Dirty Jobs - with Mike Rowe at Hickman's Family Farms

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about 40 miles west of Phoenix Arizona there's a great place to meet some chicks mature full-bodied productive chicks who live in huge houses where they create a profitable product what more could a guy want okay this is starting to look like something we're standing in the end of barn 11 there's 160,000 birds in this house alone this is what's called a conveyor belt house of which you're going to be very familiar with here as the eggs right up on conveyor belt they hit this this is basically the egg gather so instead of us hand gathering eggs they're coming up here they're having a nice little ride come up over the top and right on this big long conveyor belt all the way to the plant I see so lots of little conveyor belts all leading into this this picks up the egg big conveyor belt they goes or else this was egg production at its absolute best this would be their feed six times a day these these feeders go off so always fresh feed that would be their poo that's their poo Mike the pool and on the conveyor belt and we cleaned that once a day where's the Peugeot you're about to find out Mike what's the job keep the manure away from the chickens and get it out of the house and then what we do is we turn it into money after that if you've ever asked yourself how much pou 160,000 chickens make in a day the answers about 26,000 pounds with a 3% margin of error actually it's a also a good time to point out that the showering in this case is not just about basic hygiene and decency it's a uh it's a biosecurity step that they do very articulate because we're going to be headed into a clean area of course like a other shower situation if Ella has to wait his turn are you done yet I never done he's never done stay tuned all of the eggs coming from the head house come straight to you a lot of cracked eggs don't make it through the pre-wash they have to be constantly cleaned out broken eggs shells and all will be added to the farms compost after the pre-wash the eggs go through another machine gives them a thorough scrubbing there it's on to the candling station so handling yes here you're going to Kendall the eggs going to look for red I mean plus inside the egg 28:30 egg and what about these just grab them yeah you can scare me put them in the pocket if you see that one you put them in the whole bill candling not only reveals blood but fertilization or any other abnormalities in an egg so the ones that are going through here that are cracked to the computer caches where do they go now let's enter the Reagan plan where they going to make a Reagan for liquid egg the break of plan this machine separates the good eggs from bad the good eggs go to packaging the bad eggs go to the breaker so out there they separate the good from the bad in here they basically separate the bad from the ugly just because an egg is bad doesn't mean it's inedible it might just mean it's too bad looking to sell it can have a shot out of life if it gets through this washing machine one more time and then gets past another quality control spot this woman's very strict but if an a you can make it to that other side of the wall then they have a shot at being pasteurized if not she throws them in a bucket like this and it's pretty much if you're at a great the other bit of good news is that this is going to get dumped into the back of that truck where we shoveled all of that chicken poo earlier then that all gets mixed up into a fantastic bully a base and carted off to a compost area where it can help grow new and exciting things the breaking machine cracks the ugly eggs then separates their shells from the yolks and whites Rocco's job is very simple he stares into the yolks she slipped the four shells he's looking for blood he's looking for food and when he sees him that's what he does a little bit of that the yolks and whites have been blended together and sent through an elaborate maze of pipes and tanks for pasteurization the solution is then sent to a bagging station for shipment to bakeries and other food preparation companies all right so you got the D egg in a bag exactly I hate it when somebody says the job's really simple just makes me look particularly bad when things go wrong seems like my fingers could have come right off there honestly and then it's just yeah you want to keep it on the table that moves very quickly hole a in a bath perfect fresh eggs finally end up here where they're graded and packaged and shipped out to egg lovers everywhere how's the computer doing compared to your people Lucy doesn't ask for a whole lot this is like a some oil yeah brake fluid but she can't put eggs and racks so we're packing what is this there's fifteen dozen in each box about 1.1 million eggs are shipped from the farm every 24 hours give or take a few dozen today oh this is accurate I'm having a hard time caring about it I mean I want to well my nerves are fried my brain is scrambled my day is over and it was not easy I would be remiss though if I didn't thank Clint Hickman for inviting us out here to the farm and shown us the way it is take some big huevos to do that it's not everybody is comfortable seeing exactly where their food comes from but the fact of the matter is we love our eggs in this country and I'm grateful for that good you
Channel: SereyJones
Views: 129,645
Rating: 4.6883116 out of 5
Keywords: Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe, Hickmans Family Farms
Id: 4XglDOKRkAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 29 2012
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