Dip Powder Tutorial - Start To Finish - Almond Shape + Peel Base || Sparkle and Co

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel or welcome if you guys are new here so in today's video i'm gonna be walking you guys through my entire dip powder application process um there's two parts in this video that i focused most on because they were super highly requested on my channel for the past couple of months and that is how i shape my nails in this almond shape and then also how i've been using peel base so i hope that this video is helpful to you guys i hope that you guys enjoy watching it if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell i would love to have you here and with that being said let's just get right into this tutorial alright so starting off with prep i'm going to take this cuticle pusher from elegant touch and i'm going to link this one down below because i really like this one and we're just going to push the cuticles back so i'm going to take this little paddle side and i'm just going to gently push the cuticles back off of my nail plate and kind of scraping up any of that dead skin that's left on the nail plate this is going to make sure that you don't have any lifting lifting can be really annoying but it can also be like a breeding ground for bacteria you can get greenies so just push them back get them out of the way it also gives you a little bit more room on your nails when you push your cuticles back so i don't know if you guys can tell but i do have a little bit of product left over from my previous set i'm not going to worry about filing that off completely because i don't want to file my natural nail too much so i'm just going to take extra precaution while i'm prepping so i'm going to take this medium grit sanding band and i'm going to take my melody susie e file and i'm going to set it to 3 000 rpms this is the lowest speed and when working with an e file on the natural nails you always want to work on the lowest speed so i'm just going to very gently buff my natural nails to remove the shine so that the dipped liquids and the powder have something to grip to now make sure that you don't over file your nails and if you don't have an e file just use a 180 grit nail file um like i said you just want to remove all that shine and all of the oils from your nail plate so that you don't have any lifting if you skip that part you might even have them like completely pop off after a couple of days so make sure that you are giving your liquid something to grip to so i'm going to take this diamond bit and i'm going to just go around my cuticle area and just clean it up a little bit more and make it look really nice and clean and fresh okay so up next i'm going to take a little bit of this rubbing alcohol on a lint-free wipe and i'm going to use this to cleanse the nails of any dust and debris that might cause lifting later but this is also going to dehydrate the nail and get rid of any oils that you might have missed so if you are experiencing a lot of lifting try using rubbing alcohol in between some of your steps to really dehydrate the nail and see if that helps so the next step is to apply tips obviously this is optional if you would rather do these on your natural nails then skip this part and just go in with dip powder but i will link these down below i always get questions about what tips i use and i really like these ones so now i'm just going to take these tip cutters really quickly and i'm going to cut my nail tips down to my desired length and just a little quick tip when cutting your tips leave them a little bit longer than you actually want them that way you have a little bit of wiggle room when you're filing i used to cut my nails exactly the length that i wanted and then by the time i was done filing they were way shorter than i wanted so leave a little length for a little wiggle room um i'm gonna grab this cute little manicure set that i will link down below i always keep this in my purse it's really handy i'm gonna grab these little nail clippers right here and because i'm gonna be doing an almond shape i'm just gonna kind of clip the sides of each of my nails this is just going to cut down my filing time it makes things a lot quicker and easier all right so we've got nails prepped tips are applied corners are cut to cut down filing time and now it is time to shape so i'm just going to grab a 180 grit nail file i get these from sally's they're really cheap um but i do want to mention that i i do prefer a 180 grit nail file over a 100 grit because the 100 grit is a little too gritty i sometimes cut myself and it also kind of like over files my nails and it kind of like takes chunks out of my color now for almond nails as you can see when i am filing my sides i file diagonally and then when i get to the top of my tip i kind of see how i'm curving it that's going to give you that nice rounded almond shape and then i also take my file underneath my tip because i don't like when my nails curve so i like to make sure that my nail tips are really straight underneath and as you can see when i file the sides i curve my file towards the top to round off that top area so like i said you're just going to kind of straighten and thin out those side walls and you're only going to curve your file when you get to the top of your tip and then like i said i do like to clean up the bottom of my tip by just filing underneath and making it nice and straight i personally don't like the curved nail look so i just like to make sure that when i'm filing i'm also cleaning up my underside as well so this is what it looks like after i have filed it to my desired shape and i'm just going to let you guys kind of watch me do my index finger and then we'll move on so as you can see i'm taking my file diagonally and i'm just kind of filing in those um walls to kind of thin them out and as i get to the underside i'm going to file underneath to make my nail tips straight and then i'm going to curve only at the top you want to keep your files straight on your side edges and then curve it at the top and you're just going to keep doing this until you like how thin and almond shaped they are all right so i went ahead and shaped the rest of my nails off camera really quickly now this part is really important we are going to blend the tip into our natural nails so that we don't have that little ridge right there and