Disney Always Unalives The Best Characters 😭 | Watching *MOANA* For The First Time (Movie Reaction)

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hi my voice sounds terrible I'm sorry I'm recovering from a cold so if I just sound like trash this whole video I apologize hi I'm rakia welcomer welcome back to my reaction channel so for today's video we are going to be watching Disney's Moana for the first time I don't know why it's taking me so long to watch it actually I do know why um I think I've developed this thing called The Rock fatigue where like every single movie he's in I'm just tired of it because he plays the same character every single time yes we get it you're big you're strong you're a wrestler but can we have some diversity in the roles you play so I think that's why it's taken me so long to watch Moana however everyone says it's good so I'm looking forward to it I have High Hopes don't forget to like of course comment down below your thoughts and opinions and subscribe if you want to see more of me on your screen and without further Ado let's just get right into this reaction to love say yes [Music] oh my gosh this is doing something to my soul right now I do know this is based on Polynesian culture so I am so excited to just be immersed in this right now [Music] Goosebumps oh that was so good there was only ocean until the mother Island emerged oh mother Island you are beautiful it could create life itself shared it with the world oh we love a sharing Queen she really said you get life you get life and you get life life of the wind and oh is this our The Rock Character yeah a shapehifter who could change form with the power of His magical fish oh shape-shifting I love that that's gonna be fun and his was the rock shut up shut up Maui now did I say that right now we're here you didn't but without her heart the city began to crumble oh that's not good no no no no no no oh sorry could they so funny to me Mommy right to escape but was confronted by another who sought the heart oh no I would turn my ship around I'd be like oh never mind that demon is hella creepy we're even now A Thousand Years Later their car and the Demons of the deep still hunt for the heart it's been a thousand years I was just given up after one year I'm sorry I'm terrible I give up way too easily hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread until every one of us is devoured by the bloodthirsty Joy we're telling this to the little children Grandma really said I finna traumatize all y'all he needs some milk yep be scared she's not just a little girl there like yay tell me more I'm guessing that's Moana though it kind of it looks like her there are no monsters except for those Paradise who would want to go in oh this is beautiful right now in Canada it's snow and it's cold so I would give my left kidney to be on this Beach right now look at that clear water oh no that looks like the turtle from um finding me you know what did I just say find in Nemo oh my God I'm blaming all my sickness for why I can't talk yes let's go save him oh look she is so adorable she really said not on my watch I'm protecting this turtle and he is reaching the ocean whoever animated this water needs a raise look at that water oh [Music] oh come through vocals [Music] [Applause] [Music] not at mimicking her that is too cute oh you're telling me it has been a thousand years they couldn't find it but here this little child is finding it in five minutes already giving me the vibe that the adults in this movie are kind of useless I know I know but you don't go out I'm sorry father is really hot father can get it [Music] oh hey am I just gonna be jamming every five seconds I'm already sucking at this thing along [Music] that picks adorable the animal Sidekicks in these Disney movies are always the cutest because what we need that's right we stay why don't you want to be here I would never leave if I lived here I would stay forever [Music] so I'm guessing we're going to be running away since she doesn't seem happy in this beautiful Paradise Island I'm sorry Moana try living in Canada [Music] then you'll be grateful for where you live I've wanted to bring you here from the moment you opened your eyes I'm sorry even the color grading can we get into this the pink sunset right now this is so beautiful [Music] I'm sorry for your eardrums when shifted the post oh that's good pork Moana what you mean good pork why are you eating my brother right in front of me oh [Music] sit down yes little kid got moves beneath the surface you just eat a rock yep yep she ate that up okay oh oh I was husking the coconuts and oh my gosh what happened to the Coconuts thanks Moana why is everyone beautiful in this movie making me feel hella insecure right now everyone just like face card not declining hair flourishing glorious then we'll rotate the fishing grounds uh we have there's no fish those other resources die in yikes so what we gonna do now y'all better eat that rooster we have one room an old rule when there were fish a rule that keeps us safe instead of endangering our people so you can run right back to the water okay father so what's your plan then because all the food is dying he's hard on you because because he doesn't get me because he was you he took a canoe Mona and found an unforgiving seed his best friend begged to be on that boat no your dad couldn't save him no okay so I see we have some unresolved trauma okay oh my goodness I can remember this song gets played so much like even though I've never seen this movie I've heard this song multiple times this holds me [Music] knows how far it goes strong side song with me nothing nothing's wrong with you girl [Music] that song is a Bop oh no not little piggy oh oh oh oh no whatever just happened blame it on the beach