First time hearing Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey Reaction

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[Music] all right so this is a suggestion via a donation the name of the song is tennessee whiskey by the artist chris stapleton um this is the first time i'm actually hearing the original song i've heard a lot of covers a lot of covers but i've never actually encountered him or the original song all right so if you are new here please like and subscribe the more that you like this content the more that i know that you specifically would like to see more of this specific type of content okay uh so let's go ahead and um jump into this immediately all right [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh also uh farmmate if you guys had did not know uh farmmate is a a kind of a show or like overall a program that helps uh farmers right or people that live basically off of the land right they have the ability so they can have the ability to keep their land right um so this is a super great organization that helps people you know that are in need um stay on their land in hard times through hard times right uh let's go [Music] well i think it was started by um willie nelson i think [Music] you [Applause] [Music] yep that's that song bro i love the song and it's crazy i've never heard the original i find it probably blasphemous [Music] see what you got is everybody having a good time tonight oh he has rasp in his voice bro i want to tell you who you're looking at up on the stage [Music] back here on the base well you can see no just keeping it low down all over the place losing from there to kentucky [Music] what happened his name is j g q making weather now [Music] bro back here on the drums like keep in mind like all of the times that i've heard this song i think i heard teddy swim sing it um and then there was another guy that's saying like on the show ellen right i think he uh him and his daughter were sitting in the car and like literally these are my experiences and both of them sang it so well that i never actually wanted to hear the original because i was like i don't know is the original that good or is the original singer that good because like i've heard a lot of songs right um where the people covering it saying it better than the original so this is kind of what the problem was right for me to listen to the original but just with this little brief like one minute i now feel like an idiot this man can sing he come from west monroe louisiana he's not even he's not even singing a song bro his name is derek mix and let me hear you scream and over here on my ride he hates it when we put him in the spotlight [Applause] he come from savannah georgia georgia let's hear it for the great dave carr [Music] and down here on the end a man that needs no introduction he's played with willie nelson for 43 years is that right 45 years i love it dude he comes from dallas texas y'all i respect this so much like i absolutely love when like the the lead talent like gives credit to the people that are actually helping him create his art right like there's nothing more in the world that i respect than a humble famous person basically right like you know what i'm saying like they i disrespected bro like always give credit to your team you know what i'm saying i love it let's have a warm hop and welcome for the great mickey raphael [Applause] we got him on loan tonight we have him alone tonight do you know what time it is oh it's time it's almost the night time so it's almost the right time to drink some whiskey all right [Music] i used to spend my nights out in a boat room yes i did liquor was the only love i know [Music] but you rescue me from reaching for the bottom and brought me back from being too far gone okay um now listening to this entrance into the song it tells me immediately it kind of honestly removes a a little credit like some credit from the other artists that i've listened to because i thought that they were just doing their own thing no bro you guys you guys literally stole the template from this man right here because this man right here is singing this song yeah does he let me know the comments if he has any other music because i'm interested let's go and bring me back from being too far gone [Music] wine [Music] love [Music] i look for love in all the same old places y'all [Applause] found the bottom of the bottle's always dry yes it is yes it is now but when you put out your heart i didn't waste it cause there's nothing like your love to give me [Music] very wide [Music] [Music] is [Music] bro [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] storm [Music] can i see what's good [Music] oh okay listen absolutely amazing um how would i compare this to the other versions that i've heard they don't compare this is the one to listen to bro period um i don't know this just feels it feels natural almost right um and honestly like even purely based off of his like overall like like the inflections that he uses on his voice the other one the other people are doing it also so i'm just like listen nah no more copies bro this is this is the one we pay attention to from now on um i'm literally gonna go um get it on itunes like right now his version um yeah dude amazing absolutely yeah let me know in the comments um if he has any more like original songs that i should be checking out and i'll get to him as soon as i can and dudes listen uh you guys all have an amazing day um enjoy it thoroughly okay [Music] you
Channel: MrLboyd Reacts
Views: 193,631
Rating: 4.9521933 out of 5
Id: VTaWC6ekuNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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