to gain   success. He was always a top student, having been  friends with Jack initially due to their shared   interest in ghosts and science. He is seen to  be able to seperate Danny from his phantom half   and, though the lashback was not pretty,  that couldn’t have been an easy thing to do. Princess Bubblegum not only managed to rule a  kingdom, but became one of the most advanced   minds of the land. She created Lemongrab and his  brother, made guardians for the candy kingdom   and was constantly researching trends to seek  out possible oncoming threats. She’s also one   of the few scientific minds on this list that,  while still struggling with certain interactions,   had a good grasp on human behavior and  interaction. She was able to easily reject people,   calling one in particular out for  only loving “the idea of her.” Susan and Mary Test rank far above Bling  Bling Boy. They were way more ambitious,   finding solutions to world hunger and making  a variety of vehicles, genetic modifiers and a   time traveling tea house. And admit it: when  you saw the super backpack, you wanted one. Hange Zoe was crazy at times, but her work with  Titans was essential to learning how to take them   down. The woman risked being flat out devoured  more times than we feel comfortable counting.   She’s high energy when it comes to discussing  her research and is relentless when gathering   information. Her sheer drive and passion  alone makes her formidable. Factor in that   she’s nearly killed every time and you have  a mind the human race should be grateful for. Stanford Pines and his research actually  resembles Twilight Sparkles in that they both   wound up heavily relying on a combination of magic  and science. He used Bill’s abilities to know how   to build the portal and made a lot of headway on  researching the odd creatures of Gravity Falls.   His journals wound up being as helpful as  they were harmful. It was because Ford was   smart enough to find out why Gravity Falls  attracted so many oddities that kept Bill   in place. He was able to use the leverage to buy  time and eventually, with Stan’s help, defeat him. Of course Ford wouldn’t have gotten  far without our next ranking,   Fiddleford McGucket. The engineer that made the  portal possible, he went on to create the memory   eraser and make things such as a voice changing  elixir and a robotic version of a lake monster.   He may have had a few screws loose for most of  the time we see him, but he comes through during   the conflict with Bill to make the Shack into  a formidable foe. At least, for a little while. Bronze of brilliance goes to Professor Membrane.  Like him or not, he’s done things that should be   impossible. Creating an energy source that didn’t  require fuel, tackling issues like world peace,   creating scopes to look into other dimensions, and  surviving more than horrible explosion. He’s not   the most attentive father, but his children  are also an example of his intelligence.   It’s been stated that had the series continued,  fans would have learned that Dib was created in   Membrane’s lab and was likely a near clone of the  scientist, meant to take on his father’s empire.   That explains why Membrane was always  pushing Dib to study “real science.” Professor Farnsworth was known for sharing “good  news” while frequently leaving off the good.   Now the man could be clueless at times, but there  are a lot of moments where he shows off why he was   so honored through his life. He manages to  make a machine that shows possible futures,   saves the flow of time after  Leela and Fry almost break it   and creates a way of space travel that moves  space around the ship. The fact that this man   makes a living from making the impossible  possible is nothing short of remarkable. Our most brilliant scientist should not come as a  surprise to anyone. After all, he’s been stated to   be the smartest man in the universe. We have to  give the gold medal to Rick Sanchez. He’s been   called overpowered, full of himself and downright  insane. But the man has accomplished a lot.   A portal gun to easily travel the multiverse.  A set of robotic limbs that pop up when he   loses an arm or leg. Super robotic suits. And  taking down two government powers in one day   just because they both crossed  him? The man is to be feared. But what do you think? Who are the most  brilliant minds of the fictional world?   Let us know in the comment section.  Don't forget to hit that notification   bell and binge our Good-to-Evil playlist.  Where we break down the morality of the   characters in your favorite cartoons, shows  and movies. But most importantly, stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 469,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick and morty, rick, morty, rick sanchez, rick and morty s3e1, rick and morty full, rick and morty s2, rick and morty s4e1, futuama, the simpsons, futurama season 1 online, futurama full episodes online, futurama season 5, futurama season 1, professor farnsworth, powerpuff girls, professor utonium, the powerpuff girls, plankton, zoidberg, spongebob squarepants, dexter, mandark, Professor Frink, south park, Jimmy Neutron, invader zim, professor membrane, zumba, Stanford Pines
Id: sNKNYdL9lfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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