i'm also going to go ahead and file over the entire nail tip just to remove the shine so that our powder and our liquid stick all right so after we have blended and filed the tips i'm just gonna dust them off and like i said if you're experiencing lifting i highly recommend taking rubbing alcohol in between steps just to really cleanse the nail and dehydrate it so that you really don't have any chance of lifting now this is what i have so far i've got my tips applied and shaped and i've also went ahead and cleansed and dehydrated the nails now i'm going to take a primer and this one is from risen legacy if you don't have a primer just use rubbing alcohol it's fine um and i'm just going to apply this to my natural nails this is really just going to ensure that everything adheres and i don't have any lifting all right so after all of that prep it is now finally time for application i'm going to grab my sparkling coat base bond and i'm going to also grab my sparkling co clear powder because we're going to start building the nails so like i said i'm going to show you guys how i use peel base and this is my process so if you've been here before you know that our first layer starts where the tip meets my natural nail and we do this so that we can slowly work our way back towards the cuticle and build an apex because that's going to give us a lot of strength and structure our nails aren't going to be thin they're not going to be easy to break they're going to hold up so i'm just going to be repeating this process on each of my fingers just slowly working my way back towards the cuticle area and then i'll be back to show you guys what i do next [Music] and i just wanted to pop in really quickly to remind you guys that i do have a 15 off discount code with sparkling code that i will leave on the screen and in the description box below i don't make any money off of this code it's literally just there for you guys to save some money and then i also wanted to remind you guys that sparkling code does have a pretty great referral program you guys can refer me leslie elizabeth or if you have a friend a sister a mom a neighbor that you guys would like to refer you and whoever you refer at checkout will receive a 9 credit to sparkling co's website so like i said it doesn't have to be me you guys can use anybody's name of course i appreciate it so much when you guys use my name it as the referral at checkout it means so much and it helps me build my collection and create content for you guys so i just wanted to say to those of you guys who have used my name as a referral thank you so much it means so much to me but like i said you don't have to just wanted to throw that out there in case you have a friend or a family member or a fun neighbor or something and you guys wanted to refer each other so back to the nail video [Music] all right so i've gone ahead and applied a couple layers of clear powder to each of my nails and i haven't taken anything to my cuticle area yet but as you can see i do have a really nice apex starting to form and like i've mentioned that's going to give us a lot of structure and strength so that our nails hold up and don't break so now i'm going to be taking solidify and if you're noticing that your nails are getting kind of thick at any point in doing your nails i highly recommend just stopping what you're doing applying a couple layers of solidify letting that dry and harden and then grabbing your file and just kind of reshaping and buffing them so that you can kind of control how thick they're getting now when you're filing your nails once you have product on you want to make sure that you are curving your file not going straight over it because then you're going to kind of flatten out that apex and it's going to defeat the purpose of building it so as you can see i'm kind of flicking that and curving it over my nail so that we keep that nice apex now once i've reshaped the nails and made sure that they were how i like them i'm going to look at them from all different angles to make sure that there are no uneven spots so when you look at your nail like this you can see if like one of your sides is higher than the other and you can kind of smooth and even those out so once i'm happy with how my shaping looks and everything is nice and even i'm going to take a little bit more rubbing alcohol to cleanse and dehydrate the nail because we're going to go in with one more layer of clear to finish building the nails all right so we're going to finish building the nails with clear so i'm going to do one more layer of clear powder to each of my nails with this layer i'm going to tuck the base as close as i can to the cuticle area without getting any on the skin and i will be back to show you guys what we do next [Music] okay so after i have applied another layer of clear powder i'm just going to solidify each of the nails and then i'm just going to reshape and file and buff them i know that it seems tedious but i just like to do it this way that way i can control the thickness and shape of the nails so that they don't get out of control so this is what the nails look like after i have filed and shaped them and now it is time to start the peel-based application so first things first we're going to apply our solidify again and this time we're only going to do like a thin layer to each of the nails and then i'm going to grab a lint-free wipe to cleanse the surface and absorb any of that excess solidify because we're going to do two coats of our top coat the top coat i'm going to be using today is the sparkling coat 2.0 glossy top coat it is my favorite it is so shiny so i've played around with peel base quite a bit and i find that this process that i'm showing you guys works the best so the reason that i'm going to apply two layers of this top coat to my nails before peel base is because i noticed when i didn't apply it the top coat and i just went in with peel base on clear powder it was like impossible to get the nails off so i find that applying two layers of your top coat to the nails letting that dry and then going in with peel base it makes it so much easier to remove [Music] [Music] now obviously before you go in with any peel base you want to make sure that your top coat is completely dry and for peel base i use the one from sparkling co and i actually just ordered another bottle i really like this one and how i use it is