"Discipline, Depth & Destiny" - Mark Varughese - Kingdomcity

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to kingdom city we're so glad you've joined us today if you're new or visiting thank you for coming our pastors and team are here to help you in any way we can and if you're part of our kingdom city family welcome home feel free to passionately praise and expressively worship and believe that the word today will change your life lift your faith even now because with god all things are possible [Music] [Music] father god move by your power and might in our service holy spirit have your way in this place may the weak feel your strength may the sick encounter your healing may the righteous be blessed may the lonely feel your love let your miracles leave us astonished let breakthrough fill our worship may the revelation of your word bring light to our hearts and may the lost be found in jesus name hey kingdom city my name is melody i'm part of the team here if you're ready to praise god why don't you stand to your feet wherever you are come on wherever you are today come on as soon as we lift up our praise walls are gonna come crashing down amen so let's give god all we've got put your hands together [Music] i'm facing challenges but they won't break me they're gonna make me because you hold me i walk through valleys but they they don't scare me because you're with me i've got my mind made up that i will turn this place [Music] this is a sacrifice and praise i'll give you everything building an altar to your name [Music] it's right here right now this is [Music] [Music] and i'm not intimidated by what i'm facing i got my faith [Music] [Music] i give you everything [Music] [Music] is here right now this is where the walls come we're down [Music] [Music] is [Music] right here right now this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] cause you are here with me [Music] oh come on judge who's hungry for more oh god if you wanted to lift up [Music] for jesus cause it is [Music] is [Music] holy spirit [Music] like a bush let's go [Music] to everybody [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me come [Music] come on everyone across the globe [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh hey welcome to kingdom city my name is mike and this is brooke and what an amazing time of praise we just had we want to welcome you to church no matter where you're coming in from in the world today is going to be a powerful day in church yeah absolutely and we've got teams that are ready to pray for you so if you have a prayer need we would love to hear about it just click on the link that's coming up now send in your prayer requests and we'd also love to hear about testimonies that have been happening in your life in your connect group in your world just click on the link let us know we can't wait to hear about them you know what we're going to do right now is no matter where you are why don't you stand to your feet we're going to come around a time of worship and as we do we're going to pray if there's a need in your life we believe that god is a god of miracles if you're sick in your body if there's people in your home why don't you stand to your feet why don't you lay hands on the sick if you're at home by yourself right now we're going to pray for you right now heavenly father we thank you that lord you are a good god the lord you are a god that heals you are a god that restores lord we pray for marriages we pray for bodies we pray for relationships well we pray for finances we lift them all up to you right now and we proclaim healing in the mighty name of jesus step your authority across the nations of the earth today in jesus name amen [Music] though the night may get dark though the waiting seems long you have always been faithful to remind me of your love see you are good in the morning i'll see you are good in the evening i'll say you are you are good to me [Music] oh [Music] again you have [Music] your consistency upon your truth in the morning are good to me this is [Music] there's nobody better there's nobody better there's nobody there there's nobody better oh you can look around [Music] nobody [Music] oh [Music] nobody [Music] is [Music] me [Music] in [Music] you are he's been good to you i'll just sing a new song how [Music] much [Music] i can't help myself but sing over and over again i'm gonna bless your name now over and over again i'm gonna bless your name there's an anthem and a resound over and over again i'm gonna bless your name from one house to another over and over again i'm gonna bless your name from every individual to [Music] sickness in chaos and over again i'm gonna bless your name in my unrest in my struggle over and over and over [Music] i'm gonna bless your name [Music] over again [Music] you are good to [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in the morning [Music] this [Music] different is song you are good to me [Music] over my city you are good to me you will never stop being good you are just like that you are good to you me good to me [Music] this is who you are or you can't change even if you wanted to you were faithful till the end faithful and truth [Music] so [Music] that is within [Music] your home [Music] that [Music] we bless [Music] [Music] and now [Music] this protest [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh remember me come on [Music] holiness standing over your mighty presence [Music] holy you [Music] is [Music] so [Music] is [Music] oh let the earth [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] end of is [Music] [Music] to um kingdom amen [Music] wow what an amazing time of worship you know that's actually one of my favorite songs you know right now we're going to come