grandma always knows you can never hide things from a grandma I'm going to come back come back or I chose the wrong tattoo oh I love that I love that she got a stingray tattoo I like how they just say foreign language in the subtitles like Disney never actually tries to translate the foreign language in our minds we know the way foreign [Music] ERS so your father's kind of a hypocrite it's like Father why are you trying to restrict me from going to the Sea when I was meant to be exploring it come on now I know he's trying to protect her of course find Maui deliver him across the great ocean so Grandma collected it okay good because I'm kind of upset the parents they just like picked up the child and left it's like hello something very important is in the waters a grandma came in clutch and that's why I love her foreign I swear if she dies in this movie I am fighting someone I don't know who but someone all right babe it's your mother no no no no I'm telling you I will fight someone Grandma Get Up Stand Up Stand Up why does there always need to be a sad death in these movies come on Disney stop earn trauma in my face no no I can't if Grandma says go you better get your ass up and go perish no way you could go that I die with you oh my gosh Disney do not make me cry I didn't do my makeup to cry in the first what 20 minutes collect yourself or cute I don't know she just feels like my grandma now I don't know what is that is there a pig friend is it little bacon oh lord it's the crazy little rooster I'm sorry can we exchange you for the pig I can't be dealing with you the whole movie ocean a little help help you the Ocean looks like it wants to unalive you I don't know about help maybe the pig would have helped you where is Lil bacon are we back on our island did we really go through all of that just to be back where we started I would fight the ocean oh we made it a boat the gods have given me sir you are five times her size why you acting like that so what I believe you were trying to say is thank you thank you you're welcome oh is that the what can I say except you're welcome is that the song coming up face to face with greatness and it's rained what can they say except you're welcome what has two thumps and pulled up the sky this guy is he a Leo I get Leo vibes from him cause I'm a fellow Leo so I can I can sense it good honestly I could go on and on I could explain every natural phenomenon oh okay break it down now spitting them bars hey it's okay it's okay you're welcome wait one minute he's taking her boat and thank you you see how he did that with his little smooth talking and killer vocals really distract us just to steal our boat oh you little thief ow say at least your tattoos are putting you in your place did he really make a statue of himself he is for sure a Leo he you cannot tell me otherwise because I would do the same thing and I'm going to love you in my belly I'm not sure if you want to eat that thing though you might lose some brain cells this is my canoe and you will Journey Eating Her Off The Boat like that foreign [Music] what was the reason for doing that good thank you ocean we're afraid of some coconuts with legs they're kind of cute exactly oh because they draw an angry face on themselves does not make them any scarier if anything it makes them cuter oh no the stone swallow it yes now stay in the sale I'm running away with the rooster like that never thought I would see the day the coconut with legs would be scaling up a post with a rooster I love this I'm loving this so much right now you want to get to tefiti you got to go through a whole lotion of bad ever defeat a lava monster no have you oh she's calling you out right now yes you keep score you can't restore the heart without me and me says no you'd be a hero once again he's a Leo look at him loving the attention deal deal [Music] I swear he's always doing the most out pocket things you're measuring the Stars not giving the sky a high five hahaha we're here is she back home oh damn oh oh no why is it evaporating okay it was just a nightmare thought this movie was turning into Avengers and game for a second okay where is this realm of monsters there is nothing up here are the monsters invisible the ocean chose you for a reason if you start singing I'm gonna throw up honestly I don't mind the music in this movie is good so more songs the merrier what in the sandstorm oh next I love that this is a pretty cool and woes scary entrance it's a lot farther down than it looks I'm sorry I don't mess with Heights like that so I could not [Music] you're still falling oh this is so pretty though he sticked The Landing what dum dum she's not even here she's gonna land on you [Music] I knew it well he's dead okay let's get my hook he really does not give a crap about her ew what is that thing and look at its tongue all bumpy uh pause this reminds me of um that SpongeBob movie you know when they go into that weird monster place that this is the same vibe [Music] what is a dinosaur doing at the bottom of the ocean [Music] ew don't you [Applause] I did not like that looked like a demon spider on steroids for a thousand years I've only been thinking of keeping this hair silky getting my hook and being awesome again okay your hair does look really silky you need to drop the hair routine except maybe it's bait bait Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle you're not selling it stupid up and get it I think I found my new Halloween costume for next year I'm gonna be a seashell oh that's my grandma's that's my grandma's I ate my grandma what and it took a week cause she was absolutely humongous do you need to take a therapist counseling get some help are you just trying to get me to paint itself uh I will gladly do so oh my gosh is this another Leo just a group of