i do two layers over all of my nails and i coat the entire nail now i know that some people just do a strip down the middle but i find that i have a hard time getting them off with just a strip down the middle so i covered the entire nail so the first layer i do i let dry a little bit and then i'll go in with the second layer and again i cover the entire nail and i they come off so easily so the reason that i built the nails with clear powder before going in with peel base or anything is just so that if my nails do start to pop off i have something underneath i have really thin nails that break really easily and that i bite if i have nothing on them so i prefer to do it this way so that when things start popping off i still have a set on underneath and just for reference this set with two layers of peel base lasted me six days before anything started to pop off so your peel base is going to be pink until it dries and then it will turn clear and of course you want to make sure that your peel base is very dry before going in with any of your dip liquids or else you're to mess your liquids up all right so once your peel base is completely dry you can go in with color so i'm going to be using sparkling coat delicate lilac which is oh this is probably one of my new favorite colors it's so beautiful their delicate line is amazing i own all of their little delicate colors and i love them so i'm just going to apply my base about 3 4 of the way down my nail and i'm going to pour my powder over and i'm going to do two layers of color and then one layer of clear so i'm going to let you guys watch that and then i'll be back [Music] now the next powder i'm going to be using is shall we garden also from sparkling co look at this color it's one of those little flexi flake dips and these are some of my favorite to use because there's so much depth and dimension and they're so sparkly and beautiful so for my middle finger i'm gonna do a little bit of a glitter ombre and then on my ring finger i'm gonna do a full dip of this color so when i do an ombre i just grab a little eyeshadow brush and i just kind of tap it over wherever i want the glitter to fall and i just do that until i'm happy with how it looks and then i just grab my clear powder and i pour it over before my base dries and that caps it with clear and i know that i've mentioned this before but whether it's a mat or a glitter i always encapsulate with clear just to protect what's underneath so we don't file anything away now moving on to the ring finger i'm just going to instead of dipping or pouring i'm just going to lay my nail flat on top and collect all that glitter and then i'm going to take a little bag put my finger in it and i'm going to use that to kind of press the little flexi flakes down and then i'm just going to do one more layer of this pretty glitter and then we'll encapsulate with clear afterwards and now i'm just going to encapsulate my pointer finger and my pinky really quickly with clear because i didn't do that yet and like i said whether it's a matte or glitter i always encapsulate to protect the color underneath so once application is done we are going to solidify and we are going to apply two very generous layers of this to each of the nails you want to make sure that your solidify is soaking through every layer of dip and hardening it so that that way it holds up and you can file on top so once you solidify your nails and it dries you can go ahead and file and buff i'm so sorry i guess i didn't record this part of me filing and reshaping my nails but i did do that and then once i'm done and i'm happy with how they look i'm going to take solidify again only this time i'm just going to do one thin layer to each of the nails i'm going to grab a lint-free wipe and we're going to cleanse the surface and absorb any of that excess solidify and then i'm going to take my glossy 2.0 top coat from sparkling co and we're going to do two layers so with your first layer like i always say you just want to do a couple quick passes so that you don't harden your brush and then with your second layer you can go in and really take your time and make it look really nice all right so my top coat is dried that's two layers of it look at how like just shiny that is oh this is my favorite one it's so good also can we take a moment for this glitter i think that we can all agree that everybody needs this color in their collection it is so beautiful and i will leave a discount code for sparkling co up on the screen i don't make money off of it it's just there for you guys to save money so moving on to cuticle oil which is my favorite part this has been my favorite oil lately it's from cuticle care for skin and nails i will link it down below as well as her instagram she is so sweet and when you purchase from her shop you'd be supporting a small woman-owned business so i love that now i'm just going to go ahead and rub this in really rehydrate the area because we used a lot of alcohol and powders so it dried the skin out so let's bring her back to life cuticle oil is my favorite part and this one smells so good oh look at that looks so good [Music] all right you guys so this finishes up today's video i hope that you enjoyed watching i love how these turned out i think they're so cute i will of course link down below all of the products that i used including any discount codes that i have um if you guys have any questions you guys can leave them in the comments or dm me on instagram i love connecting with you guys um also leave me a little comment down below and let me know what shape you guys prefer to wear i'd love to know so if you guys haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell and i hope i see you guys in my next video
Channel: Lesley Elizabeth
Views: 9,120
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: nails, dip powder, dip powder nails, acrylic nails, gel nails, polygel nails, sparkle and co, double dip nails, kiara sky, nail tutorial, nail videos, cute nails, glitter nails, almond nails, long nails, short nails, how to do your own nails, nails at home, diy nails, dip powder for beginners, ombre nails, purple nails, spring nails, how to do dip powder, coffin nails, amazon nails, nail haul, nail collection, nail tour, utah nails, beauty, colorful nails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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