Discovering The Mystery Of The Menorah

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Well are you ready to get into YAH's Word today?  I am as well. I want to invite you to open your   bibles with me to Genesis chapter one, we're going  to begin with verse one in just a moment and we're   tracking along with this week's Torah portion and  this week's Torah portion is entitled, "You Shall   Command" and the title of my message today  is, "Discovering the Mystery of the Menorah."   So let's begin with Genesis chapter 1 verse 1.  "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens   and the earth and the earth came to be formless  and empty and darkness was on the face of the   deep and the Spirit of Elohim was moving on the  face of the waters and Elohim said, "Let light   come to be."" Another translation says, "Let there  be light." or you could say light be or you could   even say, be light. Keep that in mind for a  little bit later in this message. "...and light   came to be. And Elohim saw the light that it was  good." And so there was darkness and Elohim spoke   and He said let there be light or light be or be  light and light came to be and He saw the light   that it was good. "and Elohim separated the light  from the darkness and Elohim called the light day   and the darkness He called night and there came to  be evening and there came to be morning one day."   And so this is depicting the battle between light  and darkness, so originally, there was darkness   and Elohim spoke into existence light and He said  the light is good and the kingdom of light is   going to defeat and be victorious over the kingdom  of darkness and we see a reflection of this   in Genesis chapter 3 beginning with verse 14 and  this is YAH cursing the serpent, or the nahash,   because of what he did his role that he played  in the fall of man. It says, "And YAH Elohim   said to the nahash, "Because you have done this  you are cursed more than all livestock and more   than every beast of the field. On your belly you  are to go and eat dust all the days of your life.   And I put enmity between you (the  serpent) and the woman," To this day,   serpents don't like humans and humans don't  like serpents. "and between your seed and her   Seed," And this is a prophecy about the Mashiach, the Messiah, to come. "He shall crush your head   and you shall crush His heel." And so there's  going to be this enmity, this warfare,   between the Mashiach and the devil and Messiah  is going to crush the head of the devil   though the devil is going to crush His heel,  in other words, he's going to strike His heel   and Messiah is going to die on the tree but  He's going to be buried and raised from the dead   and the Kingdom of light is going to overcome  and conquer the kingdom of darkness. Keep all   this in mind as we continue. So go with me over to  Exodus chapter 27 and we'll pick up with verse 20   and this is the commandment of YAH to Mosheh  and the children of Yisra'el, that the lamp   is to burn continually and it is a law forever,  this is speaking of the menorah that was in the   Set-apart Place it is to burn continually and it  is a law forever, the light is to burn forever.   Verse 20 "And you you are to command  the children of Yisra'el to bring you   clear oil of pressed olives for a light  to cause the lamp to burn continually.   In the Tent of Appointment outside the veil  which is before the witness, Aharon and his sons   are to tend it from evening until morning  before YAH, a law forever to their generations   from the children of Yisra'el." And so  the menorah, the seven branch menorah,   the light of Elohim is to remain lit forever and  Aharon and his sons are to tend it and the menorah   was in the Tent of Appointment in the Set-apart  Place and it brought light in a dark place.   The Set-apart Place was dark except that the  menorah was lit and brought light and the menorah   brought light to the activities of the priests.  Keep that in mind because under the New Covenant,   we are all priests those of us who are believers  in Yeshua and the Set- apart Spirit of YAH   is a seven-branched Spirit and the  seven-branched Spirit brings light   to the activities of the priests, so let's  continue. Exodus chapter 25 picking up with verse   31 it says, "And you shall make a lamp stand of  clean gold the lampstand is made of beaten work,   its base and its shaft, its cups, its  ornamental knobs, and blossoms are from it,   and six branches shall come out of its sides  three branches of the lamp stand out of one side   and three branches of the lampstand out of the  other side, three cups made like almond flowers   on one branch with ornamental knob and blossom  and three cups made like almond flowers   on the other branch, with ornamental knob and  blossom, so for the six branches coming out   of the lampstand. And on the lampstand itself  are four cups made like almond flowers,   with ornamental knob and blossoms and a knob  under the first two branches of the same and a   knob under the second two branches of the same and  a knob under the third two branches of the same,   according to the six branches coming out of the  lampstand." And so there are seven altogether,   three coming out of either side and one in the  middle. Look at verse 36. "Their knobs and their   branches are of the same all of it one beaten work  of clean gold and you shall make seven lamps for   it and they shall mount its lamps so that they  give light in front of it," To light the way.   "and its snuffers and their trays are of clean  gold. It is made of a talent of clean gold   with all these utensils. So see and do  according to the pattern which was shown to you   on the mountain." And then we go over to Numbers  chapter 8 and pick up with verse 1, it says,   "And YAH spoke to Mosheh saying, "Speak to Aharon  and say to him, when you ascend to trim the lamps   let the seven lamps, give light in front of the  lampstand," Now this is picturing that the light   is going to lead the way, there is a leadership  component of the light. Look at verse three.   "And Aharon did so, he set up the lamps to face  toward the front of the lampstand as YAH commanded   Mosheh. And this is the work of the lampstand  beaten work of gold, from its base to its blossoms   it is beaten work according to the pattern which  YAH had shown Mosheh, so he made the lampstand."   And again, remember, the menorah provided light  in a dark place and it also provided light for   the activities of the priests. Now go with me  over to Isaiah chapter 11 and we'll pick up with   verse one and this talks about the seven branches  of the Spirit of YAH. It says this, "And a Rod   shall come forth from the stump of Yishai," This  is speaking of Yeshua Messiah. "and a sprout   from His roots shall be fruitful, the Spirit of  YAH shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom   and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and  might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear   of YAH, shall make Him breathe in the fear of  YAH," And so we see a seven-branched Spirit   and the Set-apart Spirit of YAH brings light  and leadership, we see the Spirit of YAH is one,   the Spirit of wisdom is two, and understanding  is three, the Spirit of counsel is four,   and might is five, the Spirit of  knowledge is six, and the fear of YAH  is seven. We realize that the  Set-apart Spirit of YAH, YAH's Spirit,   was upon Yeshua and lived inside of Yeshua and  brought light, and revelation, and leadership,   and guidance. "And He shall not judge by the sight  of His eyes nor decide by the hearing of His ears   but with righteousness He shall judge the  poor and shall decide with straightness   for the meek ones of the earth and shall  strike the earth with the Rod of His   mouth," With His words. "and slay the  wrong with the breath of His lips and   righteousness shall be the girdle of His  loins and trustworthiness the girdle of His   waste," In other words, He's going to  be led by the Set- apart Spirit of YAH,   YAH is going to place His Spirit upon Him  and the Spirit of YAH is going to lead Him,   guide Him, give Him wisdom, give Him  all that He needs to judge righteously   and to accomplish the vision that YAH has  given to the Messiah. And so the Spirit of YAH   is a light, to have the Spirit of YAH within you  is to have the menorah within you, the light that   is light in the darkness, the menorah that lights  the activities of the priests of YAH, and what we   need to realize is that we must do everything that  we can to make sure that the light of the Spirit   is not quenched, so I want to take you over to  Ephesians chapter 4 and we'll look at verse 30.   This is going to tell us that the Set-apart  Spirit of YAH is a light that is not to be put out   and we are not to grieve the Spirit. It says,  "Do not grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim,"   Don't engage in behavior that grieves YAH's  Spirit, don't be disobedient to the Torah,   don't be disobedient to the Word that grieves the  Spirit. If you grieve the Spirit long enough then   you'll get into a pattern of resisting the  Spirit and we're not to resist the Spirit.   Acts chapter 7 and verse 51 says, "You  stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart   and ears, you always resist the Set-apart Spirit  as your fathers did you also do." And so if we   grieve the Spirit long enough then  we get into a pattern of resistance   where we don't want to obey, we want to do it our  way, we don't want to follow the leadership of YAH   by His Spirit and we resist the Spirit. Now, if  you resist the Spirit long enough then you run the   risk of quenching the Spirit, putting the light  out. Remember the light is to shine continually?   