Dirt and Dust Removal in Davinci Resolve 17

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welcome back to john's films have you ever shot footage that has dust spots on your sensor what did you do with it in davinci resolve there is a setting to remove it but how does it work and does it work real well well two things got me looking at this one a buddy gave me a giant lens 1300 millimeters and it's f8 f16 i started shooting airplanes for fun why not then i learned i have a bunch of gunk on my sensor luminar neo came out as well that one has automatic dust reduction how does that compare and still photography to resolve let's go look into resolve first and see if we can figure out how it works i wish i could tell you in the name of science i added dirt into my lens unfortunately it was already there and you'll notice man this is crazy you really notice it when it starts moving and i've put some circles around it so that we can keep track of where these are and we'll know if we've got it removed i've built a node named it dirt one it is currently empty and i think i'll use automatic dirt removal well that makes sense unfortunately what you don't realize automatic dirt removal is not for this type of dirt or dust this is for old school film strip where dirt could get wound up into it or maybe show up on just a few frames but not all of them uh i have a more persistent problem than that let's keep looking dust buster hey that sounds like it makes sense well according to the manual when automatic dirt removal doesn't work for your transient dirt you use dust buster again not my problem i've got a much more persistent problem and that's when we call on object removal to use object removal though the first thing we have to do is pop up a power window by changing here and clicking a power window you need to isolate the object that you would like to remove so let's scroll on in and it says be as tight to it hug the curves of it is literally what it says hug the curves as tight as you can leaving a little bit of feathering on the edge and i think that helps it blend back into the environment when it replaces it picking the most prominent piece of dust in this i've now got a power window directly around it and i am ready to grab the object removal ofx and drop it directly onto my color note here i can make sure i've got the dirt yeah i've got it covered there okay good by using the mask overlay and i click scene analysis the scene analysis creates a little bit of pain on my computer not too much it appears to be lightly threaded and if we go to the cpu you can see logical processors it's really only using a couple of in fact one maybe processors associated with this and crank it along the gpu is doing some of the work as well a lot of that though in the encode and decode space just to be able to read the frame efficiently there we go what is that playing that back you can see using the current settings that i have not magical just took it and put middle gray directly over the top of it it looks like instead i'm going to now take a look at some of the options yes i do have motion my camera is not fixed so i will not assume no motion but oh look at that the scene mode i'm actually removing an object so i will choose object and let it do some analysis 40 analysis boundary this tells you how many frames before and behind each of the frames that you're processing do you want it to look at to determine what might be suitable for replacement and the last thing i'm going to do is change my render mode to be adaptive blend oh wow even doing that right up front look at that without shifting and re-analyzing for scene just changing to adaptive blends seems to have done quite a bit of good work let's see if it holds on here at the end there was a flicker in which we lost some of right no it really stuck to it well didn't it wow impressive in this case i didn't even have to go back and do more scene analysis the boundary object that it used here worked pretty well you may ask me hey john in the analysis what's the optimal analysis boundary well here we are in the manual and this is one of my favorite quotes you will generally get the best results for the smallest range that gives acceptable result huh yeah you get the best results when you get the best results and you'll like it okay well frankly i do like it this tool is really cool works really well and i really don't have to do much magic to it let's see what happens if i try something that might be a little bit more difficult say a clip where i've panned through trees here's my clip power window click on the power window shrink it way way down pull it up over the top zoom in with my mouse wheel and we can see that is the object i want to get removed so i shrink down on it a little bit more get it nice and tight feather it out a touch there we go drop my object removal on it ensure that ofx is there and now i can click scene analysis this gets more interesting doesn't it because it has to run through those trees the question is when it replaces the object does it just put a big blotch of sky there is it going to look like a hole in the trees let's find out oof well we know what to do about that now don't we we come down and choose blend mode adaptive and that is not turning out quite as well as we hope okay well let's see what it looks like when we do play it back here we go we know where that is it's behind that looks really good in the gray but you noticed at the beginning let's go back to that not great if we zoom it out further come back down here we're overriding some of that now in the grand scheme of things is it noticeable let's find out remember it's this one here oh yeah that's noticeable that is not fantastic here we go it's right up there that doesn't work so well now i've upped the adaptive blend search range which makes it look further in the future and in the past to figure out what might go there it's still not optimal and that's really what you're doing you've got a clean plate that you could build out you could try and make the mask a little bit better but the reality is you've got dust on your lens clean it off before you shoot if you do run into this situation and you need some help the object removal tool is where you need to go but let's avoid this prevention is 99 of the cure right thanks for watching help me out by hitting that like button if this has been helpful for you otherwise have a great day
Channel: John’s Films
Views: 41,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve object removal, davinci resolve dust removal, dust removal, video dirt removal, video dust removal, davinci resolve 17 studio, davinci resolve studio, davinci resolve training, davinci resolve how to, how to remove dust from lens, sensor dust, lens dust, video dust, video dirt, video lens dirt, ruined footage, restore video, dirt removal
Id: KAPPSqc7_mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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