Disable Unnecessary Services in Windows 10 in 2021

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[Music] what you guys got another video here for you in this one we're taking a look at what windows 10 services can you disable safely i get asked all the time about windows 10 services people seem to think it's the holy grail of giving you some more resources in windows 10 by disabling all the unnecessary services again tweakers do like to tweak their operating systems if you don't know anything about windows 10 services it's probably best leaving it well alone so let's go inside here and we're going to type services and then what we can do is take a look at the services window so this is where we can literally disable services you can see some are running and you can also see some may be disabled and some may be set to manual so going inside here people always look and you can see there's a ton of them inside here now which ones are right to disable well you have to use a bit of common sense sometimes if you're using say for instance xbox features then you want to leave these alone you can see there are disabled so if i literally open this up and double click on this it gives you another little box and you can see it's set to disabled so if i set this to automatic and then press apply and then start this it will then start that service and it will be running now some people like i said uh like to disable these and some people may use them so it's like prince baller and a bunch of other types of services like the windows insider service if you are part of the insider program for windows then you want to leave this obviously on you don't want to be disabling this because otherwise you're not going to be able to use that feature now some people do use it so me making a video with a script in it disabling certain features may be dangerous to some people because they may need those particular types of features like windows search if you are a person that uses windows search then obviously you're not going to want to disable it this is the problem with tweaking videos what's right for one person is not always right for someone else and this can cause a lot of problems and also mess people's systems up a little bit so you have to use it a bit of a bit of common sense like i said so let's take a look at some of these i get asked this question all the time can you explain which what services do and that's another thing that i get asked about all the time really all you need to do here is look at the service itself and it does give you a description of what this actual service does and basically you can see here provides content indexing property and also caching and search results for files email and other content so when you look inside here you can see what it actually says there's another way of going about it as well which is taking a look on something like this website here which gives you it's called backcmd.com i've used this website before explaining what they do all you need to do here is find the service which you're looking at but before i do that let me just quickly give you the windows insider service here so just click on this so when you click on this here you can see here provides infrastructure support for windows insider program the service basically must remain enabled for you to use the windows insider program so it's a little bit more easier to understand when you're reading it here it'll give you a bunch of different versions of windows 10 here and it will give you home and pro and some of the settings that it's set to now of course you can disable it you can see here the server name is this and we have also the name of the display name there is also an area down here which allows you to download files to restore it back to the default settings and this is for all of the services now i've got a batch file here which i like to use which makes it very easy so let me just show you here a batch file here basically it's a list of services that i've got inside here which i don't use and i can happily disable without messing up my system you can see is a lot of services here now you may need some of these services but services like for instance remote registry geolocation service windows search xbox all of these have been listed here i've created this to make it easy for me to enable and disable these i've got the windows insider service i'm not going to be using that on this machine also we've got retail demo service here wallet service if you use these then leave them enabled it's that simple fax service i don't know who uses fax anymore but if you do then obviously you're not going to want to disable that service windows biometric service ip helper and you can see there's a bunch of other ones here this one might be a bit controversial the file history service if you use file history as part of your backing up process and stuff like that then you may want to leave that well alone so if you go to that website here like i showed you before and we'll click back and we called it it was windows it was it's windows file history service let's have a look uh let's see there so it was windows insider what a file history service so let's go to file history service let's go to the f's so when you get up to here you can see file history service click on this one here and again protects users files for accidental loss by copying them to a backup location so if you use this feature then don't disable it i get a silly question sometimes about certain things but really it's a bit of common sense you just have to understand what this is and if you don't understand any of this stuff because you're a beginner user then there's nothing wrong with that but just don't mess with your pc otherwise you're going to mess up your settings and stuff like that let's go back to the services here and let's just take a look here so the insider service what you would do was find one you want to disable for instance if you're not in the insider program service then you want to disable that so you can come in here you can put this to disable click apply and then click stop and it will stop that service and it won't be running that means you're not having a running service and