around our ties and our offerings i want to encourage you that as we give god is a god that first gave to us and the link is coming up just below you can click on that link you can prepare to give and as you prepare to give we're going to pray and we're going to pray that god sends a blessing upon his church today heavenly father we thank you we thank you that you first gave to us and lord as we give lord we pray that lord you wouldn't just lord bless our lives but lord from this seed lord you would bless and encourage the nations of the earth we thank you that today's stream is going into houses that we may never see and we thank you that lord you are the one that is taking your gospel to the ends of the earth but lord you are using your church and lord we pray god that lord that through the ties and through the offerings the lord you would extend your kingdom in jesus name we pray amen well it is connect week this week connects are happening if you aren't part of one of our connects there is a link coming up follow that link we would love to know where you are from and connect you in with one of our physical campuses now if you're not in a city where there is one of our physical campuses we would love to connect you in with our online campus so connects happening this week it's going to be awesome you know today is going to be a great service so much happening let's prepare for the word of god before we do that let's have a look at kingdom city news [Music] hey kingdom city i've got some great news for you do you know what happens monday to friday at 8am and 1am klm perth time well guess what it's kingdom city devotions this is where you get to hear an incredible word from our pastors all across the globe there is no better way to start the day all that rhymed guess what else is happening on sundays we have kids service and there's a spectacular series going on right now called born to be fearless parents you're going to want your kids to get on it and kids you're definitely going to want to be there it is phenomenal and from 1am sunday mornings we have church on demand what does that mean it means anyone can watch it at any time anywhere how good is that there is something for everyone at kingdom city in the meantime stay healthy stay in faith stay strong we love you jesus left crystal clear instructions to his new testament church go into all the world and make disciples we cannot avoid the crazy weather of the world around us but it's worth protecting a place and investing a season for life to grow be part of greenhouse 2021 i came to join green house about a week after my husband passed away i saw the advertisement for greenhouse in church and it just looked like a really safe place for me to kind of figure out where i was going next i basically decided to take this year with greenhouse and wait on god to show me who i was when he looked at me who he saw when he looked at me what impacted me the most in greenhouse was the wholeness journey discovering who god saw me as the person that he was changing me into becoming growing up discipleship to me had a total different meaning than what i learned in greenhouse was really just a relationship with god being a disciple is just having a love for god's people the friends that i made in green house are friends that i'm going gonna have for life this has not just impacted myself but it is actually impacting my family and my friends and my world around me if i were to summarize my greenhouse experience it was learning who god was learning who i was in god's eyes making a fabulous christian family and having the best time of my life hey church it is connect week depending on where you are in the world connects may be meeting in person or online no matter the location come and join us head over to kingdomcity.com forward slash connects to register we can't wait to see you this week to give online head to kingdom city dot com forward slash giving on any web browser select the campus you're from from the drop down menu and giving details will be displayed on [Music] screen [Music] well welcome everybody globally and wherever you are [Applause] i've done this so many times now i'm not listing all the countries so here's how it goes anyone anywhere welcome everyone everywhere welcome globally generationally welcome i think would have been quicker to say all the countries anyway you know i've got a word i want to share and uh you know as you think through the whole idea about last words whenever someone's about to slip into eternity whenever someone's about to leave something significant they leave last words and last words carry wait and jesus last words were no different his last words recorded in matthew 28 this is what he says verse 19 and 20 go therefore and make disciples everyone say disciples this is not new if you've been following us on this on the season that we're in baptizing them in the name of the nature immersing them completely in the nature of the father of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all everyone say all all that i have commanded you and lo i'm with you always even to the end of the age that's pretty full-on last words and i have one question why like why why disciples as opposed to just good people who believe how many realize our world would settle for just a bunch of good people who don't riot who don't spread disease i mean we just the world would be an amazing place if we just had some good people so jesus why why disciples are supposed to go why teach instead of suggest don't you know it's 20 20 lord why immerse them in the nature of god as opposed to the occasional reminder about god why like overkill god why do all that was commanded whatever happened to the good old eat the meat spit out