Disappearing 9 Patch Quilting Block

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hi everyone welcome to another session of building blocks i'm judy brown from the little fabric garden and today i want to take you step by step to show you another disappearing block so today we are going to do the disappearing nine patch but before we start that i just wanted to remind you or go back to kind of refresh your memories about our disappearing four patch and this is what it looked like we started with four squares and then we did the diagonal disappearing four patch and we started with the four two so these are two that we've already done and uh you know you can go back and watch the videos on these if you want to learn more about those one thing that uh when i do these disappearing things most of the blocks that i use are five inch squares and there's um there's a couple reasons that that i do that they're easy to work with for number one but then for anyone who wants to do these you can go buy at a store you can you know like a quilt shop joanne's walmart even carries some of them too that you can buy five-inch squares and they're in packets and like this is what a packet looks like in it you usually have like 42 five inch squares so you wouldn't have to cut all the five inch squares like i did you could just go buy a pack and then you get a whole bunch of different you know fabrics like a complete collection so that's another reason it makes it easier for those people that are like oh i really like this idea i'd like to try it but i don't have all those fabrics to cut into five inch squares so you can you know buy a charm pack that's what their one company calls them charm packs other just call them five inch squares so you know that's one of the reasons that i decided to do all five new squares because then you could relate to it and you could go buy them at the store all right so back to what we're supposed to be doing today all right so in front of me i've got nine five inch squares and if you look at these i've got like the they're diagonal in the corners then up and down here and then in the middle i have just a plain block and the reason that i do that is because most of the the blocks that are going to be around the outside are kind of busy they have a pattern to them and if you put another busy one in the middle when you do the disappearing act on this in a little bit it just makes the block really busy the solid fabric in the middle kind of tones it down a little bit so that it's not like so to your eyes when you take a look at it so here we have five inch squares and like i said you could do them any size you want you know the four inch the six inch whatever you want but they all have to be the same size all right and so again the ones in the corner i have the same now you don't have to do it that way but that's the way i did it and then these guys all right so like we did with the other ones we are going to sew these together and you're going to start like this and you're going to do the quarter of an inch seam in quilting we use a quarter of an inch seam when you do that and then you will put this over here on this side and you will do that you'll do the same for this row the same for this row and then you will sew each of the rows together and then when you are finished you're going to have a nine nine pack okay so here we have our nine patch everything is sewed together i've already sewed it together for you and this is what we're going to do next now when we started we started with five inch squares but when you sew these together as i said you're going to use a quarter of an inch seam and when you do that and you sew it all together this one in the middle shrinks down to a four and a half inch square because you've taken a quarter of an inch off every side so what we have to do next is we're going to take find the middle of this middle square so if this is four and a half the middle would be two and a quarter inches so i will measure two and a quarter inches and i better come all the way up here like this seams adjusted and i am going to take my rotary cutter once i get that measured and i'm going to cut up this way and then i'm going to do the same thing going this way so i'm going to get two and a quarter on that seam and i can just take that two and a quarter mark and i can take it all the way down because these are in line so we can take our rotary cutter and then we are going to cut going this way also all right so here we see the what is left after i have cut the that nine patch and you can see that the one in the middle got cut into four smaller pieces so here again we are going to do a little bit of magic we're going to do a little bit of turning around turning things around and then you're going to see some different ways that you can end up with a finished block now there's a couple different ways you can turn these and it'll make the the block look differently [Music] but i only sewed one together and i'll show you that at the end because that was the way that i like it the best so first of all you can take this big one and you can turn it this way and then you take this and you turn it this way so now you've got the two greens in the middle and you have the two alternating greens on the outside so that's one way to do it so i'm going to put it back this way then you can take it you can turn this one this way this can get turned this way this can get turned this way this can get turned this way so then you've got like a you know like a four patch in the middle with this border going around the outside and that's another way and then if you like that one then you would just sew these together and then you would have that block all right so i'm going to put it back the way it was i hope i can remember what this third one was my memory is not as good as it used to be okay so now this one can go this way and this one can go this way and you can do it that way so there's different ways that you can do it but the one that i liked the best was this one okay so and so after you find the one that you like then you're going to sew those four pieces together again flip this over quarter of an inch down here this one a quarter of an inch this way and then you're going to take this piece fold it over top and then it'll be a quarter of an inch all the way across and then you will have your block [Music] okay and so then after i sewed it all together and this is what the finished block looks like i really really like it and again you can see why i put that that solid one in the middle when we first started because if this had all been a print you wouldn't have been able to see all the different things that you know it would have just been one big mishmash and i do like it this way much better so this is the disappearing nine patch and another really nice thing about this is that if you wanted to do it the blocks are really a good size and i did not measure them you know to see what the finished size size would be but they're they're a nice big size so that you won't need to to have a lot of them you could put a quilt together maybe three across four down and you have a nice size lap quilt and it wouldn't take you very long to do it at all so disappearing nine patch so if you're interested in learning how to do this or having a you know like a paper tutorial you can stop down at the library and they're going to have the directions and it has pictures too because i can't do anything without pictures so there are lots of pictures to kind of help you through this and i'd like to thank you again for tuning in and watching and i hope that you enjoyed watching the disappearing
Channel: Bradford Area Public Library
Views: 15,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xyUM5J0xj9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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