NVIDIA CEO LEAVES Audience SPEECHLESS With Robot Announcement!

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you probably don't know this fact that we have over a million robotics developers we created Jetson this robotics computer we're so proud of it the amount of software that goes on top of it is insane but the reason why we can do it at all is because it's 100% Cuda compatible everything that we do everything that we do in our company is in service of our developers and by us being able to maintain this Rich ecosystem and make it compatible with everything that you access from us we can bring all of that incredible capability to this little tiny computer we call Jetson a robotics computer we also today are announcing this incredibly Advanced new SDK we call it Isaac perceptor most of the robots today are pre-programmed they're either following rails on the ground digital rails or they'd be following April tags but in the future they're going to have perception and the reason why you want that is so that you could easily program it you say would you like to go from point A to point B and it will figure out a way to navigate its way there so by only programming waypoints the entire route could be adaptive the entire environment could be reprogrammed just as I showed you at the very beginning with the warehouse you can't do that with pre-programmed agvs if those boxes fall down they just all gum up and they just wait there for somebody to come clear it and so now with the Isaac perceptor we have incredible state-of-the-art Vision odometry 3D reconstruction and in addition to 3D reconstruction depth perception the reason reason for that is so that you can have two modalities to keep an eye on what's happening in the world Isaac perceptor the most used robot today is the manipulator manufacturing arms and they are also pre-programmed the computer vision algorithms the AI algorithms the control and path planning algorithms that are geometry aware incredibly computational intensive we have made these Cuda accelerated so we have the world's first Cuda accelerated motion planner that is geometry aware you put something in front of it it comes up with a new plan and articulates around it it has excellent perception for pose estimation of a 3D object not just not it's pose in 2D but it's pose in 3D so it has to imagine what's around and how best to grap it so the foundation pose the grip foundation and the articulation algorithms are now available we call it Isaac manipulator and they also just run on video as computers we are starting to do some really great work in the next generation of Robotics the next generation of Robotics will likely be a humanoid robotics we now have the Necessary Technology and as I was describing earlier the Necessary Technology to imagine generalized human robotics in a way human robotics is likely easier and the reason for that is because we have a lot more imitation training data that we can provide to robots because we are constructed in a very similar way it is very lik that the human robotics will be much more useful in our world because we created the world to be something that we can interoperate in and work well in and the way that we set up our workstations and Manufacturing and Logistics they were designed for for humans they were designed for people and so these humaner robotics will likely be much more productive to deploy while we're creating just like we're doing with the others the entire stack starting from the top a foundation model that learns from watching video examples it could be in video form it could be in virtual reality form we then created a gym for it called Isaac reinforcement learning gym which allows the humanoid robot to learn how to adapt to the physical world and then an incredible computer the same computer that's going to go into a robotic car this computer will run inside a human or robot called Thor it's designed for Transformer engines we've combined several of these into one video this is something that you're going to really love take a look it's not enough for humans to imagine we have to invent and explore and push Beyond what's been done fair amount of detail we create smarter and faster we push it to fail so it can learn we teach it then help it teach itself we broaden its understanding to take on new challenges with absolute precision and succeed we make it perceive and move and even reason so it can share our world with us this is where inspiration leads us the next Frontier this is Nvidia Project Groot a general purpose Foundation model for humanoid robot learning the group model takes multimodal instructions and past interactions as input and produces the next action for the robot to execute we developed Isaac lab a robot learning application to train grp on Isaac Sim and we SK out with osmo a new compute orchestration service that coordinates workflows across dgx systems for training and ovx systems for simulation with these tools we can train Groot in physically based simulation and transfer zero shot to the real world the Groot model will enable a robot to learn from a handful of human demonstrations so it can help with everyday tasks and emulate human movement just by observing us this is made possible with nvidia's technologies that can understand humans from videos train models and simulation and ultimately deploy them directly to physical robots connecting group to a large language model even allows it to generate motions by following natural language instructions hi G1 give me a high five sure thing let's high five can you give us some cool moves sure check this out all this incredible intelligence is powered by the new Jetson Thor robotics chips designed for Gro built for the future with Isaac lab osmo and Groot we're providing the building blocks for the next generation of AI powered [Applause] [Music] robotics about the same size the soul of Nvidia the intersection of computer Graphics physics artificial intelligence it all came to bear at this moment the name of that project general robotics zero I know super good super good well I think we have some special guests do we hey guys so I understand you guys are powered by they're powered by Jetson little Jetson robotics computers inside they learn to walk in Isaac Sim ladies and gentlemen this is orange and this is the famous green they are the bdx robots of Disney amazing Disney research come on you guys let's wrap up let's go five things where you going I sit right here Don't Be Afraid come here green hurry up what are you saying no it's not time to eat it's not time to eat a snack in a moment let me finish up real quick come on green h hurry up stop wasting time five things five things first a new Industrial Revolution every data center should be accelerated a trillion dollars worth of installed data centers will become modernized over the next several years second because of the computational capability we brought to bear a new way of doing software has emerged generative AI which is going to create new in new infrastructure dedicated to doing one thing and one thing only not for multi-user data centers but AI generally ators these AI generation will create incredibly valuable software a new Industrial Revolution second the computer of this revolution the computer of this generation generative AI trillion parameters blackw insane amounts of computers and Computing third I'm trying to concentrate good job third new computer new computer creates new types of software new type of software should be distributed in a new way so that it can on the one hand be an endpoint in the cloud and easy to use but still allow you to take it with you because it is your intelligence your intelligence should be pack packaged up in a way that allows you to take it with you we call them Nims and third these Nims are going to help you create a new type of application for the future not one that you wrote completely from scratch but you're going to integrate them like teams create these applications we have a fantastic capability between Nims the AI technology the tools Nemo and the infrastructure dgx cloud in our AI Foundry to help you create proprietary applications proprietary chat Bots and then lastly everything that moves in the future will be robotic you're not going to be the only one and these robotic systems whether they are humanoid amrs self-driving cars forklifts manipulating arms they will all need one thing Giant stadiums warehouses factories there can be factories that are robotic orchestrating factories many manufacturing lines that are robotics building cars that are robotics these systems all need one thing they need a platform a digital platform a digital twin platform and we call that Omniverse the operating system of the robotics World these are the five things that we talked about today what does Nvidia look like what does Nvidia look like when we talk about gpus there's a very different image that I have when I when people ask me about gpus first I see a bunch of software stacks and things like that and second I see this this is what we announce to you today this is Blackwell this is the plat amazing amazing processors MV link switches networking systems and the system design is a miracle this is black well and this to me is what a GPU looks like in my mind listen orange green I think we have one more treat for everybody what do you think should we thank you have a great GT thank you all for coming thank you
Channel: Farzad
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Keywords: tesla tsla, tesla elon musk, tesla model s, tesla model x, tesla model 3, tesla model y, tesla stock, tesla master plan part 3, tesla compact car, tesla profit, tesla earnings, tesla electric, self driving podcast, tesla podcast, tesla self driving podcast, self driving ai, I'm not driving, tesla, farzad chats, farzy chats, nvidia ceo, nvidia humanoid robot, nvidia robot, nvidia keynote, nvidia chip, jensen huang, jensen nvidia
Id: WXIKs_6WyqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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