the bones and just take what's culturally relevant pretty full on last words is is this depth of last word and this weight of last words such that we just encourage religious fanaticism isn't it overkill i mean if i'm not a bad person i go to church occasionally come on isn't that enough as opposed to i don't i don't kill people i don't cause trouble i don't steal i don't do bad stuff it's like the argument i don't know what you like at school but people who get 53 would be like oh man that's three percent too much i wasted time studying you know there's some who would go for 85 90 95 but really it was this minimalistic approach because come on we're all going to the next grade 51 91 what's the difference if i'm going to heaven what's the big deal you know caleb my youngest son earlier in the year out of some test i don't know how they graded it but they turned out that they ranked in the class where he scored and he was out of a class of 30 he was uh third last and uh i said caleb third last are you happy with that he goes dad there's two people worse than me that's literally his response that's what a lot of christians are like well i'm not as bad as the people out there i didn't at least well i didn't commit adultery but but i'm not as bad as the neighbor and that is our approach and then jesus last words come and they give such weight and yet if we're not careful we think this is just for the christians who have no hobbies because this disciple immersion full-on sounds like for those who are bored but really don't have a life and yet the why question is answered simply why discipleship because discipleship and with discipleship comes depth depth depth is the infrastructure within you that allows roots to grow when seeds are sown so that when the shaking comes you don't fall away when the storm hits the plant isn't uprooted depth matters and i want to tell you the shaking of 2020 isn't over 2020 will be over soon but i don't believe the shaking is over i'm not a doom and gloom prophet i'm not any of that but i want to tell you i feel in my spirit it's only the beginning see the war against humanity isn't an annual calendar thing it's demonically inspired and yet in a season like this with all that's going on globally in every sphere christians who should have the deepest roots of falling apart because this shaking isn't seasonal it's generational it's after your it's after our kids this this shaking isn't over it's it's global it's national it's local it's also personal and and deep roots mean that large strong trees are the result and that has many benefits it's shade from the scorching sun it's more fruit it's nest capacity for birds it allows so much to happen and yet beyond the positive it's more than just a blessing in the calm it's a rock in the storm deep roots have more benefits than just the size and the appearance and what it brings in the good days it actually holds you in the bad days and the parable of the seed in the sower is one that everybody knows fairly well and the second soil is one that i that interests me today the first one is pavement the best one is 30 60 and 100 fold and i still believe and declare that should be the byproduct of every believer who's truly planted is truly rooted and yet the third soil is thorns we won't go into that today the second soil is shallow soil there's no depth seed is sown but it doesn't take root with discipleship comes depth everyone say depth depth let me read to you matthew 13 20 to 21 here's jesus explanation but he who receives seed on stony places there's the shallow soil one this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy now that's good that's good yet he has no root in himself but endures only for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word he stumbles so it's describing the kind of believer that is excited when they hear the sermon but because there's no depth the first sign of a shaking a trial a tribulation a hardship and it's gone this is really a great segue to my very simple first point your depth determines your destiny your depth determines your destiny you could receive the word with joy and that's great by the way when i say be have depth that's not like this stern look like what's wrong with you i'm a deep christian like receive the word with joy is better than receiving the word with misery all right so receive the word with joy today but you got some people who think deep christians are those guys are just like my joy is so deep no one has seen it in decades but it's there because i'm deep that's not we're not looking for that sort of christian depth is not speaking about the the depressed look on your face depth is infrastructure just like the depth or the foundation of a building determines its height your depth determines your destiny and when you think of infrastructure you know the word instruction it's an interesting word instruction literally means structure inside it's structure within that's instruction you know galatians 4 19 pastor members favorite verse talks about i labor until christ is formed in you see that's what teaching or information is supposed to do is mean to form something in you the seed of the word of god is supposed to form but that only forms when there there's a womb called structure see the word seed is the word sperma which means literally where we get the word life from where where it carries the potential of life but just like sperm needs a womb to grow in in your soul when the seed hits your heart if there's no internal structure there's no depth inside of who you are that seed can't grow in the first line of trouble and it's over we miscarry so much of what we hear because our wombs don't have depth jesus last words weren't weighted so we