Disaster Barnyard Find | Extremely Dirty Viper | First Wash In Years | Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, hey guys welcome back to the channel  my name is brent and i'm here with matthew rj's   not currently here right now he's actually at our  shop but i drove about 30 minutes because matthew   actually reached out to us because um you want to  talk a little bit about what you have here this is   uh my brother stan kanapka's viper he bought it  new in 94. uh 2015 he passed away and he left it   to me and it was in key largo florida for a long  time a little over 17 years so the clear coat's   all peeling but uh it's a beautiful car yeah um  how long's it been sitting in your driveway for   2000 december of 2019 i had a massive heart  attack and uh my heart stopped 11 times and   i wasn't able to do anything with it it's hard  to hear that yeah thank you well you mentioned   you were working on it at the time right  you were trying to bring it back to life and   yeah get it back on the road yeah um what kind  of stuff were you doing to it before i started   doing a tune-up on it and replacing some wheel  bearings and uh i gotta get some new tires but uh   i bought some seats for it so it's really not that  far from being roadworthy no good detail it needs   a couple things replaced and yeah uh i think you  mentioned it actually does run correct yeah so   what our plan is we're actually gonna hopefully  he's gonna replace the battery and then um bring   it to our shop where we can work on it for a  day or two and um have all of our stuff and then   get this thing back on the on the road to  recovery and and i do have a spot cleaned   out in the barn now for it yeah so uh what  are your plans with it as soon as we're done   uh and you get it back here what are you what are  you gonna do with it uh it's going in the shop and   maybe i'll get the new seat cushions put in and  waterproof the top because it was leaking yeah and   when i got here i noticed the back window isn't  even in and there's some leaves on the inside the   window i don't think my brother didn't  have their snaps that snap it into place   and i think he left them out and went a  little too fast and it blew out the back   uh this car's been driven i had it up to 155 and  then i backed off because that was a little scary   i don't know if i've ever gone much over 100 miles  an hour so 155 is uh definitely what these cars   are made for but um yeah we really appreciate  you reaching out and we're really excited to   see what we can do with it so me too without any  further ado thank you so much for reaching out and   thank you thanks matt appreciate it appreciate  it and now a word from our sponsors we want to   take a second to say thank you to this video  sponsor bessie now if you haven't heard of essie   they are a 100 waterproof shoe company that makes  shoes that will keep your feet dry in the fall and   the winter vestiges are made from diamontex which  is a dual climate knit material that keeps your   feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter and  they're actually really stylish and snug on your   foot vestiges are sustainably made and vegan which  means there's no material waste no water waste   and no animal byproducts in the production of  these shoes now this is a sponsorship that i've   personally been really looking forward to because  if you guys have paid attention in our last   probably like 30 plus videos i already bought  two pairs of vestis myself and i'm really happy   because bessie actually was nice enough to send me  a new pair because i desperately needed them now   what i can tell you guys is that i've worn these  in the snow i've worn them to the gym and i'm   not even lying when i say my feet are always warm  and they're always dry and something that kind of   developed between rj and i just as a joke from him  when i first got my first pair and i told him how   they were waterproof he loved to do one specific  thing to me all the time just to really test them   and i'll just let him go ahead and do it you take  the pressure washer and spray it over my feet   and the nice thing about being  a detailer you take them off   my feet are completely dry i can't really show  it on camera that well i guess you get to see   my feet but they're still dry so thank you so  much to vessi for sponsoring this video and if   you guys want to go get yourselves a pair of  them go click the link in our description and   use our code to get 25 off of your order and rj  wanted to show you one last thing before we go   one of the cool things about the vestis  though is because they are waterproof   you can go ahead and spray a little cleaner  or degreaser on them use your pressure washer and make cleaning them a breeze while they're on  your feet and then go out and hang out with your   friends and not have uh dirty shoes so again just  check out the link in our description and use code   detailing to get 25 off a pair of vessies and  let's get back to the detail the first order of   business was getting it to the shop and we  started with the engine bay and then after   the engine bay we wanted to do a detail on the  headlights just so they could be clear again   but i want to ask the question of the video so  leave your answers in the comments below you guys   know that matthew owns the car that his brother  once owned and it's like a family keepsake to him   and it's very sentimental so if you guys were in  his position and you were fixing this car back up   what specific things would you do to it would  you do the entire thing from top to bottom   or would you keep it in the condition that  it's already in just to kind of remember your   brother in the way that he gave you the car  so leave your answers in the comments below   i'm curious what you guys think he should do and  we also have a really exciting announcement for   you guys we finally created a discord where you  guys can interact with us every single day