you're going to claim back a little bit of system resources on your system now when you go through all of these if you go through here you'll see there's a bunch of services here that you can actually mess around with so the net bios helper is something that i don't use anymore but if you do use it then obviously you want to leave it well alone but i can now safely disable this and the system will be working perfectly fine it's just going to disable uh certain types of services that i don't use now there is critical ones inside here that you may use so be very careful with some of the scripts you may find online because if you start messing with some of these you're going to end up with serious problems you'll also see a description here which you can read as well which tells you discovers network devices and services that uh use the ssdp discovery protocol such as upnp so uh you've got to be careful here that i've seen some scripts disabling some stuff like this and maybe those are gaming machines where they're not doing anything like that so you've just got to be careful with some of the scripts you find online that you're running because it will mess up your computer so let me go ahead and show you here the script and the way it works is pretty straightforward i'm just going to literally right click on this and run this as administrator and you'll get a bunch of stuff like that and it's all now disabled so if i go back into services and we can take a look here and uh let's have a look here so when i click on the startup option you'll see a bunch of disabled services here and there's a load of them as you can see here all these have been disabled and these are the ones that i disable which are safe to disable on this system and if you go through here you'll be able to see them got auto time zone updater you've got a bunch of other stuff here i'm not going to go through everything already it's like downloaded maps manager and uh diagnostic system host diagnostic server host there is loads facts file service history geolocation service ip helper the list goes on uh remote registry retail demo service there's also some telemetry ones on here as well um that i've disabled there may be ones on here that you may want to leave enabled and if that is the case for instance if you wanted to use let's see the windows media player network sharing service if this is something you want to do this is shares your windows media player libraries over the network now if you do use windows media player you're going to want to literally leave that enabled because obviously you're not going to be able to share your libraries over the network i don't use a media player use plex so i don't have no use for this but if you do then obviously you're going to need to leave that enabled also you can see here touch keyboard and handwriting panel service if you don't use that you can disable it now you can see this is running once i reboot the system that will stop it so let me just quickly reboot the system okay so we're back at the desktop here and of course everything is working fine um if there is a service that you need that has been disabled you can always uh enable this now there is other ones i could go into here and disable i can be more aggressive with this if i wanted to the problem with that is when you share those scripts online people use them and they end up with more problems so you've got to be very careful this is a obviously these services some of them are crucial to certain people to have their pc running properly and you'll see things like windows event log and things like that people sometimes turn off uh items like this and you've got a bunch of other things that people turn off as well so just be careful what you're actually turning off here see payments and nfc uh i've turned off here and a bunch of other bits and pieces quite a bit now if you do want to re-enable any of these all you need to do is go into here find out what setting it's set to by going to that website you can also if you wanted to use the bitlocker say for instance you can then put this to exactly what it was meant to be on whether it be manual automatic automatic delay and then click apply and ok and then click start the service will start for instance if i just did this and then click start that service would start you can find out all about those services by going to that website and it will tell you what it's meant to set to okay okay so that is the services which are safe to disable in my opinion that it's not going to cause any problems will you see a massive difference in performance in your pc that's going to be debatable some people say yes some people are going to say no depending on what hardware you've got on your pc but again these are pretty safe now again things like principal if you've got a printout that's will cause problems but these are easy reversible but the more aggressive ones are more like the networking and stuff like that which people might not have nas drives and and share files on their network and things and they disable all that but again if you use it then don't play with those types of things anyway with that said i think that's going to be about it that's basically some of the windows 10 services that you can disable safely my name has been brian from brighttechcomputers.com.ek just want to say a big special thanks to all my youtube members who have joined my youtube members group i shall see you again for another video real soon thanks again bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Britec09
Views: 214,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disable Unnecessary Services in Windows 10, disable windows 10 services, disable unnecessary services, disable unnecessary windows services, disable unnecessary Windows services for GAMING, increase response, boost fps, lower ping, reduce latency, disable window services for gaming, disable windows services for gaming 2020, optimize windows 10, optimize windows 10 for gaming, debloat windows 10, debloat windows 10 for gaming, disable all unnecessary services windows 10, Britec
Id: aIXDD4NKx60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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