could cr create a stern christian cult his last words were so weighted because he wanted you to have the depth that would survive the storms of life and really he wanted all that was formed in you to actually have the ability to grow within you you're like instruction i take i i like structure i'm pretty structured i mean i read instructions this is what instruction means i'm glad you received the word for joy because it's about to be tested here's what instruction means in the hebrew ready discipline left the building the joys left chastening correction gets worse warning reproof punishment if there's any joy left stay don't leave you're like yeah but you said another language oh i'll give you the greek the greek actually is better it's going to be a lot more like what we think in the greek instruction means education by chastening that's what it means in greek it means not education by webinar education by chastening not education by three points education by chastening the if you want the other phrase on the other half of it means to learn by discipline here's the point shallow soil is the result of a person that does not have structure within because they have resisted discipline you heard it quoted in proverbs 5 12 the fool who says oh how i hated instruction did that mean he didn't like the webinar i hated discipline correction reproof warning i hated it there's his second phrase is my heart spurned reproof so to hear instruction the way the bible talks about it is to embrace discipline you know i but as a single guy growing up in perth before i went to malaysia to start kingdom city uh had a house and a bunch of guys i was mentoring who probably seven eight years younger than me spare rooms they came in we do devotions in the morning and you know sadly if i look at it now in that season a lot of those guys that i mentored or tried to help shape a number of them i'd say the majority of them are probably not even following yards some of them are i don't know all of them where they're at today but it's it's a bit sad for me to think and i know that everyone has to take responsibility for their own journey so i don't feel a wrong sense of weight around it but when i really think about it the number of them who would resist correction resist discipline listen that attitude oh no that's not now oh defensive always got an argument always got to come back always got something else to just know and what's what was happening they were resisting instruction so no depth because you resist instruction infrastructure no structure was formed and so even though seed was sown first sign of hardship trial life disappear why because when you reject discipline you reduce structure you reduce your depth and that depth is the second soil christian and that's why you'll be frustrated with people who don't know how to embrace this the right way and that's why when you see people fall away when the first sign of hardship comes and listen we know you're like 20 20 to test who has depth of soil and who doesn't it's because we say things like change me god but don't challenge me you know discipline forms the structure within that allows you to hold the seed and grow deep roots which leads me to my second point your discipline determines your depth so if your depth determines your destiny your discipline determines your depth and you're like this is not a very nice sunday i'm not really uh excited about this word today this is the point you know where do you think the word disciple comes from what does it sound like in order to receive the teaching i need the structure that comes with discipline and discipline never feels good that's why when you send your kids to school it's a good idea because it's more than the teaching they get it's the discipline they get they have to get up at a certain time they have to wear clothes they would never normally want to wear they have to go and sit in a class next to a kid they probably don't want to sit next to and they have to follow a rhythm and a timetable and then they have to get up and then there's a rhythm around it if kids only went to school when they felt like it they would never grow and the discipline of rhythm and routine actually shapes them more than ever what has been stolen in our season this year rhythm and discipline and and then the discipline of primary in high school is wonderful which is also explains why a lot of people drop off at uni and uni takes a whole left turn because at uni the discipline and the requirements and the rhythms of what's required is now on the individual and what was externally imposed now needs to be internally motivated and that's why people can lose it at uni and that's why whether it's education or whether it's even in your discipline discipline now you know at home you're watching right now and you're like well yeah the discipline of saying no i'm going to get up i'm going to do church at home okay they put me in lockdown well they can't lock me up so i'm going to get ready i'm going to stand before the house of god i'm going to enter his gates with thanksgiving i'm going to come into his courts with praise and i'm not gonna feel like it all the time but guess what i can't be led by my feelings i gotta speak to my feelings you can't hold a job if you only do what you feel jesus said follow me he didn't say follow your feelings follow your feelings isn't a mantra all it is but it'll get you in a lot of trouble and the resistance that you feel when you do something you don't want to do is the discipline that deepens the structure within you that allows you to survive the shaking i'm absolutely no poster child for going to the gym but i'm giving it a shot thank god for troy anderson who texts me three times a week even