Leos in this movie right now I'd rather be shiny Seafood hey crab cake Not crab cake what do you say little buddy giant hawk coming up are we gonna tussle [Music] as a fish [Music] oh we a bit Rusty huh [Music] not many God oh you can't I'm too shiny struck my stuff my stuff is so shiny oh we're bringing up our trauma now oh no oh yeah [Laughter] it's too funny all the music has been good in this movie but I think that one was the funnest one hey did you like the song I did like the song I liked it a lot you did great the vocals were hidden the Rhymes were amazing what's that for back off is it wire hooks not working does he keep throwing her off the boat because he was tossed into the water as a kid the mother just said f that kid um I had human parents they took one look and and decided they did not want me he threw me into the sea my guy was nothing the woman was too stunned to speak I was joking but damn that is so sad why do I feel like I'm gonna cry again don't cry rakia maybe the gods found you for a reason maybe the ocean brought you to them because it saw someone who is worthy of being saved that is deep I like how Moana just turned into our therapist oh so gonna be another song oh frick pause my light Dart why do my lights keep dying I know why because I keep forgotten to charge them so I'm just gonna leave it dead I'm too lazy to get up and plug it in [Music] [Applause] oh he's becoming like a really cute Father Figure to her and I love to see it I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the Great Sea hey yay we did it we did it we did it yeah so is this like the final boss level yeah oh so you can't be in the water okay weakness learned oh are they back to the middle of the sea so we did all this for nothing oh damn what are you talking about Sir you better get your mini dummy God ass over this ocean back to that thing to defeat it that's not true without my hook I am nothing sir I know you got trauma mommy issues and all but we need to put that to the side and focus on the mission the ocean chose me chose wrong I'm gonna tell the ocean that I chose wrong like what stingrays oh my gosh is this grandma oh Grandma's here so she was reincarnated into a stingray I love that she got what she wanted I wish she would have appeared though when the dummy God was still here so you can talk some sense into him if you are ready to go home I will be with you no I love how love and then supportive she is [Music] yes Moana you go get that stone you go defeat that thing and you go save your village [Music] oh yes sir I love that time lapse I'm telling you Disney really put their whole this UC up in this movie when it comes to the animation the story the music the everything like they did not need to snap this hard okay follow us into the water and make it past the Barrier Island we make it to Tiffany none of us you understand because you are a chicken and because he's stupid look at them eyes once again nothing behind the mice oh come on let's hurry we got this [Music] yes thank you nice work you've been kind of useless this whole movie but I'm glad you're here to do that one useful thing yes our Hawk with hair is here oh it's the change of heart though why are you here now I'm glad you're here though let me shut up and don't question it come on that was funny that was funny same spiral on the thing [Music] so are we supposed to destroy that thing with the stone yes when in doubt dance it out let her come to me oh the Moana turned into Moses now yep you crossed that part at Sea I have crossed will rise and to find you I love the slo-mo right now [Music] nature thing Waits plot twist shut up shut up oh my goodness look at her flourishing beautiful she was just angry because someone stole her heart which honestly I would be angry too hey I mean how you been really she is pissed because you stole her heart for a thousand years he left her heartless um she's better than me I would have held a grudge I would be like a few [Music] oh and she fixed her boat and made it even better she really upgraded that thing uh she's like now I can finally rest I love that for her [Music] sleeping though she really said imma Arch my back and Pop That Booty while I sleep for the rest of Eternity [Music] reunited and it feels so good oh yeah real naughty oh little bacon yay I thought he would have been on the adventure with us I'm kind of sad he wasn't but you know what I'm just happy to see him again foreign [Music] Rock she put us I love that oh keep our Island in our mind when it's time to find home we know the way away and the stingray is there oh my goodness [Music] Moana oh wait pause I know why this soundtrack was so good my man Lin Manuel is on this yep makes sense now he's the glue to any good soundtrack oh my goodness well that was Moana and let me just say that was amazing that movie exceeded my expectations anywho I hope you guys enjoyed watching Moana with me for the first time if you did please comment down below your thoughts and opinions on it and subscribe if you want to you don't have to if you want to and I will see you guys in my next video till then peace foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rukiya Reacts
Views: 1,292,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rukiya, rukiyaa, rukiya sherman, rukiya reacts, movie reaction, movie commentary, watching movies, first time watching, film reviews, Disney Movie, Moana, Maui, moana movie, moana movie reaction, moana movie commentary, moana commentary, moana reaction, first time watching moana, disneys moana, watching disneys moana, first time watching disneys moana, Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, Lin-Manuel Miranda
Id: xYqoB8ZAcUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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