you   guys could ask rj detailing related questions you  could ask me social media or youtube questions or   if you make videos i can give you feedback on  your videos or your thumbnails i would actually   love to help someone else grow their pages so it  would be really cool to help you guys out or you   can even game with me and if you want to join  that all you have to do is go click the link   in the description below and if you don't have an  account all you have to do is make one it's free   and we're looking forward to talking to you guys  and finally we have the owner's reaction at the   end of the video and i have to tell you guys it's  the best reaction we've ever gotten to a car on   our entire channel i don't want to give away too  much but a few of them actually cried and it was   really sentimental so make sure you guys watch all  the way till the end so you guys don't miss that so so so so do so so when talking matthew said he was going to take  these off and paint them black and we decided to   go ahead and do it for him so we bought some spray  paint and we did it for him and you'll see that in   the final result all right so as you guys can see  the hood still has the majority of its clear coat   almost all of it but unfortunately the doors along  the whole entire back end of the car it's missing   clear coat it peeled away from being completely  destroyed by the sun from sitting so long   this was a florida car at one point so i believe  the the salt in the air as well as the sun took   its toll and although it doesn't make sense to  be polishing a car that's going to need to get   repainted we're still going to do all the areas  that are still clear coated that way there's at   least you know we did as much as we could to get  the best reaction when matt finally sees it again so so   do so   oh for the whole interior we pretty much just  cleaned it with an all-purpose cleaner a steamer   soft bristle brushes and microfiber towels  and i've said this in many videos and i'm   gonna say it again if you guys are professional  detailers and you don't have a steamer i would   highly recommend getting one it makes your job  so much easier and it's really worth having so so so uh hey buddy foreign so so so so so and here's another cool thing that we've never  got to do before so it was a new experience for   both of us the owner matthew brought us new  seat cushions and said if we could replace   the ones that were on the seats already that  we could go ahead and do it so we gave it   our best shot and we were actually able to do  it and it made the outcome so much better so   it only took us probably 10 minutes to  do both seats and it was so worth doing and the last thing we did was spray on  a ceramic sealant just to give the car   a little bit of protection and a nice shine  and we also sealed the headlights that way   they wouldn't become foggy again after only  a few weeks and this car was good to go so all right guys so this is matt who is the owner  of the viper and his lovely family his wife and   his two daughters um and you are the daughter  that is going to be given this car right yeah   gotcha and then also um i think you guys already  have the backstory but this was your brother's car   it means a lot to it it was um you know left  outside for um what about two years roughly   about two years been a little longer yeah  well without further ado let's go ahead and   walk around the bend and check her out oh  my god doesn't even look like the safe car oh my gosh you got the windows clean on the doors yeah  the plastic glass is actually in pretty good   shape aside from the little trick right there  but um yeah we actually did polish all the   areas that uh even did have clear coats so there's  a little bit of a little bit of luster we actually   um took these out and uh and painted them oh my  gosh they were all rusty looking yeah so like for   cleaning everything yeah we went ahead and passed  those up too remember they were rusted and then uh   we actually were able to get the uh the  original bolsters and and cushions out and uh   and put those new ones on did you really yeah  check it out let you go ahead and where is it yeah we didn't bolt them down because there's  a couple uh clips that probably still have to   be popped in there but um oh my gosh but we  thought the after would be uh this is beautiful you're welcome we uh we hope that  we uh you know made a brother proud   it's never looked this good so bad oh man well like i told you at the beginning you know  it's um sometimes in detailing you don't actually   get to feel like you made any you know any  real change in the world so the fact that uh   you know to see your guys emotions like this and  beautiful you know especially a car that you care   so much about that means so much um it really  makes us uh feel good about what we do so   thank you so much yeah well thank you guys this  is a this is a beautiful car and a a beautiful   moment for both of you guys and us so it's been a  pleasure thank you welcome um and without further   ado thank you all for watching thank you to bessie  for sponsoring this video if you like the video   hit the like button and if you want to see more  videos like this hit subscribe and until next time foreign
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 5,209,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car detailing, car wash, wd detailing, car restoration, car cleaning, detailing, detail geek, restoration car, cleaning car, deep cleaning, detailing a car, deep cleaning car, the detail geek, clean car, car washing, auto detailing, cleaning cars, detail, barn find, cleaning videos, satisfying cleaning video, deep clean, barn find restoration, abandoned car restoration, car cleaning satisfying, barn, find, car, wash, clean, mad detailing, dodge viper, viper, dodge viper detail
Id: VxLvesnQD48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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