though he can't be both going to the gym either and says hey pastor but you're ready to go jim and he doesn't want to go i'm hoping he doesn't send the text but he sends the text and i loyally go let's do it with exclamation marks while i crawl out of bed and i'm thinking oh i don't feel like it but once you get there and you get out you know i don't always feel like doing a connect group oh that's a bad confession now if you're in my connect group i love you i just don't always feel like it at about three in the afternoon when i need a coffee and then yet somehow when you get into the rhythm of it by the end of the night you're like oh this is awesome i loved it it was great but if i follow my feelings i'm not gonna do what i need to do but so much of what god asks you to do never feels good forgiving people when you're hurt doesn't feel good loving your enemy i'm pretty sure rarely feels good and yet we live in a culture that values feelings over facts if i feel it i should do it no no please if you feel it don't necessarily think you need to well if i feel it i am it no if you feel it you're not necessarily it don't let your your feelings are real and they tell you something about what you're going through but it's not who you are if you feel sick you're not that's not a permanent state of condition that's just what you're going through your feelings are powerful but but but you know here's the christian version the christian version of the feelings thing is we we want to feel led so christians who want to avoid discipline go well i i prayed about it and the holy spirit told me not to join the prayer team i just don't feel it's right right now and this season the lord told me it's not about church it's about him what yeah in this season i just need to you know and we use christianese feel led the number of times that people used to talk about i don't feel led and so i thought i'd help you all today i actually brought a piece of lead this is lead i mean it's heavy it's real lead even looks like a fish christian lead lead to all of you who don't feel led i want to encourage you buy a piece of lead and then feel it all you want and then once you've felt led go to connect group once you fell led get up and pray once you felt led decide to worship the lord once you fell led read your bible once you fell led forgive your friend once you feel led reach your neighbor oh i don't feel led well great news go buy a piece of lead in fact everybody in perth can come and tesla you know we should put one at the back of every campus and when anyone say i don't feel led you're in luck because today we have a piece of lead right out of the back feel it all you want oh i feel lad and then go do something because your feelings aren't going to build depth your discipline will listen to hebrews chapter 12 ready there's a message version i love this version in this all-out match against sin others have suffered far worse than you to say nothing of what jesus went through all that bloodshed so don't feel sorry for yourselves i'm going to keep smiling through this passage because it needs it oh have you forgotten how good parents treat children and that god regards you as his children my dear child don't shrug off god's discipline but don't be crushed by it either it's the child he loves that he disciplines the child he embraces he also corrects how do you hear that sentence is it the child he loves he disciplines or is it the child he loves he disciplines the child he embraces he corrects god is educating you that's why you must never drop out he's treating you as dear children the trouble you're in isn't punishment it's training we have a joy and i have a personal trainer i think he's a personal punisher he's not a trainer but it feels like punishment but it's not punishment it's training the normal experience of children only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves would you prefer an irresponsible god respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us so why not embrace god's training so we can truly live while we were children our parents did what seemed best to them but god is doing what is best for us he's the perfect parent who's not trialing and erroring on you he knows what's good he knows what's right and he is training us to live his best is here's where it lands at the time discipline isn't much fun and everybody said yeah it always feels like it's going against the grain later of course it pays off handsomely for it is the well-trained who find themselves mature everyone say mature it's the well-trained the well-disciplined the well-instructed the ones with depth who find themselves mature deep strong enough in their relationship with god so don't sit around on your hands no more dragging your feet here's the here's the bottom line we like information we don't like instruction and yet without instruction nothing can be formed within and living in a culture that elevates and celebrates feelings it means in the midst of that culture when i engage in the discipline regardless of how my feelings are and i engage in the resistance of doing what i you know there's a there's a there's an edge that sharpens every time you stand against your flesh do you realize that when you say you know i don't feel like it but i'm still gonna do it when you say when god says i want you to persevere in prayer there's something about the perseverance in prayer that actually shapes you the king struck the ground three times the prophet never told him the number he said start he never said stop he decided when to stop and the prophet said if you'd gone five or six times you'd have seen a greater victory there's sometimes a perseverance that shapes us and god is not asking you to persevere