And as priests Aharon and his sons were to tend  to it every day, to make sure it never went out,   as New Covenant priests, we also are to tend to  the light of the Spirit every day to make sure   that it doesn't go out within us. First  Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 says,   "Do not quench or put out the Spirit," And  this reflects back to the Torah commandment   that says that the light was to burn continually  and never be put out the light of the Set-apart   Spirit the menorah within the believer is  to burn continually, we are to do nothing   that would quench the Spirit of Elohim. We have  a passage of Scripture in Ephesians chapter 6   and verse 17 that tells us that the Sword of  the Spirit is the Word of Elohim. It says,   "Take also the helmet of deliverance and the Sword  of the Spirit which is the Word of Elohim," So if   you have the menorah of Elohim within you,  you have the Spirit or the light of Elohim,   the seven-branched Spirit within you. Then, the  Spirit has a sword, an extension of the Spirit   to do warfare and to bring about victory to  bring about an overcoming and that sword,   the sword of the Spirit is the Word of Elohim. Now  let's go to Isaiah 51 verse 4 and this is going to   tell us that the Torah is the light that is not  to be put out. When a believer has the Spirit,   the seven-branched Spirit, within him then  an extension of the Spirit is the Torah   and we are not to quench the Torah or extinguish  the Torah or put the Torah out. That's something   that religion needs to come to understand, that  we are not to abolish the Torah because the Torah   is a light that is to burn continually.  HalleluYAH. Verse 4 "Listen to Me, My people,   and give ear to me, O My nation, for the  Torah goes forth from Me and My right-ruling,   I set as a light to the peoples." The Torah is a  light that is not to go out. Proverbs chapter 6,   verse 23 says, "For the command  is a lamp and the Torah a light."   Well the command is in the Torah,  it's a lamp, and the Torah is a light.   Psalm 119:105 says, "Your Word is a lamp to my  feet and a light to my path." You remember what   we talked about when we said the light was to go  in front of to lead the way? Your Word, Your Torah   is a lamp to my feet and a light that  goes before me a light to my path.   Well if the light is put out, you're walking  in darkness. Psalm 43 verse 3 says, "Send forth   Your light and Your truth," Because the truth is  the light. "let them lead me, let them bring me   to Your set-apart mountain and to Your  dwelling places. Send forth Your light,   send forth Your truth." The Torah is truth,  the Torah is light, let them lead me.   If you take away the Torah, you're taking away  the light. Let them bring me to Your set-apart   mountain and to Your dwelling places. And  then Psalm 112 verse 1 says, "Praise YAH,   blessed is the man who fears YAH who  has greatly delighted in His commands,"   Where do we find his commands? In the Torah,  and so you're blessed when you greatly delight   in the commands in the Torah. Verse 2,  "mighty in the earth shall be his seed   the generation of the straight ones shall be  blessed wealth and riches are in his house   and his righteousness is standing  forever. Light has risen in the darkness   to the straight ones," Just as Elohim called  light to be in the midst of the darkness,   this says light has risen in the darkness to the  straight ones, or the obedient ones. When we obey   the Torah, it's like light rising up in the midst  of the darkness of this world that we live in.   "those showing favor the compassionate and the  righteous." HalleluYAH. When you obey the Torah   then you are blessed and you have a light  that is leading your way. Psalm 119:130 says,   "The opening up of your words gives light giving  understanding to the simple." When you open up   the Word it's like light pours out giving  understanding to the simple. HalleluYAH.   And then go with me over to Isaiah  chapter 9, we'll pick up with verse 2   and this is going to talk about Yeshua   who was the embodiment of the Torah, and  in being the embodiment of the Torah,   He became the light of the world. Verse 2  "The people who were walking in darkness   have seen a great light upon those who dwelt  in the land of the shadow of death a light   has shown." And then Isaiah 42 and verse 1 says,  "See, My Servant whom I uphold My Chosen One,   My being has delighted in. I have put My  Spirit upon Him," My seven-branched Spirit,   the menorah of the Spirit is upon Yeshua. It says,  "He brings forth right-ruling to the nations.   He does not cry out, nor lifts up His  voice, nor causes His voice to be heard   in the street. A crushed reed He does not  break and smoking flax He does not quench,   He brings forth right-ruling in accordance  with truth." So He was the ultimate Torah   Teacher but He was also the ultimate Torah-liver.  In other words, He lived out the Torah   without failure, without transgression, without  sin. It says, "He brings forth right-ruling in   accordance with truth, He does not become  weak or crushed until He has established   right-ruling in the earth and the coastlands  wait for His Torah." His Torah teaching.   "Thus said El, YAH, who created the heavens and  stretched them out who spread forth the earth and   that which comes from it, who gives breath to the  people on it and spirit to those who walk on it,   I, YAH, have called you in righteousness  and I strengthen your hand and guard you   and give you for a covenant to a people  for a light there it is to the nations,"   YAH says, I'm going to give Yeshua as a light to  the nations. Light be, Yeshua became the light   of the world, Yeshua had the seven- branched  menorah of the Spirit living within Him   and upon Him, Yeshua was the embodiment  of the Torah, the Sword of the Spirit,   the extension of the Spirit the light  that was not to be put out the Torah.   Verse 7, notice, "to open blind eyes," To bring  light to eyes that were blind in darkness.   "to bring out prisoners from the prison  those who sit in darkness from the prison   house." And then Isaiah 49 and verse 6, "And  He says, "Shall it be a small matter for you   to be My servant? To raise up the tribes of  Ya'aqob and to bring back the preserved ones   of Yisra'el? And I shall give you as a light to  the nations, to be My deliverance to the ends   of the earth." To set people who are in darkness  free and then to lead them with the guiding light to Elohim and to righteousness and to  obedience to the Torah, halleluYAH. This is so,   so very rich. And then go with me to John chapter  8 and we'll take a look at verse 12. It says,   "Therefore Yeshua spoke to them again saying,  "I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me   shall by no means walk in darkness but possess  the light of life." I'm the light of the world,   I'm filled with the seven- branch Spirit,  the menorah of Elohim lives within me.   I'm the embodiment of the Torah, halleluYAH, I'm  the light of the world and he who follows me shall   by no means walk in darkness but possess the  light of life. And then John chapter 9 and verse 4   it says, "It is necessary for Me to work  the works of Him who sent Me while it is day   night is coming when no one is able to work,"  Verse 5 "while I am in the world I am the Light   of the world." HalleluYAH. And then let's look  at John chapter 12, we'll pick up with verse 34.   "The crowd answered Him, "We have heard out  of the Torah that the Messiah remains forever.   And how do you say the Son of Adam has  to be lifted up lifted up on the tree?   Who is this Son of Adam?" Yeshua therefore said to  them, "Yet a little while the light is with you.   Walk while you have the light, lest darkness  overtake you," It's that battle between   light and darkness. "and he who walks in  darkness does not know where he is going.   While you have the light believe in the light  believe in Me so that you become sons of light."   We can become sons of light, we are to be sons  of light. "These words Yeshua spoke and went off   and was hidden from them." And so He wants us to  share in His light and we're going to share in His   light by receiving the promise of the Father, the  promise of the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit of YAH,   YAH is going to place His Spirit within us, the  menorah of YAH is going to come to live inside of   the believer, that seven-branched Spirit of YAH.  It's not seven spirits, it's seven attributes,   seven qualities of the same Spirit will live  within the believer and we will become sons   of light and when we get the Torah within us, and  we're gonna talk about that here in just a moment,   and we live by the Torah and we exemplify the  Torah then we become the light of the world.   This is so exciting. John chapter 12 and verse  46 says, "I have come as a light into the world   so that no one who believes in me should  stay in darkness," When we believe in Yeshua,   it's as if Yeshua is saying light come to be  or let there be light or be light be light. Go with me over to John chapter 3 and we'll  pick up with verse 16. This tells us that   believers become the light of the world.  Yeshua said, "For Elohim so loved the world   that He gave His only brought forth Son so that  everyone who believes in Him should not perish   but possess everlasting life. For Elohim did not  send His Son into the world to judge the world   but that the world through Him might be  saved, He who believes in Him is not judged   but He who does not believe is judged already  because He has not believed in the Name   of the only brought forth Son of Elohim  and this is the judgment that the light   has come into the world and men loved the darkness  rather than the light for their works were wicked.   For everyone who is practicing evil matters hates  the light and does not come to the light lest his   works should be exposed but the one doing  the truth," That means obeying the Torah,   being obedient to the Commandments, the one  doing the truth, not just saying well I believe   like some sort of mental acknowledgement,  no. The one doing the truth, being obedient   to the Torah comes to the light. That's  how you come to the light, you do the truth   and you're coming to the light of the Torah  that light that is never to be put out   so that his works are clearly seen, our works are  to be clearly seen, our obedience to the Torah.   It should be clearly seen.  "...that they have been wrought in   Elohim." HalleluYAH. We're talking about how we  become the light of the world, we believe upon   Yeshua, we pray and receive from YAH, His  seven-branched Spirit, we have the menorah   of Elohim coming to live within us, the Spirit,  and YAH leads us, that light goes forth from us,   it's a lamp unto our feet and a light  unto our path. And then we, like Yeshua,   we become the light of the world through our  example of obedience to the Torah. HalleluYAH.   Look at Matthew chapter 5 starting with verse 14.   "You are the light of the  world," You are the light. "it is impossible for a city to be hidden  on a mountain," When a city is built up on   a mountain you can see that city from miles  and miles away. "nor do they light a lamp   and put it under a basket but on  a lampstand," You put it up high.   "and it shines to all those in the house,"  Again, obedience to the Torah is the light.   When we obey the Torah we are a light on a  lampstand shining to all those in the house.   "let your light so shine before men," This is  talking about obedience. "let your obedience   be seen by men so that they see your good  works," Good works are defined by the Torah.   "and praise your Father who is in the heavens."  How are people going to come to praise the Father?   When they see our obedience to the Torah. We are  becoming the light, we are shining the light,   and they see the light and they want to  praise our Father who is in the heavens.   Verse 17 says, "Do not think that I came to  destroy the Torah or the prophets," Well, if   He came to destroy the Torah and the prophets He  would be putting out the light, He's not putting   out the light. He wants all of His followers to  become the light, to be filled with the Torah,   to be filled with the Word of Elohim, to be filled  with the Spirit of YAH, and that their examples   would be light in the dark world. Yeshua is saying  to His followers, light be or be light be light.   "I did not come to destroy but to complete," To  fill it up to its deepest spiritual application.   "For truly I say to you, till the heaven and  the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle   shall by no means pass from the Torah  till all be done." All be completed,   all be fulfilled. "Whoever then breaks  one of the least of these commands these   Torah commands and teaches men so shall be  called least in the reign of the heavens."   Because you're putting out the light  religion needs to learn this lesson,   if you abolish the Torah you're putting out the  light. The light is to burn continually forever   and ever, the Scripture says, it is a law forever.  It says, "but whoever does and teaches them   he shall be called great in the reign of the  heavens." Because he's promoting the light,   he's tending to the light to make  sure that it burns continually.   Then go with me over to Luke chapter  24 and we're going to look at verse 49   and Yeshua is promising here that  believers those who believe upon Him   will receive that seven-branched  Spirit, the Set-apart Spirit of YAH. It says, "And see, I am sending the promise of My  Father upon you," He's promised to send His Spirit   the light, the leadership, the guidance of  YAH that will be in the believer and upon   the believer. Yeshua said, "and see, I am  sending the promise of My Father upon you   but you are to remain in the city of Yerushalayim  until you are clothed with power from on high."   And then look at Acts chapter 2, we'll pick up  with verse 38, it says this, "And Kepha said to   them, "Repent and let each one of you be immersed  in the Name of Yeshua Messiah for the forgiveness   of sins and you shall receive the gift of  the Set-apart Spirit," The menorah of Elohim   is going to live in you, the light is going  to come to you and you are going to become   the light of the world. "for the promise is  to you and to your children and to all who are   far off as many as YAH our Elohim shall call."  HalleluYAH. Now when we believe upon Yeshua,   we receive the menorah of Elohim, we receive  the seven-branched Spirit of Elohim within us   and just as Yeshua was the embodiment of the  Torah, we also received the Torah within us,   we house the Torah, we become like the ark of the  covenant, the Torah lives within us and that is   definitive of the New Covenant. Go with me over to  Jeremiah chapter 31, we'll pick up with verse 33.   It says this, "For this is the  covenant I shall make with the   house of Yisra'el after those days,"  This is talking about the New Covenant,   this is talking about the covenant that YAH has  made with those who have believed upon Yeshua.   "for this is the covenant I shall make with the  house of Yisra'el after those days, declares YAH,   I shall put My Torah in their inward parts," The  abolishment of the Torah is not definitive of the   New Covenant, religion needs to stop teaching  that. What is definitive of the New Covenant   is that YAH is going to place His Torah in the  believers inward parts, He's going to internalize   the Torah. In other words, you, in  essence, are going to be the embodiment   of the Torah. You're the house of the  Torah. Again, like the ark of the covenant,   you will house the Torah in your inner  parts. And YAH says, "And I write it on their   hearts," So the Torah is coming inside  the believer in their inward parts and   it will be written upon their hearts and they will  embody the Torah. "and I shall be their Elohim and   they shall be My people." And remember the sword  of the Spirit that abides within the believer that   person who has prayed to receive the promise  of the Father, the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit   of YAH, the sword of the extension that brings  victory and overcoming, the sword of the Spirit   is the Word of Elohim, it is the Torah and  the Torah has been given to the believer.   It's the second giving of the Torah, it's  definitive of the New Covenant that the Torah is   placed in your inward parts. Another translation  says in your mind, so that you think about   how you can love YAH the way YAH wants to be  loved and that's through obedience, and then He   writes it upon your heart. And then let's look at  John chapter 14 and we'll pick up with verse 23.   It says, "Yeshua answered him, if anyone loves  Me he shall guard My Word," And Yeshua was the   ultimate Torah Teacher, He didn't come with some  new word, YAH put His words in Yeshua's mouth. "and My Father shall love him." So if anyone loves Yeshua then he displays that love  by guarding Yeshua's Word,   if you do that the Father will love you.  It says, "and My Father shall love him   and we," Yeshua and the Father. "shall come to  him and make our stay with him. He who does not   love Me does not guard My words," Does not  obey My words, does not obey My teachings.   "and the word which you hear is not Mine," It's  not some new word, it's not something that I   came up with myself, he's saying, "but of the  Father who sent Me." In other words, I'm speaking   the words of the Father, the very words of the  Father, what the Father has spoken I am speaking. "He who does not love Me does not guard  My words." Does not guard My teachings,   does not guard the words of Elohim that He  has placed in my mouth. John chapter 15 and   verse 7 says, "If you stay in Me," This is  Yeshua speaking. "and My words stay in you,"   The Torah, that's what He taught, the Torah. "My  words stay in you, you shall ask whatever you   wish and it shall be done for you." This is so  powerful and so wonderful. Now go with me over   to Acts chapter 13, we'll pick up with verse  46, and this says, "But speaking boldly, Sha'ul   and Barnaba said it was necessary that the Word of  Elohim should be spoken to you first," Speaking to   the Yehudim. "but since you thrusted away and  judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life   see we turn to the nations." Verse 47 "For  so the Master has commanded us," Here it is.   "I have set you to be a light to the nations that  you should be for deliverance to the ends of the   earth." And this is the charge to every believer  who has the menorah of Elohim living within them   that seven-branched Spirit of YAH with the  extension of the Spirit bringing victory,   and that is the Torah, living in obedience  to the Torah, every believer has this charge   that we are to be a light to the nations.  Yeshua said you are the light of the world.   In other words, be light, be light.  "...that you should be for deliverance   to the ends of the earth." Verse 48 "And  when the nations heard this they were glad   and praised the Word of YAH and as many as had  been appointed to everlasting life believed   and the Word of YAH was being spread throughout  the entire country." HalleluYAH. When you get   these principles that I'm teaching into your  heart, into your spirit, and you understand them,   you become enthusiastic about wanting to  live your life in such a way that your light,   your obedience to the Torah shines so brightly  that you become a witness to those round about you   that you become a light to the nations and  that you should be for deliverance to the   ends of the earth - it's such a wonderful plan  that He has invited us into. Go with me over   to Acts chapter 26, we'll pick up with verse 12.  It says, "While thus engaged as I was journeying   to Dammeseq with authority and commission from  the chief priests," This is Sha'ul speaking.   "at midday along the highway O sovereign, I  saw a light from heaven brighter than the sun   shining around me and those who journeyed  with me and when we had all fallen to the   ground that was some kind of light I heard a voice  speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language,   'Why do you persecute Me? It is hard  for you to kick against the prods.'   "And I said, 'Who are You Master?' And  He said, 'I am Yeshua whom you persecute,   but rise up and stand on your feet for I have  appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you   a servant and a witness both of what you  saw and of those which I shall reveal to you   delivering you from the people and the  nations to whom I now send you,'" Here it is.   "'to open their eyes,'" To bring light into the  darkness. "'to turn them from darkness to light   and the authority of Satan to Elohim,'" Let  there be light, let the Kingdom of light conquer   and defeat the kingdom of darkness. You're going  to open their eyes, they're sitting in darkness,   they're in blindness. You're going to turn them  from darkness to light, you're going to teach them   how they can get the menorah of Elohim within  them to receive the seven-branched Spirit of   Elohim. HalleluYAH. To receive the second  giving of the Torah, to have the Torah   placed in their inward parts and written upon  their hearts so that they can live a life   of obedience and be an example so that men and  women would see their good works as defined by   the Torah and have a desire to show great esteem  to your Father who's in the heavens, halleluYAH.   "'to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness  to light, and the authority of Satan to Elohim,   in order for them to receive forgiveness of sins  and an inheritance among those who are set-apart   by belief in Me." HalleluYAH. And then Colossians  chapter 1 starting with verse 12 says, "Giving   thanks to the Father who has made us fit to share  in the inheritance of the set-apart ones in the   light," HalleluYAH. "who has delivered us from  the authority of darkness and transferred us   into the reign of the Son of His love." The reign  of the Son of His love is the reign of light, we   are children of light, we are sons and daughters  of light. HalleluYAH. First Thessalonians chapter   5 and verse 5 says, "For you are all sons of  light and sons of the day we are not of the night   nor of darkness." And then First Peter chapter  2 and verse 9 says, "But you are a chosen race,   a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation,  a people for a possession that you should   proclaim the praises of Him who called you  out of darkness into His marvelous light."   He's called you out of darkness into His  light but He's also placed His light in you. His menorah now lives in you, His seven-branched  Spirit lives in you and leads you, and guides you,   and shines the light before you. HalleluYAH.  The Torah has been placed in your inward parts   and written upon your heart and  now you have become the light   of the world, you are the menorah within this  dark world. HalleluYAH. So powerful, so wonderful.   And I want to remind you of the commandment  that Aharon and his sons were to make sure   that the light of the menorah never  went out, it was to shine continually.   Let's look at Revelation chapter 21   starting with verse 22. "And I saw no Dwelling  Place in it speaking of the new Yerushalayim   for YAH El Shaddai is its Dwelling Place and  the Lamb and the city had no need of the sun   nor of the moon to shine in it for the esteem of  Elohim lightened it," HalleluYAH. "and the lamb   is its lamp." So in the new Yerushalayim, there is  no need for the sun, there is no need for the moon   for the esteem of Elohim is the light  of the new Yerushalayim, the lamb is   the lamp. "And the nations," This is verse  24. "of those who are saved shall walk in   its light, and the sovereigns of the earth  bring their esteem into it." This is marvelous. We have the great honor of participating  in the light of Elohim and of the Lamb, and in the new Yerushalayim we see that Elohim  and the Lamb are the light of that wonderful city. Revelation chapter 22 and verse 1. "And  He showed me a river of water of life   clear as crystal coming from the throne of Elohim   and of the Lamb in the middle of its  street and on either side of the river   was the tree of life which bore twelve fruits  each tree yielding its fruit every month   and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of  the nations and no longer shall there be any curse   and the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb shall  be in it and His servants shall serve Him   and they shall see His face and His Name shall be  upon their foreheads and night shall be no more   and they shall have no need of a  lamp or the light of the sun because   YAH Elohim shall give them light and  they shall reign forever and ever." YAH Elohim shall give them light and they shall  reign forever and ever. The light, the menorah,   will continue to burn forever and ever. This is the fulfillment of the commandment  in the Torah that the menorah is to remain   lit and its light is to never go out and we  will have that beautiful, wonderful power   and great esteem of the light of Elohim  shining brightly in the new Yerushalayim   forever and ever as the Torah commandment is  completely and totally fulfilled. HalleluYAH.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 7,450
Rating: 4.9477806 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, Discovering The Mystery Of The Menorah, Menorah, The Light Of The World, The Holy Spirit, Set-Apart Spirit, The Temple, The Light From The Menorah
Id: 33aKZK3Zqts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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