because he's trying to torture you or delay your miracle he's actually in the perseverance building a depth so that the seed that you're believing for can take root strong enough that it can survive a pandemic it can survive a crisis it can survive crazy stuff that's why sacrifice of praise is a good thing when you don't feel like praising praise when you don't feel like worship worship when the worship leader says lift your hands like i don't feel like it lift your head it's not about militant or just do it it's actually saying i'm not going to be led by lord feelings i'm going to be led by lord jesus there's a big difference and then you realize as you do this forgiving and giving and loving and committing and serving all of that those seeds take root because you put a structure within jesus said make disciples not daffodils make disciples of all nations teaching them to do all that make make you daffodils just suggest whatever they feel suits them in 2020 out of all the things that i may have mentioned and you know maybe i'll be with you in the good times that's not what he said he said go into all the world preach the gospel make disciples of all the nations why last word so waited because he loves you enough to want you to survive the storm he wants you to embrace the structure that comes you know the best coach in the world in any discipline can teach you but unless you engage in the discipline it does you nothing does you know good and for the seasoned christians going yeah this is good message for those young people you know i read about a classical concert pianist who um described in an interview how he for hours disciplines he's the peak of his power season christian i mean he's the top of his game and he says if he doesn't do his rehearsal his practice is disciplined for one day he can feel it he says if he doesn't do it for two days his coach knows it and he says in his words if he doesn't do it for three days he thinks the world will know it and this is the one who's at the top of his craft we don't graduate from discipleship we never you graduate from greenhouse you graduate from uni you graduate from what you don't graduate from god i embrace what you're doing in my life i know it's not a season i'm over it's a season i'm embracing and more than ever god needs believers with deep root systems and finally number three your decisions determine your discipline your decisions determine your discipline so your depth determines your destiny but your discipline determines your depth but your decision everyone say decision province 39 says without a vision people perish people cast off restraint they throw off discipline so if you're sitting and going man i need more discipline in my life look the truth is you're probably really disciplined in some areas and totally in discipline in others and any every honest person would say yeah that's true all of us are like that so the challenge is how do we fix and discipline and the solution to in discipline is never more discipline the solution to in discipline is vision where there's no vision in discipline kicks in no better example than when you're getting married that's why people who could never lose weight suddenly lose weight before a wedding because they have a vision they have a picture of what not only their spouse is about to see but the grandkids will see on the on the wall was that you grandma was that you grandpa yeah yeah and i looked awesome and really after that vision is removed people cast off restraint and all the people married more than five years said [Music] and yet despite all the vision i'm not here to go i could inspire with vision today but really it's vision that leads to decision that determines your discipline you know this week is connect week i know i the senior leader just globally admitted he doesn't always feel like going to his connect so yeah but does that mean you don't go no yeah you're in zoom oh zoom zoom i'm overzoom i know i'm over 20 20 but that's not the point zoom in zoom on if you can't me in the room be in the zoom but get into the discipline you know you know with with greenhouse that's why i encourage people ah nah i did some course like that in like 2015. it's like saying like me telling my trainer yeah i did kettlebells last month i don't need to do them anymore this is not about a new thing this is about keeping myself in structure so that the seeds can take root you know our church in perth which is going so well and yet there's probably still some people staying at home now if they're sick obviously we understand and if there's cons but there are people still staying at home just because they got so comfortable in their pajamas they'll go shopping they'll go to the restaurants they're probably watching now i love you but you got to hear this at what see this is not about oh well it's technology it's a new way of doing churchill no no no what you don't realize the enemy will do is he'll sink you and lull you into losing structure the soil gets shallower and shallower i've never seen anyone quit on god quit on church and somehow their life long term turns out better never ever it's a decision and yet i can hear some people going oh this message is honestly enough this is anti-grace where's the grace message gone what about christ at the center well it's christ who said go into all the world and make disciples just letting you know it's christ who said a lot of the things i'm referring to but but here's the thing let's be very clear we can do nothing without god i'm aware of that let me let me read to you ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 to 10 as we get ready to close it says for by grace everyone say grace you've been saved through faith say faith and that not of yourself so let's get this straight the grace is from god we can't save ourselves the faith to access that grace we don't even have that so even that god gives us as a gift not of works lest anyone should boast for we are his handiwork created in christ jesus so get this about god he made you we managed to mess it up then he he came himself he died on the cross he gave us grace oh you don't have the courage he depart here's some faith he made you he gave you the grace he gave you the faith and then he gave you good works which god prepared beforehand so he even planned it out for you so how much of this sofa have we contributed to nothing he made me he planned me he gave me a destiny i messed it up he came and became the price he gave us grace he gives us faith how much have i had to do with it nothing but then there's one small problem the last part of this thing just ruins it for everyone which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them it would have been so much nicer if it just said which god prepared beforehand that god actually lifted our legs and helped us actually finish the entire race ourselves i mean you did the grace you did the faith you created us you planned that we that we that we should oh man why was there that last we everything else was god grace is from god faith is from god created created by god planned by god but we got to walk in it look at your neighbor say one job that's it they got one job walk in it that's it you don't have to come up with a plan you didn't make yourself you don't have to find the grace you don't even have to find the faith god will give you all of that you got one job walking it walking it actually engage in the discipline required to get moving again reverse that atrophy and say you know if god's not gonna pick up your legs for you you're actually gonna have to walk for it you're gonna have to walk in it you're gonna have to walk in that destiny god has a plan but you're gonna have to walk in it god has made a way but you're gonna have to walk in it he's made a pathway but you're gonna have to walk in it he's he's cleared he's giving you a lamp until your feet are light into your pocket you're gonna have to walk in it it's a one-off decision to accept christ but it's a daily decision to follow him and he's looking for daily walkers we've got to walk daily i close with this it's a passage i've spoken before matthew 7. he hears my word and does it it's like a man who built his house on the rock there's depth he hears my word and does not do it man who build his house in the sand the storm comes to every believer and the ones that collapsed and not those who heard the word but those who don't do it your decision everyone say decision my decision determines my discipline which determines my depth which determines my destiny god is looking for thirty sixty and a hundred for believers all across the planet and this shaking has only just begun i'm not trying to be a negative like heavy duty guy i'm just trying to tell you that his last words were so weighted because he wants you to go deeper like oh man yeah he wants you to go deeper he wants he wants his seed is so powerful his seed is from another kingdom his seed has life in it and it actually needs to take root it can't take root in a little potline it needs soil it needs structure and so i want to encourage you right now fight your feelings and stand to your feet fight your feelings if you're physically able and stand to your feet fight your feelings and and start to cry out to god and say god i want to go deeper i want to go i want lord i do whatever i embrace instruction i embrace structure god have you weighed me come on a day right now to ignore the person around you that maybe you're a little awkward around you're feeling a bit conscious of i mean they knew they came to church at home maybe you're behind the screen and no one can see you anyway but i dare you to fight your feeling i dare you to fight if you get out behind your desk get out from under your bed decide wherever you are online globally right now fight your feeling and say god my lips will praise you my hands will bless you my feet will walk your way god i know there's real systems that you are putting in me lord we want to go deeper come on right now lord let there go and deep a death a discipline lord we thank you god this is not about works but god this is about depth and father we want to go deeper as a church we want to go deeper as families we want to go deeper as a city we want to go deeper as individuals we want to go deeper we want to go deeper we want to go deeper we want to go deeper root systems that take roots lord i embrace your instructions i embrace your words i want to go deep come on lift your hands and just begin to tell him in your own words [Music] [Music] he's got more for you it's a desire to go deeper it's a desire god change my heart and and fill me with a desire to go deeper maybe you don't even know god i can promise you if you would say god i want to go deeper he'll he'll reveal himself to you come on seasoned believer new believer asia africa australia europe america wherever you are he's inviting you deeper he's calling you deeper that's it [Music] that's it [Music] you cry makes you cry wherever you are [Music] we want to go deeper we want to go [Music] let him build some structure within one more time come on let's say we want to go deeper it's simple it's a cry it's a declaration [Music] we want to go in every place there are people all over the world right now and you've gone through a storm and i'm not talking about covert i'm not even talking about government challenges and elections and turmoil and all the stuff i'm talking personally you've gone through a personal storm i'm talking to every person who's going through a personal storm right now and if you're honest you can feel the root systems loosening around you but i've got great news the word of god came at the right time the word of god comes to you at the right time comes at the right time and and i can and i can just encourage you with the prayer about to pray but it starts [Music] with a perspective that maybe some of the guys i mentored years ago didn't have god i accept it i embrace everything because i know you're building a depth in me that when the storm hits when the shaking comes god i know that i'll still be standing i know my feet will survive this my family will survive this and no matter what the enemy tries i'll be at the end of it and if you've gone through that storm and you just need the assurance of the spirit of god right now i just want to pray for you all over you i dare you a day just to be vulnerable enough just to lift your hands maybe towards the screen towards the garden heaven father i thank you god right now right now your powerful comforting all-knowing holy spirit spirit of god just strengthened the roots around like almost like like a good gardener who starts to pat down the soil and the enemies try to shake it loose and he's mad because the father with a smile on his face says oh no not you oh you listen to this message just in time just in time just in time just in time to embrace and you know this time saying in humility god i embrace your disciple whatever that means whatever that means and i've got great news for you that the lord's hand is around you as you open your heart so you know god i almost lost it i almost walked away i almost quit i almost withered i almost was the second soil christian i almost well but god i thank you that that no matter what i am standing strong just receive right now receive cause when the oceans rot and thunders roared i was hop with you above the storm [Music] strengthening your feet [Music] [Music] when the oceans you win you win you [Music] you know your god that's it one last time when the oceans run that's it you can begin to decline [Music] [Music] come on believer come on disciple come on follower we want to go deeper as a church we want to go deeper we want to go deeper than ever before this is [Music] we just want more come on that's it i can sense their conviction right now all over this way we want to go deeper [Music] we just want more [Music] come on one last time make it your declaration this is our prayer as a church we want it [Music] we just want love [Music] whatever we trust in god we trust oh god no circumstance no situation in god almighty we trust him and can we trust you're the wrong in god we trust christ alone cornerstone christ hello cornerstone in god we trust in god we trust in god in god in god we trust you know if you've never given your heart to god pray with me quickly come on with faith say dear lord jesus i give you my whole heart in in you i trust you from this day on forgive me of my sin forgive me cleanse me within [Music] i believe and declare that i am forgiven because you are my savior you are my lord and i am your child in jesus name amen amen amen and god we trust come on give him praise give him praise in god we trust whether your feelings feel like it or not praise him whether your feelings feel like it praise it whether your feelings feel praise and bring a sacrifice [Applause] prophesy oh he's building depth today he's killing depth today he's anchoring you today i see roots going down those planted in the house of the lord it's going deeper god it's a wake up it's a shake-up it's god it's god i put my faith [Music] [Applause] to the he's your ground to the ground he's your anchor to the ground today disciples if you would put your root down he'll never let you down put your roots down say god i this is the day something shifts i don't know what it is for you whatever it is that you've allowed your feelings to trump it's allowed your emotions to override today yield it and say god you're a dad that loves me i embrace your disciplines oh i thank you god that this is a new day this is a new day because this orchard is going to be filled with structure this this greenhouse is going to be filled with structure oh god we embrace the discipline some of you the lord speaks to you about connects this week some of you the law speaks to you about greenhouse it's not why should i do it no why shouldn't you do it i want a deeper structure i want a structure within and jesus last words are my last words today make disciples immersing them in the nature of the father son and holy spirit teaching them to observe and do all that i've commanded you and god's presence is with you even to the end in jesus name and everyone said everyone around the world said amen amen amen amen amen well god bless you thank you so much for joining us today in church we love you stay strong stay strong and let's be a discipleship center church god bless you we'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Kingdomcity
Views: 17,301
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: mark varughese, church service, church online, mark, mark varagas, mark varugas, mv, jemima varughese, jemimav, kingdomcity, kingdomcity perth, kingdomcity online, kingdomcity kuala lumpur, kingdomcity kl, church, preacher, brian houston, lisa bevere, sunday, sermon, message, speaker, christian speaker, christian sermon, jesus, god, holy spirit, holy ghost, god is good, steven furtick, bill johnson, pentecostal, kingdomcityonline
Id: yqjCouIiJ7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 35sec (4835 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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